31 resultados para Relations of production

em Cochin University of Science


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The study deals with the short and long term supply response of the natural rubber in India and to analyse the macro economic environment of NR industry and causative factors of the rubber price crash. It determines the minimum cost of production of natural rubber and to forecast the potential production of NR in India. There is positive response of short run and long run supply to prices. Since correlation analysis show close association between international and domestic price level, international price changes will have its domestic echo. Production and consumption will sustain its rising trend. This makes plans for increasing production estimates show that a mid way level i.e. the range between Rs.32-Rs.38 will give a fair enough profit to the grower in the present situation and provide for the viable sustenance of rubber cultivation. Identification of the SWOT of rubber cultivation would help in supporting rubber cultivation if remedial measures are undertaken with the true spirit. This would help Indian rubber to attain global competitiveness. Then the inflow of valuable foreign exchange will overcome the other economic drawbacks of rubber cultivation


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This thesis presents a detailed account of a cost - effective approach towards enhanced production of alkaline protease at profitable levels using different fermentation designs employing cheap agro-industrial residues. It involves the optimisation of process parameters for the production of a thermostable alkaline protease by Vibrio sp. V26 under solid state, submerged and biphasic fermentations, production of the enzyme using cell immobilisation technology and the application of the crude enzyme on the deproteinisation of crustacean waste.The present investigation suggests an economic move towards Improved production of alkaline protease at gainful altitudes employing different fermentation designs utilising inexpensive agro-industrial residues. Moreover, the use of agro-industrial and other solid waste substrates for fermentation helps to provide a substitute in conserving the already dwindling global energy resources. Another alternative for accomplishing economically feasible production is by the use of immobilisation technique. This method avoids the wasteful expense of continually growing microorganisms. The high protease producing potential of the organism under study ascertains their exploitation in the utilisation and management of wastes. However, strain improvement studies for the production of high yielding variants using mutagens or by gene transfer are required before recommending them to Industries.Industries, all over the world, have made several attempts to exploit the microbial diversity of this planet. For sustainable development, it is essential to discover, develop and defend this natural prosperity. The Industrial development of any country is critically dependent on the intellectual and financial investment in this area. The need of the hour is to harness the beneficial uses of microbes for maximum utilisation of natural resources and technological yields. Owing to the multitude of applications in a variety of industrial sectors, there has always been an increasing demand for novel producers and resources of alkaline proteases as well as for innovative methods of production at a commercial altitude. This investigation forms a humble endeavour towards this perspective and bequeaths hope and inspiration for inventions to follow.


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In this thesis we have developed a few inventory models in which items are served to the customers after a processing time. This leads to a queue of demand even when items are available. In chapter two we have discussed a problem involving search of orbital customers for providing inventory. Retrial of orbital customers was also considered in that chapter; in chapter 5 also we discussed retrial inventory model which is sans orbital search of customers. In the remaining chapters (3, 4 and 6) we did not consider retrial of customers, rather we assumed the waiting room capacity of the system to be arbitrarily large. Though the models in chapters 3 and 4 differ only in that in the former we consider positive lead time for replenishment of inventory and in the latter the same is assumed to be negligible, we arrived at sharper results in chapter 4. In chapter 6 we considered a production inventory model with production time distribution for a single item and that of service time of a customer following distinct Erlang distributions. We also introduced protection of production and service stages and investigated the optimal values of the number of stages to be protected.


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Thc tea industry in lndia is going through a period of crisis. The crisis in brought about mainly by cost caculation and declining or stagnant prices. The impact of the present crisis is felt most by the owners of tea plantations in Kcrala . The present study assumes significance due to the fact that the critic which already affected Keralas tea industry is now threatening to extend to other tea-growing areas in south India. Today, ensuring a favourablc price to the producers via-a-via possibilities or reducing the cost of production through increase in productivity of land and labour are the main considerations. The main purpose of the study is to analyse the factors behind the crisis as well as exploring immediate and long-term measures for the sustained growth of the industry.


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Existing method of culture were largely based on empirical knowledge. Lacking a scientific basis as such methods did, they were often wasteful and suffered severe limitation. Modern methods of fish and prawn culture based on scientific research, have revolutioned the industry in recent years and not only extended its scope to cover the whole country but led to increased fish and prawn production. An understanding of the biological capability of the water in the perennial and seasonal culture ponds, and the nature and extent of the influence of the abiotic factors on the production of organisms in the primary level of food chain would contribute to effectively implement management measures in the stocking strategies and in the evaluation of economics of production of prawns. It is against this background that the present topic of investigation "Studies on the ecology and production of algae in prawn culture systems” was selected.


