40 resultados para textile effluents

em Cochin University of Science


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The thesis entitled Growth Response of Phytoplankton Exposed to Industrial Effluents in River Periyar. The present investigation has been conducted in two phases: field observation and algal assays. The monthly distribution of hydrographic features is represented graphically. The sampling year has been divided into three seasons: monsoon (June to September), postmonsoon (October to January) and premonsoon (February to May). The data were analysed using Student's t-test to find whether there was any significant difference between surface and bottom samples. The spatial variation of the variables was assessed by Page's L (trend) test (Ray Meddis, 1975). The standard procedure for algal toxicity test (Ward and Parrish, 1982) was followed throughout the study. Statistical analysis (Page's L (trend) test) showed that there was no significant difference in Secchi disc transparency between the stations. The field observations as well as the laboratory assays confirm that the rate of discharge in river Periyar during premonsoon is insufficient to effect dilution of wastewater received in the industrial zone.


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The literature on the involvement of developing countries in trade has focused on the effects of different aspects of globalization on firms, regions and countries. The study attempts to examine how an export based industry, locallyembedded and originated on the basis of regional strengths has been inserted into the global trade framework. Though the unit of analysis is the manufacturing export firm in the region of Kannur, it represents the entire home textile export industry from the state of Kerala, as close to 90% of fabric exports in home furnishing material, textiles for upholstery and decoration and stitched or fused, and branded made ups are from the region. From a global perspective, how developing countries face newer trade restrictions and overcome non quota barriers by firm and region specific activities within a value chain framework is a major research area, which has already contributions from the Ludhiana woolen cluster (Tewari,1999 ) and the Tirupur cluster in India (Cawthorne, 1995). The study contributes to the value chain literature by examining the governance and upgrading as well as how firms benefit from linkages. India has a number of export oriented agglomerations or regions where firms have been serving export markets for many years. In many cases it is no longer the supply side policy actions that determine how they are able to penetrate new markets or expand existing market share. Based on this study it becomes possible to understand how the global value chain operates in these different industries to examine whether there is a danger of immiserisation of growth or low road growth


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The present study was undertaken to evaluate the effectiveness of a few physico-chemical and biological methods for the treatment of effluents from natural rubber processing units. The overall objective of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of certain physico-chemical and biological methods for the treatment of effluents from natural rubber processing units. survey of the chemical characteristics of the effluents discharged from rubber processing units showed that the effluents from latex concentration units were the most polluting


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. The cotton mill industry is one of the important medium and large-scale industries in the State of Kerala. Due to the widespread development of the handloom industry in the State, there is an environment conducive to the growth of cotton spinning mills which produce yarn, the raw material required by the handloom industry. New spin— ing mills are being commissioned. But the performance of the existing cotton spinning and weaving mills in the State is not quite satisfactory. Hence an analysis has been carried out into the profitability and financial position of the industry in Kerala. The objective of the study is to make a financial analysis of the industry covering various aspects such as cost structure, productivity, asset structure, financial structure and working capital management.


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The textile industry is one amongst the rapidly growing industries world wide, which utilizes enormous amounts of synthetic dyes. Consequently, the effluent from these textile industries poses serious threat to the environment which is often very difficult to treat and dispose. This has become a very grave problem in environment conservation and hence natural pigments have drawn the attention of industry as safe alternative. In this context, in the present study an attempt was made to bioprospect marine bacteria towards isolation of a suitable and ideal pigment that could be used as a natural dye. A marine Serratia sp. BTWJ8 was recognized to synthesize enormous amounts of a prodigiosin-like pigment. The pigment was isolated and characterized for various properties. The pigment was evaluated for application as a dye in the textile industry. Results of the studies indicated that this pigment could be used as a natural dye for imparting red-yellow colour to various grades of textile materials. The colour was observed to be stable after wash performance studies


