18 resultados para ecological functions of mangrove

em Cochin University of Science


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Mangroves are diverse group of trees, palms, shrubs, and ferns that share a common ability to live in waterlogged saline soils exposed to regular flooding, and are highly specialised plants which have developed unusual adaptations to the unique environmental conditions. They are sites of accumulation and preservation of both allochthonous and autochthonous organic matter owing to their strategic loction at the interface between land and sea and prevailing reducing environment. They are among the most productive ecosystems and are efficient carbon sinks with most of the carbon stored in sediments.Mangrove ecosystems play a significant role in global carbon cycle and hence the knowledge on the processes controlling the delivery of organic matter to coastal sediments, and how these signatures are preserved in the sediment is a prerequisite for the understanding of biogeochemical cycles. The evaluation of nature and sources of organic matter can be accomplished by the determination of biochemical constituents like carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. When characterised at molecular level, lipids provide valuable information about the sources of organic matter, even though they account only small fraction of organic matter. They are useful for the paleo-environmental reconstruction because of their low reactivity, high preservation potential and high source specificity relative to other organic class of compounds. The application of recent analytical techniques has produced a wealth of useful information but has also indicated the gaps in our knowledge on cycling of organic matter in the coastal ecosystems. The quantity and quality of organic matter preserved in sediments vary depending up on the nature of material delivered to the sediment and on the depositional environment. The input from both autochthonous and allochthonous sources sharpens the complexity of biogeochemistry of mangrove ecosystem and hence bulk sedimentary parameters are not completely successful in evaluating the sources of organic matter in mangrove sediments. An effective tool for the source characterisation of organic matter in coastal ecosystems is biomarker approach. Biomarkers are chemical "signatures" present in environmental samples whose structural information can be linked to its biological precursor. The usefulness of molecular biomarkers depends on high taxonomic specificity, potential for preservation, recalcitrant against geochemical changes, easily analysable in environmental samples and should have a limited number of well-defined sources.


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The situation in the backwaters of Kerala, which reportedly had about 70,000 ha of mangroves, is unique in the sense that there has been a total conversion to other uses such as paddy cultivation, coconut plantation, aquaculture, harbour development and urban development In order to save and restore what is left over national and international organisations are mounting pressure on scientists and policy makers to work out ways and means conserving and managing the mangrove ecosystems. In this context, it has been observed in recent years that mangrove vegetation has remained intact in isolated pockets of undisturbed areas in the Cochin estuarine system and also that there is resurgence of mangroves in areas of accretion and silting. The candidate took up the present study with a view to make an inventory of the existing mangrove locations, the areas of resurgence, species composition, zonation and other ecological parameters to understand their dynamism and to suggest a mangement plan for this important coastal ecosystem


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Humic substances are complex polymeric structures.No other polymers with such a wide range of properties are so widely distributed in nature.But still their moleculer structures are unknown. A structural knowledge is essential in determining their reactivity with metals.In the present work structural elucidation of humic acids from three different mangrove ecosystems of Cochin area is done with the available data from functional group analysis and various spectroscopic methods.13C NMR spectra of the solid samples with CPMAS,IR and SEM are very promising in revealing the complex structures of these polymeric substances.Sorptional studies on the sediment and humic acid of mangrove ecosystem reveals that the major portion of the organic matter is not extractable with Sodium hydroxide and humic acid only a small portion of the total organic matter. Humic acid is a good complexing agent and scavenger. Due to the nonextractable nature of the organic matter present with the sediment left after alkali extraction it is a better scavenger.


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The brain with its highly complex structure made up of simple units,imterconnected information pathways and specialized functions has always been an object of mystery and sceintific fascination for physiologists,neuroscientists and lately to mathematicians and physicists. The stream of biophysicists are engaged in building the bridge between the biological and physical sciences guided by a conviction that natural scenarios that appear extraordinarily complex may be tackled by application of principles from the realm of physical sciences. In a similar vein, this report aims to describe how nerve cells execute transmission of signals ,how these are put together and how out of this integration higher functions emerge and get reflected in the electrical signals that are produced in the brain.Viewing the E E G Signal through the looking glass of nonlinear theory, the dynamics of the underlying complex system-the brain ,is inferred and significant implications of the findings are explored.


