22 resultados para magnifying glasses
em Cochin University of Science
Physical and optical properties of various free base and metallic phthalocyanine (Pc) doped glass matrix are reported for the first time. Absorption spectral measurements of H2Pc, MnPc, NiPc, CoPc, CuPc, MoOPc, ZnPc and FePc doped borate glass matrix have been made in the 200–1100 nm region and the spectra obtained are analyzed in the 2.1–6.2 eV region to obtain the optical band gap (Eg) and the width of the band tail (Et). Other important optical and physical parameters viz. refractive index (n), molar extinction coefficient ("), density (½), glass transition temperature (Tg), molecular concentration (N ), polaron radius (rp), intermolecular separation (R), molar refractivity (Rm) are also reported
Physical and optical properties of various free base and metallic phthalocyanine (Pc) doped glass matrix are reported for the first time. Absorption spectral measurements of H2Pc, MnPc, NiPc, CoPc, CuPc, MoOPc, ZnPc and FePc doped borate glass matrix have been made in the 200–1100 nm region and the spectra obtained are analyzed in the 2.1–6.2 eV region to obtain the optical band gap (Eg) and the width of the band tail (Et). Other important optical and physical parameters viz. refractive index (n), molar extinction coefficient ("), density (½), glass transition temperature (Tg), molecular concentration (N ), polaron radius (rp), intermolecular separation (R), molar refractivity (Rm) are also reported.
Physical and optical properties of various free base and metallic phthalocyanine (Pc) doped glass matrix are reported for the first time. Absorption spectral measurements of H2Pc, MnPc, NiPc, CoPc, CuPc, MoOPc, ZnPc and FePc doped borate glass matrix have been made in the 200–1100 nm region and the spectra obtained are analyzed in the 2.1–6.2 eV region to obtain the optical band gap (Eg) and the width of the band tail (Et). Other important optical and physical parameters viz. refractive index (n), molar extinction coefficient ("), density (½), glass transition temperature (Tg), molecular concentration (N ), polaron radius (rp), intermolecular separation (R), molar refractivity (Rm) are also reported.
Department of Instrumentation, Cochin University of Science and Technology
In this thesis, we present the results of our investigations on the photoconducting and electrical switching properties of selected chalcogenide glass systems. We have used XRD and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis for confinuing the amorphous nature of these materials and for confirming their constituents respectively.Photoconductivity is the enhancement in electrical conductivity of materials brought about by the motion of charge carriers excited by absorbed radiation. The phenomenon involves absorption, photogeneration, recombination and transport processes and it gives good insight into the density of states in the energy gap of solids due to the presence of impurities and lattice defects. Photoconductivity measurements lead to the determination of such important parameters as quantum efficiency, photosensiti\'ity, spectral sensitivity and carrier lifetime. Extensive research work on photoconducting properties of amorphous semiconductors has resulted in the development of a variety of very sensitive photodetectors. Photoconductors are finding newer and newer uses eyery day. CdS, CdSe. Sb2S3, Se, ZnO etc, are typical photoconducting materials which are used in devices like vidicons, light amplifiers, xerography equipment etc.Electrical switching is another interesting and important property possessed by several Te based chalcogenides. Switching is the rapid and reversible transition between a highly resistive OFF state, driven by an external electric field and characterized by a threshold voltage, and a low resistivity ON state, Switching can be either threshold type or memory type. The phenomenon of switching could find applications in areas like infonnation storage, electrical power control etc. Investigations on electrical switching in chalcogenide glasses help in understanding the mechanism of switching which is necessary to select and modify materials for specific switching applications.Analysis of XRD pattern gives no further infonuation about amorphous materials than revealing their disordered structure whereas x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy,XPS) provides information about the different constituents present in the material. Also it gives binding energies (b.e.) of an element in different compounds and hence b.e. shift from the elemental form.Our investigations have been concentrated on the bulk glasses, Ge-In-Se, Ge-Bi-Se and As-Sb-Se for photoconductivity measurements and In-Te for electrical switching. The photoconducting properties of Ge-Sb-Se thin films prepared by sputtering technique have also been studied. The bulk glasses for the present investigations are prepared by the melt quenching technique and are annealed for half an hour at temperatures just below their respective glass transition temperatures. The dependence of photoconducting propenies on composition and temperature are investigated in each system. The electrical switching characteristics of In-Te system are also studied with different compositions and by varying the temperature.
Optical absorption studies of free base and rare earth incorporated phthalocyanine doped borate glass matrix are reported for the first lime. The absorption spectra recorded in the UV- VIS region show two well defined absorption bands of phthalocyanine (Pc) molecule, namely the Soret band (B) and the Q band. The Q band always shows its characteristic splitting in all the doped glass matrices and the intensities of these components are found to vary from one Pc to another. Some of the important optical parameters, namely optical absorption coefficient (a), molar extinction coefficient (ε), absorption cross section (σa), oscillator strength (f), electric dipole strength (q2), absorption half bandwidth (Δλ) of the principal optical transitions have also been evaluated. Moreover, the spectral dependence of refractive index (n) and thereby the optical dielectric constant (ε) on wavelength yielded values of carrier concentration to effective mass ratio (N/m*) of the phthalocyanine molecule in the present glassy systems. Optical band gap (Eg) and width of the band tail (Et) are computed and their variations among the prepared samples are also discussed.
