29 resultados para Karyotype symmetry

em Cochin University of Science


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Ultrasonic is a good tool to investigate the elastic properties of crystals. It enables one to determine all the elastic constants, Poisson’s ratios, volume compressibility and bulk modulus of crystals from velocity measurements. It also enables one to demonstrate the anisotropy of elastic properties by plotting sections of the surfaces of phase velocity, slowness, group velocity, Young’s modulus and linear compressibility along the a-b, b-c and a-c planes. They also help one to understand more about phonon amplification and help to interpret various phenomena associated with ultrasonic wave propagation, thermal conductivity, phonon transport etc. Study of nonlinear optical crystals is very important from an application point of view. Hundreds of new NLO materials are synthesized to meet the requirements for various applications. Inorganic, organic and organometallic or semiorganic classes of compounds have been studied for several reasons. Semiorganic compounds have some advantages over their inorganic and inorganic counterparts with regard to their mechanical properties. High damage resistance, high melting point, good transparency and non-hygroscopy are some of the basic requirements for a material to be suitable for device fabrication. New NLO materials are being synthesized and investigation of the mechanical and elastic properties of these crystals is very important to test the suitability of these materials for technological applications


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The present work is an attempt to probe the elastic properties in some dielectric ceramics, by using ultrasonic pulse echo overlap technique. The base Ba6-xSm8+2xTi18O54 and Ca5Nb2TiO12 are very important dielectrics ceramics used for microwave communication as well as for substrate materials. Ultrasonic is one of the most widely used and powerful techniques to measure elastic properties of solids. The ultrasonic technique is nondestructive in nature and the measurements are relatively straightforward to perform. One unique advantantage of the ultrasonic technique is that both static and dynamic properties can be measured simultaneously. The velocity and attenuation coefficients of the ultrasonic waves propagating through a medium are related to the microscopic structure of the material and they provide valuable information about the structural changes in the system. Among the various ultrasonic techniques, the pulse echo overlap method is the most accurate and precise one. In the present case the decreased elastic properties of Cas-XMg,Nb2TiO12 and Cas-,ZnNb2TiO12 ceramics can be attributed to their mixture phases beyond x = 1. Moreover, the abrupt change in elastic properties observed for x >1 can also be correlated to the structural transformation of the materials from their phase pure form to mixture phases for higher extent of substitution of the concerned material . Ca4(ANb2Ti)012 (A = Mg, Zn) is the strongest compound with the maximum values for elastic properties . This could be due to the possible substitution of Mg/Zn ions with lesser radius [25] than Ca2+ in perovskite B-site of Ca(Cali4Nb2i4Tili4) O3 material to contribute more ordering and symmetry to the system [20]. All other compositions (x > 1) contain mixed-phases and for such mixed-phase samples, the mechanical properties are difficult to explain.


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The Schiff base compounds N,N0-bis[(E)-quinoxalin-2-ylmethylidene] propane-1,3-diamine, C21H18N6, (I), and N,N0-bis[(E)- quinoxalin-2-ylmethylidene]butane-1,4-diamine, C22H20N6, (II), crystallize in the monoclinic crystal system. These molecules have crystallographically imposed symmetry. Compound (I) is located on a crystallographic twofold axis and (II) is located on an inversion centre. The molecular conformations of these crystal structures are stabilized by aromatic pye stacking interactions.