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The present study aims at the investigation of the 1ysico—chemical features of a tropical tidal river viz. we Muvattupuzha river. This river is expected to receive Jderate to heavy pollution loads in years to come, from we lone industrial unit, already set up on its bank. ilike other rivers, the geographical disposition of this Lver attains unique importance as regards its dynamics for 3) availability of natural runoff water from catchment :eas, which becomes very heavy during the monsoon season 3) regular steady availability of tail race water from a /dro—electric power station throughout the yearThe study also aims at arriving at the balancing forces of inherent self~purification of the river verses pollution loads from the factory effluents. The investigation period falls ahead of actual pollution occurrence and so the ambient conditions for a period of nearly one-and-a—half years were investigated, the analyses of which providflz to formulate the inter-relations of parameters varying with seasons. Tracer experiments were carried out which revealed the dispersion and dilution characteristics of the river in the vicinity of effluent outfall. The studv covers the trial—cum-capacity production periods of the factory during which effluents of various strength and quantity were discharged into the river; a few computed values arQ’cjmpgrQdl ... with the observed values. The base data along with the profiles of Oxygen sag equation have been utilized fb develop a mathematical model of the river with regard to its water quality


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The overall objective of the study is to examine the problems and prospects of the tea on industry in Kerala. The specific objectives are to trace the historical evolution of the tea plantation industry in India with special reference to Kerala and to study the performance of tea plantation industry in Kerala. In order to analyse the growth performance of tea plantation industry in Kerala in a comparative perspective, growth rates for the neighbouring states of Karnataka and Tamilnadu are estimated along with the National, South Indian and North Indian estimates. Tea plantation industry is a labour intensive activity. Productivity has been low primarily because of the over aging. In all the factories visited only Black tea is produced. In factories outmoded machines which installed years ago is still used which will increase the cost of production. The major problem is high cost of production and low price realization. The workers are found to be not satisfied with their working conditions- long journey to work place, absence of resting places, latrine facilities etc. and also the problems arising from dust in the factory. At a macro level the tea plantation industry has been facing the adverse impacts of globalisation and trade liberalization. There is only one solution to this problem that is to improve the competitiveness in production of raw leaf and manufacturing of tea. Government has a very important role with specification of strict quality control


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The present study was undertaken to evaluate the performance of Coir Vyavasaya Co-operative societies (CVCs) in Kerala. It was also intended to examine the extent of fulfillment of the objectives of Co-operativisation Scheme and the socio-economic betterment of worker members, Further the study was directed to find out the level of participation of members in the affairs of CVCs and to identify the major problems confronting the CVCs and the future prospects of the industry. The objectives of this study are to evaluate the performance of CVCs in Kerala with reference to the objectives of co-operativisation, socio-economic background of the worker members of the CVCs in the state, extent of members participation, major problems etc. Major findings of the study shows that 84% of CVCs surveyed were incurring losses, the long-term solvency position of the CVCS shows very pathetic situation, ration analysis shows and unhealthy state of affaires with respect to short-term solvency position and operating efficiency of all categories of CVS were found to be extremely poor. If CVCs are enabled to increase their quantity of production and there by the volume of business, their amount of loss can be reduced. If this is so, the societies can provide more days of employment to their work members, which will help them to earn more wages and thereby improve their economic and social conditions


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The present study on the dynamics of land use in recently settled forest areas. In the course of events, tribals lost their land; the demographic structure of Attappady changed; the cropping pattern got diversified; traditional techniques of production were ruined; new crops and new techniques of cultivation came to stay; and the entire cost and return structure of production underwent radical change. Migration to Attappady is essentially a continuation of the Malabar migration process from Travancore, through, some people from Tamil Nadu also had migrated to this region earlier. The demographic structure, along with land structure, has changed in favour of the settlers within a short span of time. Lack of security of ownership has acted as a strong reason for wanton exploitation of land resources. The major influencing factors on crop choices among settlers were labour endowment, date of settlement and education. Attappady is an unique ecosystem in Kerala characterized by many interdependables. The latest hand of environmental degradation is a grave danger especially on sloppy terrains,which are under cultivation of tapioca and dry annual crops like groundnuts, cotton, grams etc. Soil erosion as a result of the unplanned cultivation of these crops has resulted in dramatic decline in soil fertility and hence low crop productivity. This calls for a watershed management approach for the sustainable development of the region. A progressive agrarian transformation is warranted to maintain the homegarden as a sustainable production system in ecological and socio-economic terms.


