33 resultados para Iron storage
em Cochin University of Science
Nano magnetic oxides are promising candidates for high density magnetic storage and other applications. Nonspherical mesoscopic iron oxide particles are also candidate materials for studying the shape, size and strain induced modifications of various physical properties viz. optical, magnetic and structural. Spherical and nonspherical iron oxides having an aspect ratio, ~2, are synthesized by employing starch and ethylene glycol and starch and water, respectively by a novel technique. Their optical, structural, thermal and magnetic properties are evaluated. A red shift of 0⋅24 eV is observed in the case of nonspherical particles when compared to spherical ones. The red shift is attributed to strain induced changes in internal pressure inside the elongated iron oxide particles. Pressure induced effects are due to the increased overlap of wave functions. Magnetic measurements reveal that particles are superparamagnetic. The marked increase in coercivity in the case of elongated particles is a clear evidence for shape induced anisotropy. The decreased specific saturation magnetization of the samples is explained on the basis of weight percentage of starch, a nonmagnetic component and is verified by TGA and FTIR studies. This technique can be modified for tailoring the aspect ratio and these particles are promising candidates for drug delivery and contrast enhancement agents in magnetic resonance imaging
If magnetism is universal in nature, magnetic materials are ubiquitous. A life without magnetism is unthinkable and a day without the influence of a magnetic material is unimaginable. They find innumerable applications in the form of many passive and active devices namely, compass, electric motor, generator, microphone, loud speaker, maglev train, magnetic resonance imaging, data recording and reading, hadron collider etc. The list is endless. Such is the influence of magnetism and magnetic materials in ones day to day life. With the advent of nanoscience and nanotechnology, along with the emergence of new areas/fields such as spintronics, multiferroics and magnetic refrigeration, the importance of magnetism is ever increasing and attracting the attention of researchers worldwide. The search for a fluid which exhibits magnetism has been on for quite some time. However nature has not bestowed us with a magnetic fluid and hence it has been the dream of many researchers to synthesize a magnetic fluid which is thought to revolutionize many applications based on magnetism. The discovery of a magnetic fluid by Jacob Rabinow in the year 1952 paved the way for a new branch of Physics/Engineering which later became magnetic fluids. This gave birth to a new class of material called magnetorheological materials. Magnetorheological materials are considered superior to electrorheological materials in that magnetorheology is a contactless operation and often inexpensive.Most of the studies in the past on magnetorheological materials were based on magnetic fluids. Recently the focus has been on the solid state analogue of magnetic fluids which are called Magnetorheological Elastomers (MREs). The very word magnetorheological elastomer implies that the rheological properties of these materials can be altered by the influence of an external applied magnetic field and this process is reversible. If the application of an external magnetic field modifies the viscosity of a magnetic fluid, the effect of external magnetic stimuli on a magnetorheological elastomer is in the modification of its stiffness. They are reversible too. Magnetorheological materials exhibit variable stiffness and find applications in adaptive structures of aerospace, automotive civil and electrical engineering applications. The major advantage of MRE is that the particles are not able to settle with time and hence there is no need of a vessel to hold it. The possibility of hazardous waste leakage is no more with a solid MRE. Moreover, the particles in a solid MRE will not affect the performance and durability of the equipment. Usually MR solids work only in the pre yield region while MR fluids, typically work in the post yield state. The application of an external magnetic field modifies the stiffness constant, shear modulus and loss modulus which are complex quantities. In viscoelastic materials a part of the input energy is stored and released during each cycle and a part is dissipated as heat. The storage modulus G′ represents the capacity of the material to store energy of deformation, which contribute to material stiffness. The loss modulusG′′ represents the ability of the material to dissipate the energy of deformation. Such materials can find applications in the form of adaptive vibration absorbers (ATVAs), stiffness tunable mounts and variable impedance surfaces. MREs are an important material for automobile giants and became the focus of this research for eventual automatic vibration control, sound isolation, brakes, clutches and suspension systems
In this study the quality and process control factors during the production and storage of salted dried fish products. The study reveals that quantity of dry fish production in the state is decreasing and dry fish processing industry should be encouraged by central and state governments. The dry and wet salting may be carried out to a period of 4 to 8 hours respectively and time may depend on temperature, size, and concentration of medium. Demand is an unavoidable factor for sale of fish. The packed dry salted lots kept at room temperature are useful only for 20 days. The refrigerator- stored lots had more storage life and nutritional content are good up to 3 months. The cold storage stored dry salted lot had more storage life than the wet salted lot. The use of preservatives in salting is encouraged to reduce pH. The low temperature preservation maintains the nutritional value and quality for long period. It further encourages the labeling of nutritional value of dry fish as in tinned products.
