6 resultados para Prices increase

em Cochin University of Science


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This work is a study on ‘Legal Control of Fishing Industry in Kerala.Fishery and Fishery-related legislations are sought to be examined in the light of scientific opinion and judicial decisionsThis work is divided into five Part.The thrust of time Study is on the success of legislative measures in attempting to achieve socio-economic justice for the fishermen community.Fishing is more an avocation than an industry. It is basically the avocation of the artisanal or traditional fishermen who depend on it for their livelihood. As an ‘industry’, it is a generator of employment, income and wealth.The modern tendency in national legislations is to integrate legal proivisions relating to EEZ fisheries into the general fisheries legislation.Chartered fishing was introduced by the Central Government during 1977-78 to establish the abundance and distribution of fishery resources in Indian EEZ, for transfer of technology and for related purposes.Going by the provisions of Articles 61 and 62 of the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea, 1982, foreign fishing need be permitted in our EEZ area only if there is any surplus left after meeting our national requirements.Conservation of the renewable fishery resources should start with identification of the species, their habitats, feeding and breeding patterns, their classification and characteristics. Fishing patterns and their impact on different species and areas require to be examined and investigated.the Central Government, that the Kerala Marine Fishing Regulation Act, 1980 was passed.our traditional fishermen that our Governments in power in Kerala resorted to the appointment of Commissions after Commissions to enquire into the problems of resource management and conservation of the resources. The implementation of the recommendations of these Commissions is the need of the times.General infrastructure has increased to a certain extent in the fishery villages; but it is more the result of the development efforts of the State rather than due to increase in earnings from fishing. Fisherwomen ar e still unable to enjoy the status and role expected of them in the society and the family.Around 120 million people around the tuorld are economically dependent on fisheries. In developing countries like India, small-scale fishers are also the primary suppliers of fish, particularly for local consumption. A most important role of the fisheries sector is as a source of domestically produced food. Fish, as a food item, is a nutrient and it has great medicinal value.Consumers in our country face a dramatic rise in fish prices as our ‘fishing industry’ is linked with lucrative markets in industrial countries. Autonomy of States should be attempted to be maintained to the extent possible with the help and co-operation of the Centre. Regional co-operation of the coastal states interse and with the Centre should be attempted to be achieved under the leadership of the Centre in matters of regional concern. At time national level, a ifisheries management policy and plan should be framed in conformity with the national economic policies and plans as also keeping pace with the local and regional needs and priorities. Any such policy, plan and legislation should strive to achieve sustainability of the resources as well as support to the subsistence sector.


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Rice is the most extensively cultivated crop in the world, particularly concentrated in Asia and the Far East. Asian countries together make up for as much as 91.80 per cent of the world production of rice in 1986. The main objective of the present study is to analyse the rice economy of Kerala over time and space at the State, district and taluk level. The thesis analyses the trends in area, yield and total production of rice during the three seasons in the state, districts and taluks and studies the trends in input and output prices of rice and coconut in the state, districts and taluks. The researcher estimates the impact of input and output prices on area, yield and total output of rice in the state, districts and selected taluks and examines the conversion of paddy field into coconut garden and rubber plantation.


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Thc tea industry in lndia is going through a period of crisis. The crisis in brought about mainly by cost caculation and declining or stagnant prices. The impact of the present crisis is felt most by the owners of tea plantations in Kcrala . The present study assumes significance due to the fact that the critic which already affected Keralas tea industry is now threatening to extend to other tea-growing areas in south India. Today, ensuring a favourablc price to the producers via-a-via possibilities or reducing the cost of production through increase in productivity of land and labour are the main considerations. The main purpose of the study is to analyse the factors behind the crisis as well as exploring immediate and long-term measures for the sustained growth of the industry.


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The present study is on the nature, problems and prospects of the handloom industry in Kerala. The problems of the industry are mostly in the nature of low earnings of the workers, underutilisation of the existing capacity and low profit in its various sectors. The majority of the handloom co-operative societies are either dormant or facing liquidation. The income and employment of weavers are so pitiably low that they are living in utter poverty and starvation. Frequent price fluctuations of yarns, dyes and chemicals increase the cost of production and reduce the profitability. Consequently handloom fabrics are not able to compete with mill cloths and powerloom products. Accumulating the unsold stocks in the godowns of co-operative societies and with master weavers has become the practice of the day. Spinning mills in Kerala are producing only lower counts of yarns. S, handloom industry has to depend on textile mills in Tamil Nadu for higher counts of yarn. They create artificial scarcity and increase the prices exflorbitantly. Wage rates prevailing in Kerala are higher than those in Tamil Hadu. So rich master weavers are migrating to Tamil.Nadu and exporting the fabrics. under the label 'Kera1a Handlooms'. Governmental efforts to tackle the crisis by way of rebates and subsidies are found to be futile.


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In spite of the far longed practices of technical analysis by many participants in Indian stock market, none have arrived at the exact position of technical analysis as a tool for foretelling share prices. There is no evidence supporting that one has established its definite role in predicting the behaviour of share price and also to see the extent of validity (how far reliable) of technical tools in Indian stock market. The problem is the vacuum in the arena of securities market analysis where an unrecognised tool is practised, i.e., whether to hold on to technical analysis or to drop it. Again, as already stated in this chapter, its validity need not continue forever. It may become futile as happened in developed markets. Continuous practice of a tool, which is valid only during discontinuous times is also an error. The efficacy of different market phenomena in terms of their ability to foretell the extent and direction of the price movements and reliability thereof remain as not yet proved in. This requires further study in this area so that this controversy may be settled. A solution to the problem requires enquiring and establishing the applicability of technical analysis, if any, there is in the Indian stock market. The study has the following two broad objectives for the purpose of confirming the applicability, if any, of technical analysis in the Indian stock market. The first objective is to ascertain the current validity of ‘traditional holding with respect to patterns’ and the second objective is to ascertain the ‘consistent superiority’, if any, of technical indicators over non-signal strategies in return generation. The study analyses the five patterns, which are widely known and commonly found in publications. They are: (1) Symmetrical Triangles, (2) Rising Wedges, (3) Falling Wedges, (4) Head and Shoulders Top and (5) Head and Shoulders Bottom.