11 resultados para acid production

em Cochin University of Science


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The thesis comprises a set of experiments mainly focused on the improvement of L-glutamic acid fennentation. Much attention has been given to use of locally available raw materials, culturing the organism on inert solid substrates and also immobilization of the bacterial cells from the view point of long term utilization of biocatalyst and continuous operation of the stabilized system. Studies were also carried out for the down stream processing for the extraction and purification of L-glutamic acid. An attempt was made to study the morphological features of the microorganism including the cell premeability. In relation with the accumulation of glutamic acid within the cells an approach was made to study the behaviour of the Brevibacterium cells when they are exposed to hyper osmotic environment. Attempts were also made to study the requirement of iron and production of siderophores by this microbial strain. The search for a suitable nitrogen source for glutamate fermentation ended with a promising result that they got a potent urease activity and it can be utilized for many biotransfonnation studies. The entire thesis is presented in three sections, viz. introductory section, experimental section and the concluding section


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Marine Aspergillus awamori BTMFW032, recently reported by us, produce acidophilic tannase as extracellular enzyme. Here, we report the application of this enzyme for synthesis of propyl gallate by direct transesterification of tannic acid and in tea cream solubilisation besides the simultaneous production of gallic acid along with tannase under submerged fermentation by this fungus. This acidophilic tannase enabled synthesis of propyl gallate by direct transesterification of tannic acid using propanol as organic reaction media under low water conditions. The identity of the product was confirmed with thin layer chromatography and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. It was noted that 699 U/ml of enzyme could give 60% solubilisation of tea cream within 1 h. Enzyme production medium was optimized adopting Box–Behnken design for simultaneous synthesis of tannase and gallic acid. Process variables including tannic acid, sodium chloride, ferrous sulphate, dipotassium hydrogen phosphate, incubation period and agitation were recognized as the critical factors that influenced tannase and gallic acid production. The model obtained predicted 4,824.61 U/ml of tannase and 136.206 μg/ml gallic acid after 48 h of incubation, whereas optimized medium supported 5,085 U/ml tannase and 372.6 μg/ml of gallic acid production after 36 and 84 h of incubation, respectively, with a 15-fold increase in both enzyme and gallic acid production. Results indicated scope for utilization of this acidophilic tannase for transesterification of tannic acid into propyl gallate, tea cream solubilisation and simultaneous production of gallic acid along with tannase


