18 resultados para RC beams
em Cochin University of Science
On line isotope separation techniques (ISOL) for production of ion beams of short-lived radionuclides require fast separation of nuclear reaction products from irradiated target materials followed by a transfer into an ion source. As a first step in this transport chain the release of nuclear reaction products from refractory metals has been studied systematically and will be reviewed. High-energy protons (500 - 1000 MeV) produce a large number of radionuclides in irradiated materials via the nuclear reactions spallation, fission and fragmentation. Foils and powders of Re, W, Ta, Hf, Mo, Nb, Zr, Y, Ti and C were irradiated with protons (600 - 1000 MeV) at the Dubna synchrocyclotron, the CERN synchrocyclotron and at the CERN PS-booster to produce different nuclear reaction products. The main topic of the paper is the determination of diffusion coefficients of the nuclear reaction products in the target matrix, data evaluation and a systematic interpretation of the data. The influence of the ionic radius of the diffusing species and the lattice type of the host material used as matrix or target on the diffusion will be evaluated from these systematics. Special attention was directed to the release of group I, II and III-elements. Arrhenius plots lead to activation energies of the diffusion process.
We demonstrate the possibility of realizing, all-optical switching in gold nanosol. Two overlapping laser beams are used for this purpose, due to which a low-power beam passing collinear to a high-power beam will undergo cross phase modulation and thereby distort the spatial profile. This is taken to advantage for performing logic operations. We have also measured the threshold pump power to obtain a NOT gate and the minimum response time of the device. Contrary to the general notion that the response time of thermal effects used in this application is of the order of milliseconds, we prove that short pump pulses can result in fast switching. Different combinations of beam splitters and combiners will lead to the formation of other logic functions too.
With the advent of satellite communication and radio astronomy, the need for large and efficient reflector antennas had triggered a widespread investigation in reflector feed design techniques. Major improvements sought are reduction in spill-over, cross polarization losses and the enhancement of aperture efficiency. The search for such a feed culminated in the corrugated horn. The main idea behind the present work is to use the H-plane sectoral horns fitted with,corrugated flanges as feeds of a paraboloid and see how the secondary pattern of the reflector antenna varies with different parameters of the feed. An offset paraboloid is used as the secondary reflector in order to avoid the adverse effect of aperture ‘blocking by the feed horn structure on the secondary radiation pattern. The measurements were repeated for three different H-plane sectoral horns with the same set of corrugated flanges at various X-band frequencies. The following parameters of the whole system are studied: (a) Beam shaping. (b) Gain. (c) Variation of VSWR and (d) Cross polarization
Glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) rebars have been identified as an alternate construction material for reinforcing concrete during the last decade primarily due to its strength and durability related characteristics. These materials have strength higher than steel, but exhibit linear stress–strain response up to failure. Furthermore, the modulus of elasticity of GFRP is significantly lower than that of steel. This reduced stiffness often controls the design of the GFRP reinforced concrete elements. In the present investigation, GFRP reinforced beams designed based on limit state principles have been examined to understand their strength and serviceability performance. A block type rotation failure was observed for GFRP reinforced beams, while flexural failure was observed in geometrically similar control beams reinforced with steel rebars. An analytical model has been proposed for strength assessment accounting for the failure pattern observed for GFRP reinforced beams. The serviceability criteria for design of GFRP reinforced beams appear to be governed by maximum crack width. An empirical model has been proposed for predicting the maximum width of the cracks. Deflection of these GFRP rebar reinforced beams has been predicted using an earlier model available in the literature. The results predicted by the analytical model compare well with the experimental data
This study reports the details of the finite element analysis of eleven shear critical partially prestressed concrete T-beams having steel fibers over partial or full depth. Prestressed T-beams having a shear span to depth ratio of 2.65 and 1.59 that failed in shear have been analyzed using the ‘ANSYS’ program. The ‘ANSYS’ model accounts for the nonlinearity, such as, bond-slip of longitudinal reinforcement, postcracking tensile stiffness of the concrete, stress transfer across the cracked blocks of the concrete and load sustenance through the bridging action of steel fibers at crack interface. The concrete is modeled using ‘SOLID65’- eight-node brick element, which is capable of simulating the cracking and crushing behavior of brittle materials. The reinforcement such as deformed bars, prestressing wires and steel fibers have been modeled discretely using ‘LINK8’ – 3D spar element. The slip between the reinforcement (rebars, fibers) and the concrete has been modeled using a ‘COMBIN39’- nonlinear spring element connecting the nodes of the ‘LINK8’ element representing the reinforcement and nodes of the ‘SOLID65’ elements representing the concrete. The ‘ANSYS’ model correctly predicted the diagonal tension failure and shear compression failure of prestressed concrete beams observed in the experiment. The capability of the model to capture the critical crack regions, loads and deflections for various types of shear failures in prestressed concrete beam has been illustrated.
