15 resultados para SCALAR MESONS

em Cochin University of Science


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In this thesis quark-antiquark bound states are considered using a relativistic two-body equation for Dirac particles. The mass spectrum of mesons includes bound states involving two heavy quarks or one heavy and one light quark. In order to analyse these states within a unified formalism, it is desirable to have a two-fermion equation that limits to one body Dirac equation with a static interaction for the light quark when the other particle's mass tends to infinity. A suitable two-body equation has been developed by Mandelzweig and Wallace. This equation is solved in momentum space and is used to describe the complete spectrum of mesons. The potential used in this work contains a short range one-gluon exchange interaction and a long range linear confining and constant potential terms. This model is used to investigate the decay processes of heavy mesons. Semileptonic decays are more tractable since there is no final state interactions between the leptons and hadrons that would otherwise complicate the situation. Studies on B and D meson decays are helpful to understand the nonperturbative strong interactions of heavy mesons, which in turn is useful to extract the details of weak interaction process. Calculation of form factors of these semileptonic decays of pseudo scalar mesons are also presented.


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This thesis deals with some aspects of the Physics of the early universe, like phase transitions, bubble nucleations and premodial density perturbations which lead to the formation structures in the universe. Quantum aspects of the gravitational interaction play an essential role in retical high-energy physics. The questions of the quantum gravity are naturally connected with early universe and Grand Unification Theories. In spite of numerous efforts, the various problems of quantum gravity remain still unsolved. In this condition, the consideration of different quantum gravity models is an inevitable stage to study the quantum aspects of gravitational interaction. The important role of gravitationally coupled scalar field in the physics of the early universe is discussed in this thesis. The study shows that the scalar-gravitational coupling and the scalar curvature did play a crucial role in determining the nature of phase transitions that took place in the early universe. The key idea in studying the formation structure in the universe is that of gravitational instability.


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This thesis presents the results of an investigation conducted for the development of a new type of feed horn antenna called "Simulated Scalar Feed". A schematic presentation of the work is given below. A review of the past important work done in the field of conventional/multimode electromagnetic horn antennas is presented in the first part of the second chapter. The work carried out on corrugated horns and surfaces are included in the second part of the review. In the third part, work on dielectric and dielectric loaded metal horns are reviewed. In all the parts of the review, special emphasis is given to theoretical design considerations. The methodology adopted for the experimental investigations is presented in the third chapter. The instrumentation utilized and thThis thesis presents the results of an investigation conducted for the development of a new type of feed horn antenna called "Simulated Scalar Feed". A schematic presentation of the work is given below. A review of the past important work done in the field of conventional/multimode electromagnetic horn antennas is presented in the first part of the second chapter. The work carried out on corrugated horns and surfaces are included in the second part of the review. In the third part, work on dielectric and dielectric loaded metal horns are reviewed. In all the parts of the review, special emphasis is given to theoretical design considerations. The methodology adopted for the experimental investigations is presented in the third chapter. The instrumentation utilized and the details of fabrication ofe details of fabrication of the new simulated scalar feed are described. The method of measurements of radiation characteristics of the antenna are also explained in this chapter. In the fourth chapter the outcome of the experimental results of the investigations carried out on horn antennas fabricated with different physical dimensions and different parameters for the E—plane boundary walls are highlighted. The theoretical explanation used to explain the experimental results is given in the fifth chapter of the thesis. A comparison between the experimental and the theoretical results is also presented in this chapter. In chapter six, the conclusions drawn from the experimental as well as the theoretical investigations are discussed. The advantages and features of the newly developed simulated scalar feed is examined in this chapter. Scope of further investigations in this field is also discussed at the end of this chapter.


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The present work is an attempt to explain particle production in the early univese. We argue that nonzero values of the stress-energy tensor evaluated in squeezed vacuum state can be due to particle production and this supports the concept of particle production from zero-point quantum fluctuations. In the present calculation we use the squeezed coherent state introduced by Fan and Xiao [7]. The vacuum expectation values of stressenergy tensor defined prior to any dynamics in the background gravitational field give all information about particle production. Squeezing of the vacuum is achieved by means of the background gravitational field, which plays the role of a parametric amplifier [8]. The present calculation shows that the vacuum expectation value of the energy density and pressure contain terms in addition to the classical zero-point energy terms. The calculation of the particle production probability shows that the probability increases as the squeezing parameter increases, reaches a maximum value, and then decreases.


