11 resultados para ELECTRICAL TRANSPORT

em Cochin University of Science


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Measurements of dc conductivity and dielectric constant show that deuteration causes an upward shift of the high temperature phase transition point from 186.5 to 191°C and a downward shift of the low temperature transition point from 10 to -1.5°C in LiNH4SO4. Mechanisms of phase transitions and of electrical transport in the crystal are discussed.


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From the early stages of the twentieth century, polyaniline (PANI), a well-known and extensively studied conducting polymer has captured the attention of scientific community owing to its interesting electrical and optical properties. Starting from its structural properties, to the currently pursued optical, electrical and electrochemical properties, extensive investigations on pure PANI and its composites are still much relevant to explore its potentialities to the maximum extent. The synthesis of highly crystalline PANI films with ordered structure and high electrical conductivity has not been pursued in depth yet. Recently, nanostructured PANI and the nanocomposites of PANI have attracted a great deal of research attention owing to the possibilities of applications in optical switching devices, optoelectronics and energy storage devices. The work presented in the thesis is centered around the realization of highly conducting and structurally ordered PANI and its composites for applications mainly in the areas of nonlinear optics and electrochemical energy storage. Out of the vast variety of application fields of PANI, these two areas are specifically selected for the present studies, because of the following observations. The non-linear optical properties and the energy storing properties of PANI depend quite sensitively on the extent of conjugation of the polymer structure, the type and concentration of the dopants added and the type and size of the nano particles selected for making the nanocomposites. The first phase of the work is devoted to the synthesis of highly ordered and conducting films of PANI doped with various dopants and the structural, morphological and electrical characterization followed by the synthesis of metal nanoparticles incorporated PANI samples and the detailed optical characterization in the linear and nonlinear regimes. The second phase of the work comprises the investigations on the prospects of PANI in realizing polymer based rechargeable lithium ion cells with the inherent structural flexibility of polymer systems and environmental safety and stability. Secondary battery systems have become an inevitable part of daily life. They can be found in most of the portable electronic gadgets and recently they have started powering automobiles, although the power generated is low. The efficient storage of electrical energy generated from solar cells is achieved by using suitable secondary battery systems. The development of rechargeable battery systems having excellent charge storage capacity, cyclability, environmental friendliness and flexibility has yet to be realized in practice. Rechargeable Li-ion cells employing cathode active materials like LiCoO2, LiMn2O4, LiFePO4 have got remarkable charge storage capacity with least charge leakage when not in use. However, material toxicity, chance of cell explosion and lack of effective cell recycling mechanism pose significant risk factors which are to be addressed seriously. These cells also lack flexibility in their design due to the structural characteristics of the electrode materials. Global research is directed towards identifying new class of electrode materials with less risk factors and better structural stability and flexibility. Polymer based electrode materials with inherent flexibility, stability and eco-friendliness can be a suitable choice. One of the prime drawbacks of polymer based cathode materials is the low electronic conductivity. Hence the real task with this class of materials is to get better electronic conductivity with good electrical storage capability. Electronic conductivity can be enhanced by using proper dopants. In the designing of rechargeable Li-ion cells with polymer based cathode active materials, the key issue is to identify the optimum lithiation of the polymer cathode which can ensure the highest electronic conductivity and specific charge capacity possible The development of conducting polymer based rechargeable Li-ion cells with high specific capacity and excellent cycling characteristics is a highly competitive area among research and development groups, worldwide. Polymer based rechargeable batteries are specifically attractive due to the environmentally benign nature and the possible constructional flexibility they offer. Among polymers having electrical transport properties suitable for rechargeable battery applications, polyaniline is the most favoured one due to its tunable electrical conducting properties and the availability of cost effective precursor materials for its synthesis. The performance of a battery depends significantly on the characteristics of its integral parts, the cathode, anode and the electrolyte, which in turn depend on the materials used. Many research groups are involved in developing new electrode and electrolyte materials to enhance the overall performance efficiency of the battery. Currently explored electrolytes for Li ion battery applications are in liquid or gel form, which makes well-defined sealing essential. The use of solid electrolytes eliminates the need for containment of liquid electrolytes, which will certainly simplify the cell design and improve the safety and durability. The other advantages of polymer electrolytes include dimensional stability, safety and the ability to prevent lithium dendrite formation. One of the ultimate aims of the present work is to realize all solid state, flexible and environment friendly Li-ion cells with high specific capacity and excellent cycling stability. Part of the present work is hence focused on identifying good polymer based solid electrolytes essential for realizing all solid state polymer based Li ion cells.The present work is an attempt to study the versatile roles of polyaniline in two different fields of technological applications like nonlinear optics and energy storage. Conducting form of doped PANI films with good extent of crystallinity have been realized using a level surface assisted casting method in addition to the generally employed technique of spin coating. Metal nanoparticles embedded PANI offers a rich source for nonlinear optical studies and hence gold and silver nanoparticles have been used for making the nanocomposites in bulk and thin film forms. These PANI nanocomposites are found to exhibit quite dominant third order optical non-linearity. The highlight of these studies is the observation of the interesting phenomenon of the switching between saturable absorption (SA) and reverse saturable absorption (RSA) in the films of Ag/PANI and Au/PANI nanocomposites, which offers prospects of applications in optical switching. The investigations on the energy storage prospects of PANI were carried out on Li enriched PANI which was used as the cathode active material for assembling rechargeable Li-ion cells. For Li enrichment or Li doping of PANI, n-Butyllithium (n-BuLi) in hexanes was used. The Li doping as well as the Li-ion cell assembling were carried out in an argon filled glove box. Coin cells were assembled with Li doped PANI with different doping concentrations, as the cathode, LiPF6 as the electrolyte and Li metal as the anode. These coin cells are found to show reasonably good specific capacity around 22mAh/g and excellent cycling stability and coulombic efficiency around 99%. To improve the specific capacity, composites of Li doped PANI with inorganic cathode active materials like LiFePO4 and LiMn2O4 were synthesized and coin cells were assembled as mentioned earlier to assess the electrochemical capability. The cells assembled using the composite cathodes are found to show significant enhancement in specific capacity to around 40mAh/g. One of the other interesting observations is the complete blocking of the adverse effects of Jahn-Teller distortion, when the composite cathode, PANI-LiMn2O4 is used for assembling the Li-ion cells. This distortion is generally observed, near room temperature, when LiMn2O4 is used as the cathode, which significantly reduces the cycling stability of the cells.


