9 resultados para access and availability of healthful food choices

em Cochin University of Science


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This overall focus of the thesis involves the systematics and biology of fishes of the family hemiramphidae of cochin coast.India is one of the leading fish producing nations in the world with an average annual production of 6.1 million tonnes of fish and shell fish from capture and culture fisheries in 2001 (Ayyappan and Biradar, 2002).Fisheries play a very significant role in the Indian economy by providing employment to nearly 7 million people directly or indirectly, supplying rich protein food and earning valued foreign exchange.Fishes of the family Hemiramphidae are commonly called ‘half beaks‘.In India, studies on hemiramphids commenced with the work of Day (1878,1889) who recorded thirteen species of hemiramphids from the Indian waters.The study area, which is part of Cochin coast is located between Lat.9°28’ and 10° N and Long.76° 13’ and 76° 31 E. Lying parallel to it is an estuary which is commonly called the Cochin backwaters which has a total area of about 200 sq.miles.The study area is subjected to wide variations in salinity from place to place, season and surface to bottom.The Cochin coast and the adjacent back water system of Kerala has a rich and diversified fish fauna. The hemiramphid fishes constitute a minor fishery of this area.The study on the distribution and availability of hemiramphid fishes present in the Cochin coast shows that they evince different patterns of distribution.In the present study it is noticed that fecundity has high correlation with weight than length of the fish.Histological studies revealed that the spermatogenesis in both H. (H) limbatus and H.(H) xanthopterus, consists of spermatogonia, primary spermatocytes secondary, spermatocytes, spermatids and spermatozoa whereas in the oogenesis of both the species.biological study will be useful in implementation of proper measures of conservation and management so that further devastation of the hemiramphids of Cochin Coast can be controlled.


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In India a study conducted by CIFE and CIBA (1997), concluded that shrimp farming does more good than harm and it is not eco-unfriendly (Krishnan and Birthal, 2002). Upsurge in coastal aquaculture activity induced by high profitability is reported to have caused adverse impacts on coastal ecosystems and social environments (Parthasarathy and Nirmala, 2000). The crustacean farming sector has received criticism for excessive use of formulated feed containing high protein, of which around 50% gets accumulated at the pond bottom as unconsumed (Avnimelech, 1999; Hari et al., 2004, 2006). The wasted feeds undergo the process of degradation and results in the release of toxic metabolites to the culture system. Reduction of protein in the feed, manipulation and utilisation of natural food in the culture system are the remedy for the above problems. But before reducing the feed protein, it should be confirmed that the feed with reduced protein is not affecting the growth and health of the cultured animal. In the present study, biofloc technology is identified as one of the innovative technologies for ensuring the ecological and environmental Sustainability and examines the compatibility of BFT for the sustainable aquaculture of giant prawn, M. rosenbergii. This thesis starts with a general introduction (Chapter-1), a brief review of the most relevant literature (Chapter-2), results of various experiments (Chapter-3-6), summary (Chapter-7) and recommendations and future research perspectives in the field of biofloc based aquaculture (Chapter – 8). The major objectives of this thesis are, to improve the ecological and economical sustainability of prawn farming by the applicationof BFT and to improve the nutrient utilisation in aquaculture systems.


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This Thesis deals with the fabrication and characterization of novel all-fiber components for access networks. All fiber components offer distinctive advantages due to low forward and backward losses, epoxy free optical path and high power handling. A novel fabrication method for monolithic 1x4 couplers, which are vital components in distributed passive optical networks, is realized. The fabrication method differs from conventional structures with a symmetric coupling profile and hence offers ultra wideband performance and easy process control. New structure for 1x4 couplers, by fusing five fibers is proposed to achieve high uniformity, which gives equivalent uniformity performance to 1x4 planar lightwave splitters, isolation in fused fiber WDM is improved with integration of long period gratings. Packaging techniques of fused couplers are analyzed for long term stability.


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Food and feeding habits of fourteen demersal finfishes exploited off the Karnataka coast were studied to investigate trophic interactions within the marine food web. Index of Relative Importance (lRI),Ontogenetic, seasonal (pre-monsoon, monsoon and post-monsoon) variation in feeding and prey-predator relationship studies were conducted.The results of prey-predator trophic interaction studies identified four major trophic guilds based on the predators feeding similarity.Trophic guild I is 'copepod and detritus fceders'with an average group similarity of 61.4%. The second trophic guild, 'prawn and crab feeders'with an average similarity of 52.7%. 'Acetes feeders', the largest trophic guild with an average group similarity of 62.5%, composed of six demersal finfish species.The guild 'piscivores' is constituted by C. limba/us and P. arsius with an average similarity of 45%.For each predator, ontogenetic diet shift is common and is characterized by prey of low to high trophic level.Strong selection of certain prey types was observed in some predators while most of them avoided abundant prey.In addition to Acetes spp, strong predation impact was observed for penaeid prawns, epibenthic crabs and detritus.This information on trophic guilds and prey-predator interactions can be used to construct trophic model on the benthic ecosystem off Karnataka and to investigate fishery induced changes as well as predation impact of different animals on commercially important demersals


