29 resultados para Oceanic mythology.
em Cochin University of Science
The present study brings out the influence of transport dynamics on the aerosol distribution over the Indian region at a few selected geographically distinct locations. Over the Bay of Bengal the dominant pathway of aerosol transport during the pre-monsoon period is through higher altitudes (~ 3 km); directed from the Indian main land. In contrast, the aerosol pathways over the Arabian Sea during the same period are quite complex. They are directed from geographically different environments around the ocean through different altitudes. However in general, the day-to-day variability of AOD at both these regions is significantly influenced by the features of atmospheric circulation especially, the wind convergence at higher altitudes (around 3 km). Over the Ganga Basin during the winter period, the wind convergence at lower altitudes (< I km) govems the shon term variations in AOD, while the mean AOD distribution at this location is mainly governed by the local anthropogenic sources.
The thesis is divided into six chapters, with Further subdivisions.’ Chapter one has two sections. Section one deals with a general introduction, and section two,with the material and treatment of data For the present investigation. The second chapter concerns with the distribution of oxyty in the oxygen minimum layer and its topography during the southwest and northeast monsoons. The distribution of oxyty at various isanosteric surfaces within which the oxygen minimum layer lies during southwest and northeast monsoons and their topographies Form chapter three. In the fourth chapter the Flow pattern and its influence on the oxygen minimum layer are discussed. The fifth chapter presents the scatter diagrams of oxyty against temperature at the various isanosteric surfaces. The sixth chapter summarises the results of the investigation and presents the conclusions drawn therefrom
Oceans play a vital role in the global climate system. They absorb the incoming solar energy and redistribute the energy through horizontal and vertical transports. In this context it is important to investigate the variation of heat budget components during the formation of a low-pressure system. In 2007, the monsoon onset was on 28th May. A well- marked low-pressure area was formed in the eastern Arabian Sea after the onset and it further developed into a cyclone. We have analysed the heat budget components during different stages of the cyclone. The data used for the computation of heat budget components is Objectively Analyzed air-sea flux data obtained from WHOI (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution) project. Its horizontal resolution is 1° × 1°. Over the low-pressure area, the latent heat flux was 180 Wm−2. It increased to a maximum value of 210 Wm−2 on 1st June 2007, on which the system was intensified into a cyclone (Gonu) with latent heat flux values ranging from 200 to 250 Wm−2. It sharply decreased after the passage of cyclone. The high value of latent heat flux is attributed to the latent heat release due to the cyclone by the formation of clouds. Long wave radiation flux is decreased sharply from 100 Wm−2 to 30 Wm−2 when the low-pressure system intensified into a cyclone. The decrease in long wave radiation flux is due to the presence of clouds. Net heat flux also decreases sharply to −200 Wm−2 on 1st June 2007. After the passage, the flux value increased to normal value (150 Wm−2) within one day. A sharp increase in the sensible heat flux value (20 Wm−2) is observed on 1st June 2007 and it decreased there- after. Short wave radiation flux decreased from 300 Wm−2 to 90 Wm−2 during the intensification on 1st June 2007. Over this region, short wave radiation flux sharply increased to higher value soon after the passage of the cyclone.
The main objective of the present study is to model the gravity fields in terms of lithospheric structure below the western continental margin of India (WCMI) identify zones of crustal mass anomalies and attempt to infer the location of Ocean Continent transition in the Arabian Sea. In this study, the area starting from the western shield margin to the region covering the deep oceanic parts of the Arabian Sea which is bounded by Carlsberg and Cerg and Central Indian ridges in the south, eastern part of the Indus Cone in the west and falling between 630E and 800E longitudes, and 50N - 240N latitudes has been considered. The vast amount of seismic reflection and refraction data in the form of crustal velocities, basement configuration and crustal thicknesses available for the west coast as well as the eastern Arabian Sea has been utilized for this purpose
The present study has been initiated to unravel the distribution of trace metals and its geochemical behavior in the Indian EEZ of the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal. Trace metal accumulation in aquatic consumers is of interest to ecologists and environmentalists so as to understand the fate and effect of contaminants in the food web dynamics and the biogeochemical cycling of trace metals. It is well established that oceanic distribution of macronutrients such as nitrate, phosphate and silicate provide critical to biological growth and related geochemical processes. In this study it can be inferred, that there is a need for a better understanding of background informations on trace metal concentrations with respect to space and time and their fluctuations in the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal zooplankton. Without a sound knowledge on spatio-temporal fluctuations, it will be impossible to differentiate anthropogenic metal inputs from natural background concentrations with a routine biomonitoring programme. Fe, Cu, Zn, Cd & Pb showed a slight enrichment in zooplankton from the Arabian Sea during spring intermonsoon compared to intermonsoon fall. The relative enrichment of Fe, Cu & Zn in zooplankton from the Arabian Sea during intermonsoon spring than intermonsoon fall was due to favourable bioaccumulation factors of these elements during this season. Nevertheless this study can be looked upon as a starting point for further investigations on these biogeochemically important processes, which are vital in addressing the dynamics of productivity of waters.
