11 resultados para ir-spectra

em Cochin University of Science


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Raman and FTIR spectra of [Cu(H2O)6](BrO3)2 and [Al(H2O)6](BrO3)3 · 3H2O are recorded and analyzed. The observed bands are assigned on the basis of BrO3 − and H2O vibrations. Additional bands obtained in the region of 3 and 1 modes in [Cu(H2O)6](BrO3)2 are due to the lifting of degeneracy of 3 modes, since the BrO3 − ion occupies a site of lower symmetry. The appearance 1 mode of BrO3 − anion at a lower wavenumber (771 cm−1) is attributed to the attachment of hydrogen to the BrO3 − anion. The presence of three inequivalent bromate groups in the [Al(H2O)6](BrO3)3 · 3H2O structure is confirmed. The lifting of degeneracy of 4 mode indicates that the symmetry of BrO3 − anion is lowered in the above crystal from C3v to C1. The appearance of additional bands in the stretching and bonding mode regions of water indicates the presence of hydrogen bonds of different strengths in both the crystals. Temperature dependent Raman spectra of single crystal [Cu(H2O)6](BrO3)2 are recorded in the range 77–523 K for various temperatures. A small structural rearrangement takes place in BrO3 − ion in the crystal at 391 K. Hydrogen bounds in the crystal are rearranging themselves leading to the loss of one water molecule at 485 K. This is preceded by the reorientation of BrO3 − ions causing a phase transition at 447 K. Changes in intensities and wavenumbers of the bands and the narrowing down of the bands at 77 K are attributed to the settling down of protons into ordered positions in the crystal


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FT-Raman and FT-IR spectra of ASnFe(PO4)3 [A=Na2, Ca, Cd] were recorded and analyzed. The bands were assigned in terms of the vibrational group frequencies of SnO6 octahedral and PO4 tetrahedral. The spectral analysis shows that the symmetry of corner shared octahedral (SnO6) and the tetrahedral (PO4) are lowered from their free ion symmetry state. The presence of Fe3+ ions disrupts the S–N–O–S–N chain in the structure. This causes distortion of SnO6 and PO4 in the structure of all the compounds. Also it is seen that there are two distinct PO4 tetrahedra of different P–O bond lengths. One of these tetrahedra is linearly distorted in all the title compounds. The PO4 frequencies and bond lengths are calculated theoretically and are in agreement with the experimental values. The presence of PO4 polyanion in the structure can reduce the redox energy and hence reduce the metal oxygen covalency strength in the structure


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The metal complex, [Ni(en)2(H2O)2](NO3)2 (en = ethylenediamine), was decomposed in a static furnace at 200 C by autogenous decomposition to obtain phase pure metallic nickel nanocrystallites. The nickel metal thus obtained was studied by XRD, IR spectra, SEM and CHN analysis. The nickel crystallites are in the nanometer range as indicated by XRD studies. The IR spectral studies and CHN analyses show that the surface is covered with a nitrogen containing species. Thermogravimetric mass gain shows that the product purity is high (93%). The formed nickel is stable and resistant to oxidation up to 350 C probably due to the coverage of nitrogen containing species. Activation energy for the oxidation of the prepared nickel nanocrystallites was determined by non-isothermal methods and was found to depend on the conversion ratio. The oxidation kinetics of the nickel crystallites obeyed a Johnson–Mehl–Avrami mechanism probably due to the special morphology and crystallite strain present on the metal.


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The dielectric properties of vacuum-deposited europium oxide films have been investigated in the frequency range from 1 kHz to 1 MHz at various temperatures (300-543 K). The dielectric constant is found to depend on film thickness and it attains a constant value beyond 1000 Å. Films deposited at higher substrate temperatures (above 423 K) exhibit improved dielectric properties owing to the recovery of stoichiometry. The frequency variation of the loss factor exhibits a minimum which increases with rise in temperature. The breakdown field strength (about 106V cm-1) is found to be thickness dependent and it varies in accordance with the Forlani-Minnaja relation. The films exhibit ohmic conduction with an activation energy of 0.86 eV at low electric fields but at higher fields the conductivity becomes space charge limited. X-ray studies show that the films are amorphous in nature. The a.c. conductivity is proportional to ω at low frequency, whereas a square law dependence is observed at higher frequencies. The optical constants n, α and k and optical band gap are calculated from the UV-visible-near-IR spectra.


