19 resultados para ease

em Cochin University of Science


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A methylene-blue-sensitized polymer blend of polyvinyl alcohol and polyacrylic acid is fabricated and tested for holographic recording. It was found to have good characteristics such as high sensitivity, storage stability, ease of fabrication, and environmental stability. Optimization of the ratio of polyvinyl alcohol polyacrylic acid, the sensitizer concentration, pH, energy, diffraction efficiency measurements, etc., have been done. pH is found to have a great influence on the recovery of the dye in this matrix. The results of experimental investigations into the properties of this new material are reported.


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A methylene-blue-sensitized polymer blend of polyvinyl alcohol and polyacrylic acid is fabricated and tested for holographic recording. It was found to have good characteristics such as high sensitivity, storage stability, ease of fabrication, and environmental stability. Optimization of the ratio of polyvinyl alcohol polyacrylic acid, the sensitizer concentration, pH, energy, diffraction efficiency measurements, etc., have been done. pH is found to have a great influence on the recovery of the dye in this matrix. The results of experimental investigations into the properties of this new material are reported.


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The thesis introduced the octree and addressed the complete nature of problems encountered, while building and imaging system based on octrees. An efficient Bottom-up recursive algorithm and its iterative counterpart for the raster to octree conversion of CAT scan slices, to improve the speed of generating the octree from the slices, the possibility of utilizing the inherent parallesism in the conversion programme is explored in this thesis. The octree node, which stores the volume information in cube often stores the average density information could lead to “patchy”distribution of density during the image reconstruction. In an attempt to alleviate this problem and explored the possibility of using VQ to represent the imformation contained within a cube. Considering the ease of accommodating the process of compressing the information during the generation of octrees from CAT scan slices, proposed use of wavelet transforms to generate the compressed information in a cube. The modified algorithm for generating octrees from the slices is shown to accommodate the eavelet compression easily. Rendering the stored information in the form of octree is a complex task, necessarily because of the requirement to display the volumetric information. The reys traced from each cube in the octree, sum up the density en-route, accounting for the opacities and transparencies produced due to variations in density.


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Indian economy is witnessing stellar growth over the last few years. There have been rapid developments in infrastructural and business front during the growth period.Internet adoption among Indians has been increasing over the last one decade.Indian banks have also risen to the occasion by offering new channels of delivery to their customers.Internet banking is one such new channel which has become available to Indian customers.Customer acceptance for internet banking has been good so far.In this study the researcher tried to conduct a qualitative and quantitative investigation of internet banking customer acceptance among Indians. The researcher tried to identify important factors that affect customer's behavioral intention for internet banking .The researcher also proposes a research model which has extended from Technology Acceptance Model for predicting internet banking acceptance.The findings of the study would be useful for Indian banks in planning and upgrading their internet banking service.Banks could increase internet banking adoption by making their customer awareness about the usefulness of the service.It is seen that from the study that the variable perceived usefulness has a positive influence on internet banking use,therefore internet banking acceptance would increase when customers find it more usefulness.Banks should plan their marketing campaigns taking into consideration this factor.Proper marketing communications which would increase consumer awareness would result in better acceptance of internet banking.The variable perceived ease of use had a positive influence on internet banking use.That means customers would increase internet banking usage when they find it easier to use.Banks should therefore try to develop their internet banking site and interface easier to use.Banks could also consider providing practical training sessions for customers at their branches on usage of internet banking interface.


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In this work we present the results of our attempt to build a compact photothermal spectrometer capable of both manual and automated mode of operation.The salient features of the system include the ability to analyse thin film, powder and polymer samples. The tool has been in use to investigate thermal, optical and transport properties. Binary and ternary semiconducting thin films were analysed for their thermal diffusivities. The system could perform thickness measurements nondestructively. Ion implanted semiconductors are widely studied for the effect of radiation induced defects. We could perform nondestructive imaging of defects using our spectrometer.The results reported in his thesis on the above in addition to studies on In2S3 and transparent conducting oxide ZnO have been achieved with this spectrometer. Various polymer samples have been easily analysed for their thermal diffusivities. The technique provided ease of analysis not achieved with conventional techniques like TGA and DSC. Industrial application of the tool has also been proved by analyzing defects of welded joints and adhesion of paints. Indigenization of the expensive lock-in-amplifier and automation has been the significant achievement in the course of this dissertation. We are on our way to prove the noise rejection capabilities of our PC LIA.


