34 resultados para Human form (face and body). Life studies
em Cochin University of Science
The present work is mainly concentrated on setting up a NIR tunable diode laser absorption (TDLA) spectrometer for high-resolution molecular spectroscopic studies. For successfully recording the high-resolution tunable diode laser spectrum, various experimental considerations are to be taken into account like the setup should be free from mechanical vibrations, sample should be kept at a low pressure, laser should be in a single mode operation etc. The present experimental set up considers all these factors. It is to be mentioned here that the setting up of a high resolution NIR TDLA spectrometer is a novel experiment requiring much effort and patience. The analysis of near infrared (NIR) vibrational overtone spectra of some substituted benzene compounds using local mode model forms another part of the present work. An attempt is made to record the pulsed laser induced fluorescence/Raman spectra of some organic compounds. A Q-switched Nd:YAG laser is used as the excitation source. A TRIAX monochromator and CCD detector is used for the spectral recording. The observed fluorescence emission for carbon disulphide is centered at 680 nm; this is assigned as due to the n, p* transition. Aniline also shows a broad fluorescence emission centered at 725 nm, which is due to the p,p* transition. The pulsed laser Raman spectra of some organic compounds are also recorded using the same experimental setup. The calibration of the set up is done using the laser Raman spectra of carbon tetrachloride and carbon disulphide. The observed laser Raman spectra for aniline, o-chloroaniline and m-chlorotoluene show peaks characteristics of the aromatic ring in common and the characteristics peaks due to the substitutuent groups. Some new peaks corresponding to low-lying vibrations of these molecules are also assigned
Urinary stones resected from urinary bladders of patients hailing from Kollam district of Kerala State, India were analyzed by SEM, XRD and by thermal analysis techniques. The analytical results indicate that, stones have different composition, i.e., calcium phosphate, calcium phosphate hydroxide and sodium calcium carbonate. Infrared spectral studies also reveal the presence of phosphates or carbonates in these samples. Further, IR spectral investigations have revealed that amorphous carbonated species are occupied in PO4 sites in calcium phosphate type stone and OH sites in calcium phosphate hydroxide sample. Thermal studies of these samples also reveal that, carbon dioxide is released from carbonated samples upon heating which is related to amount of carbon content and bond strength. Crystals with defects and irregular morphology are grown inside the urinary bladder due to variation in crystal growth conditions
Queueing theory is the mathematical study of ‘queue’ or ‘waiting lines’ where an item from inventory is provided to the customer on completion of service. A typical queueing system consists of a queue and a server. Customers arrive in the system from outside and join the queue in a certain way. The server picks up customers and serves them according to certain service discipline. Customers leave the system immediately after their service is completed. For queueing systems, queue length, waiting time and busy period are of primary interest to applications. The theory permits the derivation and calculation of several performance measures including the average waiting time in the queue or the system, mean queue length, traffic intensity, the expected number waiting or receiving service, mean busy period, distribution of queue length, and the probability of encountering the system in certain states, such as empty, full, having an available server or having to wait a certain time to be served.
S. album L. is the source of highly priced and fragrant heartwood which on steam distillation yields on an average 57 per cent oil of high perfumery value. Global demand for sandalwood is about 5000-6000 tons/year and that of oil is 100 tons/year. Heartwood of sandal is estimated to fetch up to Rs. 3.7 million/ton and wood oil Rs.70,000-100,000/ kg in the international market. Sandal heartwood prices have increased from Rs. 365/ton in 1900 to Rs. 6.5 lakhs/ton in 1999-2000 and to Rs. 37 lakhs/ton in 2007. Substantial decline in sandalwood production has occurred from 3176 tons/year during 1960-‘ 65 to 1500 tons/year in 1997-98, and to 500 tons/year in 2007.Depletion of sandal resources is attributed to several factors, both natural and anthropogenic. Low seed setting, poor seed germination, seedling mortality, lack of haustorial connection with host plant roots, recurrent annual fires in natural sandal forests, lopping of trees for fodder, excessive grazing, hacking, encroachments, seedling diseases and spread of sandal spike disease are the major problems facing sandal. While these factors hinder sandal regeneration in forest areas, the situation is accelerated by human activities of chronic overexploitation and illicit felling.Deterioration of natural sandal populations due to illicit felling, encroachments and diseases has an adverse effect on genetic diversity of the species. The loss of genetic diversity has aggravated during recent years due to extensive logging, changing landuse patterns and poor natural regeneration. The consequent genetic erosion is of serious concern affecting tree improvement programme in sandal. Conservation as well as mass propagation are the two strategies to be given due importance. To initiate any conservation programme, precise knowledge of the factors influencing regeneration and survival of the species is essential. Hence, the present study was undertaken with the objective of investigating the autotrophic and parasitic phase of sandal seedlings growth, the effects of shade on morphology, chlorophyll concentration and chlorophyll fluorescence of sandal seedlings, genetic diversity in sandal seed stands using ISSR markers, and the diversity of fungal isolates causing sandal seedling wilt using RAPD markers. All these factors directly influence regeneration and survival of sandal seedlings in natural forests and plantations.
