9 resultados para work zone safety

em Cochin University of Science


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The present work aims at deciphering the processes that control the nutrient distribution along the EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone of India) of the west coast of India and to bring out its linkage with primary and secondary productivity. This work assume utmost importance as very few studies have hitherto focused entirely on the EEZ of the west coast of India to address the biochemical responses brought about by monsoons. The present study examines the seasonal variations in physicochemical parameters and associated primary biological responses along the west coast of India. This study targets to measure and understand the shelf ocean exchange in a typical coastal upwelling region of the southeast Arabian Sea, and the influence of convective mixing along the northern part of the west coast of India. The study focuses more directly on coastal upwelling along the southwest coast of India, within the EEZ. The effects of coastal upwelling, eddy formation and the offshore advection are apparent in the present investigation. This has consequences to fisheries and climate, in energy transfer to the food chain and the increased sequestering of carbon in the ocean. The study also focuses on the Oxygen Minimum Zone (OMZ) and dentrification observed along the EEZ of the west coast of India on a seasonal scale. In the study, an attempt is also made to demarcate the geographical boundaries of the denitrification zone in the EEZ of India and on the nature and magnitude of these variations, on a seasonal and inter annual scales


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In the twentieth century, as technology grew with it. This resulted in collective efforts and thinking in the direction of controlling work related hazards and accidents. Thus, safety management developed and became an important part of industrial management. While considerable research has been reported on the topic of safety management in industries from various parts of the world, there is scarcity of literature from India. It is logical to think that a clear understanding of the critical safety management practices and their relationships with accident rates and management system certifications would help in the development and implementation of safety management systems. In the first phase of research, a set of six critical safety management practices has been identified based on a thorough review of the prescriptive, practitioner, conceptual and empirical literature. An instrument for measuring the level of practice of these safety conduction a survey using questionnaire in chemical/process industry. The instrument has been empirically validated using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) approach. As the second step. Predictive validity of safety management practices and the relationship between safety management practices and self-reported accident rates and management system certifications have been investigated using ANOVA. Results of the ANOVA tests show that there is significant difference in the identified safety management practices and the determinants of safety performance have been investigated using Multiple Regression Analysis. The inter-relationships between safety management practices, determinants of safety performance and components of safety performance have been investigated with the help of structural equation modeling. Further investigations into engineering and construction industries reveal that safety climate factors are not stable across industries. However, some factors are found to be common in industries irrespective of the type of industry. This study identifies the critical safety management practices in major accident hazard chemical/process industry from the perspective of employees and the findings empirically support the necessity for obtaining safety specific management system certifications


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The hazards associated with major accident hazard (MAH) industries are fire, explosion and toxic gas releases. Of these, toxic gas release is the worst as it has the potential to cause extensive fatalities. Qualitative and quantitative hazard analyses are essential for the identitication and quantification of the hazards associated with chemical industries. This research work presents the results of a consequence analysis carried out to assess the damage potential of the hazardous material storages in an industrial area of central Kerala, India. A survey carried out in the major accident hazard (MAH) units in the industrial belt revealed that the major hazardous chemicals stored by the various industrial units are ammonia, chlorine, benzene, naphtha, cyclohexane, cyclohexanone and LPG. The damage potential of the above chemicals is assessed using consequence modelling. Modelling of pool fires for naphtha, cyclohexane, cyclohexanone, benzene and ammonia are carried out using TNO model. Vapor cloud explosion (VCE) modelling of LPG, cyclohexane and benzene are carried out using TNT equivalent model. Boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion (BLEVE) modelling of LPG is also carried out. Dispersion modelling of toxic chemicals like chlorine, ammonia and benzene is carried out using the ALOHA air quality model. Threat zones for different hazardous storages are estimated based on the consequence modelling. The distance covered by the threat zone was found to be maximum for chlorine release from a chlor-alkali industry located in the area. The results of consequence modelling are useful for the estimation of individual risk and societal risk in the above industrial area.Vulnerability assessment is carried out using probit functions for toxic, thermal and pressure loads. Individual and societal risks are also estimated at different locations. Mapping of threat zones due to different incident outcome cases from different MAH industries is done with the help of Are GIS.Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) is an established technique for hazard evaluation. This technique has the advantage of being both qualitative and quantitative, if the probabilities and frequencies of the basic events are known. However it is often difficult to estimate precisely the failure probability of the components due to insufficient data or vague characteristics of the basic event. It has been reported that availability of the failure probability data pertaining to local conditions is surprisingly limited in India. This thesis outlines the generation of failure probability values of the basic events that lead to the release of chlorine from the storage and filling facility of a major chlor-alkali industry located in the area using expert elicitation and proven fuzzy logic. Sensitivity analysis has been done to evaluate the percentage contribution of each basic event that could lead to chlorine release. Two dimensional fuzzy fault tree analysis (TDFFTA) has been proposed for balancing the hesitation factor invo1ved in expert elicitation .


