19 resultados para Visual Communication Design

em Cochin University of Science


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The design and performance of a stepped slot printed monopole antenna in the ultrawideband is presented in this article. Multiple resonances generated by the stepped slot geometry are matched in the ultrawideband using a modified microstrip feed. The impedance bandwidth (SWR < 2) of the antenna is from 3 to 11 GHz. Radiation patterns are stable and omnidirectional with appreciable gain throughout the band. Performance of the antenna is also analyzed in the time domain, which reveals good pulse handling capabilities. Compact geometry of the antenna allows easy commercial deployment.


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The demand for new telecommunication services requiring higher capacities, data rates and different operating modes have motivated the development of new generation multi-standard wireless transceivers. A multi-standard design often involves extensive system level analysis and architectural partitioning, typically requiring extensive calculations. In this research, a decimation filter design tool for wireless communication standards consisting of GSM, WCDMA, WLANa, WLANb, WLANg and WiMAX is developed in MATLAB® using GUIDE environment for visual analysis. The user can select a required wireless communication standard, and obtain the corresponding multistage decimation filter implementation using this toolbox. The toolbox helps the user or design engineer to perform a quick design and analysis of decimation filter for multiple standards without doing extensive calculation of the underlying methods.


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The rapid developments in fields such as fibre optic communication engineering and integrated optical electronics have expanded the interest and have increased the expectations about guided wave optics, in which optical waveguides and optical fibres play a central role. The technology of guided wave photonics now plays a role in generating information (guided-wave sensors) and processing information (spectral analysis, analog-to-digital conversion and other optical communication schemes) in addition to its original application of transmitting information (fibre optic communication). Passive and active polymer devices have generated much research interest recently because of the versatility of the fabrication techniques and the potential applications in two important areas – short distant communication network and special functionality optical devices such as amplifiers, switches and sensors. Polymer optical waveguides and fibres are often designed to have large cores with 10-1000 micrometer diameter to facilitate easy connection and splicing. Large diameter polymer optical fibres being less fragile and vastly easier to work with than glass fibres, are attractive in sensing applications. Sensors using commercial plastic optical fibres are based on ideas already used in silica glass sensors, but exploiting the flexible and cost effective nature of the plastic optical fibre for harsh environments and throw-away sensors. In the field of Photonics, considerable attention is centering on the use of polymer waveguides and fibres, as they have a great potential to create all-optical devices. By attaching organic dyes to the polymer system we can incorporate a variety of optical functions. Organic dye doped polymer waveguides and fibres are potential candidates for solid state gain media. High power and high gain optical amplification in organic dye-doped polymer waveguide amplifier is possible due to extremely large emission cross sections of dyes. Also, an extensive choice of organic dye dopants is possible resulting in amplification covering a wide range in the visible region.


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A new design of' a dual-frequency dual-polarized square microsh'ip antenna fed along the diagonal, embedded with a square slot having three extended stubs for frequency tuning, is introduced. The proposed antenna was fabricated using a standard photolithographic method and the antenna was tested using the HP 3510(:; Vector Network Analyser. The antenna is capable of generating dual resonant frequencies with mutually perpendicular polarizations and broad radiation pattern characteristics. Such dual-frequency designs find wide applications in personal mobile handsets combining GSM and CDS 1800 modes, and applications in which different frequencies are used for emission and reception such as personal satellite communications and cellular network systems.


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Antennas are indispensable component of any wireless communication device. An antenna is a transducer between the transmitter and the free space waves and vice versa. They efficiently transfer electromagnetic energy from a transmission line into free space. But the present day communication applications require compact and ultra wide band designs which cannot be catered by simple microstrip based designs. PIFAs have solved the problem to some extend, but the field of antennas needs more innovative designs In this thesis the design and development of compact planner antenna are presented. Emphasis is given to the design of the feed as well as the radiator resulting in simple compact uniplanar geometries. The Asymmetric coplanar feed used to excite the antennas is found to be a suitable choice for feeding compact antennas.The main objectives of the study are the design of compact single, dual and multi band antennas with uniplanar structure and extension of the design for practical GSM/WLAN applications and Ultra compact antennas using the above techniques and extension of the design to antennas for practical applications like RFID/DVB-H. All the above objectives are thoroughly studied. Antennas with ultra compact dimensions are obtained as a result of the study. Simple equations are provided to design antennas with the required characteristics. The design equations are verified by designing different antennas for different applications.


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Advent of lasers together with the advancement in fiber optics technology has revolutionized the sensor technology. Advancement in the telemetric applications of optical fiber based measurements is an added bonus. The present thesis describes variety of fiber based sensors using techniques like micro bending, long period grating and evanescent waves. Sensors to measure various physical and chemical parameters are described in this thesis.