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A new semicarbazone, HL has been synthesized from quinoline-2-carboxaldehyde and N4-phenyl-3- semicarbazide and structurally and spectrochemically characterized. 1H NMR, 13C NMR, IR and electronic spectra of the compound are studied. The existence of keto form in the solid state is supported by the crystal structure and IR data. The compound crystallizes into an orthorhombic space group P212121. Intra and intermolecular hydrogen bonding interactions facilitates unit cell packing in the crystal lattice


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Five copper(II) complexes [CuLCl]2·CuCl2·4H2O (1), [CuLOAc] (2), [CuLNO3]2 (3), [CuLN3] (4) and [CuLNCS]·3/2H2O (5) of di-2-pyridyl ketone-N4-phenyl-3-semicarbazone (HL) were synthesized and characterized by elemental analyses and electronic, infrared and EPR spectral techniques. In all these complexes the semicarbazone undergoes deprotonation and coordinates through enolate oxygen, azomethine and pyridyl nitrogen atoms. All the complexes are EPR active due to the presence of an unpaired electron. EPR spectra of all the complexes in DMF at 77K suggest axial symmetry and the presence of half field signals for the complexes 1 and 3 indicates dimeric structures


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Raman and infrared spectra of Tl2NbO2PO4, Tl3NaNb4O9(PO4)2 and TlNbOP2O7 are reported. The observed bands are assigned in terms of vibrations of NbO6 octahedra and PO4 tetrahedra in the first two compounds and in terms of NbO6 octahedra and P2O7 4− anion in the third compound. The NbO6 octahedra in all the title compounds are found to be corner-shared and distorted. The higher wavenumber values of the ν1 (NbO6) mode and other stretching modes indicate that the NbO6 octahedra in them are distorted in the order TlNbOP2O7 > Tl2NbO2PO4 > Tl3NaNb4O9(PO4)2. The splitting of the ν3 (PO4) mode indicates that PO4 tetrahedra is distorted more in Tl2NbO2PO4 than in Tl3NaNb4O9(PO4)2. The symmetry of P2O7 4− anion in TlNbOP2O7 is lowered. Bands indicate that the P–O–P bridge in the above compound has a bent P–O–P bridge configuration


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Six new copper complexes of di-2-pyridyl ketone nicotinoylhydrazone (HDKN) have been synthesized. The complexes have been characterized by a variety of spectroscopic techniques and the structure of [Cu(DKN)2]·H2O has been determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction. The compound [Cu(DKN)2]·H2O crystallized in the monoclinic space group P21 and has a distorted octahedral geometry. The IR spectra revealed the presence of variable modes of chelation for the investigated ligand. The EPR spectra of compounds [Cu2(DKN)2( -N3)2] and [Cu2(DKN)2( -NCS)2] in polycrystalline state suggest a dimeric structure as they exhibited a half field signal, which indicate the presence of a weak interaction between two Cu(II) ions in these complexes


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An interesting series of nine new copper(II) complexes [Cu2L2(OAc)2] H2O (1), [CuLNCS] ½H2O (2), [CuLNO3] ½H2O (3), [Cu(HL)Cl2] H2O (4), [Cu2(HL)2(SO4)2] 4H2O (5), [CuLClO4] ½H2O (6), [CuLBr] 2H2O (7), [CuL2] H2O (8) and [CuLN3] CH3OH (9) of 2-benzoylpyridine-N(4)-phenyl semicarbazone (HL) have been synthesized and physico-chemically characterized. The tridentate character of the semicarbazone is inferred from IR spectra. Based on the EPR studies, spin Hamiltonian and bonding parameters have been calculated. The g values, calculated for all the complexes in frozen DMF, indicate the presence of the unpaired electron in the dx2 y2 orbital. The structure of the compound, [Cu2L2(OAc)2] (1a) has been resolved using single crystal X-ray diffraction studies. The crystal structure revealed monoclinic space group P21/n. The coordination geometry about the copper(II) in 1a is distorted square pyramidal with one pyridine nitrogen atom, the imino nitrogen, enolate oxygen and acetate oxygen in the basal plane, an acetate oxygen form adjacent moiety occupies the apical position, serving as a bridge to form a centrosymmetric dimeric structure


