15 resultados para Inception Of Air Entrainment

em Cochin University of Science


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The objectives of the present study are to provide a systematic descriptive documentation of the nature of air pollution of the Cochin industrial agglomeration, estimate the willingness to pay for morbidity reduction due to air pollution in observed and hypothetical markets and to estimate the value of welfare loss in the purchase of property due to reduced air quality. This study is an attempt to examine economic impacts of air pollution on the human health and property values in the industrial capital of Kerala. The process of industrialization in Kerala and the increase in air pollution created damages to human, natural and economic resources in the state. The study documents the extent of air pollution and applied econometric approaches to estimate economic impacts of air pollution on human health and property values. The Important sources of air pollution identified in Cochin are emissions from industries and automobiles.


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The thesis presented here unveils an experimental study of the hydrodynamic characteristics of swirling fluidized bed viz. pressure drop across the distributor and the bed, minimum fluidizing velocity, bed behaviour and angle of air injection. In swirling fluidized bed the air is admitted to the bed at an angle 'Ѳ' to the horizontal. The vertical component of the velocity v sin Ѳ causes fluidization and the horizontal component v cos Ѳ contributes to swirl motion of the bed material.The study was conducted using spherical particles having sizes 3.2 mm, 5.5 mm & 7.4 mm as the bed materials. Each of these particles was made from high density polyethylene, nylon and acetal having relative densities of 0.93, 1.05 and 1.47 respectively.The experiments were conducted using conidour type distributors having four rows of slits. Altogether four distributors having angles of air injection (Φ)- 0°, 5°, 10° & 15° were designed and fabricated for the study. The total number of slits in each distributor was 144. The area of opening was 6220 mm2 making the percentage area of opening to 9.17. But the percentage useful area of opening of the distributor was 96.The experiments on the variation of distributor pressure drop with superficial velocity revealed that the distributor pressure drop decreases with angle of air injection. Investigations related to bed hydrodynamics were conducted using 2.5 kg of bed material. The bed pressure drop measurements were made along the radial direction of the distributor at distances of 60 mm, 90 mm, 120 mm & 150 mm from the centre of the distributor. It was noticed that after attaining minimum fluidizing velocity, the bed pressure drop increases along the radial direction of the distributor. But at a radial distance of 90 mm from the distributor centre, after attaining minimum fluidizing velocity the bed pressure drop remains almost constant. It was also observed that the bed pressure drop varies inversely with particle size as well as particle density.An attempt was made to determine the effect of various parameters on minimum fluidizing velocity. It was noticed that the minimum fluidizing velocity varies directly with angle of air injection (Φ), particle size and particle density.The study on the bed behaviour showed that the superficial velocity required for initiating various bed phenomena (such as swirl motion and separation of particles from the cone at the centre) increase with increase in particle size as well as particle density. It was also observed that the particle size and particle density directly influence the superficial velocity required for various regimes of bed behaviour such as linear variation of bed pressure drop, constant bed pressure drop and sudden increase or decrease in bed pressure drop.Experiments were also performed to study the effect of angle of air injection (Φ). It was noticed that the bed pressure drop decreases with angle of air injection. It was also noticed that the angle of air injection directly influence the superficial velocity required for initiating various bed phenomena as well as the various regimes of bed behaviour.


