13 resultados para distribution dynamics

em Cochin University of Science


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The proposed study is an attempt to quantify and study the seasonal and spatial variations in the distribution of Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb among the various geochemical phases in the surficial sediments of Chitrapuzha river. The study also estimates the concentration of heavy metals in dissolved, particulate and sediments and their variation in seasonal and spatial distribution. Chitrapuzha River originates as a small stream from the upper reaches of high ranges in the eastern boundary of Kerala, passes through the valley and finally joints in the Cochin backwaters. Numerous industrial units located along the banks of the river discharge treated and untreated effluents into the water. These are long standing local complaints about water pollution causing fish mortality and serious damage to agricultural crops resulting in extensive unemployment in the area. The river is thus of considerable social and economic importance.


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It is proposed to study the suspended sediment transport characteristics of river basins of Kerala and to model suspended sediment discharge mechanism for typical micro-watersheds. The Pamba river basin is selected as a representative hydrologic regime for detailed studies of suspended sediment characteristics and its seasonal variation. The applicability of various erosion models would be tested by comparing with the observed event data (by continuous monitoring of rainfall, discharge, and suspended sediment concentration for lower order streams). Empirical, conceptual and physically distributed models were used for making the comparison of performance of the models. Large variations in the discharge and sediment quantities were noticed during a particular year between the river basins investigated and for an individual river basin during the years for which the data was available. In general, the sediment yield pattern follows the seasonal distribution of rainfall, discharge and physiography of the land. This confirms with similar studies made for other Indian rivers. It was observed from this study, that the quantity of sediment transported downstream shows a decreasing trend over the years corresponding to increase in discharge. For sound and sustainable management of coastal zones, it is important to understand the balance between erosion and retention and to quantify the exact amount of the sediments reaching this eco-system. This, of course, necessitates a good length of time series data and more focused research on the behaviour of each river system, both present and past. In this realm of river inputs to ocean system, each of the 41 rivers of Kerala may have dominant yet diversified roles to influence the coastal ecosystem as reflected from this study on the major fraction of transport, namely the suspended sediments


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The present work aims at deciphering the processes that control the nutrient distribution along the EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone of India) of the west coast of India and to bring out its linkage with primary and secondary productivity. This work assume utmost importance as very few studies have hitherto focused entirely on the EEZ of the west coast of India to address the biochemical responses brought about by monsoons. The present study examines the seasonal variations in physicochemical parameters and associated primary biological responses along the west coast of India. This study targets to measure and understand the shelf ocean exchange in a typical coastal upwelling region of the southeast Arabian Sea, and the influence of convective mixing along the northern part of the west coast of India. The study focuses more directly on coastal upwelling along the southwest coast of India, within the EEZ. The effects of coastal upwelling, eddy formation and the offshore advection are apparent in the present investigation. This has consequences to fisheries and climate, in energy transfer to the food chain and the increased sequestering of carbon in the ocean. The study also focuses on the Oxygen Minimum Zone (OMZ) and dentrification observed along the EEZ of the west coast of India on a seasonal scale. In the study, an attempt is also made to demarcate the geographical boundaries of the denitrification zone in the EEZ of India and on the nature and magnitude of these variations, on a seasonal and inter annual scales


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Laser produced plasma from silver is generated using a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser. Optical emission spectroscopy is used to carry out time of flight (TOF) analysis of atomic particles. An anomalous double peak profile in the TOF distribution is observed at low pressure. A collection of slower species emerge at reduced pressure below 4 X lO-3 mbar and this species has a greater velocity spread. At high pressure the plasma expansion follows the shockwave model with cylindrical symmetry whereas at reduced pressure it shows unsteady adiabatic expansion (UAE). During UAE the species show a parabolic increases in the expansion time with radial distance whereas during shock wave expansion the exponent is less than one. The angular distribution of the ablated species in the plume is obtained from the measurement of optical density of thin films deposited on to glass substrates kept perpendicular to the plume. There is a sharp variation in the film thickness away from the film centre due to asymmetries in the plume.