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The thesis deals with studies on the synthesis, characterisation and catalytic applications of some new transition metal complexes of the Schiff bases derived from 3-hydroxyquinoxaline 2-carboxaldehyde.. Schiff bases which are considered as ‘privileged ligands’ have the ability to stabilize different metals in different oxidation states and thus regulate the performance of metals in a large variety of catalytic transformations. The catalytic activity of the Schiff base complexes is highly dependant on the environment about the metal center and their conformational flexibility. Therefore it is to be expected that the introduction of bulky substituents near the coordination sites might lead to low symmetry complexes with enhanced catalytic properties. With this view new transition metal complexes of Schiff bases derived from 3-hydroxyquinoxaline-2-carboxaldehyde have been synthesised. These Schiff bases have more basic donor nitrogen atoms and the presence of the quinoxaline ring may be presumed to build a favourable topography and electronic environment in the immediate coordination sphere of the metal. The aldehyde was condensed with amines 1,8-diaminonaphthalene, 2,3-diaminomaleonitrile, 1,2-diaminocyclohexane, 2-aminophenol and 4-aminoantipyrine to give the respective Schiff bases. The oxovanadium(IV), copper(II) and ruthenium(II)complexes of these Schiff bases were synthesised and characterised. All the oxovanadium(IV) complexes have binuclear structure with a square pyramidal geometry. Ruthenium and copper form mononuclear complexes with the Schiff base derived from 4- aminoantipyrine while binuclear square planar complexes are formed with the other Schiff bases. The catalytic activity of the copper complexes was evaluated in the hydroxylation of phenol with hydrogen peroxide as oxidant. Catechol and hydroquinone are the major products. Catalytic properties of the oxovanadium(IV) complexes were evaluated in the oxidation of cyclohexene with hydrogen peroxide as the oxidant. Here allylic oxidation products rather than epoxides are formed as the major products. The ruthenium(II) complexes are found to be effective catalysts for the hydrogenation of benzene and toluene. The kinetics of hydrogenation was studied and a suitable mechanism has been proposed.


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The thermal transport properties, thermal diffusivity, thermal conductivity and specific heat capacity of Dicalcium Lead Propionate (DLP) crystal have been measured following a modified photopyroelectric thermal wave method. The measurements have been carried out with thermal waves propagating along the three principal symmetry directions, so as to bring out the anisotropy in these parameters. The variations of the above parameters through two prominent phase transition temperatures of this crystal have also been measured to understand the variation of these parameters as it undergoes ferroelectric phase transitions. In addition, complete thermal analysis and FTIR measurements have been done on the crystal to bring out the correlation of these results with the corresponding thermal transport properties. All these results are presented and discussed. The data presented in this paper form a comprehensive set of results on the thermal transport properties of this crystal.


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Certain organic crystals are found to possess high non- linear optical coefficients,often one to two orders of magnitude higher than those of the well known inorganic non-linear optical materials.Benzoyl glycine is one such crystal whose optical second-harmonic generation efficiency is much higher than that of potassium dihydrogen phosphate. Single crystals of benzoyl glycine are grown by solvent evaporation technique using N,N-dimethyl formamide as the solvent.All the nine second-order elastic stiffness constants of this orthorhombic crystal are determined from ultrasonic wave velocity measurements employing the pulse echo overlap technique.The anisotropy of elastic wave propagation in this crystal is demonstrated by plotting the phase velocity, slowness,Young's modulus and linear compressibility surfaces along symmetry planes.The volume compressibility, bulk modulus and relevant Poisson's ratios are also determined. Variation of the diagonal elastic stiffness constants with temperature over a limited range are measured and reported.


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The objective of present investigation was to study the population genetic structure of S. longiceps by applying three different basic population genetic techniques such as cytogenetics, non-enzymatic biochemicalgenetics (general protein) and morphomeristics/metrics.


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Laser produced plasma from silver is generated using a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser. Optical emission spectroscopy is used to carry out time of flight (TOF) analysis of atomic particles. An anomalous double peak profile in the TOF distribution is observed at low pressure. A collection of slower species emerge at reduced pressure below 4 X lO-3 mbar and this species has a greater velocity spread. At high pressure the plasma expansion follows the shockwave model with cylindrical symmetry whereas at reduced pressure it shows unsteady adiabatic expansion (UAE). During UAE the species show a parabolic increases in the expansion time with radial distance whereas during shock wave expansion the exponent is less than one. The angular distribution of the ablated species in the plume is obtained from the measurement of optical density of thin films deposited on to glass substrates kept perpendicular to the plume. There is a sharp variation in the film thickness away from the film centre due to asymmetries in the plume.