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Analog-to digital Converters (ADC) have an important impact on the overall performance of signal processing system. This research is to explore efficient techniques for the design of sigma-delta ADC,specially for multi-standard wireless tranceivers. In particular, the aim is to develop novel models and algorithms to address this problem and to implement software tools which are avle to assist the designer's decisions in the system-level exploration phase. To this end, this thesis presents a framework of techniques to design sigma-delta analog to digital converters.A2-2-2 reconfigurable sigma-delta modulator is proposed which can meet the design specifications of the three wireless communication standards namely GSM,WCDMA and WLAN. A sigma-delta modulator design tool is developed using the Graphical User Interface Development Environment (GUIDE) In MATLAB.Genetic Algorithm(GA) based search method is introduced to find the optimum value of the scaling coefficients and to maximize the dynamic range in a sigma-delta modulator.


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The thesis explores the outcome of the exhaustive theoretical and experimental investigations performed on Octagonal Microstrip Antenna configurations. Development of the MATLAB TM backed 3D-Conformal Finite Difference Time Domain (CFDTD)Modeller for the numerical computation of the radiation characteristics of the antenna is the theme of the work. The predicted results are verified experimentally and by IE3D TM simulation. The influence of the patch dimensions,feed configurations,feed dimensions and feed positions upon the radiation performance of the antenna is studied in detail. Octagonal Microstrip Antenna configurations suitable for Mobile-Bluetooth application is dealt in detail. A simple design formula for the regular Octagonal geometry is also presented. A compact planar multi band antenna for GPS/DCS/2.4/5.8GHz WLAN application is included as appendix A. Planar near field measurement technique is explained in appendix B.


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Systems which employ underwater acoustic energy for observation or communication are called sonar systems. The active and passive sonars are the two types of systems used for the detection and localisation of targets in underwater. Active sonar involves the transmission of an acoustic signal which, when reflected from a target, provides the sonar receiver with a basis for the detection and estimation. Passive sonar bases its detection and estimation on sounds which emanate from the target itself--Machinery noise, flow noise, transmission from its own active sonar etc.Electroacoustic transducers are used in sonar systems for the transmission and detection of acoustic energy. The transducer which is used for the transmission of acoustic energy is called projector and the one used for reception is called hydrophone. Since a single transducer is not sufficient enough for long range and directional transmission, a properly distributed array of transducers are to be used [9-11].The need and requirement for spatial processing to generate the most favourable directivity patterns for transducer systems used in underwater applications have already been analysed by several investigators [12-21].The desired directivity pattern can be either generated by the use of suitable focussing techniques or by an array of non-directional sensor elements, whose arrangements, spacing and the mode of excitation provide the required radiation pattern or by the combination of these.While computing that the directivity pattern, it is assumed strength of the elements are unaffected by the the source acoustic pressure at each source. However, in closely packed a r r a y s , the acoustic interaction effects experienced among the elements will modify the behaviour of individual elements and in turn will reduce the acoust ic source leve 1 wi t h respect to the maximum t heoret i cal va 1ue a s well as degrade the beam pa t tern. Th i s ef fect shou 1d be reduced in systems that are intended to generate high acoustic power output and unperturbed beam patterns [2,22-31].The work herein presented includes an approach for designing efficient and well behaved underwater transd~cer arrays, taking into account the acoustic interaction effect experienced among the closely packed multielement arrays.Architectural modifications reducing the interaction effect different radiating apertures.


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In recent years,photonics has emerged as an essential technology related to such diverse fields like laser technology,fiber optics,communication,optical signal processing,computing,entertainment,consumer electronics etc.Availabilities of semiconductor lasers and low loss fibers have also revolutionized the field of sensor technology including telemetry. There exist fiber optic sensors which are sensitive,reliable.light weight and accurate devices which find applications in wide range of areas like biomedicine,aviation,surgery,pollution monitoring etc.,apart from areas in basic sciences.The present thesis deals with the design,fabrication and characterization of a variety of cost effective and sensitive fiber optic sensors for the trace detetction of certain environment pollutants in air and water.The sensor design is carried out using the techniques like evanescent waves,micro bending and long period gratings.


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A compact, planar, wideband antenna designed by modifying the coplanar waveguide is presented in this letter. The proposed antenna finds a wide range of applications including advanced wireless systems (AWS), DCS-1800, DCS-1900/PCS/PHS, WiBro, BlueTooth/WLAN/WiBree/ZigBee, DMB, Global Star Satellite Phones, and digital cordless phones. Wide bandwidth > 75% centered at 2.50 GHz, quasi-omnidirectional radiation coverage along with moderate gain and efficiency are the salient features of the antenna. A prototype fabricated on a substrate with dielectric constant 4.4 and thickness 1.6 mm occupies an area of (31times 64) mm2. Details of antenna design and discussions on the effect of various antenna parameters on the radiation characteristics are presented.


