12 resultados para blueing solution
em Cochin University of Science
Rubber solutions were prepared and used for bonding wood pieces. The effect of the variation of chlorinated natural rubber (CNR) and phenolformaldehyde (PF) resin in the adhesive solutions on lap shear strength was determined. Natural rubber and neoprene-based adhesive solutions were compared for their lap shear strength. The storage stability of the adhesive prepared was determined. The change in lap shear strength before and after being placed in cold water, hot water, acid, and alkali was tested. The bonding character of these adhesives was compared with different commercially available solution adhesives. The room-temperature aging resistance of wood joints was also determined. In all the studies, the adhesive prepared in the laboratory was found to be superior compared to the commercial adhesives.
Highly crystalline, ultra fine TiO (anatase) having high surface area has been prepared by thermal hydrolysis of titanyl sulphate 2 solution and characterized using B.E.T surface area measurements, XRD and chemical analysis. The dependence of surface area on concentration of staffing solution, temperature of hydrolysis, duration of boiling and calcination temperature were also studied. As the boiling temperature, duration of boiling and calcination temperature increased, the surface area of TiO formed decreased significantly. 2 On increasing calcination temperature, the crystallite size of TiO also increased and gradually the phase transformation to rutile took 2 place. The onset and completion temperatures of rutilation were 700 and 10008C, respectively
Thermal lens signals in solutions of rhodamine B laser dye in methanol are measured using the dual beam pump-probe technique. The nature of variations of signal strength with concentration is found to be different for 514 and 488 nm Ar + laser excitations. However, both the pump wavelengths produce an oscillatory type variation of thermal lens signal amplitude with the concentration of the dye solution. Probable reasons for this peculiar behaviour (which is absent in the case of fluorescent intensity) are mentioned.
The dual-beam thermal lens technique has been found to be very effective for the measurement of fluorescence quantum yields of dye solutions. The concentration-dependence of the quantum yield of rhodamine B in methanol is studied here using this technique. The observed results are in line with the conclusion that the reduction in the quantum yield in the quenching region is essentially due to the non-radiative relaxation of the absorbed energy. The thermal lens has been found to become abberated above 40 mW of pump laser power. This low value for the upper limit of pump power is due to the fact that the medium is a resonantly absorbing one.
Pulsed photoacoustic studies in solutions of C70 in toluene are made using the 532-nm radiation from a frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser. It is found that contrary to expectation, there is no photoacoustic (PA) signal enhancement in the power-limiting range of laser fluences. Instead, the PA signal tends to saturate during optical power-limiting phenomenon. This could be due to the enhanced optical absorption from the photoexcited state and hence the depletion of the ground-state population. PA measurements also ruled out the possibility of multiphoton absorption in the C70 solution. We demonstrate that the nonlinear absorption leading to optical limiting is mainly due to reverse saturable absorption.
Pulsed photoacoustic studies in solution of C60 in toluene have been made using the 532 nm radiation from a frequency doubled Nd:YAG laser. Though C60 is found to exhibit the phenomenon of optical limiting, the results on photoacoustic measurements do not give any indication of multiphoton transitions as suggested in some of the earlier works. Results of photoacoustic measurements show that excited state absorption is the dominant process responsible for optical limiting while phenomena like nonlinear scattering may contribute to a lesser extent.
The results of a brief investigation of the amplified spontaneous emission and lasing characteristics of Coumarin 540 dye in as many as ten different solvents are reported. It has been found that C 540 dye solutions contained within a rectangular quartz cuvette give laser emission with well resolved equally spaced modes when pumped with a 476 nm beam. The modes were found to originate from the subcavities formed by the plane-parallel walls of the cuvette containing the high-gain medium. While the quantum yield remains a decisive factor, a clear correlation between the total width of the emission spectra and the refractive indices of the solvents of the respective samples has been demonstrated. The well-resolved mode structure exhibited by the emission spectra gives clear evidence of the lasing action taking place in the gain medium, and the number of modes enables us to compare the gain of the media in different samples. A detailed discussion of the solvent effect in the lasing characteristics of C540 in different solutions is given.
Most of the procedures reported for the synthesis of metal nanoparticles involve the use of strong reducing agents or elevated temperatures. This limits the possibility of developing metal nanoparticle based sensors for the in situ detection of analytes. One of the objectives of the present investigations is to (i) develop newer methodologies for the synthesis of metal nanoparticles in aqueous medium at ambient conditions and (ii) their use in the detection of metal cations by taking advantage of the unique coordination ability. Ideally, biocompatible molecules which possess both the reducing and stabilizing groups are desirable for such applications. Formation of stable supramolecular assembly, by bringing metal nanoparticles close to each other, results in plasmon coupling and this strategy can be effectively utilized for the development of metal nanoparticle based sensors.Another objective of the present study is to understand the supramolecular organization of molecules on surfaces. Various noncovalent interactions between the molecules and with surface play a decisive role in their organizations. An in-depth understanding of these interactions is essential for device fabrications. Recent photophysical studies have revealed that phenyleneethynylene based molecular systems are ideal for device application. The second objective of the thesis focuses on understanding the (i) organization of phenyleneethynylenes on highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) surface with atomic level precision and (ii) weak intermolecular interactions which drive their organization.
Unit Commitment Problem (UCP) in power system refers to the problem of determining the on/ off status of generating units that minimize the operating cost during a given time horizon. Since various system and generation constraints are to be satisfied while finding the optimum schedule, UCP turns to be a constrained optimization problem in power system scheduling. Numerical solutions developed are limited for small systems and heuristic methodologies find difficulty in handling stochastic cost functions associated with practical systems. This paper models Unit Commitment as a multi stage decision making task and an efficient Reinforcement Learning solution is formulated considering minimum up time /down time constraints. The correctness and efficiency of the developed solutions are verified for standard test systems
Unit commitment is an optimization task in electric power generation control sector. It involves scheduling the ON/OFF status of the generating units to meet the load demand with minimum generation cost satisfying the different constraints existing in the system. Numerical solutions developed are limited for small systems and heuristic methodologies find difficulty in handling stochastic cost functions associated with practical systems. This paper models Unit Commitment as a multi stage decision task and Reinforcement Learning solution is formulated through one efficient exploration strategy: Pursuit method. The correctness and efficiency of the developed solutions are verified for standard test systems
Kochi, the commercial capital of Kerala, South India and second most important city next to Mumbai on the Western coast is a land having a wide variety of residential environments. Due to rapid population growth, changing lifestyles, food habits and living standards, institutional weaknesses, improper choice of technology and public apathy, the present pattern of the city can be classified as that of haphazard growth with typical problems characteristics of unplanned urban development especially in the case of solid waste management. To have a better living condition for us and our future generations, we must know where we are now and how far we need to go. We, each individual must calculate how much nature we use and compare it to how much nature we have available. This can be achieved by applying the concept of ecological footprint. Ecological footprint analysis (EFA) is a quantitative tool that represents the ecological load imposed on earth by humans in spatial terms. The aim of applying EFA to Kochi city is to quantify the consumption and waste generation of a population and to compare it with the existing biocapacity. By quantifying the ecological footprint we can formulate strategies to reduce the footprint and there by having a sustainable living. The paper discusses the various footprint components of Kochi city and in detail analyses the waste footprint of the residential areas using waste footprint analyzer. An attempt is also made to suggest some waste foot print reduction strategies thereby making the city sustainable as far as solid waste management is concerned.