24 resultados para Reflex Modification
em Cochin University of Science
Vacuum-ultraviolet (VUV) irradiation (kexc: 172 ± 12 nm) of polystyrene films in the presence of oxygen produced not only oxidatively functionalized surfaces, but generated also morphological changes. Whereas OH- and C=O-functionalized surfaces might be used for e.g. secondary functionalization, enhanced aggregation or printing, processes leading to morphological changes open new possibilities of microstructurization. Series of experiments made under different experimental conditions brought evidence of two different reaction pathways: introduction of OH- and C=O-groups at the polystyrene pathways is mainly due to the reaction of reactive oxygen species (hydroxyl radicals, atomic oxygen, ozone) produced in the gas phase between the VUV-radiation source and the substrate. However, oxidative fragmentation leading to morphological changes, oxidation products of low molecular weight and eventually to mineralization of the organic substrate is initiated by electronic excitation of the polymer leading to C–C-bond homolysis and to a complex oxidation manifold after trapping of the C-centred radicals by molecular oxygen. The pathways of oxidative functionalization or fragmentation could be differentiated by FTIR-ATR analysis of irradiated polystyrene surfaces before and after washing with acetonitrile and microscopic fluorescence analysis of the surfaces secondarily functionalized with the N,N,N-tridodecyl-triaza-triangulenium (TATA) cation. Ozonization of the polystyrene leads to oxidative functionalization of the polymer surface but cannot initiate the fragmentation of the polymer backbone. Oxidative fragmentation is initiated by electronic excitation of the polymer (contact-mode AFM analysis), and evidence of the generation of intermediate C-centred radicals is given e.g. by experiments in the absence of oxygen leading to cross-linking (solubility effects, optical microscopy, friction-mode AFM) and disproportionation (fluorescence).
The effects of modifying blends of poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) with linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE) by means of acrylic acid, maleic anhydride, phenolic resins and p-phenylene diamine were investigated. Modification by acrylic acid and maleic anhydride in the presence of dicumyl peroxide was found to be the most useful procedure for improving the mechanical behaviour and adhesion properties of the blend. The improvement was found to be due mainly to the grafting of the carboxylic acid to the polymer chains; grafting was found to be more effective in LLDPE/PVC blends than in pure LLDPE.
Natural rubber, styrene-butadiene rubber, and polybutadiene rubber were used to replace part of the butadieneacrylonitrile rubber in a 70/30 butadiene-acrylonitrile rubber/ poly(vinyl chloride) blend. Such replacement up to 15% of the total weight of the blend improved the mechanical properties, while decreasing the cost of the blend. Styrenebutadiene rubber could replace butadiene-acrylonitrile rubber up to 30% of the total weight of the blend without deterioration in the mechanical properties.
Polychloroprene (neoprene) has been blended with polyvinylchloride (PVC) in different proportions using a new stabiliser system (magnesium oxide and zinc oxide with stearic acid) for PVC. The physical properties of the blends show that they can advantageously replace neoprene in many applications.
Poor cold flow properties of vegetable oils are a major problem preventing the usage of many abundantly available vegetable oils as base stocks for industrial lubricants. The major objective of this research is to improve the cold flow properties of vegetable oils by various techniques like additive addition and different chemical modification processes. Conventional procedure for determining pour point is ASTM D97 method. ASTM D97 method is time consuming and reproducibility of pour point temperatures is poor between laboratories. Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) is a fast, accurate and reproducible method to analyze the thermal activities during cooling/heating of oil. In this work coconut oil has been chosen as representative vegetable oil for the analysis and improvement cold flow properties since it is abundantly available in the tropics and has a very high pour point of 24 °C. DSC is used for the analysis of unmodified and modified vegetable oil. The modified oils (with acceptable pour points) were then subjected to different tests for the valuation of important lubricant properties such as viscometric, tribological (friction and wear properties), oxidative and corrosion properties.A commercial polymethacrylate based PPD was added in different percentages and the pour points were determined in each case. Styrenated phenol(SP) was added in different concentration to coconut oil and each solution was subjected to ASTM D97 test and analysis by DSC. Refined coconut oil and other oils like castor oil, sunflower oil and keranja oil were mixed in different proportions and interesterification procedure was carried out. Interesterification of coconut oil with other vegetable oils was not found to be effective in lowering the pour point of coconut oil as the reduction attained was only to the extent of 2 to 3 °C.Chemical modification by acid catalysed condensation reaction with coconut oil castor oil mixture resulted in significant reduction of pour point (from 24 ºC to -3 ºC). Instead of using triacylglycerols, when their fatty acid derivatives (lauric acid- the major fatty acid content of coconut oil and oleic acid- the major fatty acid constituents of monoand poly- unsaturated vegetable oils like olive oil, sunflower oil etc.) were used for the synthesis , the pour point could be brought down to -42 ºC. FTIR and NMR spectroscopy confirmed the ester structure of the product which is fundamental to the biodegradability of vegetable oils. The tribological performance of the synthesised product with a suitable AW/EP additive was comparable to the commercial SAE20W30 oil. The viscometric properties (viscosity and viscosity index) were also (with out additives) comparable to commercial lubricants. The TGA experiment confirmed the better oxidative performance of the product compared to vegetable oils. The sample passed corrosion test as per ASTM D130 method.
