26 resultados para Peat structure and properties
em Cochin University of Science
Cast Ai-Si alloys are widely used in the automotive, aerospace and general engineering industries due to their excellent combination of properties such as good castability, low coefficient of thermal expansion, high strength-to-weight ratio and good corrosion resistance. The present investigation is on the influence of alloying additions on the structure and properties of Ai-7Si-0.3Mg alloy. The primary objective of this present investigation is to study these beneficial effects of calcium on the structure and properties of Ai-7Si-0.3Mg-xFe alloys. The second objective of this work is to study the effects of Mn,Be and Sr addition as Fe neutralizers and also to study the interaction of Mn,Be,Sr and Ca in Ai-7Si-0.3Mg-xFe alloys. In this study the duel beneficial effects of Ca viz;modification and Fe-neutralization, comparison of the effects of Ca and Sr with common Fe neutralizers. The casting have been characterized with respect to their microstructure, %porosity and electrical conductivity, solidification behaviour and mechanical properties. One of the interesting observations in the present work is that a low level of calcium reduces the porosity compared to the untreated alloy. However higher level of calcium addition lead to higher porosity in the casting. An empirical analysis carried out for comparing the results of the present work with those of the other researchers on the effect of increasing iron content on UTS and % elongation of Ai-Si-Mg and Ai-Si-Cu alloys has shown a linear and an inverse first order polynomial relationships respectively.
The major objective of the thesis is essentially to evolve and apply certain computational procedures to evaluate the structure and properties of some simple polyatomic molecules making use of spectroscopic data available from the literature. It must be said that though there is dwindling interest in recent times in such analyses, there exists tremendous scope and utility for attempting such calculations as the precision and reliability of'experimental techniques in spectroscopy have increased vastly due to enormous sophistication of the instruments used for these measurements. In the present thesis an attempt is made to extract maximum amount of information regarding the geometrical structure and interatmic forces of simple molecules from the experimental data on microwave and infrared spectra of these molecules
In natural rubber/high styrene resin microcellular sheets, part of natural rubber was replaced by latex reclaim prepared from waste latex products. The mechanical properties and cell structure of the products were evaluated. It was found that latex reclaim can replace about 30% of natural rubber without affecting the technical properties of the microcellular sheets.
The (Ba1-x Srx) (Nd1/2, Nb1/2) O3 ceramics have been prepared by the conventional ceramic route for different values of x. Addition of a small amount of CeO2(1 wt%) as a sintering aid increased the density of the samples. The structure and microstructure of the sintered samples are studied by X-ray diffraction and SEM methods. The dielectric properties of the samples are measured in the microwave frequency region as a function of composition. The dielectric constant decreases as x increases. The coefficient of thermal variation of resonant frequency decreases as the Sr content increases and goes to the negative side. The dielectric properties of (Ba1-x Srx) (Nd1/2, Nb1/2) O3 are in the range suitable for application as dielectric resonators in microwave circuits
Microwave ceramic dielectric materials Ca5Nb2TiO12 and Ca5Ta2TiO12 have been prepared by a conventional solid-state ceramic process. The structure was studied by X-ray diffraction and the dielectric properties were characterized at microwave frequencies. The ceramics posses a relatively high dielectric constant, very low dielectric loss (Q5 x f > 30000GHz) and small temperature variation of resonant frequency. These materials are potential candidates for dielectric resonator applications in microwave integrated circuits. [DOI: 10. 1 143/JJAP.41.3834]
The work reported in this thesis is the preparation, and the structural, electrical and optical properties of reactively evaporated lead sulphide and tin telluride thin films. The three temperature method had been used for the preparation of these semiconductor thin films. In this preparation technique constituent elements are evaporated from separate sources with the substrate kept at a particular temperature. when one of the constituent element is a gas near room temperature, the method is often called reactive evaporation. It has been found for many materials that a stoichiometric interval exists with a limited range of flux and substrate temperature. Usually this technique is used for the preparation of thin films of high melting point compounds or of materials which decompose during evaporation. Tin telluride and lead sulphide are neither high melting point materials nor do they decompose on melting. But even than reactive evaporation offers the possibility of changing the ratios of the flux of the constituent elements within a wide range and studying its effect on the properties of the films