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The present study aimed at the utlisation of microbial organisms for the production of good quality chitin and chitosan. The three strains used for the study were Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacililus brevis and Bacillus subtilis. These strains were selected on the basis of their acid producing ability to reduce the pH of the fermenting substrates to prevent spoilage and thus caused demineralisation of the shell. Besides, the proteolytic enzymes in these strains acted on proteinaceous covering of shrimp and thus caused deprotenisation of shrimp shell waste. Thus the two processes involved in chitin production can be affected to certain extent using bacterial fermentation of shrimp shell.Optimization parameters like fermentation period, quantity of inoculum, type of sugar, concentration of sugar etc. for fermentation with three different strains were studied. For these, parameters like pH, Total titrable acidity (TTA), changes in sugar concentration, changes in microbial count, sensory changes etc. were studied.Fermentation study with Lactobacillus plantarum was continued with 20% w/v jaggery broth for 15 days. The inoculum prepared yislded a cell concentration of approximately 108 CFU/ml. In the present study, lactic acid and dilute hydrochloric acid were used for initial pH adjustment because; without adjusting the initial pH, it took more than 5 hours for the lactic acid bacteria to convert glucose to lactic acid and during this delay spoilage occurred due to putrefying enzymes active at neutral or higher pH. During the fermentation study, pH first decreased in correspondence with increase in TTA values. This showed a clear indication of acid production by the strain. This trend continued till their proteolytic activity showed an increasing trend. When the available sugar source started depleting, proteolytic activity also decreased and pH increased. This was clearly reflected in the sensory evaluation results. Lactic acid treated samples showed greater extent of demineralization and deprotenisation at the end of fermentation study than hydrochloric acid treated samples. It can be due to the effect of strong hydrochloric acid on the initial microbial count, which directly affects the fermentation process. At the end of fermentation, about 76.5% of ash was removed in lactic acid treated samples and 71.8% in hydrochloric acid treated samples; 72.8% of proteins in lactic acid treated samples and 70.6% in hydrochloric acid treated samples.The residual protein and ash in the fermented residue were reduced to permissible limit by treatment with 0.8N HCI and 1M NaOH. Characteristics of chitin like chitin content, ash content, protein content, % of N- acetylation etc. were studied. Quality characteristics like viscosity, degree of deacetylation and molecular weight of chitosan prepared were also compared. The chitosan samples prepared from lactic acid treated showed high viscosity than HCI treated samples. But degree of deacetylation is more in HCI treated samples than lactic acid treated ones. Characteristics of protein liquor obtained like its biogenic composition, amino acid composition, total volatile base nitrogen, alpha amino nitrogen etc. also were studied to find out its suitability as animal feed supplement.Optimization of fermentation parameters for Lactobacillus brevis fermentation study was also conducted and parameters were standardized. Then detailed fermentation study was done in 20%wlv jaggery broth for 17 days. Also the effect of two different acid treatments (mild HCI and lactic acid) used for initial pH adjustment on chitin production were also studied. In this study also trend of changes in pH. changes in sugar concentration ,microbial count changes were similar to Lactobacillus plantarum studies. At the end of fermentation, residual protein in the samples were only 32.48% in HCI treated samples and 31.85% in lactic acid treated samples. The residual ash content was about 33.68% in HCI treated ones and 32.52% in lactic acid treated ones. The fermented residue was converted to chitin with good characteristics by treatment with 1.2MNaOH and 1NHCI.Characteristics of chitin samples prepared were studied and extent of Nacetylation was about 84% in HCI treated chitin and 85%in lactic acid treated ones assessed from FTIR spectrum. Chitosan was prepared from these samples by usual chemical method and its extent of solubility, degree of deacetylation, viscosity and molecular weight etc were studied. The values of viscosity and molecular weight of the samples prepared were comparatively less than the chitosan prepared by Lactobacillus plantarum fermentation. Characteristics of protein liquor obtained were analyzed to determine its quality and is suitability as animal feed supplement.Another strain used for the study was Bacillus subtilis and fermentation was carried out in 20%w/v jaggery broth for 15 days. It was found that Bacillus subtilis was more efficient than other Lactobacillus species for deprotenisation and demineralization. This was mainly due to the difference in the proteolytic nature of the strains. About 84% of protein and 72% of ash were removed at the end of fermentation. Considering the statistical significance (P


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The thesis mainly discussed the isolation and identification of a probiotic Lactobacillus plantarum, fermentative production of exopolysaccharide by the strain, its purification, structural characterisation and possible applications in food industry and therapeutics. The studies on the probiotic characterization explored the tolerance of the isolated LAB cultures to acid, bile, phenol, salt and mucin binding. These are some of the key factors that could satisfy the criteria for probiotic strains . The important factors required for a high EPS production in submerged fermentation was investigated with a collection of statistical and mathematical approach. Chapter 5 of the thesis explains the structural elucidation of EPS employing spectroscopic and chromatographic techniques. The studies helped in the exploration of the hetero-polysaccharide sequence from L. plantarum MTCC 9510. The thesis also explored the bioactivities of EPS from L. plantarum. As majority of chemical compounds identified as anti-cancerous are toxic to normal cells, the discovery and identification of new safe drugs has become an important goal of research in the biomedical sciences. The thesis has explored the anti-oxidant, anti-tumour and immunomodulating properties of EPS purified from Lactobacillus plantarum. The presence of (1, 3) linkages and its molecular weight presented the EPS with anti-oxidant, anti-tumour and immunomodulating properties under in vitro conditions.


