5 resultados para bycatch

em Cochin University of Science


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Trawling, though an efficient method of fishing, is known to be one of the most non-selective methods of fish capture. The bulk of the wild caught penaeid shrimps landed in India are caught by trawling.In addition to shrimps, the trawler fleet also catches considerable amount of non-shrimp resources. The term bycatch means that portion of the catch other than target species caught while fishing, which are either retained or discarded. Bycatch discards is a serious problem leading to the depletion of the resources and negative impacts on biodiversity. In order to minimize this problem, trawling has to be made more selective by incorporating Bycatch Reduction Devices (BRDs). There are several advantages in using BRDs in shrimp trawling. BRDs reduce the negative impacts of shrimp trawling on marine community. Fishers could benefit economically from higher catch value due to improved catch quality, shorter sorting time, lower fuel costs, and longer tow duration. Adoption of BRDs by fishers would forestall criticism by conservation groups against trawling.


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In the context of Indian fisheries there is a paucity of information on bycatch, in general, and bycatch reduction technologies, in particular. In this study, a detailed investigation on trawl bycatch and bycatch reduction measures is attempted with a view to evolve optimized BRDs for improving selectivity of commercial shrimp trawls. The objectives of the study included design and development of hard bycatch reduction devices (BRDs), comparative evaluation of hard bycatch reduction devices, for selective trawling, bycatch characterisation of the trawl landings, off Central Kerala; and investigations on status of the existing trawling systems operated off Central Kerala.


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The main objectives of the present study have been studies on the operational performance of tuna longline in Lakshadweep Sea studies on the efficiency of hooks in the longline operation studies on the efficiency of baits in the longline operation studies on bycatch in longline operation studies on predation on the longline catch and the hook loss encountered during the fishing operation


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Available information on abundance of myctophids and their utilisation indicate that there is excellent scope for development of myctophid fisheries in Indian Ocean. Most of the conventional fish stocks have reached a state of full exploitation or over-exploitation. Hence there is need to locate new and conventional fishery resources in order to fill in the supply-demand gap, in the face of increasing demand for fish. Information on length-weight relationship, age and growth, spawning season, fecundity and age at maturity and information on bycatch discards are required for sustainable utilization of myctophid resource in the Indian Ocean


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This thesis entitled Systematics,life history traits ,abundance and stock assessment of cobia rachycentron canadum (linnaeus ,1766) occurring in indian waters with special reference to the northwest coast of india.Cobia, Rachycentron canadum is a fast growing pelagic fish belonging to the monotypic family Rachycentridae. They show worldwide distribution in tropical and sub tropical waters. Cobia is exploited commercially in various countries like Taiwan, Pakistan, India, United State of America, Australia, Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean. Recreational fishery of Cobia exists in different parts of the world. In India Cobia is caught as bycatch of trawlers, gillnet and hook and line fishery.This study also focuses on to bring out the distribution pattern and also to assess the biomass and estimate sustainable yield of Cobia inhabiting in Indian EEZ. In addition to above, present study standardised live collection methods and also reviewed culture prospects.Results of osteological study and morphological studies indicate its close resemblance to Remora and support the view that Cobia was evolved from Dolphin fishes and remoras followed it. Study also confirmed that Cobia does not have any relative or similar species and is a monotypic species belonging to the family Rachycentridae. Re description of the species was done based on the characters identified. In this study, feeding intensity was also assessed following methods like Gastrosomatic index, Mean index of feeding intensity and Index of fullness. Sex wise, month wise and length group wise fluctuations in the feeding intensity also were studied. Cobia actively fed during post monsoon period. In general, adult fed actively than the juveniles. Trophic level value estimated (4.36) indicates that Cobia occupy top level position in the food chain.