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The present work is an attempt to explain particle production in the early univese. We argue that nonzero values of the stress-energy tensor evaluated in squeezed vacuum state can be due to particle production and this supports the concept of particle production from zero-point quantum fluctuations. In the present calculation we use the squeezed coherent state introduced by Fan and Xiao [7]. The vacuum expectation values of stressenergy tensor defined prior to any dynamics in the background gravitational field give all information about particle production. Squeezing of the vacuum is achieved by means of the background gravitational field, which plays the role of a parametric amplifier [8]. The present calculation shows that the vacuum expectation value of the energy density and pressure contain terms in addition to the classical zero-point energy terms. The calculation of the particle production probability shows that the probability increases as the squeezing parameter increases, reaches a maximum value, and then decreases.


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The present study on the vertical structure of horizontal wind variability in the surface boundary layer over Sriharikota. Based on clock wind speed and direction measuring meteorological tower facility from seven levels in the 100 m layer. The study on wind variability and elliptical approximation of wind hodographs investigated for this tropical coastal station established that Sriharikota is of meso-scale weather entity. Wind variability ratio increases from lower levels to upper levels. In South West monsoon months the station is of high ratio values and it gets affected with meso-scale weather features like thunderstorms. Average total shears are observed greater values than scalar shears. Scalar shears are high in the lowest shear levels compared to upper levels. Semi diurnal types of oscillation in average total shears are found in south west monsoon months. During cyclonic storm passage it is observed that there can be significant difference in mean wind speed from 10 m to 100 m level, but it is not so for peak wind speeds. The variations in wind variability ratio in different months is clearly depicted its strong link to define meso-scale or synoptic –scale forcing domination for this station. Meso-scale forcing is characterized by diurnal wind variability and synoptic- scale forcing by interdiurnal wind variability.


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An attempt is made to determine the relative power distribution in a step-index parabolic cylindrical waveguide (PCW) with high deformation across the direction of propagation. The guide is assumed to be made of silica. The scalar field approximation is employed for the analysis under which a vanishing refractive-index (RI) difference in the waveguide materials is considered. Further, no approximation for folds- is used in the analytical treatment. Due to the geometry of such waceguides, PCWs lose the well-defined modal discreteness, and a kind of mode bunching is observed instead, which becomes much more prominent in PCWs with high bends. However, with the increase in cross-sectional size, the mode-bunching tendency is slightly reduced. The general expressions for power in the guiding and nonguiding sections are obtained, and the fractional power patterns in all of the sections are presented for PCWs of various cross-sectional dimensions. It is observed that the confinement of power in the core section is increased for PCWs of larger cross-sectional size. Moreover, a fairly uniform distribution of power is seen over the modes having intermediate values of propagation constants


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Electromagnetic tomography has been applied to problems in nondestructive evolution, ground-penetrating radar, synthetic aperture radar, target identification, electrical well logging, medical imaging etc. The problem of electromagnetic tomography involves the estimation of cross sectional distribution dielectric permittivity, conductivity etc based on measurement of the scattered fields. The inverse scattering problem of electromagnetic imaging is highly non linear and ill posed, and is liable to get trapped in local minima. The iterative solution techniques employed for computing the inverse scattering problem of electromagnetic imaging are highly computation intensive. Thus the solution to electromagnetic imaging problem is beset with convergence and computational issues. The attempt of this thesis is to develop methods suitable for improving the convergence and reduce the total computations for tomographic imaging of two dimensional dielectric cylinders illuminated by TM polarized waves, where the scattering problem is defmed using scalar equations. A multi resolution frequency hopping approach was proposed as opposed to the conventional frequency hopping approach employed to image large inhomogeneous scatterers. The strategy was tested on both synthetic and experimental data and gave results that were better localized and also accelerated the iterative procedure employed for the imaging. A Degree of Symmetry formulation was introduced to locate the scatterer in the investigation domain when the scatterer cross section was circular. The investigation domain could thus be reduced which reduced the degrees of freedom of the inverse scattering process. Thus the entire measured scattered data was available for the optimization of fewer numbers of pixels. This resulted in better and more robust reconstructions of the scatterer cross sectional profile. The Degree of Symmetry formulation could also be applied to the practical problem of limited angle tomography, as in the case of a buried pipeline, where the ill posedness is much larger. The formulation was also tested using experimental data generated from an experimental setup that was designed. The experimental results confirmed the practical applicability of the formulation.