In this thesis we report the synthsis and characterisation of new transition metal complexes of Pd(II),Cu(II),Ru(II) and Ir(III) of Schiff bases derived from quinoxaline-2-carboxaldehyde/3-hydroxyquinoxaline-2-carboxaldehyde and 5-aminoindazole.6-aminoindazole or 8-aminoquinoline.The complexes have been characterised by spectral and analytical data.Pd(II) and Cu(II) form square planar complexes and Ru(III) and Ir(III) form ctahedral complexes with these Schiff bases.The DNA binding properties of theses synthesised complexes have been studied by various methods including electronic absoption spectroscopy,cyclic voltammetry,different pulse voltammetry and circular dichroism spectra were used.Gel electrophoresis experiments were also performed to investigate the DNA cleavage of theses complexes.Furthermore Ru(III) and Ir(III) complexes find application as oxidation and hydogenation catalsts. The studies on catalytic activities has been presented.The metal complexes presented in this thesis assure significance as they contribute to the development of new DNA binding agents and antibacterial and anticancer drugs.
This thesis is an attempt to explore the problems faced by Indian Women and to examine the ways in which the human rights of women could be better protected in the light of international movements with special reference to national legislation and judicial decisions.The evolution of human rights from early period to Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948 is traced in the first chapter. The second chapter deals with the evolution of human rights in India. The evolution of fundamental rights and directive principles and the role played by the Indian Judiciary in enforcing the human rights enumerated in various international instruments dealing with human rights are also dealt with in this chapter. The rights guaranteed to women under the various international documents have been dealt with in the third chapter.It is noticed that the international documents have had their impact in India leading to creation of machinery for protection of human rights. Organised violations of women's rights such as prostitution, devadasi system, domestic violence, sexual harassment at workplaces, the evil of dowry, female infanticide etc. have been analysed in the light of existing laws and decisional jurisprudence in the fourth chapter. The fifth chapter analyses the decisions and consensus that emerged from the world conferences on women and their impact on the Indian Society and Judiciary. The constitutional provisions and legislative provisions protecting the rights of women have been critically examined in the sixth chapter. Chapter seven deals with various mechanisms evolved to protect the human rights of women. The eighth chapter contains conclusions and suggestions.
This thesis is mainly concerned with the synthesis and characterisation of new simple and zeolite encapsulated transition metal (manganese(II),nickel(II),and copper(II)complexes of quinoxaline based double Schiff base ligands.Theses ligands are N,N'-bis(quinoxaline-2-carboxalidene)hydrazine,N,N'-bis(quinoxaline-2-carboxalidene)-1,2-diaminoethane,N,N'-bis(quinoxaline-2-carboxalidene)-1,3-diamonopropane,N,N'-bis(quinoxaline-2-carboxalidene)-1,4-diaminobutane,N,N'-bis(quinoxaline-2-carboxalidene)-1,2-diaminocyclohexane and N,N'-bis(quinoxaline-2-carboxalidene)-1,2-diaminobenzene.The Schiff base ligands have been characterised by spectral and single crystal XRD studies.Theses ligands provide great structural diversity during complexation.Mn(II) and Ni(II) form octahedral with these Schiff bases,whereas Cu(II) forms both octahedral and tetrahedral complexes.Studies on the biological and Catalytic activity of the copper(ll) complexes are also presented in this thesis.
In this study the relationship between Innovative HR practices and selected HR outcomes is investigated.The current study represents a unique attempt to study the effects of innovative HR practices,with job satisfaction,organisational commitment and organisational citizenship bahaviour considered as the consequent variables.Results have affirmed the role of intervening variables such as job satisfaction and organisational commitment in establishing the link between IHRP and OCB obliterating any direct relation between IHRP and organisational citizenship behaviour.This finding may enable researchers in the human resource management to develop more robust understandings of the positive effects of innnovative HR practices on HR outcomes.Thus the present study provides the obvious contribution of weaving up yet another linkage between the two complimentary disciplines of Human Resource Management and Organisational Behaviour.The present study also contributes to the understanding of OCB by exploring its antecedents and extending the intervening role of job satisfaction and organisational commitment.The findings indicate that a higher level of introduction/initiation and satisfaction of innovative HR practices produces high job satisfaction and organisational commitment which lead to OCB.The researcher drew upon the perception-attitude-behaviour model to further realise the expected relationship among innovative HR practices,job satisfaction,organisational commitment and organisational citizenship behaviour.Consequently,this study makes a contribution to the broader organisational citizenship behaviour literature by manifesting the extended relationship path from innovative HR practices to organisational citizenship behaviour,and demonstrating that innovative Hr practices at the organisational level has an effect on employee attitudes and behaviours as well.