The thesis entitled INVESTIDGATIONS ON THE RECOVERY OF TITANIUM VANADIUM AND IRON VALUES FROM THE WASTE CHILORIDE LIQUORS OF TITANIA INDUSTRY embodies the results of the investigations carried out on the solvent extraction separation of iron (III) vanadium(V) and titanium (IV) chlorides from the waste chloride liquors of titanium minerals processing industry by employing tributylphosphate (TBT) as an extractant. The objective of this study is to generate the knowledge base to achieve the recovery of iron, vanadium and titanium cvalues from multi- metal waste chloride liquors originating from ilmenite mineral beneficiation industries through selective separation and value added material development
The differaction efficiency,sensitivity and storage life of Methylene Blue sencitized poly (vinyl chloride) film was improved by the addition of an electron donor in the matrix. The addition of pyridine enhanced the diffraction efficiency by two times and storage life of the gratings was increased to 2-3 days.
The differaction efficiency,sensitivity and storage life of Methylene blue sensitized poly(vinyl chloride) film was improved by the addition of an electron donor in the matrix. The addition of pyridine enhanced the diffraction efficiency by two times and storage life of the gratings was increased to 2-3 days.
The changes occuring to cashew kernels during storage at two humidity levels - 80% to 20% with respect to organoleptic characteristics, protein content, carbohydrate content, oil content, iodine and peroxide values were studied. From the present study it is concluded that organoleptic characteristics of cashew kernels deteriorates with increase in humidity. Decrease in protein and carbohydrate content of stored cashew kernel is dependent on humidity. Humidity increased oxidative rancidification.
Prevulcanized natural rubber latex was prepared by the heating of the latex compound at 55°C for different periods of time (2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 h). The changes in the colloidal stability and physical properties were evaluated during the course of prevulcanization. The prevulcanized latex compounds were stored for 300 days, and the properties were monitored at different storage intervals (0, 20, 40, 60, 120, 180, 240, and 300 days). During prevulcanization, the mechanical stability time increased, and the viscosity remained almost constant. The tensile strength increased during storage for a period of 20 days. The degree of crosslinking, modulus, elongation at break, and chloroform number were varied with the time of storage.