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Pollutants that once enter into the earth’s atmosphere become part of the atmosphere and hence their dispersion, dilution, direction of transportation etc. are governed by the meteorological conditions. The thesis deals with the study of the atmospheric dispersion capacity, wind climatology, atmospheric stability, pollutant distribution by means of a model and the suggestions for a comprehensive planning for the industrially developing city, Cochin. The definition, sources, types and effects of air pollution have been dealt with briefly. The influence of various meteorological parameters such as vector wind, temperature and its vertical structure and atmospheric stability in relation to pollutant dispersal have been studied. The importance of inversions, mixing heights, ventilation coefficients were brought out. The spatial variation of mixing heights studies for the first time on a microscale region, serves to delineate the regions of good and poor dispersal capacity. A study of wind direction fluctuation, σθ and its relation to stability and mixing heights were shown to be much useful. It was shown that there is a necessity to look into the method of σθ computation. The development of Gausssian Plume Model along with the application for multiple sources was presented. The pollutant chosen was sulphur dioxide and industrial sources alone were considered. The percentage frequency of occurrence of inversions and isothermals are found to be low in all months during the year. The spatial variation of mixing heights revealed that a single mixing height cannot be taken as a representative for the whole city have low mixing heights and monsoonal months showed lowest mixing heights. The study of ventilation co-efficients showed values less than the required optimum value 6000m2/5. However, the low values may be due to the consideration of surface wind alone instead of the vertically averaged wind. Relatively more calm conditions and light winds during night and strong winds during day time were observed. During the most of the year westerlies during day time and northeasterlies during night time are the dominant winds. Unstable conditions with high values of σθ during day time and stable conditions with lower values of σθ during night time are the prominent features. Monsoonal months showed neutral stability for most of the time. A study σθ of and Pasquill Stability category has revealed the difficulty in giving a unique value of for each stability category. For the first time regression equations have been developed relating mixing heights and σθ. A closer examination of σθ revealed that half of the range of wind direction fluctuations is to be taken, instead of one by sixth, to compute σθ. The spatial distribution of SO2 showed a more or less uniform distribution with a slight intrusion towards south. Winter months showed low concentrations contrary to the expectations. The variations of the concentration is found to be influenced more by the mixing height and the stack height rather than wind speed. In the densely populated areas the concentration is more than the threshold limit value. However, the values reported appear to be high, because no depletion of the material is assumed through dry or wet depositions and also because of the inclusion of calm conditions with a very light wind speed. A reduction of emission during night time with a consequent rise during day time would bring down the levels of pollution. The probable locations for the new industries could be the extreme southeast parts because the concentration towards the north falls off very quickly resulting low concentrations. In such a case pollutant spread would be towards south and west, thus keeping the city interior relatively free from pollution. A more detailed examination of the pollutant spread by means of models that would take the dry and wet depositions may be necessary. Nevertheless, the present model serves to give the trend of the distribution of pollutant concentration with which one can suggest the optimum locations for the new industries


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The deteriorating air quality especially in urban environments is a cause of serious concern. In spite of being an effective sink, the atmosphere also has its own limitations in effectively dispersing the pollutants being dumped into it continuously by various sources, mainly industries. Many a time, it is not the higher emissions that cause alarming level of pollutants but the unfavourable atmospheric conditions under which the atmosphere is not able to disperse them effectively, leading to accumulation of pollutants near the ground. Hence, it is imperative to have an estimate of the atmospheric potential for dispersal of the substances emitted into it. This requires a knowledge of mixing height, ventilation coefficient, wind and stability of the region under study. Mere estimation of such pollution potential is not adequate, unless the probable distribution of concentration of pollutants is known. This can be obtained by means of mathematical models. The pollution potential coupled with the distribution of concentration provides a good basis for initiating steps to mitigate air pollution in any developing urban area. In this thesis, a fast developing industrial city, namely, Trivandrum is chosen for estimating the pollution potential and determining the spatial distribution of sulphur dioxide concentration. Each of the parameters required for pollution potential is discussed in detail separately. The thesis is divided into nine chapters.


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This study is about the stability of random sums and extremes.The difficulty in finding exact sampling distributions resulted in considerable problems of computing probabilities concerning the sums that involve a large number of terms.Functions of sample observations that are natural interest other than the sum,are the extremes,that is , the minimum and the maximum of the observations.Extreme value distributions also arise in problems like the study of size effect on material strengths,the reliability of parallel and series systems made up of large number of components,record values and assessing the levels of air pollution.It may be noticed that the theories of sums and extremes are mutually connected.For instance,in the search for asymptotic normality of sums ,it is assumed that at least the variance of the population is finite.In such cases the contributions of the extremes to the sum of independent and identically distributed(i.i.d) r.vs is negligible.