Investigation of dielectric and elastic properties of selected dielectric ceramics and oxide glasses
The dielectric and elastic properties are of considerable significance to the science and technology of matter in the solid state. The study of these properties give information about the magnitude of the forces and nature of the bonding between the atoms. Our aim has been to investigate systematically the effect of doping of an appropriate element on the elastic and dielectric properties of selected dielectric ceramics and oxide glasses. These materials have got wide technological applications due to their interesting electrical, optical, thermal and elastic behaviour. Ultrasound propagation and capacitance measurement techniques have been employed for the systematic investigation of the elastic and dielectric properties of selected number of these materials. Details of the work done and results obtained are presented in this thesis.
Tellurite glasses are photonic materials of special interest to the branch of optoelectronic and communication, due to its important optical properties such as high refractive index, broad IR transmittance, low phonon energy etc. Tellurite glasses are solutions to the search of potential candidates for nonlinear optical devices. Low phonon energy makes it an efficient host for dopant ions like rare earths, allowing a better environment for radiative transitions. The dopant ions maintain majority of their individual properties in the glass matrix. Tellurites are less toxic than chalcogenides, more chemically and thermally stable which makes them a highly suitable fiber material for nonlinear applications in the midinfrared and they are of increased research interest in applications like laser, amplifier, sensor etc. Low melting point and glass transition temperature helps tellurite glass preparation easier than other glass families. In order to probe into the versatility of tellurite glasses in optoelectronic industry; we have synthesized and undertaken various optical studies on tellurite glasses. We have proved that the highly nonlinear tellurite glasses are suitable candidates in optical limiting, with comparatively lower optical limiting threshold. Tuning the optical properties of glasses is an important factor in the optoelectronic research. We have found that thermal poling is an efficient mechanism in tuning the optical properties of these materials. Another important nonlinear phenomenon found in zinc tellurite glasses is their ability to switch from reverse saturable absorption to saturable absorption in the presence of lanthanide ions. The proposed thesis to be submitted will have seven chapters
Among various optical sensing schemes, infrared spectroscopy is a powerful tool for detecting and determining the composition of complex organic samples since vibrational finger prints of all biomolecules and organic species are located in this window. This spectroscopic technique is simple, reliable, fast, non-destructive, cost-effective while having low sensitivity. Use of metallic nanoparticles in association with a good IR transparent sensing substrate, is one of the promising solutions to enhance the sensitivity. Chalcogenide glasses are promising substrate material because of their extended optical transmission window starting from the visible to the far infrared range up to 20 μm, high refractive index usually between 2 and 3 and high optical nonlinearity, which make them good candidates as IR sensors and optical ultrafast nonlinear devices. These glasses are favorable sensor materials for the infrared spectral range because of their high IR transparency to allow for low optical loss at wavelengths corresponding to the characteristic optical absorption bands of organic molecules, high refractive index for tight confinement of optical energy within the resonator structure, processibility into thin film form, chemical compatibility for adhesion of silver nano particles and thin films and resistance to the chemical environment to be sensed. Molecules adsorbed to silver island structures shows enhanced IR absorption spectra and the extent of enhancement is determined by many factors such as the size, density and morphology of silver structures, optical and dielectric properties of the substrate material etc.
Tellurite glasses are photonic materials of special interest to the branch of optoelectronic and communication, due to its important optical properties such as high refractive index, broad IR transmittance, low phonon energy etc. Tellurite glasses are solutions to the search of potential candidates for nonlinear optical devices. Low phonon energy makes it an efficient host for dopant ions like rare earths, allowing a better environment for radiative transitions. The dopant ions maintain majority of their individual properties in the glass matrix. Tellurites are less toxic than chalcogenides, more chemically and thermally stable which makes them a highly suitable fiber material for nonlinear applications in the midinfrared and they are of increased research interest in applications like laser, amplifier, sensor etc. Low melting point and glass transition temperature helps tellurite glass preparation easier than other glass families.In order to probe into the versatility of tellurite glasses in optoelectronic industry; we have synthesized and undertaken various optical studies on tellurite glasses. We have proved that the highly nonlinear tellurite glasses are suitable candidates in optical limiting, with comparatively lower optical limiting threshold. Tuning the optical properties of glasses is an important factor in the optoelectronic research. We have found that thermal poling is an efficient mechanism in tuning the optical properties of these materials. Another important nonlinear phenomenon found in zinc tellurite glasses is their ability to switch from reverse saturable absorption to saturable absorption in the presence of lanthanide ions. The proposed thesis to be submitted will have seven chapters.
