15 resultados para Radar in hydrology.

em Cochin University of Science


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This thesis presents the Radar Cross Section measurements of different geometric structures such as flat plate,cylinder, corner reflector and circular cone loaded with fractal based metallo dielectric structures.Use of different fractal geometris,metallizations of different shapes as well as the frequency tanability is investigated for TE and TM polarization of the incident electromagnetic field.Application of fractal based metallo-dielectric structures results in RCS reduction over a wide range of frequency bands.RCS enhancement of dihedral corner is observed at certain acute and obtuse corner angles.The experimental results are validated using electromagnetic simulation softwares.


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Compact-range radar backscatter measurements are taken of aircraft scale models. In addition, computer software is used to predict the RCS of the aircraft. Synthetic down-range profiles formed from the two sources of backscatter data are compared and visualized in an innovative manner. Similar discrimination rates between the two aircraft are obtained on data from both source


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A navel ultra-thin radar-absorbing material (RAM) using metanwterials is presented and the absorption performance is examined. Due to the high-impedance property of the metamalerials. the thickness of the RAM is about several tenths of the center wavelength of the absorption band, which is considerably thinner than conventional absorbers. The absorption bandwidth of the RAM is about several hundred megahertz


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An innovative phaseshifterless, wideband, micrustrip leaky-wave antenna with an electronically steerable dual-pencil-beam pattern in the H-plane is presented. The log-periodic geometry of the leaky slots of the antenna results in a wide bandwidth of 25.19%. The Jan beam can he steered up to 14° over the wide resonating band of the anteww. The beam is also steerable at a fixed frequency. by reactivelty loading the slots and a maximum steering angle of about 14° is ohserved. for different capacitor values with an improved bandwidth of 33 _i%. This concept is studied using passive components but it can be extended to varactors


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The aim of the present study is to understand the characteristics and properties of different wave modes and the vertical circulation pattern in the troposphere and lower stratosphere over Indian region using data obtained from the Indian Mesosphere-Stratosphere Troposphere (MST) radar, National Center for Environmental Prediction/National Centres of Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) reanalysed data and radiosonde observations.Studies on the vertical motion in monsoon Hadley circulation are carried out and the results are discussed . From the analysis of MST radar data, an overall picture of vertical motion of air over Indian region is explained and noted that there exists sinking motion both during winter and summer. Besides, the study shows that there is an anomalous northerly wind in the troposphere over the southern peninsular region during southwest monsoon season.The outcome of the study on intrusion of mid-latitude upper tropospheric trough and associated synoptic-scale vertical velocity over the tropical Indian latitudes are reported and discussed . It shows that there is interaction between north Indian latitudes and tropical easterly region, when there is an eastward movement of Western Disturbance across the country. It explains the strengthening of westerlies and a change of winter westerlies into easterlies in the tropical troposphere and lower stratosphere. The divergence field computed over the MST radar station shows intensification in the downward motion in association with the synoptic systems of the northwest Indian region.


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Effective use of fractal-based metallo-dielectric structures for enhancing the radar cross-section (RCS) of dihedral corner reflectors is reported. RCS enhancement of about 30 dBsm is obtained for corner reflectors with corner angles other than 90deg. This may find application in remote sensing and synthetic aperture radar.


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The present investigation on " Hydrology, stratigraphy, and evolution of the palaeo-lagoon (Koleland basin)in the Central Kerala coast, India" is an integrated approach based on hydrogeological,geophysical,hydrochemical and stratigraphic aspects.A strong scientific data base of the study area is generated using interpretation of well observation and water quality analysis. The salient findings of the present study are given to provide a holistic picture on the hydrogeology (including groundwater resource and its quality),stratigraphy and evolution of the palaeo-lagoon


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present work deals with the various aspects of population characteristics of penaeus indicus ,Metapenaeus dobsoni and metapenaeus monoceros during their nursery phase in tidal ponds and adjacent backwaters.Importance of the present study is to suggest scientific basis for the management of penaeid resources in tidal ponds and backwaters based on their biological characteristics to ensure better yield.Seasonal closure of fishing will be effective in improving the size of the shrimp at harvest.Hydrology of tidal ponds varied with location, but showed a common seasonal pattem.Seasonal variation in temperature was very small. It fluctuated between 27.5 to 32.3°C in tidalponds and 26.9 to 29.9°C in open backwaters.Improvement of nursery habitats with due consideration for biological requirements of the resource will ensure better growth, survival and abundance of the stock.The recruitment, growth and emigration data of prawns from their nurseries can be used successfully for fishery forecasting. projecting juvenile growth forward through time, it is possible to establish, which cohort contributes to offshore fishery each year. So, by interpreting the recruitment and growth data of species in their nurseries with offshore catch data, fishery can be forecasted successfully.