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The coplanar wave guide is an attractive device in microwave integrated circuits due to its uniplanar nature, ease of fabrication and low production cost. Several attempts are already done to explore the radiating modes in coplanar wave guide transmission lines. Usually coplanar wave guides are excited by an SMA connector with its centre conductor connected to the exact middle of the centre strip and the outer ground conductor to the two ground strips. The mode excited on it is purely a bound mode. The E-field distribution in the two slots are out of phase and there for cancels at the far field. This thesis addresses an attempt to excite an in phase E-field distribution in the two slots of the co planar wave guide by employing a feed asymmetry, in order to get radiation from the two large slot discontinuities of the coplanar waveguide. The omni directional distribution of the radiating energy can be achieved by widening the centre strip.The first part of the thesis deals with the investigations on the resonance phenomena of conventional coplanar waveguides at higher frequency bands. Then an offset fed open circuited coplanar waveguide supporting resonance/radiation phenomena is analyzed. Finally, a novel compact co planar antenna geometry with dual band characteristics, suitable for mobile terminal applications is designed and characterized using the inferences from the above study.


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Chemistry occupies a unique middle position in the scientific arena, between physics and mathematics on the one side and biology, ecology, sociology and economics on the other [1]. Chemistry is the science of matter and of its transformations, and life is its highest expression [2]. According to reductionist thinking biology is reducible into chemistry, chemistry into physics, and ultimately physics into mathematics. Reductionism implies the ease of understanding one level in terms of another.The work presented this thesis comprises synthesis and characterization of suitably substituted thiocarbohydrazone and carbohydrazone ligand building blocks, self-assembled metallosupramolecular square grid complexes as well as some di/multinuclear complexes. The primary aim was the deliberate syntheses of some novel transition metal framework complexes, mainly metallosupramolecular coordination square grids by self-assembly and their physico-chemical characterization. The work presented, however, also include synthesis and characterization of four mononuclear Ni(II) complexes of two thiosemicarbazones, which we carried out as a preliminary and supporting study. Based on the present work we would like to conclude that the carbohydrazones, thiocarbohydrazones and their coordination framework complexes of transition metals are promising systems for wide application in science and technology varied from physics to biotechnology. Novel classes of materials and biologically important potential compounds open up further scope of researches and we hopefully welcome any sort of related research to make this work more valuable.


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This thesis mainly deals with the preparation and studies on magnetic composites based on spinel ferrites prepared both chemically and mechanically. Rubber ferrite composites (RFC) are chosen because of their mouldability and flexibility and the ease with which the dielectric and magnetic properties can be manipulated to make them as useful devices. Natural rubber is chosen as the Matrix because of its local availability and possible value addition. Moreover, NR represents a typical unsaturated nonpolar matrix. The work can be thought of as two parts. Part l concentrates on the preparation and characterization of nanocomposites based on y-Fe203. Part 2 deals with the preparation and characterization of RFCs containing Nickel zinc ferrit In the present study magnetic nanocomposites have been prepared by ionexchange method and the preparation conditions have been optimized. The insitu incorporation of the magnetic component is carried out chemically. This method is selected as it is the easiest and simplest method for preparation of nanocomposite. Nanocomposite samples thus prepared were studied using VSM, Mossbauer spectroscopy, Iron content estimation, and ESR spectroscopy. For the preparation of RFCs, the filler material namely nickel zinc ferrite having the general formula Ni)_xZnxFez04, where x varies from 0 to 1 in steps of 0.2 have been prepared by the conventional ceramic techniques. The system of Nil_xZn"Fe204 is chosen because of their excellent high frequency characteristics. After characterization they are incorporated into the polymer matrix of natural rubber by mechanical method. The incorporation is done according to a specific recipe and for various Loadings of magnetic fillers and also for all compositions. The cure characteristics, magnetic properties and dielectric properties of these composites are evaluated. The ac electrical conductivity of both ceramic nickel zinc ferrites and rubber ferrite composites are also calculated using a simple relation. The results are correlated.


