7 resultados para hydrogen implantation (HI)
em Cochin University of Science
DC and AC electrical conductivity measurements in single crystals of diammonium hydrogen phosphate along the c axis show anomalous variations at 174, 246 and 416 K. The low-frequency dielectric constant also exhibits peaks exactly at these temperatures with a thermal hysteresis of 13 degrees C for the peak at 416 K. These specific features of the electrical properties are in agreement with earlier NMR second-moment data and can be identified with three distinct phase transitions that occur in the crystal. The electrical conductivity values have been found to increase linearly with impurity concentration in specimens doped with a specific amount of SO42- ions. The mechanisms of the phase transition and of the electrical conduction process are discussed in detail.
In the present thesis we have formulated the Dalgarno-Lewis procedure for two-and three-photon processes and an elegant alternate expressions are derived. Starting from a brief review on various multiphoton processes we have discussed the difficulties coming in the perturbative treatment of multiphoton processes. A small discussion on various available methods for studying multiphoton processes are presented in chapter 2. These theoretical treatments mainly concentrate on the evaluation of the higher order matrix elements coming in the perturbation theory. In chapter 3 we have described the use of Dalgarno-Lewis procedure and its implimentation on second order matrix elements. The analytical expressions for twophoton transition amplitude, two-photon ionization cross section, dipole dynamic polarizability and Kramers-Heiseberg are obtained in a unified manner. Fourth chapter is an extension of the implicit summation technique presented in chapter 3. We have clearly mentioned the advantage of our method, especially the analytical continuation of the relevant expressions suited for various values of radiation frequency which is also used for efficient numerical analysis. A possible extension of the work is to study various multiphoton processcs from the stark shifted first excited states of hydrogen atom. We can also extend this procedure for studying multiphoton processes in alkali atoms as well as Rydberg atoms. Also, instead of going for analytical expressions, one can try a complete numerical evaluation of the higher order matrix elements using this procedure.
This thesis entitled Development of nitrifying ans photosynthetic sulfur bacteria based bioaugmentation systems for the bioremediation of ammonia and hydregen sulphide in shrimp culture. the thesis is to propose a sustainable, low cost option for the mitigation of toxic ammonia and hydrogen sulphide in shrimp culture systems. Use of ‘bioaugmentors’ as pond additives is an emerging field in aquaculture. Understanding the role of organisms involved in the ‘bioaugmentor’ will obviously help to optimize conditions for their activity.The thesis describes the use of wood powder immobilization of nitrifying consortia.Shrimp grow out systems are specialized and highly dynamic aquaculture production units which when operated under zero exchange mode require bioremediation of ammonia, nitrite nitrogen and hydrogen sulphide to protect the crop. The research conducted here is to develop an economically viable and user friendly technology for addressing the above problem. The nitrifying bacterial consortia (NBC) generated earlier (Achuthan et al., 2006) were used for developing the technology.Clear demonstration of better quality of immobilized nitrifiers generated in this study for field application.
The work presented in this thesis is centered mainly around delineating the toxic effect of hydrogen sulphide on penaeid prawns and understand its influence on the ecology of estuary. The present investigation also involved characterization of the effects of hydrogen sulphide on the growth and behavioural responses of Penaeus indicus. The test animals employed during the present study namely indicus and Metapenaeus dobsoni are both ecologically and economically relevant. The thesis embodying the details of the investigation has been organized into three chapters comprising Acute toxicity, influence of hydrogen sulphide on the ecology of estuary and effect of hydrogen sulphide on growth and substratum selectivity of penaeid prawn. Each chapter has been partioned into various sections as Introduction, Material and Methods, Results and Discussion for a lucid presentation of the subject matter.
Over the past years there has been considerable interest in the growth of single crystals both from the point of view of basic research and technological application. With the revolutionary emergence of solid state electronics which is based on single crystal technolo8Ys basic and applied studies on crystal growth and characterization _have gained a-more significant role in material science. These studies are being carried out for single crystals not only of semiconductor and other electronic materials but also of metals and insulators. Many organic crystals belonging to the orthorhombic class exhibit ferroelectric, electrooptic, triboluminescent and piezoelectric properties. Diammonium Hydrogen Citrate (DAHC) crystals are reported to be piezoelectric and triboluminescent /1/. Koptsik et al. /2/ have reported the piezoelectric nature of Citric Acid Monohydrate (CA) crystals. And since not much work has been done on these crystals, it has been thought useful to grow and characterize these crystals. This thesis presents a study of the growth of these crystals from solution and their defect structures. The results of the microindentation and thermal analysis are presented. Dielectric, fractographic, infrared (IR) and ultraviolet (UV) studies of DAHC crystals are also reported