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This thesis Entitled Studies on Quasinormal modes and Late-time tails black hole spacetimes. In this thesis, the signature of these new theories are probed on the evolution of field perturbations on the black hole spacetimes in the theory. Chapter 1 gives a general introduction to black holes and its perturbation formalism. Various concepts in the area covered by the thesis are also elucidated in this chapter. Chapter 2 describes the evolution of massive, charged scalar field perturbations around a Reissner-Nordstrom black hole surrounded by a static and spherically symmetric quintessence. Chapter 3 comprises the evolution of massless scalar, electromagnetic and gravitational fields around spherically symmetric black hole whose asymptotes are defined by the quintessence, with special interest on the late-time behavior. Chapter 4 examines the evolution of Dirac field around a Schwarzschild black hole surrounded by quintessence. Detailed numerical simulations are done to analyze the nature of field on different surfaces of constant radius . Chapter 5is dedicated to the study of the evolution of massless fields around the black hole geometry in the HL gravity.


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The thesis deals with certain quantum field systems exhibiting spontaneous symmetry breaking and their response to temperature. These models find application in diverse branches such as particle physics, solid state physics and non~linear optics. The nature of phase transition that these systems may undergo is also investigated. The thesis contains seven chapters. The first chapter is introductory and gives a brief account of the various phenomena associated with spontaneous symmetry breaking. The chapter closes with anote on the effect of temperature on quantum field systems. In chapter 2, the spontaneous symmetry breaking phenomena are reviewed in more detail. Chapter 3, deals with the formulation of ordinary and generalised sine-Gordon field theories on a lattice and the study of the nature of phase transition occurring in these systems. In chapter 4, the effect of temperature on these models is studied, using the effective potential method. Chapter 5 is a continuation of this study for another model, viz, the m6 model. The nature of phase transition is also studied. Chapters 5 and 6 constitute a report of the investigations on the behaviour of coupling constants under thermal excitation D1 $4 theory, scalar electrodynamics, abelian and non-abelian gauge theories


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The present work is organized into six chapters. Bivariate extension of Burr system is the subject matter of Chapter II. The author proposes to introduce a general structure for the family in two dimensions and present some properties of such a system. Also in Chapter II some new distributions, which are bivariate extension of univariate distributions in Burr (1942) is presented.. In Chapter III, concentrates on characterization problems of different forms of bivariate Burr system. A detailed study of the distributional properties of each member of the Burr system has not been undertaken in literature. With this aim in mind in Chapter IV is discussed with two forms of bivariate Burr III distribution. In Chapter V the author Considers the type XII, type II and type IX distributions. Present work concludes with Chapter VI by pointing out the multivariate extension for Burr system. Also in this chapter the concept of multivariate reversed hazard rates as scalar and vector quantity is introduced.