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The study aims to the hydrodynamic characteristics of swirling fluidized bed, using large particles (Geldart D-type) selected from locally available agricultural produce (coffee beans and black pepper). The important variables considered in the present study include percentage area of opening, angle of air injection and the percentage useful area of the distributor. A total of seven distributors have been designed and fabricated for a bed column of 300 mm, namely single row vane type distributors (15˚ and 20˚ vane angle), inclined hole type distributors (15˚ and 20˚ vane angle) and perforated plate distributors. The useful area of distributor of single row vane type, three now vane-type and inclined hole-type distributors are respectively 64%,91% and 94%. The hydrodynamic parameters considered in the present study include distributor pressure drop, air velocity, minimum fluidizing velocity, bed pressure drop, bed height and the bed behaviour. It has been observed that, in general, the distributor pressure drop decreases with an increase in the percentage area of opening, Further, and increase in the area of opening above 17% will not considerably reduce the distributor pressure drop. In the present study, for the distributor with an area of opening 17%, and corresponding to the maximum measured superficial velocity of 4.33 m/s, the distributor pressure drop obtained was 55.25mm of water. The study on the bed behavior revealed that, in a swirling fluidized bed, once swirl motion starts, the bed pressure drop increases with superficial velocity in the outer region and it decreases in the inner region. This means that, with higher superficial velocity, the air might get by-passed through the inner boundary of the bed (around the cone). So, depending on the process for which the bed is used, the maximum superficial velocity is to be limited to have an optimum bed performance.


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A modified atmosphere may be defined as a packaging or storage of a perishable product in an atmosphere other than that of air. A modified atmosphere (MA) applies to food packaged products changes continuously throughout the storage period. The pearl spot (Etroplus suratensis) is an important brackish water fish belonging to the family Cichlidae. The present work was carried out to see the effect of modified atmosphere packaging on the shelf life fresh pearl spot stored in ice to extent the shelf life. The objectives of the present study are to study the suitability of Thermoformed Trays for modified atmosphere packaging, to standardize the most suitable gas mixture for modified atmosphere packaging pearl spot based on sensory evaluation, to find out the effect of modified atmosphere packaging in comparison to air packaging, to study the biochemical, microbiological, sensory and textural characteristics during storage, to study the safety concern regarding the Clostridium botulinum during modified atmosphere packaging, to find out the most suitable chemical quality indices for modified atmosphere stored pearl spot


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The aim of the present study is to understand the characteristics and properties of different wave modes and the vertical circulation pattern in the troposphere and lower stratosphere over Indian region using data obtained from the Indian Mesosphere-Stratosphere Troposphere (MST) radar, National Center for Environmental Prediction/National Centres of Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) reanalysed data and radiosonde observations.Studies on the vertical motion in monsoon Hadley circulation are carried out and the results are discussed . From the analysis of MST radar data, an overall picture of vertical motion of air over Indian region is explained and noted that there exists sinking motion both during winter and summer. Besides, the study shows that there is an anomalous northerly wind in the troposphere over the southern peninsular region during southwest monsoon season.The outcome of the study on intrusion of mid-latitude upper tropospheric trough and associated synoptic-scale vertical velocity over the tropical Indian latitudes are reported and discussed . It shows that there is interaction between north Indian latitudes and tropical easterly region, when there is an eastward movement of Western Disturbance across the country. It explains the strengthening of westerlies and a change of winter westerlies into easterlies in the tropical troposphere and lower stratosphere. The divergence field computed over the MST radar station shows intensification in the downward motion in association with the synoptic systems of the northwest Indian region.