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In this thesis, the production and characterization of ligninolytic enzymes using the fungi isolated from mangrove area are studied. The objective of the present work are isolation and screening of dye decolorizing micro-organisms from mangrove area, screening of the selected microorganisms for the production of lignin degrading enzymes, identification of the potent micro-organisms, characterization of the crude enzyme, lignin peroxidase, of the selected fungi—Aspergillus sp. SIP 11 and Penicillium sp. SIP 10 etc. This included the determination of the optimum pH, temperature, veratryl alcohol and H2O2 concentration. Besides the stability of crude LiP at different pHs and temperatures were studied. The immense applications, particularly in bioremediation, to which the lignin degrading micro-organisms could be used make this study important, the ascomycetes and deuteromycetes fungi, especially form the marine environment were studied with respect to their ligninolytic enzyme system making this study an initial step in unraveling the vast hidden potential of these microbes in bioremediation, the marine microbes are halophilic in nature which make them better suited to cope with the high salinity of industrial effluents thereby giving them added advantage in the filed of bioremediation. The thesis deals with the isolation and screening of lignin degrading enzyme-producing microbes from mangrove area. The identification of the most potent fungal isolates and characterization of LiP from these are also done.


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The proposed study is an attempt to quantify and study the seasonal and spatial variations in the distribution of Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb among the various geochemical phases in the surficial sediments of Chitrapuzha river. The study also estimates the concentration of heavy metals in dissolved, particulate and sediments and their variation in seasonal and spatial distribution. Chitrapuzha River originates as a small stream from the upper reaches of high ranges in the eastern boundary of Kerala, passes through the valley and finally joints in the Cochin backwaters. Numerous industrial units located along the banks of the river discharge treated and untreated effluents into the water. These are long standing local complaints about water pollution causing fish mortality and serious damage to agricultural crops resulting in extensive unemployment in the area. The river is thus of considerable social and economic importance.


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The study revealed stress and localized impact of industrial waste on the biota, predominance of stress tolerant species and low diversity in the vicinity of the effluent discharge point. These studies on impact of environmental parameters on the distribution of macrobenthos thus indicate the quantum of endurance warranted by the infauna to tide over the wide range of environmental stress. Low diversity and lower number of benthic fauna near discharge site can be attributed to the stress caused by cumulative toxic effects of effluents. The results of the physico-chemical parameters highlight the effects of pollution. The results of the study indicated the changes due to the large-scale movements of the estuarine water under the influence of tide, monsoon and land runoff coupled with its heterogenous nature owing to the effluent discharge from the industries


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Neuroscience is the study of'tbe ne rvous system , including the i - ; . in, spinal cord and peripheral nerves . Neurons are the basic cells of the brain and nervous system which exerts its functional role through various neurotransmitters and receptor systems . The activity of a nen ren depends on the balance between the number of excitatory and inhibito r y processes affecting it, both processes occurring individually and sin ,tlte-' ,ieously. The functional bal,ince of different neurotransmitters such as Acct >>lcholine (Ach), Dopamine (DA), Serotonin (5-1-17), Nor epinepbri,te (N.1 j, Epinephrine (LPI), Glutamate and Gamma amino butyric acid (GA BA) regulates the growth , division and other vital functions ofa normal cell / organisin (Sudha, 1 998). The micro-environ ; nertt of the cell is controlled / the macro-environment that surrounds the individual. Any change in the cell environment causes imbalance in cell homeostasis and f,ntction. Pollution is a significant cause of imbalance caused iii the inacYcenvironment. Interaction with polluted environments can have an adverse impact on the health of humans. The alarming rise in enviromilmieil cont.iniin :rtion has been linked to rises in levels of pesticides, ndltstr al effluents, domestic Waste, car exhausts and other anthropogenic activities. Persistent exposures to contaminant cause a negative imp,-, on brain health and development . Pollution also causes a change in the neurotransmitters and their receptor function leading to earl.;' recurrence of neurodcge,terative disorders such as flypoxia , Alzbeimers's and Huntington 's disease early in life.