An attempt is made to study the possible relationship between the process of upwelling and zooplankton biomass in the shelf weters along the south west coast of India between Cape comorin and Ratnagiri based on oceanographic and Zooplankton data collected by the erstwhile FAO/UNDP Pelagic Fishery Project,Cochin between 1973 and 1978. Different factors such as the depth from which the bottom waters are induced upwards during the process of upwelling,the depth to which the bottom waters are drawn, vertical velocity of upwelling and the resultant zooplankton productivity were considered while arriving at the deductions. Except for nutrients and phytoplankton productivity, for which simultaneous data is lacking, all the major factors were taken into consideration before cocluding- xon positive/negative correlation.
TRMM Microwave Imager (TMI) is reported to be a useful sensor to measure the atmospheric and oceanic parameters even in cloudy conditions. Vertically integrated specific humidity, Total Precipitable Water (TPW) retrieved from the water vapour absorption channel (22GHz.) along with 10m wind speed and rain rate derived from TMI is used to investigate the moisture variation over North Indian Ocean. Intraseasonal Oscillations (ISO) of TPW during the summer monsoon seasons 1998, 1999, and 2000 over North Indian Ocean is explored using wavelet analysis. The dominant waves in TPW during the monsoon periods and the differences in ISO over Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal are investigated. The northward propagation of TPW anomaly and its coherence with the coastal rainfall is also studied. For the diagnostic study of heavy rainfall spells over the west coast, the intrusion of TPW over the North Arabian Sea is seen to be a useful tool.
Yeasts are ubiquitous in their distribution and populations mainly depend on the type and concentration of organic materials. The distribution of species, as well as their numbers and metabolic characteristics were found to be governed by existing environmental conditions. Marine yeasts were first discovered from the Atlantic Ocean and following this discovery, yeasts were isolated from different sources, viz. seawater, marine deposits, seaweeds, fish, marine mammals and sea birds. Nearshore environments are usually inhabited by tens to thousands of cells per litre of water, whereas low organic surface to deep-sea oceanic regions contain 10 or fewer cells/litre. Aerobic forms are found more in clean waters and fermentative forms in polluted waters. Yeasts are more abundant in silty muds than in sandy sediments. The isolation frequency of yeasts fell as the depth of the sampling site is increased. Major genera isolated in this study were Candida, Cryptococcus, Debaryomyces and Rhodotorula. For biomass estimation ergosterol method was used. Classification and identification of yeasts were performed using different criteria, i.e. morphology, sexual reproduction and physiological/biochemical characteristics. Fatty acid profiling or molecular sequencing of the IGS and ITS regions and 28S gene rDNA ensured accurate identification.
Upwelling regions occupies only a small portion of the global ocean surface. However it accounts for a large fraction of the oceanic primary production as well as fishery. Therefore understanding and quantifying the upwelling is of great importance for the marine resources management. Most of the coastal upwelling zones in the Arabian Sea are wind driven uniform systems. Mesoscale studies along the southwest coast of India have shown high spatial and temporal variability in the forcing mechanism and intensity of upwelling. There exists an equatorward component of wind stress as similar to the most upwelling zones along the eastern oceanic boundaries. Therefore an offshore component of surface Ekman transport is expected throughout the year. But several studies supported with in situ evidences have revealed that the process is purely recurring on seasonal basis. The explanation merely based on local wind forcing alone is not sufficient to support the observations. So, it is assumed that upwelling along the South Eastern Arabian Sea is an effect of basin wide wind forcing rather than local wind forcing. In the present study an integrated approach has been made to understand the process of upwelling of the South Eastern Arabian Sea. The latitudinal and seasonal variations (based on Sea Surface Temperature, wind forcing, Chlorophyll a and primary production), forcing mechanisms (local wind and remote forcing) and the factors influencing the system (Arabian Sea High Saline Water, Bay of Bengal water, runoff, coastal geomorphology) are addressed herewith.