The thesis provides an overall review and introduction to amorphous semiconductors, followed by a brief discussion on the important structural models proposed for chalcogenide glasses and their electrical, optional and thermal properties. It also gives a brief description of the Physics of thin films, ion implantation and Photothermal Deflection Spectroscopy. A brief description of the experimental setup of a photothermal deflection spectrometer and the details of the preparation and optical characterization of the thin film samples. It deals with the employment of the subgap optional absorption measurement by PDS to characterize the defects, amorphization and annealing behavior in silicon implanted with B+ ions and the profiles of ion range and vacancy distribution obtained by the TRIM simulation. It reports the results of all absorption measurements by PDS in nitrogen implanted thin film samples of Ge-Se and As-Se systems
The effect of glass additives on the densification , phase evolution, microstructure and microwave dielectric properties of Ba(Mg1;3 Ta2i3)03 (BMT) was investigated . Different weight percentages of quenched glass such as B203 , Si02, B203-SiO2, ZnO-B203, 5ZnO-2B2O3, Al203-SiO2, Na20-2B203.10H20, BaO-B203-SiO2, MgO-B203-SiO2, PbO-B203-SiO2 , ZnO-B203-SiO2 and 2MgO-Al203-5SiO2 were added to calcined BMT precursor . The sintering temperature of the glass -added BMT samples were lowered down to 1300 °C compared to solid-state sintering where the temperature was 1650 °C. The formation of high temperature satellite phases such as Ba5Ta4O15 and Ba7Ta6O22 were found to be suppressed by the glass addition . Addition of glass systems such as B203, ZnO-B203, 5ZnO-2B203 and ZnO-B203-SiO2 improved the densification and microwave dielectric properties. Other glasses were found to react with BMT to form low-Q phases which prevented densification . The microwave dielectric properties of undoped BMT with a densification of 93 . 1 % of the theoretical density were Cr = 24 . 8, Tr = 8 ppm/°C and Q„ x f= 80,000 GHz. The BMT doped with 1.0 wt% of B203 has Q„ x f = 124,700GHz, Cr = 24.2, and T f = -1.3 ppm /°C. The unloaded Q factor of 0.2 wt% ZnO-B203-doped BMT was 136,500 GHz while that of 1.0 wt% of 5ZnO-2B203 added ceramic was Q„ x f= 141,800 GHz . The best microwave quality factor was observed for ZnO -B203-SiO2 (ZBS) glass-added ceramics which can act as a perfect liquid-phase medium for the sintering of BMT. The microwave dielectric properties of 0.2wt% ZBS-added BMT dielectric was Q„ x f= 152,800 GHz, F,= 25.5, and Tr = - 1.5 ppm/°C
Nondestructive photothermal methods as well as optical absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy are utilized to characterise three different materials, both thermally and optically. The possibility of using montmorillonite clay minerals, after textile waste-water treatment, is investigated for further applications. The laser induced luminescence studies and thermal characterisation of certain rare earth titanates prepared by self propagating high temperature synthesis method are also presented. Moreover, effort is made to characterise rare earth doped sol gel silica glasses with the help of these nondestructive techniques.
Optical absorption and emission spectral studies of free and metal naphthalocyanine doped borate glass matrix are reported for the first time. Absorption spectra recorded in the UV- VIS-NIR region show the characteristic absorption bands, namely, the B-band and Q-band of the naphthalocyanine (Nc) molecule. Some of the important spectral parameters, namely, the optical absorption coefficient (α), molar extinction coefficient (ε) and absorption cross section (σa) of the principal absorption transitions are determined. Optical band gap (Eg) of the materials evaluated from the functional dependence of absorption coefficient on photon energy lies in the range 1.6 eV≤Eg≤2.1 eV. All fluorescence spectra except that of EuNc consist of an intense band in the 765 nm region corresponding to the excitation of Q-band. In EuNc the maximum fluorescence intensity band is observed at 824 nm. The intensity of the principal fluorescence band is maximum in ZnNc, whereas it is minimum in H2Nc. Radiative parameters of the principal fluorescence transitions corresponding to the Q-band excitation are also reported for the naphthalocyanine and phthalocyanine based matrices.
In this context,in search of new materials based on chalcogenide glasses,we have developed a novel technique for fabrication of chalcogenide nano composites which are presented in this theis.The techniques includes the dissolution of bulk chalcogenide glasses in amine solvent.This solution casting method allows to retain the attractive optical properties of chalcogenide glasses enabling new fabrication routes for realization of large area thick-thin films with less cost. Chalcogenide glass fiber geometry opens new possibilities for a large number of applications in optics,like remote temperature measurements ,CO2 laser power delivery, and optical sensing and single mode propagation of IR light.We have fabricated new optical polymer fibers doped with chalcogenide glasses which can be used for many optical applications.The present thesis also describes the structural,thermal and optical characterization of certain chalocogenide based materials prepared for different methods and its applications.