em Cochin University of Science
We have studied testicular function in the biotin- deficient rat biochemically and morphologically. Serum testosterone and luteinizing hormone (LH) levels were decreased significantly in the deficient rats. Administration of biotin or gonadotropins to the deficient rats reversed this decrease in serum testosterone. There was no difference in the serum cholesterol level between the control and biotin-deficient rats. A significant degree of sloughing of seminiferous tubule germinal epithelium was noticed in the biotin-deficient rat testes. Biotin treatment of biotindeficient rats reversed this condition whereas testosterone treatment was without any effect. The development and maintenance of morphological and functional integrity of the seminiferous tubules appears to require a biotin-mediated step in addition to testosterone.
About 80 years ago, the neurosecretory eyestalk structures and their role in endocrine regulation was recognized in crustaceans. After the recognition it took half a century to identify the first peptide hormone. Till date a large number of homologous peptides of crustacean hyperglycaemic hormone and moult-inhibiting hormone have been identified, consequently they are called the CHH family hormones. This family comprises of highly multifunctional peptides which according to sequences and precursor structures can be divided into two subfamilies, type-I (CHH/ITP) and II (MIH, MOIH, VIH/GIH) (Webster et al., 2012). The XO-SG complex has been the major site of the two subfamilies. The advent of molecular techniques resulted in the characterization of different precursors of CHH, MIH and GIH; these hormones consist of a signal peptide, but only the preprohormone of CHHs contain a precursor- related peptide (CPRP) located between the signal and the mature hormone (Weidemann et al., 1989; Klein et al., 1993b; De Kleijn and Van Herp, 1995). The essentialities of the gene structure comply with the functions of the CHH family hormones. The CHH family hormone functions are inhibitory as well as stimulatory in the process of reproduction and maturation