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Occupational stress is becoming a major issue in both corporate and social agenda .In industrialized countries, there have been quite dramatic changes in the conditions at work, during the last decade ,caused by economic, social and technical development. As a consequence, the people today at work are exposed to high quantitative and qualitative demands as well as hard competition caused by global economy. A recent report says that ailments due to work related stress is likely to cost India’s exchequer around 72000 crores between 2009 and 2015. Though India is a fast developing country, it is yet to create facilities to mitigate the adverse effects of work stress, more over only little efforts have been made to assess the work related stress.In the absence of well defined standards to assess the work related stress in India, an attempt is made in this direction to develop the factors for the evaluation of work stress. Accordingly, with the help of existing literature and in consultation with the safety experts, seven factors for the evaluation of work stress is developed. An instrument ( Questionnaire) was developed using these seven factors for the evaluation of work stress .The validity , and unidimensionality of the questionnaire was ensured by confirmatory factor analysis. The reliability of the questionnaire was ensured before administration. While analyzing the relation ship between the variables, it is noted that no relationship exists between them, and hence the above factors are treated as independent factors/ variables for the purpose of research .Initially five profit making manufacturing industries, under public sector in the state of Kerala, were selected for the study. The influence of factors responsible for work stress is analyzed in these industries. These industries were classified in to two types, namely chemical and heavy engineering ,based on the product manufactured and work environment and the analysis is further carried out for these two categories.The variation of work stress with different age , designation and experience of the employees are analyzed by means of one-way ANOVA. Further three different type of modelling of work stress, namely factor modelling, structural equation modelling and multinomial logistic regression modelling was done to analyze the association of factors responsible for work stress. All these models are found equally good in predicting the work stress.The present study indicates that work stress exists among the employees in public sector industries in Kerala. Employees belonging to age group 40-45yrs and experience groups 15-20yrs had relatively higher work demand ,low job control, and low support at work. Low job control was noted among lower designation levels, particularly at the worker level in these industries. Hence the instrument developed using the seven factors namely demand, control, manager support, peer support, relationship, role and change can be effectively used for the evaluation of work stress in industries.


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This study was aimed at to characterize the spatio-temporal trends in the distributional characteristics of various species of nitrogen and phosphorus as well as to elucidate the factors and processes aflecting these nutrients in the dissolved, particulate and sedimentary phases of a river estuarine system. The main area of study is Chalakudy river in Kerala, which is a fresh water system originating from Anamalai hills and ending at Arabian Sea. Its basin is between I00 05 ’ to I00 35’ North latitude and 76” 15 ’ to 760 55’ East longitude. Being a riparian bufler zone, the dynamics of nutrient mobility tend to be more complex and variable in this river-estuarine system.The diflerent species of nitrogen estimated from the filtrate were nitrite-N, nitrateN, ammonia-N, urea-N, total nitrogen and residual nitrogen. The diflerent forms of phosphorus estimated from the filtrate were phosphate-P, total-P and residualP. Pre weighed sediments as well as particulate matter were analysed for quantijying nitrite-N, nitrate-N, ammonia-N and urea-N. Total nitrogen was estimated after digestion with potassium persulfate. Fractionation of phosphorus in sediment/particulate matter was performed by applying sequential extraction procedure. The dijferent forms of phosphorus thus estimated were loosely bound (exchangeable) P, Fe/Al bound P, polyphosphates, Ca bound P and refractory P. Sedimental total P was also measured directly by applying digestion method.The analyses carried out in this bimonthly annual survey have revealed specific information on the latent factors influencing the water quality pattern ofthe river. There was dependence among the chemical components of the river sediment and suspended matter, reflecting the water quality. A period of profound environmental change occurred and changes in various species had been noted in association with seasonal variations in the waterway, especially following enhanced river runoff during the monsoon. The results also successfully represented the distribution trend of nutrients during the rainy as well as dry season. Thus, the information gathered in this work will also be beneficial for those interested or involved in river management, conservation, regulation and policy making in regional and national levels.


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The thesis is proposed to study the occurrence and distribution of chitinoclasts in water, sediment and fauna as related to site characteristics such as temperature, salinity, depth of water, pH, etc. Since no information is available on the chitinolytic properties of coastal strains, it is also proposed to study the chitinolytic activity of the bacterial isolates in relation to various environmental conditions. It is also planned to work out the taxonomy of some of the representative isolates and certain kinetic properties of their chitinases. It is expected that the results of the study would yield a comprehensive information-on the chitinoclastic bacteria in the southern coastal zone of west coast of India.


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In this modern complex world, stress at work is found to be increasingly a common feature in day to day life. For the same reason, job stress is one of the active areas in occupational health and safety research for over last four decades and is continuing to attract researchers in academia and industry. Job stress in process industries is of concern due to its influence on process safety, and worker‘s safety and health. Safety in process (chemical and nuclear material) industry is of paramount importance, especially in a thickly populated country like India. Stress at job is the main vector in inducing work related musculoskeletal disorders which in turn can affect the worker health and safety in process industries. In view of the above, the process industries should try to minimize the job stress in workers to ensure a safe and healthy working climate for the industry and the worker. This research is mainly aimed at assessing the influence of job stress in inducing work related musculoskeletal disorders in chemical process industries in India


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Embedded systems, especially Wireless Sensor Nodes are highly prone to Type Safety and Memory Safety issues. Contiki, a prominent Operating System in the domain is even more affected by the problem since it makes extensive use of Type casts and Pointers. The work is an attempt to nullify the possibility of Safety violations in Contiki. We use a powerful, still efficient tool called Deputy to achieve this. We also try to automate the process


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Embedded systems, especially Wireless Sensor Nodes are highly prone to Type Safety and Memory Safety issues. Contiki, a prominent Operating System in the domain is even more affected by the problem since it makes extensive use of Type casts and Pointers. The work is an attempt to nullify the possibility of Safety violations in Contiki. We use a powerful, still efficient tool called Deputy to achieve this. We also try to automate the process