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Time resolved optical emission spectroscopy is employed to study the expansion dynamics of C2 species in a graphite plasma produced during the Nd : YAG ablation. At low laser fluences a single peak distribution with low kinetic energy is observed. At higher fluences a twin peak distribution is found. It has been noted that these double peak time of flight distribution splits into a triple peak structure at distances >_ 17mm from the target surface. The reason for the occurrence of multiple peak is due to different formation mechanisms of C2 species


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The emission features of laser ablated graphite plume generated in a helium ambient atmosphere have been investigated with time and space resolved plasma diagnostic technique. Time resolved optical emission spectroscopy is employed to reveal the velocity distribution of different species ejected during ablation. At lower values of laser fluences only a slowly propagating component of C2 is seen. At high fluences emission from C2 shows a twin peak distribution in time. The formation of an emission peak with diminished time delay giving an energetic peak at higher laser fluences is attributed to many body recombination. It is also observed that these double peaks get modified into triple peak time of flight distribution at distances greater than 16 mm from the target. The occurrence of multiple peaks in the C2 emission is mainly due to the delays caused from the different formation mechanism of C2 species. The velocity distribution of the faster peak exhibits an oscillating character with distance from the target surface.


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The present study brings out the influence of transport dynamics on the aerosol distribution over the Indian region at a few selected geographically distinct locations. Over the Bay of Bengal the dominant pathway of aerosol transport during the pre-monsoon period is through higher altitudes (~ 3 km); directed from the Indian main land. In contrast, the aerosol pathways over the Arabian Sea during the same period are quite complex. They are directed from geographically different environments around the ocean through different altitudes. However in general, the day-to-day variability of AOD at both these regions is significantly influenced by the features of atmospheric circulation especially, the wind convergence at higher altitudes (around 3 km). Over the Ganga Basin during the winter period, the wind convergence at lower altitudes (< I km) govems the shon term variations in AOD, while the mean AOD distribution at this location is mainly governed by the local anthropogenic sources.


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Wind energy has emerged as a major sustainable source of energy.The efficiency of wind power generation by wind mills has improved a lot during the last three decades.There is still further scope for maximising the conversion of wind energy into mechanical energy.In this context,the wind turbine rotor dynamics has great significance.The present work aims at a comprehensive study of the Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine (HAWT) aerodynamics by numerically solving the fluid dynamic equations with the help of a finite-volume Navier-Stokes CFD solver.As a more general goal,the study aims at providing the capabilities of modern numerical techniques for the complex fluid dynamic problems of HAWT.The main purpose is hence to maximize the physics of power extraction by wind turbines.This research demonstrates the potential of an incompressible Navier-Stokes CFD method for the aerodynamic power performance analysis of horizontal axis wind turbine.The National Renewable Energy Laboratory USA-NREL (Technical Report NREL/Cp-500-28589) had carried out an experimental work aimed at the real time performance prediction of horizontal axis wind turbine.In addition to a comparison between the results reported by NREL made and CFD simulations,comparisons are made for the local flow angle at several stations ahead of the wind turbine blades.The comparison has shown that fairly good predictions can be made for pressure distribution and torque.Subsequently, the wind-field effects on the blade aerodynamics,as well as the blade/tower interaction,were investigated.The selected case corresponded to a 12.5 m/s up-wind HAWT at zero degree of yaw angle and a rotational speed of 25 rpm.The results obtained suggest that the present can cope well with the flows encountered around wind turbines.The areodynamic performance of the turbine and the flow details near and off the turbine blades and tower can be analysed using theses results.The aerodynamic performance of airfoils differs from one another.The performance mainly depends on co-efficient of performnace,co-efficient of lift,co-efficient of drag, velocity of fluid and angle of attack.This study shows that the velocity is not constant for all angles of attack of different airfoils.The performance parameters are calculated analytically and are compared with the standardized performance tests.For different angles of ,the velocity stall is determined for the better performance of a system with respect to velocity.The research addresses the effect of surface roughness factor on the blade surface at various sections.The numerical results were found to be in agreement with the experimental data.A relative advantage of the theoretical aerofoil design method is that it allows many different concepts to be explored economically.Such efforts are generally impractical in wind tunnels because of time and money constraints.Thus, the need for a theoretical aerofoil design method is threefold:first for the design of aerofoil that fall outside the range of applicability of existing calalogs:second,for the design of aerofoil that more exactly match the requirements of the intended application:and third,for the economic exploration of many aerofoil concepts.From the results obtained for the different aerofoils,the velocity is not constant for all angles of attack.The results obtained for the aerofoil mainly depend on angle of attack and velocity.The vortex generator technique was meticulously studies with the formulation of the specification for the right angle shaped vortex generators-VG.The results were validated in accordance with the primary analysis phase.The results were found to be in good agreement with the power curve.The introduction of correct size VGs at appropriate locations over the blades of the selected HAWT was found to increase the power generation by about 4%