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In this study, an attempt has been made to gather enough information regarding lactic acid bacteria from fish and shellfish of tropical regions. The occurrence and distribution of lactic acid bacteria in fresh and frozen marine fish and shellfish, farmed fish and shellfish, cured and pickled fish and shellfish have been investigated. Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) have for centuries been responsible for the fermentative preservation of many foods. They are used to retard spoilage and preserve foods through natural fermentations. They have found commercial applications as starter cultures in the dairy, baking, meat, fish, and vegetable and alcoholic beverage industries. They are industrially important organisms recognized for their fermentative ability as well as their nutritional benefits. These organisms produce various compounds such as organic acids, diacetyl, hydrogen peroxide and bacteriocins or bactericidal proteins during lactic fermentations.Biopreservation of foods using bacteriocin producing LAB cultures is becoming widely used. The antimicrobial effect of bacteriocins and other compounds produced during fermentation of carbohydrates are well known to inhibit the growth of certain food spoiling bacteria as well as a limited group of food poisoning and pathogenic bacteria LAB like Lactobacillus plantarum are widely used as starter cultures for the Production of fish ensilage. The present study is the first quantitative and qualitative study on the occurrence and distribution of lactic acid bacteria in fresh and frozen fish and prawn. It is concluded that Lactobacillus plantaruni was the predominant lactobacillus species in fresh and frozen fish and shellfish. The ability of selected Lactobacillus cultures to grow at low temperatures, high salt content, produce bacteriocins, rapidly ferment sugars and decrease the pH make them potential candidates for biopreservation of fish and shellfish.


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Rare earth metal ion exchanged (La3+, Ce3+, RE3+) KFAU-Y zeolites were prepared by simple ion-exchange methods and have been characterized using different physico-chemical techniques. In this paper a novel application of solid acid catalysts in the dehydration/ Beckmann rearrangement of aldoximes; benzaldoxime and 4-methoxybenzaldoxime is reported. Dehydration/Beckmann rearrangement reactions of benzaldoxime and 4-methoxybenzaldoxime is carried out in a continuous down flow reactor at 473K. 4-Methoxybenzaldoxime gave both Beckmann rearrangement product (4-methoxyphenylformamide) and dehydration product (4-methoxybenzonitrile) in high overall yields. The difference in behavior of the aldoximes is explained in terms of electronic effects. The production of benzonitrile was near quantitative under heterogeneous reaction conditions. The optimal protocol allows nitriles to be synthesized in good yields through the dehydration of aldoximes. Time on stream studies show a fast decline in the activity of the catalyst due to neutralization of acid sites by the basic reactant and product molecules.


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A critical survey of the fruits and vegetable markets of the towns and cities in South India reveals that banana fruit stalk wastes share a dominant proportion among the solid wastes generated. In the light of the review of literature presented in the foregoing section, few reports are available on the utilisation of banana waste for the production of alcoholic beverages, biogas, and single cell protein. However, it is not yet tried for the production of industrial enzymes. Moreover, preliminary fermentation studies conducted under uncontrolled conditions revealed that banana fruit stalk could be aptly utilised as solid substrate? for the industrial production of microbial amylases and cellulases at a cheaper cost. Therefore, it was proposed to conduct a detailed study towards the development of a suitable fermentation process for the production of industrial enzymes using banana fruit stalk wastes, which is rich in carbohydrate, as solid substrate, employing bacteria, under SSF.


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Coir pith black liquor obtained as a dark brown filtrate from oxidative delignification needs to be decolourised before releasing to open environment. From this liquor industrially valuable lignin was recovered using acid precipitation method. ‘Biochar’ was produced by slow pyrolysis of coir pith at 500oC and 600oC. Water holding capacity and pH of the biochar were estimated. CHNS analysis was carried out to identify the nutrient profile. Structural characterization was done using FTIR and SEM Studies. Biochar produced at 600oC was found to be more suitable for decolourisation of the coir pith black liquor. FTIR analysis indicated peak changes while SEM analysis indicated surface area and porosity changes. Biochar decolourisation experiments were carried out on crude coir pith black liquor and also on lignin recovered coir pith black liquor.


