11 resultados para Medium access control protocol
em Cochin University of Science
In Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), neglecting the effects of varying channel quality can lead to an unnecessary wastage of precious battery resources and in turn can result in the rapid depletion of sensor energy and the partitioning of the network. Fairness is a critical issue when accessing a shared wireless channel and fair scheduling must be employed to provide the proper flow of information in a WSN. In this paper, we develop a channel adaptive MAC protocol with a traffic-aware dynamic power management algorithm for efficient packet scheduling and queuing in a sensor network, with time varying characteristics of the wireless channel also taken into consideration. The proposed protocol calculates a combined weight value based on the channel state and link quality. Then transmission is allowed only for those nodes with weights greater than a minimum quality threshold and nodes attempting to access the wireless medium with a low weight will be allowed to transmit only when their weight becomes high. This results in many poor quality nodes being deprived of transmission for a considerable amount of time. To avoid the buffer overflow and to achieve fairness for the poor quality nodes, we design a Load prediction algorithm. We also design a traffic aware dynamic power management scheme to minimize the energy consumption by continuously turning off the radio interface of all the unnecessary nodes that are not included in the routing path. By Simulation results, we show that our proposed protocol achieves a higher throughput and fairness besides reducing the delay
In this study the quality and process control factors during the production and storage of salted dried fish products. The study reveals that quantity of dry fish production in the state is decreasing and dry fish processing industry should be encouraged by central and state governments. The dry and wet salting may be carried out to a period of 4 to 8 hours respectively and time may depend on temperature, size, and concentration of medium. Demand is an unavoidable factor for sale of fish. The packed dry salted lots kept at room temperature are useful only for 20 days. The refrigerator- stored lots had more storage life and nutritional content are good up to 3 months. The cold storage stored dry salted lot had more storage life than the wet salted lot. The use of preservatives in salting is encouraged to reduce pH. The low temperature preservation maintains the nutritional value and quality for long period. It further encourages the labeling of nutritional value of dry fish as in tinned products.
This Thesis deals with the fabrication and characterization of novel all-fiber components for access networks. All fiber components offer distinctive advantages due to low forward and backward losses, epoxy free optical path and high power handling. A novel fabrication method for monolithic 1x4 couplers, which are vital components in distributed passive optical networks, is realized. The fabrication method differs from conventional structures with a symmetric coupling profile and hence offers ultra wideband performance and easy process control. New structure for 1x4 couplers, by fusing five fibers is proposed to achieve high uniformity, which gives equivalent uniformity performance to 1x4 planar lightwave splitters, isolation in fused fiber WDM is improved with integration of long period gratings. Packaging techniques of fused couplers are analyzed for long term stability.
In light of the various international instruments and international agencies that are actively engaged in resolving the issue of ABS, the present work tries to find an answer to the larger question how far the above agencies have succeeded in regulating access and make sure of benefit sharing. In this process, the work comprehensively analyses the work of different agencies involved in the process. It tries to find out the major obstacles that stand in the way of fulfilment of the benefit sharing objective and proposes the ways and means to tackle them. The study first traces the legal foundations of the concept of property in GRs and associated TK.For this, it starts with analysis of the nature of property and the questions related to ownership in GRs as contained in the CBD as well as in various State legislations. It further examines the notion of property before and after the enactment of the CBD and establishes that the CBD contains strong private property jurisprudence.Based on the theoretical foundation of private property right,Chapter 3 analyses the benefit sharing mechanism of the CBD, i.e. the Nagoya Protocol. It searches for a theoretical convergence of the notion of property as reflected in the two instruments and successfully establishes the same. It makes an appraisal of the Nagoya regime to find out how far it has gone beyond the CBD in ensuring the task of benefit sharing and the impediments in its way.Realizing that the ITPGRFA forms part of the CBD system, Chapter 4 analyses the benefit sharing structure of ITPGRFA as revealed through its multilateral system. This gives the work the benefit of comparing two different benefit sharing models operating on the same philosophy of property. This chapter tries to find out whether there is conceptual coherence in the notion of property when the benefit sharing model changes. It alsocompares the merits and demerits of both the systems and tries to locate the hurdles in achieving benefit sharing. Aware of the legal impediments caused by IPRs in the process of ABS, Chapter 5 tries to explore the linkages between IPRs and GRs and associated TK and assesses why contract-based CBD system fails before the monopoly rights under TRIPS. Chapter 6 analyses the different solutions suggested by the international community at the TRIPS Council as well as the WIPO (World Intellectual property Organisation) and examines their effectiveness. Chapter 7 concludes that considering the inability of the present IP system to understand the grass root realities of the indigenous communities as well as the varying situations of the country of origin, the best possible way to recognise the CBD goals in the TRIPS could be better achieved through linking the two instruments by means of the triple disclosure requirement in Article 29 as suggested by the Disclosure Group during the TRIPS Council deliberations. It also recommends that considering the nature of property in GR, a new section/chapter in the TRIPS dealing with GRs would be another workable solution.