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Industrial pollutants, consisting of heavy metals, petroleum residues, petrochemicals, and a wide spectrum of pesticides, enter the marine environment on a massive scale and pose a very serious threat to all forms of aquatic life. Although, earlier, efforts were directed towards the identification of pollutants and their major sources, because of a growing apprehension about the potential harm that pesticides can inflict upon various aquatic fauna and flora, research on fundamental and applied aspects of pesticides in the aquatic environment has mushroomed to a point where it has become difficult to even keep track of the current advances and developments. The Cochin Estuarine System (CES), adjoining the Greater Cochin area, receives considerable amounts of domestic sewage, urban wastes, agricultural runoff as well as effluent from the industrial units spread all along its shores. Since preliminary investigations revealed that the most prominent of organic pollutants discharged to these estuarine waters were the pesticides, the present study was designed to analyse the temporal and spatial distribution profile of some of the more toxic, persistent pesticides ——— organochlorines such as DDT and their metabolites; HCH-isomers; a cyclodiene compound," Endosulfan and a widely distributed, easily degradable, organophosphorus compound, Malathion, besides investigating their sorptional and toxicological characteristics. Although, there were indications of widespread contamination of various regions of the CBS with DDT, HCH-isomers etc., due to inadequacies of the monitoring programmes and due to a glaring void of baseline data the causative factors could not identified authentically. Therefore, seasonal and spatial distributions of some of the more commonly used pesticides in the CES were monitored systematically, (employing Gas Chromatographic techniques) and the results are analysed.


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In the present thesis entitled” Implications of Hydrobiology and Nutrient dynamics on Trophic structure and Interactions in Cochin backwaters”, an attempt has been made to assess the influence of general hydrography, nutrients and other environmental factors on the abundance, distribution and trophic interactions in Cochin backwater system. The study was based on five seasonal sampling campaigns carried out at 15 stations spread along the Cochin backwater system. The thesis is presented in the following 5 chapters. Salient features of each chapter are summarized below: Chapter 1- General Introduction: Provides information on the topic of study, environmental factors, back ground information, the significance, review of literature, aim and scope of the present study and its objectives.Chapter 2- Materials and Methods: This chapter deals with the description of the study area and the methodology adopted for sample collection and analysis. Chapter 3- General Hydrograhy and Sediment Characteristics: Describes the environmental setting of the study area explaining seasonal variation in physicochemical parameters of water column and sediment characteristics. Data on hydrographical parameters, nitrogen fractionation, phosphorus fractionation and biochemical composition of the sediment samples were assessed to evaluate the trophic status. Chapter 4- Nutrient Dynamics on Trophic Structure and Interactions: Describes primary, secondary and tertiary production in Cochin backwater system. Primary production related to cell abundance, diversity of phytoplankton that varies seasonally, concentration of various pigments and primary productivitySecondary production refers to the seasonal abundance of zooplankton especially copepod abundance and tertiary production deals with seasonal fish landings, gut content analysis and proximate composition of dominant fish species. The spatiotemporal variation, interrelationships and trophic interactions were evaluated by statistical methods. Chapter 5- Summary: The results and findings of the study are summarized in the fifth chapter of the thesis.


