9 resultados para international technology transfers

em Cochin University of Science


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It is hoped that the present study by analysing the dynamics of agrarian change and peasant mobility may contribute to the on-going debate on this issue in India and other developing countries. It may also help to throw light on the validity of some of the theories formulated on the basis of experience in different regions and at different times. The study is likely to be of special importance as it covers an area which has one of the highest densities of population. The area has also witnessed sweeping changes in agrarian structure as a result of the most radical land reforms among the Indian states.


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This thesis is an attempt to explore the problems faced by Indian Women and to examine the ways in which the human rights of women could be better protected in the light of international movements with special reference to national legislation and judicial decisions.The evolution of human rights from early period to Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948 is traced in the first chapter. The second chapter deals with the evolution of human rights in India. The evolution of fundamental rights and directive principles and the role played by the Indian Judiciary in enforcing the human rights enumerated in various international instruments dealing with human rights are also dealt with in this chapter. The rights guaranteed to women under the various international documents have been dealt with in the third chapter.It is noticed that the international documents have had their impact in India leading to creation of machinery for protection of human rights. Organised violations of women's rights such as prostitution, devadasi system, domestic violence, sexual harassment at workplaces, the evil of dowry, female infanticide etc. have been analysed in the light of existing laws and decisional jurisprudence in the fourth chapter. The fifth chapter analyses the decisions and consensus that emerged from the world conferences on women and their impact on the Indian Society and Judiciary. The constitutional provisions and legislative provisions protecting the rights of women have been critically examined in the sixth chapter. Chapter seven deals with various mechanisms evolved to protect the human rights of women. The eighth chapter contains conclusions and suggestions.


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In light of the various international instruments and international agencies that are actively engaged in resolving the issue of ABS, the present work tries to find an answer to the larger question how far the above agencies have succeeded in regulating access and make sure of benefit sharing. In this process, the work comprehensively analyses the work of different agencies involved in the process. It tries to find out the major obstacles that stand in the way of fulfilment of the benefit sharing objective and proposes the ways and means to tackle them. The study first traces the legal foundations of the concept of property in GRs and associated TK.For this, it starts with analysis of the nature of property and the questions related to ownership in GRs as contained in the CBD as well as in various State legislations. It further examines the notion of property before and after the enactment of the CBD and establishes that the CBD contains strong private property jurisprudence.Based on the theoretical foundation of private property right,Chapter 3 analyses the benefit sharing mechanism of the CBD, i.e. the Nagoya Protocol. It searches for a theoretical convergence of the notion of property as reflected in the two instruments and successfully establishes the same. It makes an appraisal of the Nagoya regime to find out how far it has gone beyond the CBD in ensuring the task of benefit sharing and the impediments in its way.Realizing that the ITPGRFA forms part of the CBD system, Chapter 4 analyses the benefit sharing structure of ITPGRFA as revealed through its multilateral system. This gives the work the benefit of comparing two different benefit sharing models operating on the same philosophy of property. This chapter tries to find out whether there is conceptual coherence in the notion of property when the benefit sharing model changes. It alsocompares the merits and demerits of both the systems and tries to locate the hurdles in achieving benefit sharing. Aware of the legal impediments caused by IPRs in the process of ABS, Chapter 5 tries to explore the linkages between IPRs and GRs and associated TK and assesses why contract-based CBD system fails before the monopoly rights under TRIPS. Chapter 6 analyses the different solutions suggested by the international community at the TRIPS Council as well as the WIPO (World Intellectual property Organisation) and examines their effectiveness. Chapter 7 concludes that considering the inability of the present IP system to understand the grass root realities of the indigenous communities as well as the varying situations of the country of origin, the best possible way to recognise the CBD goals in the TRIPS could be better achieved through linking the two instruments by means of the triple disclosure requirement in Article 29 as suggested by the Disclosure Group during the TRIPS Council deliberations. It also recommends that considering the nature of property in GR, a new section/chapter in the TRIPS dealing with GRs would be another workable solution.


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The overall focus of the thesis involves the International trade and cochin port a historical and statistical analysis 1881-1980.Analysing the trend of exports and imports through cochin port during the course of the last hundred years .This analysis has brought to light some very pertinent facts which , in our opinion,deserve serious consideration of the policy makers,the partise involved in trade and those who are interested in the development of the cochin port.Our study is restricted to twelve commodities -ten commodities of exports and two commodities of imports.The study reveals that the commodities that were exported from cochin are subjected to fluctuations -some mild and others wild. The projections only indicate the potential and unless we are very cautious the chance will be taken away by our competitors .With reference to the development of the port in particular and the states economy in general we would like to make a suggestion .This suggestion relates to declaring cochin as a free port .This will go a long way in the develppment of the port and the state's economy.The sooner it is done the better for the port and the state.


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This paper describes the current information dynamics and its effect in higher education and research in science and technology. Open access movement ,Institutional repositories ,Digital libraries,Knowledge gateways,Blogs,Wikis,and social bookmark tools have rapidly emerged on the web creating a new scenerio that radically changes the knowledge production process such as the creation of information,formats and sources of information,coding and processing ,accessing managing sharing and dissemination of information.The management of knowledge created by academia of Cochin University Of Science And Technology is examined in this challenging context of information dynamics.


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This paper deals with brief overview of the developments of international provisions on IPR related to public health. It discusses flexibilities before and after TRIPS Agreement and difficulties faced by developing countries in implementing TRIPS obligations and protecting public health. Also discussed are the reasons for the Doha Declaration and issues relating to implementation of Para 6 of the Declaration. Discusses the inadequacy in the compulsory licence based approach to solve public health crisis and argues for a more comprehensive approach to find a long term solution to the public health issues


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Mathematicians who make significant contributions towards development of mathematical science are not getting the recognition they deserve, according to Cusat Vice Chancellor Dr. J. Letha. She was delivering the inaugural address at the International Conference on Semigroups, Algebras and Applications (ICSA 2015) organized by Dept. of Mathematics, Cochin university of Science and Technology on Thursday. Mathematics plays an important role in the development of basic science. The academic community should not delay in accepting and appreciating this, Dr. Letha added. Dr. Godfrey Louis, Dean, Faculty of Science presided over the inaugural function. Prof. P. G. Romeo, Head, Dept. of Mathematics, Prof. John C. Meakin, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA, Prof. A. N. Balchand, Syndicate Member, Prof. K. A. Zakkariya, Syndicate Member, Prof. A. R. Rajan, Emeritus Professor, University of Kerala and Prof. A. Vijayakumar, Dept. of Mathematics, Cusat addressed the gathering. Around 50 research papers will be presented at the Conference.Prof. K. S. S. Nambooripad, the internationally famous mathematician with enormous contributions in the field of semigroup theory, who has attained eighty years of age will be felicitated on 18th at 5.00 pm during a function presided over by Dr. K. Poulose Jacob, Pro-Vice Chancellor. Dr. Suresh Das, Executive President, KSCSTE, Dr. A. M. Mathai, Director, CMSS and President, Indian Mathematical Society, Dr. P. G. Romeo, Head, Dept. of Mathematics and Dr. B. Lakshmi, Dept. of Mathematics will speak on the occasion.