The investigation of physical properties of matter has progressed so much during the last hundred years. Today physics is divided in to a large distinct group of special branches. These branches are distinguished by the particular area studied, method of investigation and so on. An independent and important branch that has developed is the physics ofthin films.Any object in solid or liquid form with one of its dimensions very much smaller than that of the other two may be called a thin film. It is having only one common property, namely, one of their dimensions is very small, though all their physical properties may be different. Thin layers of oil, floating on the surface of water, with their fascinating colours, have attracted men’s curiosity from time immemorial. The earliest application of thin films was the protective coatings in the form of paints. A thin layer of tin has been used from ancient times to protect copper utensils from corrosion. Indium thin films are used in certain applications on account of their good lubricating property. Relay contacts are coated with thin films of rare earth metals in order to prevent burning due to arcing. Hard coatings are also available using diamond like carbon (i-carbon). The basic properties of thin films are of considerable interest because of their potential applications in various fields of science and technology
The basic objective of the present study has been to observe the process and pattern of employment diversification among the rural women workers in Ernakulam district. The evidences are that the women workers in the rural areas of the state are being increasingly diversified into the tertiary sector. The clear cut evidence for the fact that in Kerala non-agricultural employment of rural women is increasing with more and more of them getting diversified into the tertiary sector. The women get more self esteem and recognition in terms of the work being done by them. In the urban areas of the state as a poverty eradicating measure the Kerala government has already introduced a new scheme under the banner of Kudumbasree. Another fact noticed in the study that the sectoral shift of women workers has posed a grave problem to the agricultural sector. The reluctance of workers to do manual jobs on land and the prevalence of high wages among the agricultural labours has left many a cultivable area fallow or has induced farmers to shift to less labour –intensive crops. The situation is expected to worsen in future as even the high wages fail to attract the young generation to this sector. To conclude the study has fulfilled all its objectives, viz; highlighting the rural employment structure in Kerala, examining the process, pattern, determinants and consequences of diversification among rural women workers in the sample villages. Being the first of its kind at the micro level in the state it contributes to the available literature in the area enriching the database that is crucially lacking for devising projects at the village and block-level. There exists ample scope for future research of similar nature in an urban background where the secondary data-sources are hinding towards a reversal of trends from non-agriculture to agriculture.
The main objective of the present study is to model the gravity fields in terms of lithospheric structure below the western continental margin of India (WCMI) identify zones of crustal mass anomalies and attempt to infer the location of Ocean Continent transition in the Arabian Sea. In this study, the area starting from the western shield margin to the region covering the deep oceanic parts of the Arabian Sea which is bounded by Carlsberg and Cerg and Central Indian ridges in the south, eastern part of the Indus Cone in the west and falling between 630E and 800E longitudes, and 50N - 240N latitudes has been considered. The vast amount of seismic reflection and refraction data in the form of crustal velocities, basement configuration and crustal thicknesses available for the west coast as well as the eastern Arabian Sea has been utilized for this purpose
It examine the aspects of Madhya Pradesh’s industrial structure which throw light on the development, viability and the efficiency of not only the over all industrial sector but also some of the selected industries of the state. The major objectives of are to examine the nature and characteristics of economic backwardness in Madhya Pradesh in an inter-state comparative framework and to analyse the pace and pattern of industrial growth in Madhya Pradesh against the backdrop of liberalization. To explore the industrial structure of Madhya Pradesh using the major structural ratios and industry mix. This study has underlined some structural as well as region specific constraints to the accelerated growth of the manufacturing industry in Madhya Pradesh. The industrial structure of Madhya Pradesh is concentrated and lop-sided. This is evidenced by the dominancy of single industry, basic metal and alloys. A diversified industrial structure is essential for promoting interdependent growth of the manufacturing industry based on the inter-industry linkages and agglomeration. The thesis gives a broad spectrum of regional disparities in development and evidence for Madhya Pradesh’s backwardness also portrayed and reflects the changing industrial structure of the state.
Polymers exhibit low electron density and they are radiolucent. Polymers can be made radiopaque by different techniques. We report a method for the preparation of radiopaque material from natural rubber (NR). NR in its latex form was iodinated. Iodinated natural rubber (INR) was characterized by using UV, thermo gravimetric analysis (TGA), and X-ray images. INR was compounded at high and low temperatures and its physical properties were measured. The low temperature cured samples show good radiopacity and conductivity. The optical density of low temperature cured samples was measured.