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The term reliability of an equipment or device is often meant to indicate the probability that it carries out the functions expected of it adequately or without failure and within specified performance limits at a given age for a desired mission time when put to use under the designated application and operating environmental stress. A broad classification of the approaches employed in relation to reliability studies can be made as probabilistic and deterministic, where the main interest in the former is to device tools and methods to identify the random mechanism governing the failure process through a proper statistical frame work, while the latter addresses the question of finding the causes of failure and steps to reduce individual failures thereby enhancing reliability. In the probabilistic attitude to which the present study subscribes to, the concept of life distribution, a mathematical idealisation that describes the failure times, is fundamental and a basic question a reliability analyst has to settle is the form of the life distribution. It is for no other reason that a major share of the literature on the mathematical theory of reliability is focussed on methods of arriving at reasonable models of failure times and in showing the failure patterns that induce such models. The application of the methodology of life time distributions is not confined to the assesment of endurance of equipments and systems only, but ranges over a wide variety of scientific investigations where the word life time may not refer to the length of life in the literal sense, but can be concieved in its most general form as a non-negative random variable. Thus the tools developed in connection with modelling life time data have found applications in other areas of research such as actuarial science, engineering, biomedical sciences, economics, extreme value theory etc.


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Reinforcement Learning (RL) refers to a class of learning algorithms in which learning system learns which action to take in different situations by using a scalar evaluation received from the environment on performing an action. RL has been successfully applied to many multi stage decision making problem (MDP) where in each stage the learning systems decides which action has to be taken. Economic Dispatch (ED) problem is an important scheduling problem in power systems, which decides the amount of generation to be allocated to each generating unit so that the total cost of generation is minimized without violating system constraints. In this paper we formulate economic dispatch problem as a multi stage decision making problem. In this paper, we also develop RL based algorithm to solve the ED problem. The performance of our algorithm is compared with other recent methods. The main advantage of our method is it can learn the schedule for all possible demands simultaneously.


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One of the interesting consequences of Einstein's General Theory of Relativity is the black hole solutions. Until the observation made by Hawking in 1970s, it was believed that black holes are perfectly black. The General Theory of Relativity says that black holes are objects which absorb both matter and radiation crossing the event horizon. The event horizon is a surface through which even light is not able to escape. It acts as a one sided membrane that allows the passage of particles only in one direction i.e. towards the center of black holes. All the particles that are absorbed by black hole increases the mass of the black hole and thus the size of event horizon also increases. Hawking showed in 1970s that when applying quantum mechanical laws to black holes they are not perfectly black but they can emit radiation. Thus the black hole can have temperature known as Hawking temperature. In the thesis we have studied some aspects of black holes in f(R) theory of gravity and Einstein's General Theory of Relativity. The scattering of scalar field in this background space time studied in the first chapter shows that the extended black hole will scatter scalar waves and have a scattering cross section and applying tunneling mechanism we have obtained the Hawking temperature of this black hole. In the following chapter we have investigated the quasinormal properties of the extended black hole. We have studied the electromagnetic and scalar perturbations in this space-time and find that the black hole frequencies are complex and show exponential damping indicating the black hole is stable against the perturbations. In the present study we show that not only the black holes exist in modified gravities but also they have similar properties of black hole space times in General Theory of Relativity. 2 + 1 black holes or three dimensional black holes are simplified examples of more complicated four dimensional black holes. Thus these models of black holes are known as toy models of black holes in four dimensional black holes in General theory of Relativity. We have studied some properties of these types of black holes in Einstein model (General Theory of Relativity). A three dimensional black hole known as MSW is taken for our study. The thermodynamics and spectroscopy of MSW black hole are studied and obtained the area spectrum which is equispaced and different thermo dynamical properties are studied. The Dirac perturbation of this three dimensional black hole is studied and the resulting quasinormal spectrum of this three dimensional black hole is obtained. The different quasinormal frequencies are tabulated in tables and these values show an exponential damping of oscillations indicating the black hole is stable against the mass less Dirac perturbation. In General Theory of Relativity almost all solutions contain singularities. The cosmological solution and different black hole solutions of Einstein's field equation contain singularities. The regular black hole solutions are those which are solutions of Einstein's equation and have no singularity at the origin. These solutions possess event horizon but have no central singularity. Such a solution was first put forward by Bardeen. Hayward proposed a similar regular black hole solution. We have studied the thermodynamics and spectroscopy of Hay-ward regular black holes. We have also obtained the different thermodynamic properties and the area spectrum. The area spectrum is a function of the horizon radius. The entropy-heat capacity curve has a discontinuity at some value of entropy showing a phase transition.