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Engyodontium album isolated from marine sediment produced protease, which was active at pH 11. Process parameters influencing the production of alkaline protease by marine E. album was optimized. Particle size of <425 mm, 60% initial moisture content and incubation at 25 8C for 120 h were optimal for protease production under solid state fermentation (SSF) using wheat bran. The organism has two optimal pH (5 and 10) for maximal enzyme production. Sucrose as carbon source, ammonium hydrogen carbonate as additional inorganic nitrogen source and amino acid leucine enhanced enzyme production during SSF. The protease was purified and partially characterized. A 16-fold purified enzyme was obtained after ammonium sulphate precipitation and ion-exchange chromatography. Molecular weight of the purified enzyme protein was recorded approximately 38 kDa by SDS-PAGE. The enzyme showed maximum activity at pH 11 and 60 8C. Activity at high temperature and high alkaline pH suggests suitability of the enzyme for its application in detergent industry


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Marine yeast have been regarded as safe and showing a beneficial impact on biotechnological process. It provides better nutritional and dietary values indicating their potential application as feed supplements in aquaculture. Brown et al. (1996) evaluated all the marine yeasts characterised with high protein content, carbohydrate, good amino acid composition and high levels of saturated fats. However, there is paucity of information on marine yeasts as feed supplements and no feed formulation has been found either in literature or in market supplemented with them. This statement supported by Zhenming et al. (2006) reported still a lack of feed composed of single cell protein (SCP) from marine yeasts with high content of protein and other nutrients. Recent research has shown that marine yeasts also have highly potential uses in food, feed, medical and biofuel industries as well as marine biotechnology (Chi et al., 2009; 2010). Sajeevan et al. (2006; 2009a) and Sarlin and Philip (2011) demonstrates that the marine yeasts Candida sake served as a high quality, inexpensive nutrient source and it had proven immunostimulatory properties for cultured shrimps. This strain has been made part of the culture collection of National Centre for Aquatic Animal Health, Cochin University of Science and Technology as Candida MCCF 101. Over the years marine yeasts have been gaining increased attention in animal feed industry due to their nutritional value and immune boosting property.Therefore, the present study was undertaken, and focused on the nutritional quality, optimization of large scale production and evaluation of its protective effect on Koi carp from Aeromonas infection