The transient interaction between a refraction index grating and light beams during simultaneous writing and thermal fixing of a photorefractive hologram is investigated. With a diffusion- and photovoltaic-dominated carrier transport mechanism and carrier thermal activation (temperature dependent) considered in Fe:LiNbO3 crystal, from the standpoint of field-material coupling, the theoretical thermal fixing time and the space-charge field buildup, spatial distribution, and temperature dependence are given numerically by combining the band transport model with mobile ions with the coupled-wave equation
Over the past few years, a little word with big potential has been rapidly entering into the world's consciousness-'nano'. Nanoscience and technology is a multidisciplinary field, involving the fabrication and understanding of matter at the finest level of a few nanomters.This thesis is about the synthesis and laser induced studies of nanosized ZnO,a versatile material with a wide range of applications.After synthesizing colloids and films of nano ZnO,the samples are studied using different optical methods.Interactions of intense laser beams with nanosized particles are found to open up many interesting scenarios with possible applications in the field of photonics.
The effect of ambient gas on the dynamics of the plasma generated by laser ablation of a carbon target using 1.06 μm radiation from a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser has been investigated using a spectroscopic technique. The emission characteristics of the carbon plasma produced in argon, helium and air atmospheres are found to depend strongly on the nature and pressure of the surrounding gas. It has been observed that hotter and denser plasmas are formed in an argon atmosphere rather than in helium or air as an ambient.
Measurement of thermal lensing signal as a function of laser power made in Rhodamine B solutions in methanol give clear evidence of two photon absorption process within certain concentration ranges when 488 nm Ar+ laser beam is used as the pump source. Only one photon process is found to occur when 514 nm and 476 nm beams are used as the pump.
Frames are the most widely used structural system for multistorey buildings. A building frame is a three dimensional discrete structure consisting of a number of high rise bays in two directions at right angles to each other in the vertical plane. Multistorey frames are a three dimensional lattice structure which are statically indeterminate. Frames sustain gravity loads and resist lateral forces acting on it. India lies at the north westem end of the Indo-Australian tectonic plate and is identified as an active tectonic area. Under horizontal shaking of the ground, horizontal inertial forces are generated at the floor levels of a multistorey frame. These lateral inertia forces are transferred by the floor slab to the beams, subsequently to the columns and finally to the soil through the foundation system. There are many parameters that affect the response of a structure to ground excitations such as, shape, size and geometry of the structure, type of foundation, soil characteristics etc. The Soil Structure Interaction (SS1) effects refer to the influence of the supporting soil medium on the behavior of the structure when it is subjected to different types of loads. Interaction between the structure and its supporting foundation and soil, which is a complete system, has been modeled with finite elements. Numerical investigations have been carried out on a four bay, twelve storeyed regular multistorey frame considering depth of fixity at ground level, at characteristic depth of pile and at full depth. Soil structure interaction effects have been studied by considering two models for soil viz., discrete and continuum. Linear static analysis has been conducted to study the interaction effects under static load. Free vibration analysis and further shock spectrum analysis has been conducted to study the interaction effects under time dependent loads. The study has been extended to four types of soil viz., laterite, sand, alluvium and layered.The structural responses evaluated in the finite element analysis are bending moment, shear force and axial force for columns, and bending moment and shear force for beams. These responses increase with increase in the founding depth; however these responses show minimal increase beyond the characteristic length of pile. When the soil structure interaction effects are incorporated in the analysis, the aforesaid responses of the frame increases upto the characteristic depth and decreases when the frame has been analysed for the full depth. It has been observed that shock spectrum analysis gives wide variation of responses in the frame compared to linear elastic analysis. Both increase and decrease in responses have been observed in the interior storeys. The good congruence shown by the two finite element models viz., discrete and continuum in linear static analysis has been absent in shock spectrum analysis.