Poly(propylene) (PP) reinforced with short glass fiber was modified with precipitated nanosilica (pnS) by melt mixing. The weight of the glass fiber was varied by keeping the pnS at optimum level. The properties of the composites were studied using universal testing machine, dynamic mechanic analyser (DMA), differential Scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermo gravimetric analyser (TGA). The amount of the glass fiber required for a particular modulus could be reduced by the addition of nanosilica.
Department of Physics, Cochin University of Science and Technology
The main aim of the study was to optimise the reactive extrusion conditions in the conventional modification processes of polyethylenes in a single screw extruder.The optimum conditions for peroxide crosslinking of low density polyethylene (LDPE), linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE) and their blend were determined in a torque rheometer. The actual reactive extrusion was performed in a laboratory single screw extruder using the optimum parameters. The influence of the coagent, triaUyl cyanurate (TAC), on the cross linking of low density polyethylene in the presence of peroxide was also investigated. The peroxide crosslinking was found to improve the mechanical properties and the thermal stability of the polyethylenes. The efficiency of crosslinking was found to be improved by the addition of coagent such as TAC.The optimum conditions for silane grafting viz temperature, shear rate, silane and DCP concentrations were determined on a torque rheometer in the case of LDPE, LLDPE and their blend. Silane grafting of LDPE in the presence of peroxide was performed with and without addition of water. Compounding of such mixtures in the melt at high temperatures caused decomposition of the peroxide and grafting of alkoxy silyl groups to the polyethylene chains.The optimum parameters for maleic anhydride modification of LDPE, LLDPE and their blend were determined. The grafting reaction was confinned by FTIR spectroscopy. Modification of polyethylenes with maleic anhydride in the presence of dicumyl peroxide was found to be useful in improving mechanical properties. The improvement was found to be mainly due to the grafting of carboxyl group and formation of crosslinks between the chains. The cross linking initiated improvements indicate extended property profiles and new application fields for polyethylenes.On the whole the study shows that the optimum conditions for modifying polyethylenes can be determined on a torque rheometer and actual modification can be performed in a single screw extruder by employing the optimum parameters for improved mechanical! thermal behaviour without seriously affecting their processing behaviour.
The present study was undertaken to prepare nanosilica by a simple cost effective means and to use it as a potential nanomodifier in thermoplastic matrices and to develop useful composites. Nanosilica was prepared from sodium silicate and dilute hydrochloric acid by polymer induced crystallization technique under controlled conditions. The silica surface was modified by silane coupling agent to decrease the agglomeration and thus to increase the reinforcement with polymer. The pristine nanosilica and modified nanosilica were used to make nano-micro hybrid composites. Short glass fibres and nylon fibres were used as microfillers. The hybrid nanocomposites based on Polypropylene (PP) and High density poly ethylene (HOPE) are prepared. The mechanical, thermal, crystallization and dynamic mechanical properties of the composites are evaluated.