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Department of Instrumentation, Cochin University of Science and Technology


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In this thesis, we present the results of our investigations on the photoconducting and electrical switching properties of selected chalcogenide glass systems. We have used XRD and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis for confinuing the amorphous nature of these materials and for confirming their constituents respectively.Photoconductivity is the enhancement in electrical conductivity of materials brought about by the motion of charge carriers excited by absorbed radiation. The phenomenon involves absorption, photogeneration, recombination and transport processes and it gives good insight into the density of states in the energy gap of solids due to the presence of impurities and lattice defects. Photoconductivity measurements lead to the determination of such important parameters as quantum efficiency, photosensiti\'ity, spectral sensitivity and carrier lifetime. Extensive research work on photoconducting properties of amorphous semiconductors has resulted in the development of a variety of very sensitive photodetectors. Photoconductors are finding newer and newer uses eyery day. CdS, CdSe. Sb2S3, Se, ZnO etc, are typical photoconducting materials which are used in devices like vidicons, light amplifiers, xerography equipment etc.Electrical switching is another interesting and important property possessed by several Te based chalcogenides. Switching is the rapid and reversible transition between a highly resistive OFF state, driven by an external electric field and characterized by a threshold voltage, and a low resistivity ON state, Switching can be either threshold type or memory type. The phenomenon of switching could find applications in areas like infonnation storage, electrical power control etc. Investigations on electrical switching in chalcogenide glasses help in understanding the mechanism of switching which is necessary to select and modify materials for specific switching applications.Analysis of XRD pattern gives no further infonuation about amorphous materials than revealing their disordered structure whereas x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy,XPS) provides information about the different constituents present in the material. Also it gives binding energies (b.e.) of an element in different compounds and hence b.e. shift from the elemental form.Our investigations have been concentrated on the bulk glasses, Ge-In-Se, Ge-Bi-Se and As-Sb-Se for photoconductivity measurements and In-Te for electrical switching. The photoconducting properties of Ge-Sb-Se thin films prepared by sputtering technique have also been studied. The bulk glasses for the present investigations are prepared by the melt quenching technique and are annealed for half an hour at temperatures just below their respective glass transition temperatures. The dependence of photoconducting propenies on composition and temperature are investigated in each system. The electrical switching characteristics of In-Te system are also studied with different compositions and by varying the temperature.