This paper presents the design of a new type of corner reflector (CR) antenna and the experimental investigation of its radiation characteristics. The design involves the addition of planar parallel periodic strips to the two sides of a CR antenna. The position, angular orientation, and number of strips have a notable effect on the H-plane radiation characteristics of the antenna. Certain configurations of the new antenna are capable of producing very sharp axial beams with gain on the order of 5 dB over the square corner reflector antenna. A configuration that can provide symmetric twin beams with enhanced gain and reduced half-power beam width (HPBW) is also presented.
Even though Bergey '5 Manual has been recognized globally as the guide to bacterial systematics, it has to be emphasized that descriptions given to a large extent are based on studies made with temperate isolates This leads one to conclude that any attempt to identify the tropical isolates with identification keys and tables generated from this information may lead to erroneous conclusions. And there is every possibility of the existence of genotypic and phenotypic variants or even nev. species in this part ofthe aquatic ecosystem. Applications ofa polythetic scheme of classification based on the principles of Numerical Taxonomy opens up exciting avenues for bringing to light, this possibility which otherwise would have been masked by the unidirectional approach as in monothetic schemes. Another added advantage of clustering a ‘natural’ bacterial population by numerical taxonomy, is the ease by which genotypic characterization could be performed on the clusters by selecting a representative from each cluster This helps overcome the practical impossibility of analyzing all the isolates in a pani:'_lar cluster. The genotypic characteizarion would either be mole °/o G-'rC. DNA-D.\_-X hybridization, DNA-RNA hybridization or DNA fingerprinting. Considering the requirement creating a broad base in the understanding of the family Vibrionaceae associated with the larvae ofM rosenbergii, the present work was undertaken to channelize every new information generated for developing appropriate managerial measures to protect the larvae from vibriosis during the unusually prolonged larval phase.
Recording multiple holographic gratings in silver-doped photopolymer using peristrophic multiplexing
Plane-wave transmission gratings were stored in the same location of silver- doped photopolymer ¯lm using peristrophic multiplexing techniques. Constant and vari- able exposure scheduling methods were adopted for storing gratings in the ¯lm using He{Ne laser (632.8 nm). The role of recording geometry on the dynamic range of the ma- terial was studied by comparing the results obtained from both techniques. Peristrophic multiplexing with rotation of the ¯lm in a plane normal to the bisector of the incident beams resulted in better homogenization of di®raction e±ciencies and larger M/# value.
Thermally stable materials with low dielectric constant (k < 3.9) are being hotly pursued. They are essential as interlayer dielectrics/intermetal dielectrics in integrated circuit technology, which reduces parasitic capacitance and decreases the RC time constant. Most of the currently employed materials are based on silicon. Low k films based on organic polymers are supposed to be a viable alternative as they are easily processable and can be synthesized with simpler techniques. It is known that the employment of ac/rf plasma polymerization yields good quality organic thin films, which are homogenous, pinhole free and thermally stable. These polymer thin films are potential candidates for fabricating Schottky devices, storage batteries, LEDs, sensors, super capacitors and for EMI shielding. Recently, great efforts have been made in finding alternative methods to prepare low dielectric constant thin films in place of silicon-based materials. Polyaniline thin films were prepared by employing an rf plasma polymerization technique. Capacitance, dielectric loss, dielectric constant and ac conductivity were evaluated in the frequency range 100 Hz– 1 MHz. Capacitance and dielectric loss decrease with increase of frequency and increase with increase of temperature. This type of behaviour was found to be in good agreement with an existing model. The ac conductivity was calculated from the observed dielectric constant and is explained based on the Austin–Mott model for hopping conduction. These films exhibit low dielectric constant values, which are stable over a wide range of frequencies and are probable candidates for low k applications.