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To ensure quality of machined products at minimum machining costs and maximum machining effectiveness, it is very important to select optimum parameters when metal cutting machine tools are employed. Traditionally, the experience of the operator plays a major role in the selection of optimum metal cutting conditions. However, attaining optimum values each time by even a skilled operator is difficult. The non-linear nature of the machining process has compelled engineers to search for more effective methods to attain optimization. The design objective preceding most engineering design activities is simply to minimize the cost of production or to maximize the production efficiency. The main aim of research work reported here is to build robust optimization algorithms by exploiting ideas that nature has to offer from its backyard and using it to solve real world optimization problems in manufacturing processes.In this thesis, after conducting an exhaustive literature review, several optimization techniques used in various manufacturing processes have been identified. The selection of optimal cutting parameters, like depth of cut, feed and speed is a very important issue for every machining process. Experiments have been designed using Taguchi technique and dry turning of SS420 has been performed on Kirlosker turn master 35 lathe. Analysis using S/N and ANOVA were performed to find the optimum level and percentage of contribution of each parameter. By using S/N analysis the optimum machining parameters from the experimentation is obtained.Optimization algorithms begin with one or more design solutions supplied by the user and then iteratively check new design solutions, relative search spaces in order to achieve the true optimum solution. A mathematical model has been developed using response surface analysis for surface roughness and the model was validated using published results from literature.Methodologies in optimization such as Simulated annealing (SA), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Conventional Genetic Algorithm (CGA) and Improved Genetic Algorithm (IGA) are applied to optimize machining parameters while dry turning of SS420 material. All the above algorithms were tested for their efficiency, robustness and accuracy and observe how they often outperform conventional optimization method applied to difficult real world problems. The SA, PSO, CGA and IGA codes were developed using MATLAB. For each evolutionary algorithmic method, optimum cutting conditions are provided to achieve better surface finish.The computational results using SA clearly demonstrated that the proposed solution procedure is quite capable in solving such complicated problems effectively and efficiently. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is a relatively recent heuristic search method whose mechanics are inspired by the swarming or collaborative behavior of biological populations. From the results it has been observed that PSO provides better results and also more computationally efficient.Based on the results obtained using CGA and IGA for the optimization of machining process, the proposed IGA provides better results than the conventional GA. The improved genetic algorithm incorporating a stochastic crossover technique and an artificial initial population scheme is developed to provide a faster search mechanism. Finally, a comparison among these algorithms were made for the specific example of dry turning of SS 420 material and arriving at optimum machining parameters of feed, cutting speed, depth of cut and tool nose radius for minimum surface roughness as the criterion. To summarize, the research work fills in conspicuous gaps between research prototypes and industry requirements, by simulating evolutionary procedures seen in nature that optimize its own systems.


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The present study helped to understand the trend in rainfall patterns at smaller spatial scales and the large regional differences in the variability of rainfall. The effect of land use and orography on the diurnal variability is also understood. But a better understanding on the long term variation in rainfall is possible by using a longer dataset,which may provide insight into the rainfall variation over country during the past century. The basic mechanism behind the interannual rainfall variability would be possible with numerical studies using coupled Ocean-Atmosphere models. The regional difference in the active-break conditions points to the significance of regional studies than considering India as a single unit. The underlying dynamics of diurnal variability need to be studied by making use of a high resolution model as the present study could not simulate the local onshore circulation. Also the land use modification in this study, selected a region, which is surrounded by crop land. This implies the high possibility for the conversion of the remaining region to agricultural land. Therefore the study is useful than considering idealized conditions, but the adverse effect of irrigated crop is more than non-irrigated crop. Therefore, such studies would help to understand the climate changes occurred in the recent period. The large accumulation of rainfall between 300-600 m height of western Ghats has been found but the reason behind this need to be studied, which is possible by utilizing datasets that would better represent the orography and landuse over the region in high resolution model. Similarly a detailed analysis is needed to clearly identify the causative relations of the predictors identified with the predictant and the physical reasons behind them. New approaches that include nonlinear relationships and dynamical variables from model simulations can be included in the existing statistical models to improve the skill of the models. Also the statistical models for the forecasts of monsoon have to be continually updated.