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This thesis entitled triterpenoids as biomarkers of mangrove organic matter in cochin estuarine system.Mangrove forests, known as rainforests of the sea are one of the most important coastal ecosystems in the world in terms of primary production and coastal protection.Estuaries, the important areas of world’s coastal zones link the carbon cycle of the oceans to the continents.Three mangrove ecosystems and three estuarine stations around Cochin region, southwest coast of India were selected for the present study. The thesis is divided into five chapters. Chapter 1 is the Introduction and it deals with the aim and scope of the present study. Chapter 2 is Materials and Methods. This chapter deals with the nature and general geographical features of the study area. It also contains the details of the sampling and analytical methodology.the present study. Chapter 3 is Geochemistry and it includes the seasonal and spatial variations of the geochemical parameters in the surface sediments.Chapter 4 is Biochemical Composition. It covers the biochemical composition of organic matter in the surface sediments to examine the quality and quantity of organic matter.Chapter 5, Triterpenoid Biomarkers in Sediments, characterize the organic matter in the sediments of the mangrove and estuarine ecosystems under study, to assess the possible sources with the help of triterpenoid biomarkers along with other lipid biomarkers.


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Prawn culture by traditional method forms an important occupation for the people in these areas, especially in the Vypeen island. Though short term studies have been made on various aspects of prawn culture field and its ecology, a study of detailed nature covering perennial, seasonal, fields and canals between coconut plantation is lacking from these areas. This study will also enable to assess the relative productivity of different systems during different seasons and the influence of the environment on the production potentials. Therefore the present study is taken upto throw more light on the ecological characteristics of these fields with special emphasis on its primary, secondary and tertiary production. The present area of investigation includes the prawn culture fields adjacent to Cochin backwater. The Cochin backwater (O9° 58'N 76° 28'E) is a shallow semi-enclosed body of water of tropical estuary. A narrow gut, about 450 M wide forms its main connection with the Arabian sea and this region is subjected to regular tidal influenceertiary production.


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A general introduction to the problems faced in the shrimp culture due to waste formation and its consequent environmental hazards and production problems of Giant tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon is highlighted by the author in this thesis. The objective of the present work was to assess the potential of brackish water finfish to improve bottom soil conditions and thereby increase the growth and production of Penaeus monodon. The salient findings of the present study are summarized in chapter 7. This is followed by the references cited in the thesis and list ofpublications originated from the present study.


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The present work "Nature and Ecological Significance of Nutrient Regeneration in different Prawn Culture Fields" was undertaken to understand the seasonal variation of nutrients, nutrient cycling and primary productivity of the prawn culture systems. The main emphasis was to find the qualitative and quantitative estimates of distribution of total phosphorus, inorganic phosphorus, organic phosphorus, total nitrogen and nitrogen fractions in the water. The effect of nutrient cycling on primary productivity and concentration of metals also form one part of the study. The entire thesis comprise of only one major chapter with subchapters such as, Introduction (I), Review of Literature (2), Material and Methods (3), Results (14), Discussion (5), Executive Summary (6) and Biblio~ graphy (7)


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The objective of the study was to find out a natural way to fight white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) in cultured shrimps, as the present scenario necessitated an organic remedy for the devastating pathogen in crustaceans. Under this research programme seven mangrove plants were collected, identified and aqueous extracts screened for their protective effect on the giant tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon against WSSV. The experimental design consisted two modes of application, such as exposure of the virus to the extract and injection challenge, and oral administration of the extract coated feed followed by oral challenge. All experimental animals were monitored through a nested diagnostic PCR analysis. Of the seven mangrove extracts screened aqueous extract from Ceriops tagal imparted total protection to shrimp from WSSV when challenged by both methods. Shrimps administered with the aqueous extract from C. tagal were devoid of virions. The HPLC fingerprint of the aqueous extracts from C. tagal showed more than 25 peaks and 7 of them were larger and well separated. Preliminary phytochemical analysis revealed the presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, polyphenolics, cardiac glycosides, saponins and sterols. The study indicated suitability of the aqueous extract of C. tagal as a possible prophylaxis for WSSV infection in shrimp. This is the first report on the anti WSSV property of the mangrove plant C. tagal


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The objective of the study was to find out a natural way to fight white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) in cultured shrimps, as the present scenario necessitated an organic remedy for the devastating pathogen in crustaceans. Under this research programme seven mangrove plants were collected, identified and aqueous extracts screened for their protective effect on the giant tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon against WSSV. The experimental design consisted two modes of application, such as exposure of the virus to the extract and injection challenge, and oral administration of the extract coated feed followed by oral challenge. All experimental animals were monitored through a nested diagnostic PCR analysis. Of the seven mangrove extracts screened aqueous extract from Ceriops tagal imparted total protection to shrimp from WSSV when challenged by both methods. Shrimps administered with the aqueous extract from C. tagal were devoid of virions. The HPLC fingerprint of the aqueous extracts from C. tagal showed more than 25 peaks and 7 of them were larger and well separated. Preliminary phytochemical analysis revealed the presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, polyphenolics, cardiac glycosides, saponins and sterols. The study indicated suitability of the aqueous extract of C. tagal as a possible prophylaxis for WSSV infection in shrimp. This is the first report on the anti WSSV property of the mangrove plant C. tagal


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mbikulam Tiger Reserve of Western Ghats using Geospatial technology. The major objectives of the study are Land use land cover mapping (LULC) and Phytodiversity analysis. Satellite data was used to map the land use / land cover using supervised classification techniques in Erdas imagine. The change for a period of 32 years was assessed using the multi-temporal satellite datasets from Landsat MSS (1973), Landsat TM (1990), and IRS P6 LISS III (2005). A geospatial approach was used for the land cover analysis. Digital elevation models, Satellite imageries and SOI topo sheets were the data sets used in the analysis. Vegetation sampling plots distributed over the different forest types were enumerated and studied for Phytodiversity analysis.