This thesis presents the findings of a study on incorporating vanous thermoset resins into natural rubber for property improvement. Natural rubber is an important elastomer with the unique attribute of being a renewable agricultural product. The study was undertaken to investigate the extent to which the drawbacks of natural rubber, especially its poor thermal and oil resistance propel1ies could be nullified by blending with common thermoset resins. A thorough and comparative understanding of the perfonnance of different resins from this viewpoint will be beneficial for both natural IUbber processors and consumers. In this study the thennoset resins used were epoxy resin, phenolics, epoxidised phenolics and unsaturated polyester resin.The resins were incorporated into NR during compounding and their effects on the properties of NR were studied after vulcanization. Properties were studied for both gum and filled N R compounds. The important properties studied are cure characteristics, mechanical properties, ageing propel1ies, thermal propel1ies, crosslink density and extractability. Characterization studies were also conducted using FTIR, TGA and DSC.Improvement in mechanical properties was noticed in many cases. The results show that most resins lead to a reduction in the cure time of NR. The perfonnance of epoxy resin is most noticeable in this respect. Mechanical properties of the modified IUbber show maximum improvement in the case of epoxidised novolacs. Most resins are seen to improve the thermal and oil resistance propel1ies of NR. Epoxy novolacs show maximum effect in this respect also. However the presence of tillers is found to moderate the positive effects of the thermoset resins considerably.
The present work focuses on the modification of the commonly used thermoplastics, polypropylene and polystyrene using nanosilica preparcd from a cheap source of sodium silicate. Melt compounding technique has been used for nanocomposite preparation as it is simple and suited to injection moulding. Nanosilica in a polymer matrix provide significant enhancement in strength, stiffness and impact strength. Incorporation of silica particles in a polymer also improves its thennal stability. To achieve better dispersion of fillers in polymer matrices the mixing was done at different shear rates. The enhancement in material properties indicates that at higher shear rates there is greater interaction between particles and the matrix and it depends on filler concentration and type of polymer used. N anosilica is a useful filler in thennoplastic polymers and has been applied in automotive applications, electronic appliances and consumer goods.This thesis is divided into six chapters. General introduction to the topic is described in chapter 1. Salient features of polymer nanocomposites, their synthesis, properties and applications are presented. A review of relevant literature and the scope and objectives are also mentioned in this chapter.The materials used and the vanous experimental method and techniques employed in the study are described in chapter 2. Preparation of nanocomposites by melt blending using Thenno Haake Rheocord, preparation of samples, evaluation of mechanical and thennal properties using UTM, Impact testing and characterization using DMA, TGA and DSC and morphology by SEM are described.The preparation of nanosilica from a laboratory scale to a pilot plant scale is described in chapter 3. Generation of surface modified silica, evaluation of kinetic parameters of the synthesis reaction, scale up of the reactor and modeling of the reactor are also dealt with in this chapter.The modification of the commodity thennoplastic, Polypropylene using nanosilica is described in chapter 4. Preparation of PP/silica nanocomposites, evaluation of mechanical properties, thermal and crystallization characteristics, water absorption and ageing resistance studies are also presented.The modification of Polystyrene using synthesized nanosilica IS described in chapter 5. The method of preparation of PS/silica nanocomposites, evaluation of mechanical properties (static and dynamic), thermal properties melt flow characteristics using Haake Rheocord, water absorption and ageing resistance of these nanocomposites are studied.
The changes in emission characteristics of a neon hollow cathode discharge by resonant laser excitation of 1s 5→2p 2 and 1s 5→2p 4 transition have been studied by simultaneously monitoring the optogalvanic effect and the laser induced fluorescence. It has been observed that resonant excitation causes substantial variation in the relative intensities of lines in the emission spectrum of neon discharge.
Phenolic resins suffer from the presence of microvoids on curing. This often leads to less than satisfactory properties in the cured resin. This disadvantage has limited the use of phenolic resins to some extent. This study is an attempt to improve the mechanical properties of the phenolic resol resins by chemical modification aimed at reducing the microvoid population. With this end in view various themoset resins synthesised under predetennined conditions have been employed for modifying phenolic resols. Such resins include unsaturated polyester, epoxy and epoxy novolac prepolymers. The results establish the effectiveness of these resins for improving the mechanical properties of phenolics. Experimental and analytical techniques used include FTIR, DMA, TGA, SEM and mechanical property evaluation. While most of the modifier resins employed give positive results the effect of adding UP is found to be surprising as well as impressive.