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Farm communication and extension programs are vital part of the farm development attempts. Electronic media plays a major role in farm extension activities. Kerala, the consumer state, which was a complete agricultural state in pre-independence period, is the sprouting land of agricultural extension and publication activities in print media. Later AIR (All India Radio) farm programs and farm broadcasting of Doordarshan enriched the role of electronic media in farm extension activities. The media saturated southern state of India received this new electronic media farm communication revolution whole heartedly. However, after 1990, Kerala witnessed a flood of private T V channels and currently there are 24 channels in this regional language, named Malayalam. All major news and entertainment channels are broadcasting farm programs. Farm programs of AIR and Doordarshan, broadcasted in Malayalam language, have been well accepted to the farmers‘ in Kerala. However, post-independence period, witnessed the formation of Kerala state in Indian Union and the first ballot-elected communist Government started its administration. After the land reform bills, the state witnessed a gradual decrease in agricultural production. Even if it is not reflected much in the attitude and practices of farm community and farm broadcast of traditional electronic broadcasting, a change is observable after the post-liberalization era of India. Private Television channels, which were focused on entertainment value of programs, started broadcasting farm programs and the parameters of program production went through certain changes. In this situation, there is ample relevance for a study about the farm programs of electronic media in terms of a comparative study of audience perception. The study is limited in the state of Kerala as it is the most media saturated state in India. The study analyzes the rate, nature and scope of adoption of farming methods transmitted through electronic media (T.V. and Radio) in Malayalam language.All kinds of Farm programs including comprehensive program serials, success stories, seasonal cropping methods, experts opinion, been analyzed on the basis of the following objectives.  To find whether propagating new farm methods through farm programs in electronic media or the availability of adequate infrastructure and economic factors make a farmer to adopt a new farming method.  To find which electronic media has more influence on farmers to adopt agricultural programs.  To find which form of electronic media gets better feedback from farmers  To find out whether the programs of T.V. or Radio is more acceptable to farmers than the print media.  To find whether farmers gets the message through their preferred medium for the message. The researcher recorded opinions from a panel of agricultural officers, farm Information officers, agro extension researchers and experts. According to their opinions and guidelines, a pilot study is designed and conducted in Kanjikuzhy Panchayath, in Alappuzha district, Kerala. The Panchayath is selected by considering its ideal nature of being the sample for a social Science research. Besides, the nature of farming in the Panchayath, which devoid of the cultivation of cash crops also supported its sample value. As per the observations from the pilot study, researcher confirmed the Triangulation method as the methodology of research. The questionnaire survey, being the primary part contained 42 Questions with 6 independent and 32 dependent variables. The survey is conducted among 400 respondents in Idukki, Alappuzha and Pathanamthitta districts considering geographical differences and distribution of different types of crops. The response from a total of 360 respondents, 120 from each district, finally selected for tabulation and data analysis.The data analysis, based on percentage analysis, along with the results from focus group discussion among a selected group of 20 farmers, together produced the results as follows. Farmers, who are the audience of farm programs, have a very serious approach towards the medium. They are maintaining a critical point of view towards the content of the programs. Farmers are reasonably aware about the financial side of the programs and the monitory aspirations of both private and Government owned Television channels. Even though, the farmers are not aware on the technical terminology and jargons, they have ideas about success stories, program serials and they are even informed about channels are not maintaining an audience research section like AIR. Though the farmers accept Doordarshan as the credential source of farm information and methods, they are inclined to the entertainment value of programs too. They prefer to have more entertainment value for the programs of Doordarshan. Surprisingly, they have very solid suggestions on even about the shots which add entertainment value to the farm broadcasting methods of Doordarshan. Farmers are very much aware about the fact that media is just an instrument for inspiration and persuasion. They strongly believe that the source of information and new methods is agricultural research and an effective change happens only when there are adequate infrastructure and marketing facilities, along with the proper support from Government agricultural guideline and support systems like Krishi Bhavans. They strongly believe that media alone cannot create any magic in increasing agricultural production. Farmers are pointing out the lack of response to the feedback and queries of farmers on farming methods, as an evidence for the difference in levels of commitment of Government and private owned Television channels.Farmers are still perceiving AIR farm programs are far more committed to farmers and farming than any other electronic medium. However, they are seriously lacking Radio receivers with medium wave reception facility. Farmers perceive that the farming methods on new crops are more adoptable than the farming methods of traditional crops in both private and Government owned Television channels. There are multiple factors behind this observation from farmers. Farmers changed in terms of viewing habits and they prefer success stories, which are totally irrelevant and they even think that such stories encourage people to go for farming and they opined that such stories are good sources of inspiration. However, they are all very much sure about the importance and particular about the presence of entertainment factor even in farm programs. Farmers expect direct interaction of any expert of the new farming method to implement the method in their agriculture practices. Though introduction of a new idea in the T.V. is acceptable, farmers need the direct instruction of expert on field to start implementing the new farming practices Farmers still have an affinity towards print media reports and agricultural pages and they have complaints to print media on the removal of agricultural information pages from news papers. They prefer the reports in print media as it facilitates them to collect and refer articles when they need it. Farmers are having an eye of doubt about the credibility of farm programs by private T.V. channels. Even if they prefer private Television channels for listening and adopting new farming methods and other farm information, they scrutinize programs to know whether they are sponsored programs by agrochemical or agro-fertilizer manufacturer.