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Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man) and M.ide77a (Hilgendorf) form two commercially important Palaemonid prawns of the Vembanad lake (9 28' and 10 10’ N and 76 13' and 76 31' E). Both of them were known to have contributed to a very lucrative fishery during the sixties, however, in recent years these natural resources have badly depleted owing to the impact of many man made alterations brought about in the ecosystem such as habitat reduction, physical obstruction imposed in the migratory pathway of these species, pollution hazards, etc,. Changed environmental conditions and increased fishing pressures caused persistent alterations in the stock size of these prawns during the past so many years, however, no serious attempt was made to monitor the stock size from time to time and also to bring out the resource characteristics. Though, the morphotypic differentiation in grow out male population of M.rosenbergii has been documented, no similar studies were conducted with regard to natural male and female population. Based on the data collected during fishery cruise surveys conducted in Vembanad lake from March '94 to February '96, population characteristics. postlarval distribution, fishery and population dynamics of M.rosenbergii and M.ide77a of the lake were studied in detail.


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Cochin estuary is a shallow brackish water body situated on the south west coast of India. It is a tropical positive estuary extending between 90 40’ and 100 12’ N and 760 10’and 760 30’ E with its northern boundary at Azhikode and southern boundary at Thannermukkom bund.The abundance of benthic fauna in an ecosystem shows the close relationship to its environment and reflects the characteristics of an ecological niche. Seasonal and monthly variations in the distribution of macrobenthos in relation to sediment characteristics were conducted in Cochin estuary from 2009-10 periods. Oxidation-reduction potential showed reducing trends that affected the distribution and diversity of fauna. Seasonal variations in water quality and river discharge pattern affected the faunal composition in the different stations. Sewage mixing was the principal source of organic pollution in the Cochin estuary. The sediment pH was generally on the alkaline side ranging from 4.99 at St.9 and 8.33 at St.1.The Eh ranged from -11mV at St.3 to -625mV at St.2.The temperature varied from 260C to 320C in the estuary. The moisture content ranged from 1.63 to 12.155%, that of organic carbon from 0 09 at St. 6 to 4.29% at St.9 and that of organic matter from 0.16 to 7.39%. Seasonally, the average of Eh was highest during the monsoon (156.22 mV) and in the pre monsoon (140.94 mV). The average pH for the 9 study stations was 7.68 during monsoon period and 7.08 during post monsoon. Based on group wise seasonal analysis, the average mean abundance was maximum for polychaetes (43.47) followed by nematodes (33.62), crustaceans (21.62), molluscs (11.94) and Pisces (0.05) in the estuary. Monsoon season was most favourable for benthic faunal abundance followed by the post monsoon period in the study. The series of human interventions like dredging, discharge of industrial effluents, urbanisation and related aspects had a strong influence on the distribution, abundance of benthic macrofauna in the wetland.


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Distribution and chemistry of major inorganic forms of nutrients along with physico-chemical parameters were investigated. Surface sediments and overlying waters of the Ashtamudi and Vembanad Lakes were taken for the study, which is situated in the southwest coast of India. High concentrations of dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus compounds carried by the river leads to oxygen depletion in the water column. A concurrent increase in the bottom waters along with decrease in dissolved oxygen was noticed. This support to nitrification process operating in the sediment-water interface of the Ashtamudi and Vembanad Lake. Estuarine sediments are clayey sand to silty sand both in Ashtamudi and Vembanad in January and May. Present study indicates that the sediment texture is the major controlling factor in the distribution of these nutrient forms. For water samples nitrite, inorganic phosphate was high in Vembanad in January and May compared to Ashtamudi. For sediments, enhanced level of inorganic phosphate and nitrite was found in Vembanad during January and May. It had been observed that the level of N and P is more in sediments. A comparative assessment of the Ashtamudi and Vembanad Lake reveals that the Vembanad wetland is more deteriorated compared to the Ashtamudi wetland system