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Four distinct peaks are observed at 140, -26, -132 and -140°C in the sigma x* against T-1 plot between 200 and - 196°C for (NH4)3H(SO4)2, corresponding to four different phase transitions of which the one at -26°C is reported here for the first time. Data on doped samples reveal the charge transport mechanism in the crystal.


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D.C. and a.c. electrical conductivities, dielectric constant and dielectric loss factor in single crystals of ethylenediammonium sulphate, (H3NCH2CH2NH3)(SO4), have been measured axiswise as a function of temperature. Anomalous variations in all the above properties at 480 K indicate the occurrence of a phase transition in the above material at this temperature. The existence of such a phase transition is also confirmed by DSC measurements. Electrical conductivity results are analysed and the activation energies of conduction at different temperature regions have been evaluated from the logσ vs 103T−1 plot. Possible mechanisms for the electrical conduction process are discussed, the available results being in favour of a proton transport model.


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Plasma polymerization is found to be an excellent technique for the preparation of good quality, pinhole-free, polymer thin films from different monomer precursors. The present work describes the preparation and characterization of polypyrrole (PPy) thin films by ac plasma polymerization technique in their pristine and in situ iodine doped forms. The electrical conductivity studies of the aluminiumpolymeraluminium (AlpolymerAl) structures have been carried out and a space charge limited conduction (SCLC) mechanism is identified as the most probable mechanism of carrier transport in these polymer films. The electrical conductivity shows an enhanced value in the iodine doped sample. The reduction of optical band gap by iodine doping is correlated with the observed conductivity results.


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The Thesis consist of the study of the electrical properties of antimony trisulphide films and the electrical behaviour of different metal contacts to antimony trisulphide films. Since the thermal evapouration of the compound antimony trisulphide as such mayresult in nonstoichiometric compound films , sb2s3 films in the present work were mostly prepared by the three temperature method ,keeping the substrate at different temperature ranging from 3031 to 4231 and evapourating antimony and sulphur simultaneously from separate sources.


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The carrier transport mechanism of polyaniline (PA) thin films prepared by radio frequency plasma polymerization is described in this paper. The mechanism of electrical conduction and carrier mobility of PA thin films for different temperatures were examined using the aluminium–PA–aluminium (Al–PA–Al) structure. It is found that the mechanism of carrier transport in these thin films is space charge limited conduction. J –V studies on an asymmetric electrode configuration using indium tin oxide (ITO) as the base electrode and Al as the upper electrode (ITO–PA–Al structure) show a diode-like behaviour with a considerable rectification ratio


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Photothermal deflection technique (PTD) is a non-destructive tool for measuring the temperature distribution in and around a sample, due to various non-radiative decay processes occurring within the material. This tool was used to measure the carrier transport properties of CuInS2 and CuInSe2 thin films. Films with thickness <1 μm were prepared with different Cu/In ratios to vary the electrical properties. The surface recombination velocity was least for Cu-rich films (5×105 cm/s for CuInS2, 1×103 cm/s for CuInSe2), while stoichiometric films exhibited high mobility (0.6 cm2/V s for CuInS2, 32 cm2/V s for CuInSe2) and high minority carrier lifetime (0.35 μs for CuInS2, 12 μs for CuInSe2