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Mangrove forests are the most productive and bio-diverse wetlands on earth. It generate a large amount of litter in the form of leaves, branches, twigs, inflorescence and other debris and provides habitat for diverse flora and fauna of marine and terrestrial origin such as bacteria, fungi, algae, lichens, zooplankton, benthos, birds, reptiles and mammals. These systems act as nursery for many fishes and shellfishes. The other sources may also provide important organic carbon inputs; including allochthonous riverine or marine material, autochthonous production by benthic or epiphytic micro- or macroalgae, and local water column production by phytoplankton. Since mangrove sediments are very complex which receives autochthonous and allochthonous organic matter inputs, the information extracted from the analysis of mangrove sediments is the fingerprint of both natural and human-induced changes.


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As a result of the issues of care and conservation and sustainable utilisation, the proper management of mangrove forests have become more pressing than ever. Much recent ecological and toxicological debate has been centered around the question of validity of making predictions about the future of mangrove ecosystemas a result of the newly evolved environmental policy. Though muchinformation exist on the biodiversity, floristic composition and characteristics, geographical distribution and uses of mangroves, systematic documentation of the various sedimentological and geochemical phenomena in relation to the mangrove flora are scarce. Hazardous, persistent, man-made chemicals and waste produces are entering the mangrove ecosystem at from the adjacent watersheds which strengthened alarming rates the indispensible need for further researches on the environmental behaviours, fate and the effect of such products. Studies on the effect of heavy metals, pesticides and the other toxic signals through bioassay and toxicity tests on mangrove species as well as in sediments definitely will furnish ample clues to establish the actual operative mechanisms of these environments. A thorough review of literature made in this angle reveals that some attempts have already been initiated the world over the record the physico-chemical characteristics of major abiotic components such as sediments and water of many mangrove ecosystem, however, adequate information is lacking in the Indian Environmental Science scenario. The present investigation is an attempt to record the sedimentological, mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of sediments as well as the heavy metal enrichment in the various species ofmangrove flora of three important mangrove ecosystems of Kerala, located at Veli (SouthKerala), Kochi (Central Kerala) and Kannur (North Kerala). The results of the above investigation have been analysed statistically, discussed based on the available literature and presented in this thesis under seven chapters


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Mangrove forests are best developed on tropical shorelines where there is an extensive intertidal zone, with an abundant supply of fine-grained sediment. It receives a mixture of liable and refractory organic and inorganic phosphorus compounds from the overlying water and the surrounding landmasses. Organic phosphorus is not available for mangrove plant nutrition. While inorganic phosphate represents the largest potential pool of plant-available and which are bound in the form of Ca, Fe and Al phosphate. It deals with the scientific investigations on mangrove systems in the Kerala coastline and to investigate nutrient distribution of mangrove ecosystems of greater Cochin area. It discusses the description of study areas such as Murikkumpadam-Vypeen Island and Aroor. Then it deals with the spatial and seasonal distribution of dissolved ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, inorganic phosphate, organic phosphate and the total phosphorus in surface waters of mangrove fringed creeks. Then it discusses the geochemical compositions of mangrove-fringed sediments and also the chemical speciation of phosphorus in sediment cores.


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The main objectives of the present investigation were to evaluate the qualitative and quantitative distribution of natural cyanobacterial population and their ecobiological properties along the Cochin estuary and their application in aquaculture systems as a nutritional supplement due to their nutrient-rich biochemical composition and antioxidant potential. This thesis presents a detailed account of the distribution of cyanobacteria in Cochin estuary, an assessment of physico-chemical parameters and the nutrients of the study site, an evaluation of the effect of physico-chemical parameters on cyanobacterial distribution and abundance, isolation, identification and culturing of cyanobacteria, the biochemical composition an productivity of cyanobacteria, and an evaluation of the potential of the selected cyanobacteria as antioxidants against ethanol induced lipid peroxidation. The pH, salinity and nutritional requirements were optimized for low-cost production of the selected cyanobacterial strains. The present study provides an insight into the distribution, abundance, diversity and ecology of cyanobacteria of Cochin estuary. From the results, it is evident that the ecological conditions of Cochin estuary support a rich cyanobacterial growth.