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Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and other toxic compounds from industrial effluents are noted for their high potency for skin, lung, bladder and gastrointestinal cancers. Increased industrialization, and population growth led to greater production of wastes, Pesticides and PAHs have received attention due to their carcinogenic effects. The main objectives of the study were; to collect base line data on the concentration of PAHs in seawater and sediment from the west coast of India, the concentration of PAHs in certain species of fishes, the comparative levels of PAHs in fish, the influence of sediment characteristics on the concentration of PAH in sediment, changes in PAH concentration in water, sediment and fish, to provide a base line concentration of trace metals in water, sediment and fish, the seasonal changes in content of selected trace metals in water, sediment and fish from the west coast of India. The present study revealed that a predominance of silt and clay at all stations in the off Cochin area. The study has provided comprehensive information available to date for PAHs in seawater, sediment and fishes from the west cost of India especially from the Quilon to Mangalore region.


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The main objective of the study was primarily to determine the effect of hydrographical parameters especially nutrients which were supplied externally to the seawater while culturing the diatom Chaetoceros calcitrans, under laboratory conditions, and to determine its optimum concentration for ideal growth of the culture, in such a condition of increased rate of pollution due to the industrialization and effluents. Also an attempt was made to study the possible correlation of diatom abundance in the South west Coast of India with the landings of the pelagic fishery resources, especially sardine, mackerel and anchovy, since these fishes are largely diatom feeders. Positive correlation was found between the diatoms and pelagic fish landings of Thalassery and Vizhinjam area while at Cochin there was less significant correlation between the two variables


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In the present studies it is clear that Bacillus pumilus xylanase is having the characteristic suited for an industrial enzyme (xylanases that are active and stable at elevated temperatures and alkaline pH are needed). SSF production of xylanases and its application appears to be an innovative technology where the fermented substrate is the enzyme source that is used directly in the bleaching process without a prior downstream processing. The direct use of SSF enzymes in bleaching is a relatively new biobleaching approach. This can certainly benefit the bleaching process to lower the xylanase production costs and improve the economics and viability of the biobleaching technology. The application of enzymes to the bleaching process has been considered as an environmentally friendly approach that can reduce the negative impact on the environment exerted by the use of chlorine-based bleaching agents. It has been demonstrated that pretreatment of kraft pulp with xylanase prior to bleaching (biobleaching) can facilitate subsequent removal of lignin by bleaching chemicals, thereby, reducing the demand for elemental chlorine or improving final paper brightness. Using this xylanase pre-treatment, has resulted in an increased of brightness (8.5 Unit) when compared to non-enzymatic treated bleached pulp prepared using identical conditions. Reduction of the consumption of active chlorine can be achieved which results in a decrease in the toxicity, colour, chloride and absorbable organic halogen (AOX) levels of bleaching effluents. The xylanase treatment improves drainage, strength properties and the fragility of pulps, and also increases the brightness of pulps. This positive result shows that enzyme pre-treatment facilitates the removal of chromophore fragments of pulp there by making the process more environment friendly


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Nondestructive photothermal methods as well as optical absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy are utilized to characterise three different materials, both thermally and optically. The possibility of using montmorillonite clay minerals, after textile waste-water treatment, is investigated for further applications. The laser induced luminescence studies and thermal characterisation of certain rare earth titanates prepared by self propagating high temperature synthesis method are also presented. Moreover, effort is made to characterise rare earth doped sol gel silica glasses with the help of these nondestructive techniques.


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The thesis covers a systematic investigation on the synthesis of silica aerogels and microspheres with tailored porosity, at ambient conditions by varying the experimental parameters as well as using organic templates. Organically modified silica-gelatin and silica-chitosan hybrids were developed for the first time using alkylalkoxysilanes such as MTMS and VTMS. Application of novel silica-biopolymer antiwetting coatings on different substrates such as glass, leather and textile is also demonstrated in the thesis.