10 resultados para Japanese abacus
em Cochin University of Science
Cephalopods are utilized as an important food item in various countries because of its delicacy as raw consumed food. Mainly sepia and loligo are consumed raw by Japanese and Russians. The freshness of the products is very important when the product is consumed raw. The major species that dominate our squid catch are Loligo duvaucelii and Doryteuthis sibogae. There is a noticeable difference in the quality of both the species. The needle squid (Doryteuthis sibogae ) contributes about 35% of the total squid landing. Due to the fast deterioration , a major portion of the needle squid, which is caught during the first few hauls, is thrown back to sea. The catch in the last hauls only are taken to the landing centers. At present the needle squid is processed as blanched rings and the desired quality is not obtained if it is processed as whole, whole cleaned or as tubes. In this study an attempt is made to investigate the biochemical characteristics in both the species of squid in relation to their quality and, the process control measures to be adopted. The effect of various treatments on their quality and the changes in proteolytic and lysosomal enzymes under various processing conditions are also studied in detail.Thus this study can provide the seafood industry with relevant suggestions and solutions for effective utilization of both the species of squid with emphasis on needle squid.
This paper presents gamma stochastic volatility models and investigates its distributional and time series properties. The parameter estimators obtained by the method of moments are shown analytically to be consistent and asymptotically normal. The simulation results indicate that the estimators behave well. The insample analysis shows that return models with gamma autoregressive stochastic volatility processes capture the leptokurtic nature of return distributions and the slowly decaying autocorrelation functions of squared stock index returns for the USA and UK. In comparison with GARCH and EGARCH models, the gamma autoregressive model picks up the persistence in volatility for the US and UK index returns but not the volatility persistence for the Canadian and Japanese index returns. The out-of-sample analysis indicates that the gamma autoregressive model has a superior volatility forecasting performance compared to GARCH and EGARCH models.
In the present study on natural antioxidants, the focus has been kept mainly on oil seeds, especially sesame and its by-products. Sesame, which has been under cultivation in India for centuries is called the 'Queen of oil seed crops' because of the high yield of oil obtained and the nutritional qualities of the seed, oil, and meal. Though India is the largest producer of sesame in the world, research on the various health benefits of sesame has been carried out by Japanese Sesame has an important place in the foods and tradit..ional medicine of India from time immemorial. Foreseeing the potential of sesame and its byproducts as an important antioxidant source and its availability in bulk, the present study was focussed on Sesamum species. There are not many reports on the wild species of Sesamum in India, especially of the Kerala region. Hence, in the present study we also included antioxidants of Sesamurnrnalabaricumdistributed throughout the coastal region.The important characteristics of sesame are attributed to the presence of the umquc compounds lignans. Lignans arc a group of natural products of phenyl propanoid ongm, whieh are widely distributed in nature. They display important physiological functions in plants, in human nutrition and medicine, given their extensive health promotive and curative properties. Much interest has been focussed on their effectiveness as antineoplastic agents and research in this area has revealed several modes of action by which they can regulate the growth of mammalian cells. Sesame is an important source of furofuran lignans, of which sesamin and the rare oxygenated derivative sesamoIin are the most abundant. Others include sesamol and glucosides of lignans. Sesarnin and episesamin are reported to have hypocholesterolemic effect, suppressive effect on chemically induced cancer, alleviation of allergy symptoms etc. Sesamol, sesamolin and the lignan glycosides are reported to inhibit lipid peroxidation. Present investigation on sesame and its byproducts have been carried out to explore the possibility of developing a natural antioxidant extract from available resources to be used as a substitute to synthetic ones in vegetable oils and foods. Preliminary analysis showed that sesame cake, a byproduct could still be utilized as a major source of lignans. Sesame cake, which is now used only as a cattlefeed, can be better utilized in the form of a valuable antioxidant source. The present study explains the development of a feasible process for the extraction of antioxidant compounds from sesame cake. The antioxidant extract so prepared from sesame cake has been tested for vegetable oil protection and is found to be effective at low concentration. In addition, studies also include the antioxidant, radical scavenging, anticancer, mosquitocidal and pesticidal activities of extract and individual compounds.