The present study on upper ocean responses to atmospheric forcing (associated with cyclone passage) in North Indian Ocean revealed significant variability between AS and BoB. The analysis of cyclone frequency during 1947 to 2006 exhibited lesser frequency of cyclones in AS than that of BoB. The analysis also revealed significant reduction in cyclone frequency after the year 1976 with substantial reduction during monsoon season. The long term SST data at selected points in AS and BoB could not reveal any relation with reduction in cyclone frequency. However the SLP at same locations exhibited considerable increase during mid 1970’s, which could have contributed to the observed reduction in cyclone frequency after the year 1976.The response in waves during cyclone passage exhibited significant asymmetry on either side of the track in AS and BoB and the response is observed at 100’s of kilometers away from the track. The significant clockwise rotation in wave direction is observed on the right side of the track starting from near the track to far away locations, which existed for a longer duration. However, the anticlockwise rotation in wave direction is observed over a shorter distance on the left side of the track and dissipated immediately.Inertial oscillation is observed in surface current and in the mixed layer temperature associated with cyclone passage, which revealed the role of relative location(s) on either side of the track. The inertial peak closer to the local inertial period indicates maximum transfer of energy during the cyclone passage in both AS and BoB. The absence of strong inertial oscillation even with clockwise rotation in surface current and wind indicates the dominant role of duration of strong wind in generating inertial oscillation.The oceanic response associated with cyclone passage reveal the variable response(s) which depends on cyclone intensity, the proximity to track and cyclone translation speed. It is observed that resonance with wind generates higher response in surface current, wave and SST on the right side of the track and it lasts for a longer duration. The maximum oceanic response is observed at a few kilometers away on right side of the track. However lesser rightward bias in the location of maximum cooling is observed for cyclones with low cyclone translation speed. The response on the left side of the track is less and is limited over a shorter distance and dissipates immediately. It is observed that the ocean response, in general, increases with intensity of cyclones. However the differential cooling produced by the same intensity cyclones in AS and in BoB indicates the dominant role of low cyclone translation speed in oceanic response.The surface cooling exhibited strikingly differential responses between AS and BoB. The TMI-SST and buoy observations exhibited significant cooling for a longer duration in AS compared to that of BoB. The spatial extent of cooling is also much higher in AS than that of BoB. The wide spread cooling associated with cyclone passage in AS indicates the dominant role of thermal structure in oceanic response in AS than that of BoB.
In this thesis, a variety of available satellite data products have been made use of to bring out a synergistic analysis on the upwelling phenomenon in SEAS. Basic concepts of remote sensing, upwelling and linked oceanography topics have been dealt in this work .Auxiliary data products utilized in this study are described in chapter 2. The climatological monthly variability of the upwelling signatures are detailed under chapter 3. Chapter 4 presents the forcing factors that trigger the upwelling process in SEAS. Chapter 5 describes the oceanic response to the forcing factors with respect to the SST cooling and CHLA blooms. Chapter 6 presents the heat budget of the region and the variability of heat budget terms with respect to upwelling. Chapter 7 describes the inter-annual variability of upwelling intensity in SEAS and the influence of climatic events on upwelling.
The present study examines the importance of low saline waters and resulting barrier layer in the dynamics of the ASWP using observational data.The oceanic general circulation models (OGCM) are very useful for exploring the processes responsible for the ASWP and their variability. The circulation and thermohaline structure stimulated by an OGCM changes a lot when the resolution is increased from mesoscale to macro scale. For a reasonable simulation of the ASWP, we must include the mesoscale turbulence in numerical models. Especially the SEAS is an eddy prominent region with a horizontal dimension of 100 to 500 km and vertical extent of hundred meters. These eddies may have an important role on the evolution of ASWP, which has not been explored so far.Most of the earlier studies in the SEAS showed that the heat buildup in the mixed layer during the pre-monsoon (March-May) is primarily driven by the surface heat flux through the ocean-atmosphere interface, while the 3-dimensional heat budget of the ML physical processes that are responsible for the formation of the ASWP are unknown. With this background the present thesis also examines the relative importance of mixed layer processes that lead to the formation of warm pool in the SEAS.
This thesis Entitled distribution ,diversity and biology of deep-sea fishes the indian Eez.Fishing rights and responsibilities it entails in the deep-sea sector has been a vexed issue since the mid-nineties and various stakeholders have different opinion on the modalities of harnessing the marine fisheries wealth, especially from the oceanic and deeper waters. The exploitation and utilization of these esources requires technology development and upgradation in harvest and post-harvest areas; besides shore infrastructure for berthing, handling, storing and processing facilities. At present, although deep-sea fishes don’t have any ready market in our country it can be converted into value added products. Many problems have so far confronted the deep-sea fishing sector not allowing it to reach its full potential. Hence, there should be a sound deep-sea fishing policy revolving round the upgradation of the capabilities of small scale fishermen, who have the inherent skills but do not have adequate support to develop themselves and to acquire vessels having the capability to operate in farther and deeper waters. Prospects for the commercial exploitation and utilization of deep-sea fishes were analyzed using SWOL analysis.