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Electromagnetic tomography has been applied to problems in nondestructive evolution, ground-penetrating radar, synthetic aperture radar, target identification, electrical well logging, medical imaging etc. The problem of electromagnetic tomography involves the estimation of cross sectional distribution dielectric permittivity, conductivity etc based on measurement of the scattered fields. The inverse scattering problem of electromagnetic imaging is highly non linear and ill posed, and is liable to get trapped in local minima. The iterative solution techniques employed for computing the inverse scattering problem of electromagnetic imaging are highly computation intensive. Thus the solution to electromagnetic imaging problem is beset with convergence and computational issues. The attempt of this thesis is to develop methods suitable for improving the convergence and reduce the total computations for tomographic imaging of two dimensional dielectric cylinders illuminated by TM polarized waves, where the scattering problem is defmed using scalar equations. A multi resolution frequency hopping approach was proposed as opposed to the conventional frequency hopping approach employed to image large inhomogeneous scatterers. The strategy was tested on both synthetic and experimental data and gave results that were better localized and also accelerated the iterative procedure employed for the imaging. A Degree of Symmetry formulation was introduced to locate the scatterer in the investigation domain when the scatterer cross section was circular. The investigation domain could thus be reduced which reduced the degrees of freedom of the inverse scattering process. Thus the entire measured scattered data was available for the optimization of fewer numbers of pixels. This resulted in better and more robust reconstructions of the scatterer cross sectional profile. The Degree of Symmetry formulation could also be applied to the practical problem of limited angle tomography, as in the case of a buried pipeline, where the ill posedness is much larger. The formulation was also tested using experimental data generated from an experimental setup that was designed. The experimental results confirmed the practical applicability of the formulation.


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Fourier transform methods are employed heavily in digital signal processing. Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) is among the most commonly used digital signal transforms. The exponential kernel of the DFT has the properties of symmetry and periodicity. Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) methods for fast DFT computation exploit these kernel properties in different ways. In this thesis, an approach of grouping data on the basis of the corresponding phase of the exponential kernel of the DFT is exploited to introduce a new digital signal transform, named the M-dimensional Real Transform (MRT), for l-D and 2-D signals. The new transform is developed using number theoretic principles as regards its specific features. A few properties of the transform are explored, and an inverse transform presented. A fundamental assumption is that the size of the input signal be even. The transform computation involves only real additions. The MRT is an integer-to-integer transform. There are two kinds of redundancy, complete redundancy & derived redundancy, in MRT. Redundancy is analyzed and removed to arrive at a more compact version called the Unique MRT (UMRT). l-D UMRT is a non-expansive transform for all signal sizes, while the 2-D UMRT is non-expansive for signal sizes that are powers of 2. The 2-D UMRT is applied in image processing applications like image compression and orientation analysis. The MRT & UMRT, being general transforms, will find potential applications in various fields of signal and image processing.


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The present work deals with the complexation of Schiff bases of aroylhydrazines with various transition metal ions. The hydrazone systems selected for study have long 7I:-delocalized chain in the ligand molecule itself, which get intensified due to metal-to-ligand or ligand-to-metal charge transfer excitations upon coordination. Complexation with metal ions like copper, nickel, cobalt, manganese, iron, zinc and cadmium are tried. Various spectral techniques are employed for characterization. The structures of some complexes have been well established by single crystal X-ray diffraction studies. The nonIinaer optical studies of the ligands and complexes synthesized have been studied by hyper-Rayleigh scattering technique.The work is presented in seven chapters and the last one deals with summary and conclusion. One of the hydrazone system selected for study proved that it could give rise to polymeric metal complexes. Some of the copper, nickel, zinc and cadmium complexes showed non-linear optical activity. The NLO studies of manganese and iron showed negative result, may be due to the inversion centre of symmetry within the molecular lattice.