Production Planning and Control (PPC) systems have grown and changed because of the developments in planning tools and models as well as the use of computers and information systems in this area. Though so much is available in research journals, practice of PPC is lagging behind and does not use much from published research. The practices of PPC in SMEs lag behind because of many reasons, which need to be explored This research work deals with the effect of identified variables such as forecasting, planning and control methods adopted, demographics of the key person, standardization practices followed, effect of training, learning and IT usage on firm performance. A model and framework has been developed based on literature. Empirical testing of the model has been done after collecting data using a questionnaire schedule administered among the selected respondents from Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in India. Final data included 382 responses. Hypotheses linking SME performance with the use of forecasting, planning and controlling were formed and tested. Exploratory factor analysis was used for data reduction and for identifying the factor structure. High and low performing firms were classified using a Logistic Regression model. A confirmatory factor analysis was used to study the structural relationship between firm performance and dependent variables.
In wireless sensor networks, the routing algorithms currently available assume that the sensor nodes are stationary. Therefore when mobility modulation is applied to the wireless sensor networks, most of the current routing algorithms suffer from performance degradation. The path breaks in mobile wireless networks are due to the movement of mobile nodes, node failure, channel fading and shadowing. It is desirable to deal with dynamic topology changes with optimal effort in terms of resource and channel utilization. As the nodes in wireless sensor medium make use of wireless broadcast to communicate, it is possible to make use of neighboring node information to recover from path failure. Cooperation among the neighboring nodes plays an important role in the context of routing among the mobile nodes. This paper proposes an enhancement to an existing protocol for accommodating node mobility through neighboring node information while keeping the utilization of resources to a minimum.
Cooperative caching is an attractive solution for reducing bandwidth demands and network latency in mobile ad hoc networks. Deploying caches in mobile nodes can reduce the overall traffic considerably. Cache hits eliminate the need to contact the data source frequently, which avoids additional network overhead. In this paper we propose a data discovery and cache management policy for cooperative caching, which reduces the caching overhead and delay by reducing the number of control messages flooded in to the network. A cache discovery process based on location of neighboring nodes is developed for this. The cache replacement policy we propose aims at increasing the cache hit ratio. The simulation results gives a promising result based on the metrics of studies
The evolution of wireless sensor network technology has enabled us to develop advanced systems for real time monitoring. In the present scenario wireless sensor networks are increasingly being used for precision agriculture. The advantages of using wireless sensor networks in agriculture are distributed data collection and monitoring, monitor and control of climate, irrigation and nutrient supply. Hence decreasing the cost of production and increasing the efficiency of production. This paper describes the security issues related to wireless sensor networks and suggests some techniques for achieving system security. This paper also discusses a protocol that can be adopted for increasing the security of the transmitted data
In wireless sensor networks, the routing algorithms currently available assume that the sensor nodes are stationary. Therefore when mobility modulation is applied to the wireless sensor networks, most of the current routing algorithms suffer from performance degradation. The path breaks in mobile wireless networks are due to the movement of mobile nodes, node failure, channel fading and shadowing. It is desirable to deal with dynamic topology changes with optimal effort in terms of resource and channel utilization. As the nodes in wireless sensor medium make use of wireless broadcast to communicate, it is possible to make use of neighboring node information to recover from path failure. Cooperation among the neighboring nodes plays an important role in the context of routing among the mobile nodes. This paper proposes an enhancement to an existing protocol for accommodating node mobility through neighboring node information while keeping the utilization of resources to a minimum.
One of the major applications of underwater acoustic sensor networks (UWASN) is ocean environment monitoring. Employing data mules is an energy efficient way of data collection from the underwater sensor nodes in such a network. A data mule node such as an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) periodically visits the stationary nodes to download data. By conserving the power required for data transmission over long distances to a remote data sink, this approach extends the network life time. In this paper we propose a new MAC protocol to support a single mobile data mule node to collect the data sensed by the sensor nodes in periodic runs through the network. In this approach, the nodes need to perform only short distance, single hop transmission to the data mule. The protocol design discussed in this paper is motivated to support such an application. The proposed protocol is a hybrid protocol, which employs a combination of schedule based access among the stationary nodes along with handshake based access to support mobile data mules. The new protocol, RMAC-M is developed as an extension to the energy efficient MAC protocol R-MAC by extending the slot time of R-MAC to include a contention part for a hand shake based data transfer. The mobile node makes use of a beacon to signal its presence to all the nearby nodes, which can then hand-shake with the mobile node for data transfer. Simulation results show that the new protocol provides efficient support for a mobile data mule node while preserving the advantages of R-MAC such as energy efficiency and fairness.
In wireless sensor networks, the routing algorithms currently available assume that the sensor nodes are stationary. Therefore when mobility modulation is applied to the wireless sensor networks, most of the current routing algorithms suffer from performance degradation. The path breaks in mobile wireless networks are due to the movement of mobile nodes, node failure, channel fading and shadowing. It is desirable to deal with dynamic topology changes with optimal effort in terms of resource and channel utilization. As the nodes in wireless sensor medium make use of wireless broadcast to communicate, it is possible to make use of neighboring node information to recover from path failure. Cooperation among the neighboring nodes plays an important role in the context of routing among the mobile nodes. This paper proposes an enhancement to an existing protocol for accommodating node mobility through neighboring node information while keeping the utilization of resources to a minimum.