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Cochin estuarine system is among the most productive aquatic environment along the Southwest coast of India, exhibits unique ecological features and possess greater socioeconomic relevance. Serious investigations carried out during the past decades on the hydro biogeochemical variables pointed out variations in the health and ecological functioning of this ecosystem. Characterisation of organic matter in the estuary has been attempted in many investigations. But detailed studies covering the degradation state of organic matter using molecular level approach is not attempted. The thesis entitled Provenance, Isolation and Characterisation of Organic Matter in the Cochin Estuarine Sediment-“ A Diagenetic Amino Acid Marker Scenario” is an integrated approach to evaluate the source, quantity, quality, and degradation state of the organic matter in the surface sediments of Cochin estuarine system with the combined application of bulk and molecular level tools. Sediment and water samples from nine stations situated at Cochin estuary were collected in five seasonal sampling campaigns, for the biogeochemical assessment and their distribution pattern of sedimentary organic matter. The sampling seasons were described and abbreviated as follows: April- 2009 (pre monsoon: PRM09), August-2009 (monsoon: MON09), January-2010 (post monsoon: POM09), April-2010 (pre monsoon: PRM10) and September- 2012 (monsoon: MON12). In order to evaluate the general environmental conditions of the estuary, water samples were analysed for water quality parameters, chlorophyll pigments and nutrients by standard methods. Investigations suggested the fact that hydrographical variables and nutrients in Cochin estuary supports diverse species of flora and fauna. Moreover the sedimentary variables such as pH, Eh, texture, TOC, fractions of nitrogen and phosphorous were determined to assess the general geochemical setting as well as redox status. The periodically fluctuating oxic/ anoxic conditions and texture serve as the most significant variables controlling other variables of the aquatic environment. The organic matter in estuary comprise of a complex mixture of autochthonous as well as allochthonous materials. Autochthonous input is limited or enhanced by the nutrient elements like N and P (in their various fractions), used as a tool to evaluate their bioavailability. Bulk parameter approach like biochemical composition, stoichiometric elemental ratios and stable carbon isotope ratio was also employed to assess the quality and quantity of sedimentary organic matter in the study area. Molecular level charactersation of free sugars and amino acids were carried out by liquid chromatographic techniques. Carbohydrates are the products of primary production and their occurrence in sediments as free sugars can provide information on the estuarine productivity. Amino acid biogeochemistry provided implications on the system productivity, nature of organic matter as well as degradation status of the sedimentary organic matter in the study area. The predominance of carbohydrates over protein indicated faster mineralisation of proteinaceous organic matter in sediments and the estuary behaves as a detrital trap for the accumulation of aged organic matter. The higher lipid content and LPD/CHO ratio pointed towards the better food quality that supports benthic fauna and better accumulation of lipid compounds in the sedimentary environment. Allochthonous addition of carbohydrates via terrestrial run off was responsible for the lower PRT/CHO ratio estimated in thesediments and the lower ratios also denoted a detrital heterotrophic environment. Biopolymeric carbon and the algal contribution to BPC provided important information on the better understanding the trophic state of the estuarine system and the higher values of chlorophyll-a to phaeophytin ratio indicated deposition of phytoplankton to sediment at a rapid rate. The estimated TOC/TN ratios implied the combined input of both terrestrial and autochthonous organic matter to sedimentsAmong the free sugars, depleted levels of glucose in sediments in most of the stations and abundance of mannose at station S5 was observed during the present investigation. Among aldohexoses, concentration of galactose was found to be higher in most of the stationsRelative abundance of AAs in the estuarine sediments based on seasons followed the trend: PRM09-Leucine > Phenylalanine > Argine > Lysine, MON09-Lysine > Aspartic acid > Histidine > Tyrosine > Phenylalanine, POM09-Lysine > Histadine > Phenyalanine > Leucine > Methionine > Serine > Proline > Aspartic acid, PRM10-Valine > Aspartic acid > Histidine > Phenylalanine > Serine > Proline, MON12-Lysine > Phenylalanine > Aspartic acid > Histidine > Valine > Tyrsine > MethionineThe classification of study area into three zones based on salinity was employed in the present study for the sake of simplicity and generalized interpretations. The distribution of AAs in the three zones followed the trend: Fresh water zone (S1, S2):- Phenylalanine > Lysine > Aspartic acid > Methionine > Valine ῀ Leucine > Proline > Histidine > Glycine > Serine > Glutamic acid > Tyrosine > Arginine > Alanine > Threonine > Cysteine > Isoleucine. Estuarine zone (S3, S4, S5, S6):- Lysine > Aspartic acid > Phenylalanine > Leucine > Valine > Histidine > Methionine > Tyrosine > Serine > Glutamic acid > Proline > Glycine > Arginine > Alanine > Isoleucine > Cysteine > Threonine. Riverine /Industrial zone (S7, S8, S9):- Phenylalanine > Lysine > Aspartic acid > Histidine > Serine > Arginine > Tyrosine > Leucine > Methionine > Glutamic acid > Alanine > Glycine > Cysteine > Proline > Isoleucine > Threonine > Valine. The abundance of AAs like glutamic acid, aspartic acid, isoleucine, valine, tyrosine, and phenylalanine in sediments of the study area indicated freshly derived organic matter.