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We consider an array of N Josephson junctions connected in parallel and explore the condition for chaotic synchronization. It is found that the outer junctions can be synchronized while they remain uncorrelated to the inner ones when an external biasing is applied. The stability of the solution is found out for the outer junctions in the synchronization manifold. Symmetry considerations lead to a situation wherein the inner junctions can synchronize for certain values of the parameter. In the presence of a phase difference between the applied fields, all the junctions exhibit phase synchronization. It is also found that chaotic motion changes to periodic in the presence of phase differences.


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In 1931 Dirac studied the motion of an electron in the field of a magnetic monopole and found that the quantization of electric charge can be explained by postulating the mere existence of a magnetic monopole. Since 1974 there has been a resurgence of interest in magnetic monopole due to the work of ‘t’ Hooft and Polyakov who independently observed that monopoles can exist as finite energy topologically stable solutions to certain spontaneously broken gauge theories. The thesis, “Studies on Magnetic Monopole Solutions of Non-abelian Gauge Theories and Related Problems”, reports a systematic investigation of classical solutions of non-abelian gauge theories with special emphasis on magnetic monopoles and dyons which possess both electric and magnetic charges. The formation of bound states of a dyon with fermions and bosons is also studied in detail. The thesis opens with an account of a new derivation of a relationship between the magnetic charge of a dyon and the topology of the gauge fields associated with it. Although this formula has been reported earlier in the literature, the present method has two distinct advantages. In the first place, it does not depend either on the mechanism of symmetry breaking or on the nature of the residual symmetry group. Secondly, the results can be generalized to finite temperature monopoles.


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The thesis deals with certain quantum field systems exhibiting spontaneous symmetry breaking and their response to temperature. These models find application in diverse branches such as particle physics, solid state physics and non~linear optics. The nature of phase transition that these systems may undergo is also investigated. The thesis contains seven chapters. The first chapter is introductory and gives a brief account of the various phenomena associated with spontaneous symmetry breaking. The chapter closes with anote on the effect of temperature on quantum field systems. In chapter 2, the spontaneous symmetry breaking phenomena are reviewed in more detail. Chapter 3, deals with the formulation of ordinary and generalised sine-Gordon field theories on a lattice and the study of the nature of phase transition occurring in these systems. In chapter 4, the effect of temperature on these models is studied, using the effective potential method. Chapter 5 is a continuation of this study for another model, viz, the m6 model. The nature of phase transition is also studied. Chapters 5 and 6 constitute a report of the investigations on the behaviour of coupling constants under thermal excitation D1 $4 theory, scalar electrodynamics, abelian and non-abelian gauge theories


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Motivation for Speaker recognition work is presented in the first part of the thesis. An exhaustive survey of past work in this field is also presented. A low cost system not including complex computation has been chosen for implementation. Towards achieving this a PC based system is designed and developed. A front end analog to digital convertor (12 bit) is built and interfaced to a PC. Software to control the ADC and to perform various analytical functions including feature vector evaluation is developed. It is shown that a fixed set of phrases incorporating evenly balanced phonemes is aptly suited for the speaker recognition work at hand. A set of phrases are chosen for recognition. Two new methods are adopted for the feature evaluation. Some new measurements involving a symmetry check method for pitch period detection and ACE‘ are used as featured. Arguments are provided to show the need for a new model for speech production. Starting from heuristic, a knowledge based (KB) speech production model is presented. In this model, a KB provides impulses to a voice producing mechanism and constant correction is applied via a feedback path. It is this correction that differs from speaker to speaker. Methods of defining measurable parameters for use as features are described. Algorithms for speaker recognition are developed and implemented. Two methods are presented. The first is based on the model postulated. Here the entropy on the utterance of a phoneme is evaluated. The transitions of voiced regions are used as speaker dependent features. The second method presented uses features found in other works, but evaluated differently. A knock—out scheme is used to provide the weightage values for the selection of features. Results of implementation are presented which show on an average of 80% recognition. It is also shown that if there are long gaps between sessions, the performance deteriorates and is speaker dependent. Cross recognition percentages are also presented and this in the worst case rises to 30% while the best case is 0%. Suggestions for further work are given in the concluding chapter.