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The heavy metal contamination in the environment may lead to circumstances like bioaccumulation and inturn biomagnification. Hence cheaper and effective technologies are needed to protect the precious natural resources and biological lives. A suitable technique is the one which meets the technical and environmental criteria for dealing with a particular remediation problem and should be site-specific due to spatial and climatic variations and it may not economically feasible everywhere. The search for newer technologies for the environmental therapy, involving the removal of toxic metals from wastewaters has directed attention to adsorption, based on metal binding capacities of various adsorbent materials. Therefore, the present study aim to identify and evaluate the most current mathematical formulations describing sorption processes. Although vast amount of research has been carried out in the area of metal removal by adsorption process using activated carbon few specific research data are available in different scientific institutions. The present work highlights the seasonal and spatial variations in the distribution of some selected heavy metals among various geochemical phases of Cochin Estuarine system and also looked into an environmental theraptic/remedial approach by adsorption technique using activated charcoal and chitosan, to reduce and thereby controlling metallic pollution. The thesis has been addressed in seven chapters with further subdivisions. The first chapter is introductory, stating the necessity of reducing or preventing water pollution due to the hazardous impact on environment and health of living organisms and drawing it from a careful review of literature relevant to the present study. It provides a constricted description about the study area, geology, and general hydrology and also bears the major objectives and scope of the present study.


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The- classic: experiment of Heinrich Hertz verified the theoretical predict him of Maxwell that kxnfli radio and light waves are physical phenomena governed by the same physical laws. This has started a.rnnJ era of interest in interaction of electromagnetic energy with matter. The scattering of electromagnetic waves from a target is cleverly utilized im1 RADAR. This electronic system used tx> detect and locate objects under unfavourable conditions or obscuration that would render the unaided eye useless. It also provides a means for measuring precisely the range, or distance of an object and the speed of a moving object. when an obstacle is illuminated by electromagnetic waves, energy is dispersed in all directions. The dispersed energy depends on the size, shape and composition of the obstacle and frequency and nature of the incident wave. This distribution of energy’ is known as ‘scattering’ and the obstacle as ‘scatterer’ or 'target'.


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Numerous low - pressure systems form in the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal. These low-pressure systems are highly useful in bringing the rainfall over the Indian sub continent. The developments of these systems are accompanied by the reduction in air temperature and an increase in atmospheric humidity. The radio refractivity, which is a function of the atmospheric pressure, temperature and humidity, also changes following the development of these systems. Variation of radio refractive index and its vertical gradient are analysed for many low pressure systems formed over the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal. It is found that the atmosphere becomes super refractive associated with the formation of these systems, caused by the increase in humidity and decrease in temperature. The maximum gradient is observed near the surface layers, especially in the lowest 1 km. Super refraction leads to increased radar detection range and extension of radio horizon


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The present study is focused on the intensity distribution of rainfall in different classes and their contribution to the total seasonal rainfall. In addition, we studied the spatial and diurnal variation of the rainfall in the study areas. For the present study, we retrieved data from TRMM (Tropical Rain Measuring Mission) rain rate available in every 3 h temporal and 25 km spatial resolutions. Moreover, station rainfall data is used to validate the TRMM rain rate and found significant correlation between them (linear correlation coefficients are 0.96, 0.85, 0.75 and 0.63 for the stations Kota Bharu, Senai, Cameron highlands and KLIA, respectively). We selected four areas in the Peninsular Malaysia and they are south coastal, east coastal, west coastal and highland regions. Diurnal variation of frequency of rain occurrence is different for different locations. We noticed bimodal variation in the coastal areas in most of the seasons and unimodal variation in the highland/inland area. During the southwest monsoon period in the west coastal stations, there is no distinct diurnal variation. The distribution of different intensity classes during different seasons are explained in detail in the results


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Low-lying coastal areas are more vulnerable to the impacts of climate change as they are highly prone for inundation to SLR (Sea-Level Rise). This study presents an appraisal of the impacts of SLR on the coastal natural resources and its dependent social communities in the low-lying area of VellareColeroon estuarine region of the Tamil Nadu coast, India. Digital Elevation Model (DEM) derived from SRTM 90M (Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission) data, along with GIS (Geographic Information System) techniques are used to identify an area of inundation in the study site. The vulnerability of coastal areas in Vellar-Coleroon estuarine region of Tamil Nadu coast to inundation was calculated based on the projected SLR scenarios of 0.5 m and 1 m. The results demonstrated that about 1570 ha of the LULC (Land use and Land cover) of the study area would be permanently inundated to 0.5 m and 2407 ha for 1 m SLR and has also resulted in the loss of three major coastal natural resources like coastal agriculture, mangroves and aquaculture. It has been identified that six hamlets of the social communities who depend on these resources are at high-risk and vulnerable to 0.5 m SLR and 12 hamlets for 1 m SLR. From the study, it has been emphasized that mainstreaming adaptation options to SLR should be embedded within a coastal zone management and planning effort, which includes all coastal natural resources (ecosystem-based adaptation), and its dependent social communities (community-based adaptation) involved through capacity building


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This paper presents the results of a field experiment conducted in Kerala, South India, to test the effectiveness of coir geotextiles for embankment protection. The results reveal that treatment with geotextile in combination with grass is an effective eco-hydrological measure to protect steep slopes from erosion. In the context of sustainable watershed management, coir is a cheap and locally available material that can be used to strengthen traditional earthen bunds or protect the banks of village ponds from erosion. Particularly in developing countries, where coir is abundantly available and textiles can be produced by small-scale industry, this is an attractive alternative for conventional methods. The paper analyses the performance of different treatments with regard to soil moisture content, protection against erosion and biomass production