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Photothermal effect refers to heating of a sample due to the absorption of electromagnetic radiation. Photothermal (PT) heat generation which is an example of energy conversion has in general three kinds of applications. 1. PT material probing 2. PT material processing and 3. PT material destruction. The temperatures involved increases from 1-. 3. Of the above three, PT material probing is the most important in making significant contribution to the field of science and technology. Photothermal material characterization relies on high sensitivity detection techniques to monitor the effects caused by PT material heating of a sample. Photothermal method is a powerful high sensitivity non-contact tool used for non-destructive thermal characterization of materials. The high sensitivity of the photothermal methods has led to its application for analysis of low absorbance samples. Laser calorimetry, photothermal radiometry, pyroelectric technique, photoacoustic technique, photothermal beam deflection technique, etc. come under the broad class ofphotothermal techniques. However the choice of a suitable technique depends upon the nature of the sample, purpose of measurement, nature of light source used, etc. The present investigations are done on polymer thin films employing photothermal beam deflection technique, for the successful determination of their thermal diffusivity. Here the sample is excited by a He-Ne laser (A = 6328...\ ) which acts as the pump beam. Due to the refractive index gradient established in the sample surface and in the adjacent coupling medium, another optical beam called probe beam (diode laser, A= 6500A ) when passed through this region experiences a deflection and is detected using a position sensitive detector and its output is fed to a lock-in amplifier from which the amplitude and phase of the deflection can be directly obtained. The amplitude and phase of the signal is suitably analysed for determining the thermal diffusivity.The production of polymer thin film samples has gained considerable attention for the past few years. Plasma polymerization is an inexpensive tool for fabricating organic thin films. It refers to formation of polymeric materials under the influence of plasma, which is generated by some kind of electric discharge. Here plasma of the monomer vapour is generated by employing radio frequency (MHz) techniques. Plasma polymerization technique results in homogeneous, highly adhesive, thermally stable, pinhole free, dielectric, highly branched and cross-linked polymer films. The possible linkage in the formation of the polymers is suggested by comparing the FTIR spectra of the monomer and the polymer.Near IR overtone investigations on some organic molecules using local mode model are also done. Higher vibrational overtones often provide spectral simplification and greater resolution of peaks corresponding to nonequivalent X-H bonds where X is typically C, N or O. Vibrational overtone spectroscopy of molecules containing X-H oscillators is now a well established tool for molecular investigations. Conformational and steric differences between bonds and structural inequivalence ofCH bonds (methyl, aryl, acetylenic, etc.) are resolvable in the higher overtone spectra. The local mode model in which the X-H oscillators are considered to be loosely coupled anharmonic oscillators has been widely used for the interpretation of overtone spectra. If we are exciting a single local oscillator from the vibrational ground state to the vibrational state v, then the transition energy of the local mode overtone is given by .:lE a......v = A v + B v2 • A plot of .:lE / v versus v will yield A, the local mode frequency as the intercept and B, the local mode diagonal anharmonicity as the slope. Here A - B gives the mechanical frequency XI of the oscillator and B = X2 is the anharmonicity of the bond. The local mode parameters XI and X2 vary for non-equivalent X-H bonds and are sensitive to the inter and intra molecular environment of the X-H oscillator.


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Optical absorption studies of phthalocyanines (Pc-s) in borate glass matrix have been reported for the first time. Measurements have been done corresponding to photon energies between 1.1 and 6.2 eV for free base, manganese, iron, nickel, molybdenum, cobalt and copper phthalocyanines. Several new discrete transitions are observed in the UV–vis region of the spectra in addition to a strong continuum component of absorption in the IR region. Values of some of the important optical constants viz. absorption coefficient (α), molar extinction coefficient (ε), absorption cross-section (σa), band width (Δλ), electric dipole strength (q2) and oscillator strength (f) for the relevant electronic transitions are also presented. All the data reported for Pc-s in the new matrix have been compared with those corresponding to solution, vapor and thin film media.