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Man's inadvertent interference with the environment by way of indiscreL¢ industrflflization has led to the deteriorating air quality in the recent times. The search is on to find the remedies to confine the air pollution levels with in their thershold limits. Theoretical studies play A crucial role in the control and for abatment of air pollution. Improper siting of industry is one of the most common reasons for the increased levels of air pollution in urban environments. A proper and effective ecological planning is an essential first step for any region in order to reduce the effects of air pollution. By means of theoretical models one can obtain the pollutant distribution in any urban area, provided the necessary data are available with the help of which the sites for new industries could be suggested, given the emission inventory. Studies on air pollution meteorology serve and aid the planners to initate remedial actions to bring down the levels of pollution and also to out—line the control strategy. In the present thesis some theoretical studies on air pollution meteorology over South India are made. The thesis is divided into six chapters


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The importance of industrialisation in achiering rapid economic growth has been recognised in India's development strategy ever since the inception of economic planning in the country. Being the secondary sector in the generation of national income. industry contributes significantly to the process of economic development. Extensive debates have taken place on the nature of the industrialisation strategy to be pursued in the economy since Independence. This is reflected in the industrial policy which evolved through the various five year plans and policy resolutions. Stupendous efforts have been made by the government since the commencement of planning and particularly since the 1960s to industrialise the Indian economy and develop the infrastructural base for sustained industrial development. It is difficult to assess the performance of the industrial sector over the past three decades with respect to the broad objectives of industrialisation. However. there are certain areas in which the achievements have been clearly significant.


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Health is an important aspect of everybody’s life. Today, there is an increasing recognition and commitment to the pursuit of health both within government and beyond. Any attempt on the part of the " State to protect and promote people’s health, in turn, must be accompanied by effective controls on air quality, as air constitutes ‘ one of the important elements of man’s life and the consequences of air pollution covers a very wide spectrum ranging from material ---damage to personal discomfort and illness. The broad social and economic objectives adumbrated in the Directive Principles of State Policy including the commitment to improve public health underlying in Article 47 and the obligation to preserve and protect-the natural environment cast under Article 48A of the Constitution are being used as versatile weapons by the State to regulate the public health scenario. Preservation and maintenance of air quality is a significant area within the sphere of public health, where the regulatory arm of the law is not adequately touched and in this arena urgent State intervention through legislative and administrative action is called for in the well-being of the society. Judiciary also plays a pivotal role in this arena in the larger interest of the society and for the benefit of the present and future generations. The research study is an attempt to analyze how far the existing legal system, for maintaining air quality and in controlling air pollution, is effective in protecting public health. The study also analyzes the limitations of the control mechanisms. The study focuses on industrial air pollution, indoor and personal air pollution, vehicular pollution and noise pollution which are today appearing as the major public health hazards affecting the air quality. However, this is not to overlook the importance of controls required under other areas of public health.


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Various factors determine the applicability of rice husk ash (RHA) as a pozzolanic material. The amount and accessibility of reactive sites is thought to be a key factor. A structural study of RHA samples in relation to their reactivity has been performed; Silica in RHA formed by burning rice husk in a laboratory furnace under continuous supply of air have been characterized as a function of incineration temperature, time and cooling regime. The characterization methods included chemical analyses, conductivity measurements, microscopic analysis, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and 29Si magic-angle spinning (MAS) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). In line with earlier observations, the analyses show that the highest amounts of amorphous silica occur in samples burnt in the range of 500 °C–700 °C. The 29Si NMR data allow direct identification of the reactive silanol sites in the RHA samples. De-convolution of the NMR spectra clearly shows that the quickly cooled RHA resulting from burning rice husk for 12 h at 500 °C has the highest amount of silanol groups. This sample also induced the largest drop in conductivity when added to a saturated calcium hydroxide solution giving an indication of its reactivity towards lime. Therefore, this RHA is the favorable sample to be used as pozzolanic cement additive