em Cochin University of Science


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The thesis deals with analysis of some Stochastic Inventory Models with Pooling/Retrial of Customers.. In the first model we analyze an (s,S) production Inventory system with retrial of customers. Arrival of customers from outside the system form a Poisson process. The inter production times are exponentially distributed with parameter µ. When inventory level reaches zero further arriving demands are sent to the orbit which has capacity M(<∞). Customers, who find the orbit full and inventory level at zero are lost to the system. Demands arising from the orbital customers are exponentially distributed with parameter γ. In the model-II we extend these results to perishable inventory system assuming that the life-time of each item follows exponential with parameter θ. The study deals with an (s,S) production inventory with service times and retrial of unsatisfied customers. Primary demands occur according to a Markovian Arrival Process(MAP). Consider an (s,S)-retrial inventory with service time in which primary demands occur according to a Batch Markovian Arrival Process (BMAP). The inventory is controlled by the (s,S) policy and (s,S) inventory system with service time. Primary demands occur according to Poissson process with parameter λ. The study concentrates two models. In the first model we analyze an (s,S) Inventory system with postponed demands where arrivals of demands form a Poisson process. In the second model, we extend our results to perishable inventory system assuming that the life-time of each item follows exponential distribution with parameter θ. Also it is assumed that when inventory level is zero the arriving demands choose to enter the pool with probability β and with complementary probability (1- β) it is lost for ever. Finally it analyze an (s,S) production inventory system with switching time. A lot of work is reported under the assumption that the switching time is negligible but this is not the case for several real life situation.


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This paper presents gamma stochastic volatility models and investigates its distributional and time series properties. The parameter estimators obtained by the method of moments are shown analytically to be consistent and asymptotically normal. The simulation results indicate that the estimators behave well. The insample analysis shows that return models with gamma autoregressive stochastic volatility processes capture the leptokurtic nature of return distributions and the slowly decaying autocorrelation functions of squared stock index returns for the USA and UK. In comparison with GARCH and EGARCH models, the gamma autoregressive model picks up the persistence in volatility for the US and UK index returns but not the volatility persistence for the Canadian and Japanese index returns. The out-of-sample analysis indicates that the gamma autoregressive model has a superior volatility forecasting performance compared to GARCH and EGARCH models.


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This thesis Entitled Stochastic modelling and analysis.This thesis is divided into six chapters including this introductory chapter. In second chapter, we consider an (s,S) inventory model with service, reneging of customers and finite shortage of items.In the third chapter, we consider an (s,S) inventoiy system with retrial of customers. Arrival of customers forms a Poisson process with rate. When the inventory level depletes to s due to demands, an order for replenishment is placed.In Chapter 4, we analyze and compare three (s,S) inventory systems with positive service time and retrial of customers. In all these systems, arrivals of customers form a Poisson process and service times are exponentially distributed. In chapter 5, we analyze and compare three production inventory systems with positive service time and retrial of customers. In all these systems, arrivals of customers form a Poisson process and service times are exponentially distributed.In chapter 6, we consider a PH /PH /l inventory model with reneging of customers and finite shortage of items.


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This thesis analyses certain problems in Inventories and Queues. There are many situations in real-life where we encounter models as described in this thesis. It analyses in depth various models which can be applied to production, storag¢, telephone traffic, road traffic, economics, business administration, serving of customers, operations of particle counters and others. Certain models described here is not a complete representation of the true situation in all its complexity, but a simplified version amenable to analysis. While discussing the models, we show how a dependence structure can be suitably introduced in some problems of Inventories and Queues. Continuous review, single commodity inventory systems with Markov dependence structure introduced in the demand quantities, replenishment quantities and reordering levels are considered separately. Lead time is assumed to be zero in these models. An inventory model involving random lead time is also considered (Chapter-4). Further finite capacity single server queueing systems with single/bulk arrival, single/bulk services are also discussed. In some models the server is assumed to go on vacation (Chapters 7 and 8). In chapters 5 and 6 a sort of dependence is introduced in the service pattern in some queuing models.


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In this thesis we have presented several inventory models of utility. Of these inventory with retrial of unsatisfied demands and inventory with postponed work are quite recently introduced concepts, the latt~~ being introduced for the first time. Inventory with service time is relatively new with a handful of research work reported. The di lficuity encoLlntered in inventory with service, unlike the queueing process, is that even the simplest case needs a 2-dimensional process for its description. Only in certain specific cases we can introduce generating function • to solve for the system state distribution. However numerical procedures can be developed for solving these problem.


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The classical methods of analysing time series by Box-Jenkins approach assume that the observed series uctuates around changing levels with constant variance. That is, the time series is assumed to be of homoscedastic nature. However, the nancial time series exhibits the presence of heteroscedasticity in the sense that, it possesses non-constant conditional variance given the past observations. So, the analysis of nancial time series, requires the modelling of such variances, which may depend on some time dependent factors or its own past values. This lead to introduction of several classes of models to study the behaviour of nancial time series. See Taylor (1986), Tsay (2005), Rachev et al. (2007). The class of models, used to describe the evolution of conditional variances is referred to as stochastic volatility modelsThe stochastic models available to analyse the conditional variances, are based on either normal or log-normal distributions. One of the objectives of the present study is to explore the possibility of employing some non-Gaussian distributions to model the volatility sequences and then study the behaviour of the resulting return series. This lead us to work on the related problem of statistical inference, which is the main contribution of the thesis