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In the early 19th century, industrial revolution was fuelled mainly by the development of machine based manufacturing and the increased use of coal. Later on, the focal point shifted to oil, thanks to the mass-production technology, ease of transport/storage and also the (less) environmental issues in comparison with the coal!! By the dawn of 21st century, due to the depletion of oil reserves and pollution resulting from heavy usage of oil the demand for clean energy was on the rising edge. This ever growing demand has propelled research on photovoltaics which has emerged successful and is currently being looked up to as the only solace for meeting our present day energy requirements. The proven PV technology on commercial scale is based on silicon but the recent boom in the demand for photovoltaic modules has in turn created a shortage in supply of silicon. Also the technology is still not accessible to common man. This has onset the research and development work on moderately efficient, eco-friendly and low cost photovoltaic devices (solar cells). Thin film photovoltaic modules have made a breakthrough entry in the PV market on these grounds. Thin films have the potential to revolutionize the present cost structure of solar cells by eliminating the use of the expensive silicon wafers that alone accounts for above 50% of total module manufacturing cost.Well developed thin film photovoltaic technologies are based on amorphous silicon, CdTe and CuInSe2. However the cell fabrication process using amorphous silicon requires handling of very toxic gases (like phosphene, silane and borane) and costly technologies for cell fabrication. In the case of other materials too, there are difficulties like maintaining stoichiometry (especially in large area films), alleged environmental hazards and high cost of indium. Hence there is an urgent need for the development of materials that are easy to prepare, eco-friendly and available in abundance. The work presented in this thesis is an attempt towards the development of a cost-effective, eco-friendly material for thin film solar cells using simple economically viable technique. Sn-based window and absorber layers deposited using Chemical Spray Pyrolysis (CSP) technique have been chosen for the purpose


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With the recent progress and rapid increase in mobile terminals, the design of antennas for small mobile terminals is acquiring great importance. In view of this situation, several design concepts are already been addressed by the scientists and engineers. Compactness and efficiency are the major criteria for mobile terminal antennas. The challenging task of the microwave scientists and engineers is to device compact printed radiating systems having broadband behavior, together with good efficiency. Printed antenna technology has received popularity among antenna scientists after the introduction of microstrip antenna in 1970s. The successors in this kind such as printed monopoles and planar inverted F are also equally important. Scientists and Engineers are trying to explore this technology as a viable coast effective solution for forthcoming microwave revolution. The transmission line perspectives of antennas are very interesting. The concept behind any electromagnetic radiator is simple. Any electromagnetic system with a discontinuity is radiating electromagnetic energy. The size, shape and the orientation of the discontinuities controls the radiation characteristics of the system such as radiation pattern, gain, polarization etc. It can be either resonant or non resonant structure. Microstrip antennas are suitable for wireless applications due to their low cost, high gain and ease of fabrication. But the major disadvantage of micro strip antennas is their inherent narrow bandwidth. A lot of techniques are introduced by the researchers all over the world to enhance the bandwidth of micro strip patch antennas. The thesis addresses an attempt to enhance the bandwidth of micro strip patch antennas by incorporating impedance matching strip as a part of the micro strip patch antenna. The first part of the thesis deals with the broadband operation of the tilted square slot and polygonal slot loaded square micro strip patch antennas. The resonant mechanisms are clearly mentioned using the simulation and experimental studies. The bandwidth of the polygonal slotted broadband patch antenna is again enhanced by implementing an Lstrip feed mechanism. In the second major part of the thesis, a novel gain enhancement technique for single band and broadband square micro strip patch antennas is achieved by implementing offset stacked configurations.


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Electroanalytical techniques represent a class of powerful and versatile analytical method which is based on the electrical properties of a solution of the analyte when it is made part of an electrochemical cell. They offer high sensitivity, accuracy, precision and a large linear dynamic range. The cost of instrumentation is relatively low compared to other instrumental methods of analysis. Many solid state electrochemical sensors have been commercialised nowadays. Potentiometry is a very simple electroanalytical technique with extraordinary analytical capabilities. Since valinomycin was introduced as an ionophore for K+, Ion Selective Electrodes have become one of the best studied and understood analytical devices. It can be used for the determination of substances ranging from simple inorganic ions to complex organic molecules. It is a very attractive option owing to the wide range of applications and ease of the use of the instruments employed. They also possess the advantages of short response time, high selectivity and very low detection limits. Moreover, analysis by these electrodes is non-destructive and adaptable to small sample volumes. It has become a standard technique for medical researchers, biologists, geologists and environmental specialists. This thesis presents the synthesis and characterisation of five ionophores. Based on these ionophores, nine potentiometric sensors are fabricated for the determination of ions such as Pb2+, Mn2+, Ni2+, Cu2+ and Sal- ion (Salicylate ion). The electrochemical characterisation and analytical application studies of the developed sensors are also described. The thesis is divided into eight chapters