Chemical bath deposition (CBD)is one of the simplest, very convient and probably the cheapest method for thin film preparation. Photovoltaic is the cleanest and the most efficient mode of conversion of energy to electrical power. Silicon is the most popular material in this field. The present study on chemical bath deposited semiconducting copper selenide and iron sulfide thin films useful for photovoltaic applications. Semiconducting thin films prepared by chemical deposition find applications as photo detectors, solar control coatings and solar cells. Copper selenide is a p-type semiconductor that finds application in photovolitics. Several heterojunction systems such as Cu2-xSe/ZnSe (for injection electro luminescence), Cu2Se/AgInSe2 and Cu2Se/Si (for photodiodes), Cu2-xSe/CdS, Cu2-xSe/CdSe, CuxSe/InP and Cu2-xSe/Si for solar cells are reported. A maximum efficiency of 8.3% was achieved for the Cu2-xSe/Si cell, various preparation techniques are used for copper selenide like vacuum evaporation, direct reaction, electrodeposition and CBD. Instability of the as-prepared films was investigation and is accounted as mainly due to deviation from stoichiometry and the formation of iron oxide impurity. A sulphur annealing chamber was designed and fabricated for this work. These samples wee also analysed using optical absorption technique, XPS (X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy) and XRD.(X-Ray Diffraction).The pyrite films obtained by CBD technique showed amorphous nature and the electrical studies carried out showed the films to be of high resistive nature. Future work possible in the material of iron pyrite includes sulphur annealing of the non-stochiometric iron pyrite CBD thin films in the absence of atmospheric oxygen
The current water treatment technology is oriented towards the removal of contaminants, mostly organic compounds, by activated carbon. Activated carbons are classified as Granular Activated Carbons (GAC) and Powdered Activated Carbons (PAC) on the basis of the particle size of the carbon granules. Powdered carbons are generally less expensive than granular carbon, operating costs with powdered carbon could be lower. Though powdered activated carbon has many advantages over granular carbon, its application in large-scale separation process is limited by difficulty in recovery and regeneration. Deposition of magnetic iron oxide on carbon particles provides a convenient way of recovering the spent carbon from process water. The study deals with the preparation and physico-chemical characterization of magnetic iron oxide loaded activated carbons. The evaluation of absorption properties of magnetic iron oxide loaded activated carbon composites. The target molecules studied were phenol, p-nitro phenol and methylene blue. The feasibility of magnetic separation of iron oxide loaded activated carbons were studied and described in this thesis.
Cephalopods are utilized as an important food item in various countries because of its delicacy as raw consumed food. Mainly sepia and loligo are consumed raw by Japanese and Russians. The freshness of the products is very important when the product is consumed raw. The major species that dominate our squid catch are Loligo duvaucelii and Doryteuthis sibogae. There is a noticeable difference in the quality of both the species. The needle squid (Doryteuthis sibogae ) contributes about 35% of the total squid landing. Due to the fast deterioration , a major portion of the needle squid, which is caught during the first few hauls, is thrown back to sea. The catch in the last hauls only are taken to the landing centers. At present the needle squid is processed as blanched rings and the desired quality is not obtained if it is processed as whole, whole cleaned or as tubes. In this study an attempt is made to investigate the biochemical characteristics in both the species of squid in relation to their quality and, the process control measures to be adopted. The effect of various treatments on their quality and the changes in proteolytic and lysosomal enzymes under various processing conditions are also studied in detail.Thus this study can provide the seafood industry with relevant suggestions and solutions for effective utilization of both the species of squid with emphasis on needle squid.
School of Industrial Fisheries, Cochin University of Science and Technology
Plasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (pPVC), although a major player in the medical field, is at present facing lot of criticism due to some of its limitations like the leaching out of the toxic plasticizer, di ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) to the medium and the emission of an environmental pollutant,dioxin gas,at the time of the post use disposal of PVC Products by incineration. Due to these reasons, efforts are on to reduce the use of pPVC considerably in the medical field and to find viable alternative materials. The present study has been undertaken in this context to find a suitable material for the manufacture of medical aids in place of pPVC. The main focus of this study has been to find out a non-DEHP material as plasticizer for pPVC and another suitable material for the complete repalcement of pPVC for blood/ blood component storage applications.Two approaches have been undertaken for this purpose-(1)the controversial plasticizer, DEHP has been partially replaced by polymeric plasticizers(2) an alternative material, namely, metallocene polyolefin (mPO) has been used and suitably modified to match the properties of flexible PVC used for blood and blood component storage applications.
Iron pillared Montmorillonite has been synthesised and it is then wet impregnated with vanadia with different vanadia composition. These catalysts are characterised using conventional techniques such as XRD analysis,FTIR analysis and surface area and pore volume measurements. Acidity is measured using spectrophotometric monitoring of adsorption of perylene, thermogravimetric desorption of 2.6 dimethylpyridine and temperature programmed desorption of ammonia. Activity studies are done in the liquid phase. It has been concluded that Lewis acidic sites are responsible for the benzylation of toluene when the benzylating agent is benzyl chloride while Bronsted acidic sites are responsible when the reagent is benzyl alcohol.