A series of novel naphthyridine derivatives 3 and 4 was prepared from substituted pyridine 2 and ketones using ZnCl2 as catalyst under microwave irradiation conditions. All the compounds were evaluated for AChE inhibitory activity and promising compounds 3d, 3e, 4b, and 4g was identified. Representative compounds 3d and 3e were found to show insignificant THLE-2 liver cell viability/toxicity. The binding mode between X-ray crystal structure of human AChE and compounds was studied using molecular docking method and fitness scores were found to be in good correlation with the activity data.
In this study, an attempt has been made to find the textural, geochemical, sedimentological characteristics of sediments and water phases of the kayamkulam estuary located in the Southwest coast of Kerala, besides the impact of gas based thermal power plant located at the northern part of the estuary. Estuaries are an important stage in the transport of the solid weathering product of the earth’s crust. These weathered products or sediments are complex mixtures of a number of solid phases that may include clays, silica, organic matter, metal oxides, carbonates, sulfides and a number of minerals. Studies on the aquatic systems revealed the fact that it posses severe ecological impairments due to heavy discharge of sediments from 44 rivers, the continued disposal of pollutants rich materials from industries, sewage channels, agricultural areas and retting yards
A set of six new polystyrene anchored metal complexes have been synthesized by the reaction of the metal salt with the polystyrene anchored Schiff base of vanillin. These complexes were characterized by elemental analyses, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, diffuse reflectance studies, thermal studies, and magnetic susceptibility measurements. The elemental analyses suggest a metal : ligand ratio of 1 : 2. The ligand is unidentate and coordinates through the azomethine nitrogen. The Mn(II), Fe(III), Co(II), Ni(II), and Cu(II) complexes are all paramagnetic while Zn(II) is diamagnetic. The Cu(II) complex is assigned a square planar structure, while Zn(II) is assigned a tetrahedral structure and Mn(II), Fe(III), Co(II), and Ni(II) are all assigned octahedral geometry. The thermal analyses were done on the ligand and its complexes to reveal their stability. Further, the application of the Schiff base as a chelating resin in ion removal studies was investigated. The polystyrene anchored Schiff base gave 96% efficiency in the removal of Ni(II) from a 20-ppm solution in 15 min, without any interference from ions such as Mn(II), Co(II), Fe(III), Cu(II), Zn(II), U(VI), Na , K , NH4 , Ca2 , Cl , Br , NO3 , NO2 ,and CH3CO2 . The major advantage is that the removal is achieved without altering the pH.
This paper reports the synthesis of a series of six new polystyrene anchored metal complexes of Co(II), Fe(III), Ni(II), Cu(II), Zn(II), and dioxouanium(VI) using the polystyrene anchored Schiff base of 2-nitrobenzaldehyde and the corresponding metal salts. The metal salts used were anhydrous FeCl3, CoCl2 Æ 6H2O, Ni(CH3COO)2 Æ 4H2O, Cu(CH3- COO)2 Æ H2O, Zn(CH3COO)2 Æ 2H2O, and UO2(CH3COO) Æ 2H2O. Physico chemical characterizations have been made from diffuse reflectance and vibrational spectra, elemental analysis, magnetic measurements, and TG studies. The elemental analysis suggest a 1:2 metal:ligand ratio when the complexation has carried out at 70 C for about 12 h reflux. The ligand is monodentate and coordinates through the azomethine nitrogen. The Fe(III), Co(II), Ni(II), and Cu(II) complexes are all paramagnetic whereas Zn(II) and U(VI) are diamagnetic. Zn(II) is assigned a tetrahedral structure, Cu(II) and Co(II) are assigned a square planar structure and Fe(III), Ni(II), and U(VI) are all assigned an octahedral structure. The polystyrene anchored ligand has been developed as an excellent reagent for the removal of Cu(II). Optimum conditions have been developed for the removal of metal ion from solutions by studying the effect of change of concentration of metal ion, ligand, effect of pH, time of reflux, and interference effect of other ions. It was found that within a span of 20 min it is possible to remove 90% of the metal ion from a 30 ppm metal ion solution in the pH range 4–5.5.
The differaction efficiency,sensitivity and storage life of Methylene Blue sencitized poly (vinyl chloride) film was improved by the addition of an electron donor in the matrix. The addition of pyridine enhanced the diffraction efficiency by two times and storage life of the gratings was increased to 2-3 days.
The differaction efficiency,sensitivity and storage life of Methylene blue sensitized poly(vinyl chloride) film was improved by the addition of an electron donor in the matrix. The addition of pyridine enhanced the diffraction efficiency by two times and storage life of the gratings was increased to 2-3 days.