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This thesis Entitled Resource abundance and survival of indigenous ornamental fishes of central kerala with emphasis on handling and packing stress in puntius filamentosus (valenciennes).Kerala state is endowed with 41 west flowing and three east flowing rivers originating in the Western Ghats. These rivers and their vast network of tributaries and distributaries harbour rich and diversified fish fauna. Most of the freshwater fishes available in Kerala are highly appreciated as ornamental fishes in the national and international markets.Today the ornamental fish industry is one of the largest industries all over the world. The demand for ornamental fishes has been increasing steadily with the enlargement of the industry, such that the current demand for indigenous ornamental fishes have exceeded the supply. This has led to serious concern about the resources available in the country that can be utilised judiciously for the economic benefit of the state. With an aim to fill up the lacuna, a database of freshwater ornamental fishes of Kerala was created as part of the present study. Ornamental fishes destined for export marketing should thrive well in the aquarium conditions.The study reiterates fishes caught from different environmental conditions and feeding habits have a greater ability to adapt and acclimatise to an entirely new environment and food habits. Marketing studies based on the statistics available with Marine Products Export Development Authority show that these species are not being exported at the required level over the past 6 years, when compared to the availability in the water bodies of Kerala. Sustainable utilisation of these resources from the wild using modern management principles and code of conduct for responsible fishing are advisable until captive breeding technology is popularised.


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Packaging is important not only in extending the shellife of fish and fishery products but also improving their marketability. In the recent years, significant development have taken place in the packaging industry. During the past decade in India, there is almost a packaging revolution with the availability of variety packaging materials, thus generating better packaging consciousness in other producer/manufacturing industries. But unfortunately, such realisation is not forthcoming in the fisheries sector and packaging techniques for local and export trade continues to be on traditional lines with their inherent drawbacks and limitations. Better packaging ensures improved quality and presentation of the products and ensures higher returns to the producer. Among several packaging materials used in fishery industry, ISI specifications had been formulated only for corrugated fibre board boxes for export of seafoods and froglegs. This standard was formulated before containersiation came into existance in the export of marine products. Before containerisation, the standards were stringent in view of the rough handling, transportation and storage. Two of the common defects reported in the master cartons exported from India are low mechanical strength and tendency to get wet. They are weakened by the deposits of moisture caused by temperature fluctuations during loading, unloading and other handling stages. It is necessary to rectify the above defects in packaging aquatic products and hence in the present study extensive investigations are carried out to find out the reasons for the damage of master cartons, to evolve code of practice for the packaging oi frozen shrimp for exports, development of alternative style of packaging for the shipping container, development of suitable consumer packaging materials for fish soup powder, cured dried mackeral, fish pickles in oil and frozen shrimp. For the development of suitable packaging materials, it is absolutely essential to know the properties of packaging materials, effect of different packaging materials on theirshelf life and their suitability for food contact applications.


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Reducing fishing pressure in coastal waters is the need of the day in the Indian marine fisheries sector of the country which is fast changing from a mere vocational activity to a capital intensive industry. It requires continuous monitoring of the resource exploitation through a scientifically acceptable methodology, data on production of each species stock, the number and characteristics of the fishing gears of the fleet, various biological characteristics of each stock, the impact of fishing on the environment and the role of fishery—independent on availability and abundance. Besides this, there are issues relating to capabilities in stock assessment, taxonomy research, biodiversity, conservation and fisheries management. Generation of reliable data base over a fixed time frame, their analysis and interpretation are necessary before drawing conclusions on the stock size, maximum sustainable yield, maximum economic yield and to further implement various fishing regulatory measures. India being a signatory to several treaties and conventions, is obliged to carry out assessments of the exploited stocks and manage them at sustainable levels. Besides, the nation is bound by its obligation of protein food security to people and livelihood security to those engaged in marine fishing related activities. Also, there are regional variabilities in fishing technology and fishery resources. All these make it mandatory for India to continue and strengthen its marine capture fisheries research in general and deep sea fisheries in particular. Against this background, an attempt is made to strengthen the deep sea fish biodiversity and also to generate data on the distribution, abundance, catch per unit effort of fishery resources available beyond 200 m in the EEZ of southwest coast ofIndia and also unravel some of the aspects of life history traits of potentially important non conventional fish species inhabiting in the depth beyond 200 m. This study was carried out as part of the Project on Stock Assessment and Biology of Deep Sea Fishes of Indian EEZ (MoES, Govt. of India).


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Habitat ecology and food and feeding of the herring bow crab, Varuna litterata of Cochin Backwaters, Kerala, India were investigated for a period of one year (April 2011-March 2012). Among the 15 stations surveyed, the crabs were found to occur only in 4 stations, which had a close proximity to the sea. Sediment analysis of the stations revealed that the substratum of these stations is sandy in nature and is rich in organic carbon content (0.79% to 1.07%). These estuarine crabs is euryhaline and are found to be distributed in areas with a sandy substratum, higher organic carbon content and more tidal influx. The stomach contents analysis of crabs examined showed that their diet included crustacean remains, plants, sand and debris, fishes, miscellaneous group and unidentified matter. In adults and sub-adults, crustaceans formed the dominant food group, while in juveniles, sand and debris formed the dominant group. From the present study, V. litterata was found to be a predatory omnivore capable of ingesting both animal and plant tissues