5 resultados para OFDM modulation

em Cochin University of Science


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A forward - biased point contact germanium signal diode placed inside a waveguide section along the E -vector is found to introduce significant phase shift of microwave signals . The usefulness of the arrangement as a phase modulator for microwave carriers is demonstrated. While there is a less significant amplitude modulation accompanying phase modulation , the insertion losses are found to be negligible. The observations can be explained on the basis of the capacitance variation of the barrier layer with forward current in the diode


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Chaotic dynamics of directly modulated semiconductor lasers have been studied extensively over the last two decades because of their application in secure optical communication. However, chaos is generally suppressed in such systems when the nonlinear gain reduction factor is above 0.01 which is very much smaller than the reported values in semiconductors like InGaAsP. In this paper we show that by giving an optoelectronic feedback with appropriate delay one can increase the range of the values of the gain reduction factor for which chaos can be observed. Numerical studies show that negative feedback is more efficient in producing chaotic dynamics.


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The research work which was carried out to Synergic Reactions in the Estuarine Environment leading to Modulation of Aluminium metal during Transport Processes (in Cochin Estuary)Estuaries are considered as sink or source for terrestrial and various anthropogenically generated materials. These include naturally occurring elements Al, Si, Fe or trace inorganics or industrial pollutants of different types. There have been reports on both positive and negative impacts by the introduction of above materials into the ecosystem.This thesis deals with the trace metal Aluminium (Al) whose average concentration (about 8%) in the earths crust is surpassed only by that of Oxygen and Silicon. There can be no doubt that most of the land derived materials reaches the ocean through rivers via estuaries. An important aspect noticed here is that the concentration of dissolved Al is much lower in sea water than in river water.On critically analysing Cochin estuary, for the entire cycles, covering monsoon, postmonsoon and premonsoon, the following salient features are documented as hereunder. Dissolved Al exhibits high and variable trends in Cochin estuary, the influencing parameters being salinity, SPM, pH and dissolved Si. A general profile showed removal in upper/mid estuary followed by regeneration in the mid/lower estuary and further decrease seawards in the southern/northem arms.Distribution appears to be a function of freshwater input, the monsoon season exhibiting very high concentrations throughout the estuary. As the river discharge decreased with the progress of seasons, dissolved Al concentration also decreased, the metal limiting itself to the upper and mid estuary.


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The modern telecommunication industry demands higher capacity networks with high data rate. Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is a promising technique for high data rate wireless communications at reasonable complexity in wireless channels. OFDM has been adopted for many types of wireless systems like wireless local area networks such as IEEE 802.11a, and digital audio/video broadcasting (DAB/DVB). The proposed research focuses on a concatenated coding scheme that improve the performance of OFDM based wireless communications. It uses a Redundant Residue Number System (RRNS) code as the outer code and a convolutional code as the inner code. The bit error rate (BER) performances of the proposed system under different channel conditions are investigated. These include the effect of additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN), multipath delay spread, peak power clipping and frame start synchronization error. The simulation results show that the proposed RRNS-Convolutional concatenated coding (RCCC) scheme provides significant improvement in the system performance by exploiting the inherent properties of RRNS.


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Coded OFDM is a transmission technique that is used in many practical communication systems. In a coded OFDM system, source data are coded, interleaved and multiplexed for transmission over many frequency sub-channels. In a conventional coded OFDM system, the transmission power of each subcarrier is the same regardless of the channel condition. However, some subcarrier can suffer deep fading with multi-paths and the power allocated to the faded subcarrier is likely to be wasted. In this paper, we compute the FER and BER bounds of a coded OFDM system given as convex functions for a given channel coder, inter-leaver and channel response. The power optimization is shown to be a convex optimization problem that can be solved numerically with great efficiency. With the proposed power optimization scheme, near-optimum power allocation for a given coded OFDM system and channel response to minimize FER or BER under a constant transmission power constraint is obtained