With a seacoast of 8,1 18 km, an exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of 2 million square km, and with an area of about 30,000 square km under aquaculture, lndia produces close to six million tonnes of fish, over 4 per cent of the world fish production. While the marine waters upto 50m depth have been fully exploited, those beyond, remain unexplored. There is an ever increasing demand for fishery resources as food. The coastal fishery resources of the country are dwindling at a rapid pace and it becomes highly imperative that we search for alternate fishery resources for food. The option we have is to hunt for marine fishery resources. Studies pertaining to proximate composition, amino acid and fatty acid composition are essential to understand the nutraceutical values of these deep sea fishery resources. The present study was aimed to carry out proximate composition of deep sea fishery resources obtained during cruises onboard the FORV Sarise Sampada, to identify fishery resources which have appreciable lipid content and thereby analyse the bioactive potentials of marine lipids, to study the amino acid profile of these fishery resources, to understand the contents of SPA, MUFA and PUFA and to calculate the n3/n6 fatty acid contents. Though the presence of nutraceuticals was identified in the marine fishery resources their use as potential food resources deserve further investigation. So the study were carried out to calculate the hepatosomatic indices of sharks & chimaeras and conduct biochemical characterisation of liver oils of Apristurus indicus, Cenlrophorus scalprams, Centroselachus crepidater, Neoharriotta raleighana, and Harriotta pinnata obtained during cruises onboard the FORV Sugar Sampada.Therapeutic use of shark liver oil is evident from its use for centuries as a remedy to heal wounds and fight flu (Neil er al. 2006). Japanese seamen called it 'samedava' or "cure all". Shark liver oil is being promoted worldwide as a dietary supplement to boost the immune system, fight infections, to treat cancer and to lessen the side effects of conventional cancer treatment. These days more emphasis is laid on the nutritive benefits of shark liver oils especially on the omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids ( PUFAs) (Anandan er al. 2007) and alkylglycerols (AKGs) (Pugliese er al. I998) contained in them due to the high rise of inflammatory disorders such as arthritis, asthma and neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Schizophrenia. So the present study also evaluate the pharmacological properties with respect to analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti pyretic and anti-ulcer effects of four different liver oils of sharks belonging to the Indian EEZ and to identify the components of oil responsible for these activities.The analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities of liver oils from Neoharriotra raleighana (NR), Centrosymnus crepidater (CC), Apristurus indicus (AI), and Centrophorus sculpratus (CS) sharks caught from the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean were compared. The main objectives also include determination of the cholesterol lowering effects of liver oils of Neoharriotra raleighana (NR) and Centrophorus sculpratus (CS) on the high fat diet induced dyslipidemia and to compare the impact of four isolipidemic diets, on levels of serum diagnostic marker enzymes, on lipid profile of blood and liver and antioxidant status of heart in male Albino rats. And also to study the efficacy of Centrophorus sculpratus (CS) liver oil against Complete Freund’s Adjuvant-induced arthritis and to compare the anti-inflammatory activity of this oil with a traditionally used anti-inflammatory substance gingerol (oleoresin extracted from ginger.). The results of the present study indicated that both (Centrophorus sculpratus liver oils as well as gingerol extracts proved to be effective natural remedies against CFA-induced arthritis in Albino rats.
Fish, a natural resource, has received great attention from all over the world. since it provides a cheap protein, employment and income to the millions of people for centuries. So fishermen, industrialist and multinationals are trying to exploit the marine resources to their maximum benefit by using modern craft, advance fishing equipments and efficient gear. Fishery resources in the open system particularly in oceans, were considered to be unlimited. However, recent developments in the innovation of efficient craft and gear using well tested material fitted with modern equipments that have greatly enhanced the mobility of craft, agility of gear and the ability of equipments to locate fishery resources have proved otherwise. Hence as the exploitation increases with more effort entering the fishery, the catch per unit of fishing effort starts to decline due to the limitness of the resources. The heavy fishing pressure in the recent past led to commercial extinction of a number of stocks such as. the North Sea herring, California sardine, Japanese Sardine and Peruvian anchovy (FAO. 1968: Gulland, 1974). In India, seer fish from Palk-Bay declined due to uncontrolled fishing (Devaraj 1983).
Tsunamis are water waves generated by a sudden vertical displacement of the water surface. They are waves generated in the ocean by the disturbance associated with seismic activity, under sea volcanic eruptions, submarine landslides, nuclear explosion or meteorite impacts with the ocean. These waves are generated in the ocean and travel into coastal bays, gulfs, estuaries and rivers. These waves travel as gravity waves with a velocity dependent on water depth. The term tsunami is Japanese and means harbour (tsu) and wave (nami). It has been named so because such waves often develop resonant phenomena in harbours after offshore earthquakes.
On-line handwriting recognition has been a frontier area of research for the last few decades under the purview of pattern recognition. Word processing turns to be a vexing experience even if it is with the assistance of an alphanumeric keyboard in Indian languages. A natural solution for this problem is offered through online character recognition. There is abundant literature on the handwriting recognition of western, Chinese and Japanese scripts, but there are very few related to the recognition of Indic script such as Malayalam. This paper presents an efficient Online Handwritten character Recognition System for Malayalam Characters (OHR-M) using K-NN algorithm. It would help in recognizing Malayalam text entered using pen-like devices. A novel feature extraction method, a combination of time domain features and dynamic representation of writing direction along with its curvature is used for recognizing Malayalam characters. This writer independent system gives an excellent accuracy of 98.125% with recognition time of 15-30 milliseconds
Handwritten character recognition is always a frontier area of research in the field of pattern recognition and image processing and there is a large demand for OCR on hand written documents. Even though, sufficient studies have performed in foreign scripts like Chinese, Japanese and Arabic characters, only a very few work can be traced for handwritten character recognition of Indian scripts especially for the South Indian scripts. This paper provides an overview of offline handwritten character recognition in South Indian Scripts, namely Malayalam, Tamil, Kannada and Telungu
Optical Character Recognition plays an important role in Digital Image Processing and Pattern Recognition. Even though ambient study had been performed on foreign languages like Chinese and Japanese, effort on Indian script is still immature. OCR in Malayalam language is more complex as it is enriched with largest number of characters among all Indian languages. The challenge of recognition of characters is even high in handwritten domain, due to the varying writing style of each individual. In this paper we propose a system for recognition of offline handwritten Malayalam vowels. The proposed method uses Chain code and Image Centroid for the purpose of extracting features and a two layer feed forward network with scaled conjugate gradient for classification
The present study was initiated when several massive outbreaks of Chikungunya, Dengue and Japanese Encephalitis were frequently reported across the State of Kerala. Multiple symptoms persisted among the affected individuals and the public health officials were in search of aetiological agents responsible for the out breaks and, other than clinical samples no resources were available. In this context, a study was undertaken to focus on mosquito larvae to investigate the viruses borne by them which remain silently prevalent in the environment. The study was not a group specific investigation limited to either arbovirus or enterovirus, but had a broad spectrum approach. The study encompassed the viral pathogens that could be isolated, their impact when passaged through cell lines, growth kinetics, titer of the working stocks in specific cell line, the structure by means of transmission electron microscopy(TEM), the one step growth and molecular characterization using molecular tools.