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Design of a dual linearly-polarised microstrip patch antenna, excited by two orthogonal microstrip feed lines, is presented. A reduction in patch size of 35% is obtained when compared to a square patch operating at the same frequency. The polarisations are oriented at +45 and - 45 with an isolation of more than 36 dB between the ports. Unlike earlier designs, the proposed structure provides better gain.


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This thesis describes the development and analysis of an Isosceles Trapezoidal Dielectric Resonator Antenna (ITDRA) by realizing different DR orientations with suitable feed configurations enabling it to be used as multiband, dual band dual polarized and wideband applications. The motivation for this work has been inspired by the need for compact, high efficient, low cost antenna suitable for multi band application, dual band dual polarized operation and broadband operation with the possibility of using with MICs, and to ensure less expensive, more efficient and quality wireless communication systems. To satisfy these challenging demands a novel shaped Dielectric Resonator (DR) is fabricated and investigated for the possibility of above required properties by trying out different orientations of the DR on a simple microstrip feed and with slotted ground plane as well. The thesis initially discusses and evaluates recent and past developments taken place within the microwave industry on this topic through a concise review of literature. Then the theoretical aspects of DRA and different feeding techniques are described. Following this, fabrication and characterization of DRA is explained. To achieve the desired requirements as above both simulations and experimental measurements were undertaken. A 3-D finite element method (FEM) electromagnetic simulation tool, HFSSTM by Agilent, is used to determine the optimum geometry of the dielectric resonator. It was found to be useful in producing approximate results although it had some limitations. A numerical analysis technique, finite difference time domain (FDTD) is used for validating the results of wide band design at the end. MATLAB is used for modeling the ITDR and implementing FDTD analysis. In conclusion this work offers a new, efficient and relatively simple alternative for antennas to be used for multiple requirements in the wireless communication system.


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Antennas are necessary and vital components of communication and radar systems, but sometimes their inability to adjust to new operating scenarios can limit system performance. Reconfigurable antennas can adjust with changing system requirements or environmental conditions and provide additional levels of functionality that may result in wider instantaneous frequency bandwidths, more extensive scan volumes, and radiation patterns with more desirable side lobe distributions. Their agility and diversity created new horizons for different types of applications especially in cognitive radio, Multiple Input Multiple Output Systems, satellites and many other applications. Reconfigurable antennas satisfy the requirements for increased functionality, such as direction finding, beam steering, radar, control and command, within a confined volume. The intelligence associated with the reconfigurable antennas revolved around switching mechanisms utilized. In the present work, we have investigated frequency reconfigurable polarization diversity antennas using two methods: 1. By using low-loss, high-isolation switches such as PIN diode, the antenna can be structurally reconfigured to maintain the elements near their resonant dimensions for different frequency bands and/or polarization. 2. Secondly, the incorporation of variable capacitors or varactors, to overcome many problems faced in using switches and their biasing. The performances of these designs have been studied using standard simulation tools used in industry/academia and they have been experimentally verified. Antenna design guidelines are also deduced by accounting the resonances. One of the major contributions of the thesis lies in the analysis of the designed antennas using FDTD based numerical computation to validate their performance.


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The service quality of any sector has two major aspects namely technical and functional. Technical quality can be attained by maintaining technical specification as decided by the organization. Functional quality refers to the manner which service is delivered to customer which can be assessed by the customer feed backs. A field survey was conducted based on the management tool SERVQUAL, by designing 28 constructs under 7 dimensions of service quality. Stratified sampling techniques were used to get 336 valid responses and the gap scores of expectations and perceptions are analyzed using statistical techniques to identify the weakest dimension. To assess the technical aspects of availability six months live outage data of base transceiver were collected. The statistical and exploratory techniques were used to model the network performance. The failure patterns have been modeled in competing risk models and probability distribution of service outage and restorations were parameterized. Since the availability of network is a function of the reliability and maintainability of the network elements, any service provider who wishes to keep up their service level agreements on availability should be aware of the variability of these elements and its effects on interactions. The availability variations were studied by designing a discrete time event simulation model with probabilistic input parameters. The probabilistic distribution parameters arrived from live data analysis was used to design experiments to define the availability domain of the network under consideration. The availability domain can be used as a reference for planning and implementing maintenance activities. A new metric is proposed which incorporates a consistency index along with key service parameters that can be used to compare the performance of different service providers. The developed tool can be used for reliability analysis of mobile communication systems and assumes greater significance in the wake of mobile portability facility. It is also possible to have a relative measure of the effectiveness of different service providers.