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The need of miniaturization in the present day communication industry is challenging. In the present scenario, printed antenna technology is highly suitable for wireless communication due to its low profile and other desirable radiation characteristics. Small monopole type antennas are overruled by compact small antennas for present day mobile communication applications. Coplanar waveguides (CPW) are printed on one side of a dielectric substrate. CPW have attracted the attention of antenna designers due to their excellent properties like ease of integration with ‘MMIC’, low cost, wide bandwidth, flexibility towards multiband operation, low radiation leakage and less dispersion. The requirement of omnidirectional coverage, light weight and low cost made these CPW fed antennas a good candidate for wireless applications. The main focus of the thesis is the study of coplanar waveguide transmission line. Rigorous investigations were performed on both the ground plane and signal strip of a coplanar waveguide transmission line to create effective radiation characteristics. Good amount of works have been done to transform CPW line to antenna suitable for mobile phone applications


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The present work is a base—|ine attempt to investigate and assess the toxicity of water-accommodated fractions (WAF) of Bombay High crude oil. The experimental animal selected for the present study is a euryhaline teleost, Oreochromis mossambicus (Peters), adapted to fresh water. The fish has been selected on account of its economic valve, abundant availability, experimental feasibility, ease of rearing and maintenance and also because it is one of the commonly cultured species in the South-East Asian countries.


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Even though Bergey '5 Manual has been recognized globally as the guide to bacterial systematics, it has to be emphasized that descriptions given to a large extent are based on studies made with temperate isolates This leads one to conclude that any attempt to identify the tropical isolates with identification keys and tables generated from this information may lead to erroneous conclusions. And there is every possibility of the existence of genotypic and phenotypic variants or even nev. species in this part ofthe aquatic ecosystem. Applications ofa polythetic scheme of classification based on the principles of Numerical Taxonomy opens up exciting avenues for bringing to light, this possibility which otherwise would have been masked by the unidirectional approach as in monothetic schemes. Another added advantage of clustering a ‘natural’ bacterial population by numerical taxonomy, is the ease by which genotypic characterization could be performed on the clusters by selecting a representative from each cluster This helps overcome the practical impossibility of analyzing all the isolates in a pani:'_lar cluster. The genotypic characteizarion would either be mole °/o G-'rC. DNA-D.\_-X hybridization, DNA-RNA hybridization or DNA fingerprinting. Considering the requirement creating a broad base in the understanding of the family Vibrionaceae associated with the larvae ofM rosenbergii, the present work was undertaken to channelize every new information generated for developing appropriate managerial measures to protect the larvae from vibriosis during the unusually prolonged larval phase.


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RMS measuring device is a nonlinear device consisting of linear and nonlinear devices. The performance of rms measurement is influenced by a number of factors; i) signal characteristics, 2) the measurement technique used and 3) the device characteristics. RMS measurement is not simple, particularly when the signals are complex and unknown. The problem of rms measurement on high crest-factor signals is fully discussed and a solution to this problem is presented in this thesis. The problem of rms measurement is systematically analized and found to have mainly three types of errors: (1) amplitude or waveform error 2) Frequency error and (3) averaging error. Various rms measurement techniques are studied and compared. On the basis of this study the rms -measurement is reclassified three categories: (1) Wave-form-error-free measurement (2) High-frequncy-error measurement and (3) Low-frequency error-free measurement. In modern digital sampled-data systems the signals are complex and waveform-error-free rms measurement is highly appreciated. Among the three basic blocks of rms measuring device the squarer is the most important one. A squaring technique is selected, that permits shaping of the squarer error characteristic in such a way as to achieve waveform-errob free rms measurement. The squarer is designed, fabricated and tested. A hybrid rms measurement using an analog rms computing device and digital display combines the speed of analog techniques and the resolution and ease of measurement of digital techniques. An A/D converter is modified to perform the square-rooting operation. A 10-V rms voltmeter using the developed rms detector is fabricated and tested. The chapters two, three and four analyse the problems involved in rms measurement and present a comparative study of rms computing techniques and devices. The fifth chapter gives the details of the developed rms detector that permits wave-form-error free rms measurement. The sixth chapter, enumerates the the highlights of the thesis and suggests a list of future projects