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The fishing industry the world over is passing through a critical situation.The landings of marine fishes seemed to have reached saturation in major fishing areas of the world.As a general rule fisheries employing fishing gear and techniques used by small scale and artisanal fishermen either from shore or from onboard small fishing craft come under small-scale fisheries.This study on gill nets of Kerala, the fishing method depended upon by maximum fishermen of the state focuses on the importance of this selective and low energy fishing method in the marine fishing sector of the state.The study opens with the conceptual framework by briefly reviewing the crisis in the marine fisheries sector. Maximum fishermen depend upon gill net, which is, an important selective and low energy fishing gear. A review of relevant literature on aspects such as material, selectivity and techno-economic efficiency together with scope and main objectives of the study form the major part of the compass of the introductory chapter.This survey provided the inputs for selection of centres. The chapter presents the basis for selection of sample centres, sample units and methodology for field and experimental study.The subject matter of the fourth chapter is a basic study on gear aterials. The weathering resistance, which is an important criterion to assess the material performance, was studied for polyamide monofilament in comparison to polyamide multifilament and polyethylene twisted monofilament.The study provides supporting evidence of oxidation and characteristic C-O stretching in polyethylene and cyclic lactam .formation and presence of OH in polyamide.The study indicates that small mesh gill netting can be encouraged as a selective fishing method in the inshore waters with restrained use of 30 and 32 mm mesh sizes. The economic efficiency was assessed using standard indices such as rate of return, internal rate of return, pay back period, fishery income, energy efficiency and factor productivity. The effect of size and cost of capital and cost of production on the economics of operation is also discussed in this chapter. It was observed that level of technology did not have direct effect on economic performance.


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The Indian edible oyster Crassostrea madrasensis (Preston) is known to be a highly suitable candidate species for culture. Though Q, madrasensis has been subjected to intensive research, there has been no significant attempt to culture this oyster commercially. One major reason for the lack of interest in oyster culture could be the disparity in growth, survival and production reported by earlier workersf from different regions along the Indian coast. Greater predictability of production can create confidence and encourage entrepreneurs interested in oyster culture. The present study, which is a detailed investigation on the influence of various environmental variables on growth and reproduction of Q, madrasensis, is not confined to the impact of only hydrological parameters but is also extended to study the effect of different degrees of aerial exposure on growth and survival. The main objective of the study is to develop a background for subsequent development of a site suitability index for culture of Q, madrasensis along the Indian coast. Two sets of experiments were conducted during the present study. Details of the experiments are presented in the thesis under two major chapters comprising four sections each. Each chapter has a separate introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion. .


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Economists consider education as an investment in man. Education develops human resources necessary for the economic and political growth of any nation. Adam Smith stressed the importance of education and included the acquired and useful activities of all the inhabitants or members of society in his concept of fixed capital.‘ Karl Marx shared with Smith's view when he laid down that the function of education in a socialist society will be to overcome the alienation of the worker from the means of production; while developing the technical skill it will make him a complete man as well as a producer.2 Education is also considered as a powerful instrument for social change. By inculcating moral and spiritual values, it brings changes both in the individual and in the society. It aims at creating a social order founded on the values of freedom, social justice and equal opportunity.3 The objective of this exploratory study is to enquire into the existing system of managing higher educational institutions in Kerala, compare it with the accepted principles of management believed to be applicable to all organisations, and develop a model capable of introducing more effective management practices


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The general objective of the study is to examine in depth the organisation and management practices of newspaper industry in Kerala with particular reference to the marketing aspects, with a View to suggesting measures for improving the economics and the managerial efficiency of the industry. The detailed investigation into the management aspects of the industry is done with particular reference to the two most popular Malayalam dailies in Kerala, namely, the Malayala Manorama and the Mathrubhumi. The purposeful selection of these two papers for the study is amply justified as these two dailies together account for about 80 percent of the total circulation of the newspapers in Kerala. Technically speaking, both these papers are owned by organisations registered as public limited companies and are, to a large extent professionally managed. The Malayala Manorama, though a public limited company in principle, functions, however, more or less as a private company or a family concern. These two papers therefore provide a scope for studying the management of newspaper industry practically under two different organisational set up, namely private limited company and public limited company The study has been divided into eight chapters. Chapter-I spells out an introduction about the newspaper industry and its unique features.Chapter-II, deals with a review of literature, objective, scope, methodology and limitations of the study. Chapter-III deals with origin, growth and status of newspaper industry. Chapter—IV examines the cost, revenue and profitability of the Malayala Manorama and Mathrubhumi. Chapter-V deals with the Organisation and Management. Chapter-VI examines the Marketing Management of Newspapers. Chapter-VII deals with the Marketing Strategy and Performance of Malayala Manorama and Mathrubhumi: An Assessment. Chapter-VIII presents the main findings of the study.