em Cochin University of Science
The transient characteristics of an erbium-doped fiber (F.DF) laser, which can switch between wavelengths. are investigated. 77te laser has a set of coupled linear cavities. The slow gain dynamics of EDFs and the cross-gain saturation in the coupled cavities give rise to delayed switching responses and relocation oscillations, which are respertively measured to be l ins and 3.5 ms for the worst rase, and which mar be decreased by increasing the pump power. Thus, the switching speed of the laser may be higher than 100 Hz
In this paper, the fluorescence behaviour of nano colloids of ZnO has been studied as a function of the excitation wavelength. We have found that excitation at the tail of the absorption band gives rise to an emission that shifts with the change of the excitation wavelength. The excitation wavelength dependent shift of the fluorescence maximum is measured to be between 60 and 100 nm. This kind of excitation wavelength dependent fluorescence behaviour, which may appear to be in violation of Kasha’s rule of excitation wavelength independence of the emission spectrum, has been observed for nano ZnO colloids prepared by two different chemical routes and different capping agents. It is shown that the existence of a distribution of energetically different molecules in the ground state coupled with a low rate of the excited state relaxation processes, namely, solvation and energy transfer, are responsible for the excitation wavelength dependent fluorescence behaviour of the systems.
In this paper, the fluorescence behaviour of nano colloids of ZnO has been studied as a function of the excitation wavelength. We have found that excitation at the tail of the absorption band gives rise to an emission that shifts with the change of the excitation wavelength. The excitation wavelength dependent shift of the fluorescence maximum is measured to be between 60 and 100 nm. This kind of excitation wavelength dependent fluorescence behaviour, which may appear to be in violation of Kasha’s rule of excitation wavelength independence of the emission spectrum, has been observed for nano ZnO colloids prepared by two different chemical routes and different capping agents. It is shown that the existence of a distribution of energetically different molecules in the ground state coupled with a low rate of the excited state relaxation processes, namely, solvation and energy transfer, are responsible for the excitation wavelength dependent fluorescence behaviour of the systems.
Dependence of energy transfer parameters on excitation wavelength has been investigated in poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) optical fibre preforms doped with C 540:Rh B dye mixture by studying the fluorescence intensity and the lifetime variations. A fluorescence spectrophotometer was used to record the excitation spectra of the samples for the emission wavelengths 495 and 580 nm. The fluorescence emission from the polymer rods was studied at four specific excitation wavelengths viz; 445, 465, 488 and 532 nm. The fluorescence lifetime of the donor molecule was experimentally measured in polymer matrix by time correlated single photon counting technique. The energy transfer rate constants and transfer efficiencies were calculated and their dependence on the acceptor concentration was analysed for three excitation wavelengths. It was found that any change in the excitation wavelength leads to significant variations in the quenching characteristics, which in turn affect the calculated energy transfer parameters.
The propagation characteristics of amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) through a rhodamine 6 G-doped polymethyl methacrylate freestanding film waveguide were studied. This was done by shifting the excitation stripe horizontally along a transversely pumped waveguide. By this method, we could tune the ASE wavelength. The maximum tunability thus obtained was ~18 nm with a pump stripe length of 6 mm.
Rhodamine 6G and Rhodamine B dye mixture doped polymer optical fiber amplifier (POFA), which can operate in a broad wavelength region (60 nm), has been successfully fabricated and tested. Tunable operation of the amplifier over a broad wavelength region is achieved by mixing different ratios of the dyes. The dye doped POFA is pumped axially using 532 nm, 10 ns laser pulses from a frequency doubled Q-switched Nd: YAG laser and the signals are taken from an optical parametric oscillator. A maximum gain of 22.3 dB at 617 nm wavelength has been obtained for a 7 cm long dye mixture doped POFA. The effects of pump energy and length of the fiber on the performance of the fiber amplifier are also studied. There exists an optimum length for which the amplifier gain is at a maximum value.