15 resultados para Continuous classes
em Cochin University of Science
In this paper, two notions, the clique irreducibility and clique vertex irreducibility are discussed. A graph G is clique irreducible if every clique in G of size at least two, has an edge which does not lie in any other clique of G and it is clique vertex irreducible if every clique in G has a vertex which does not lie in any other clique of G. It is proved that L(G) is clique irreducible if and only if every triangle in G has a vertex of degree two. The conditions for the iterations of line graph, the Gallai graphs, the anti-Gallai graphs and its iterations to be clique irreducible and clique vertex irreducible are also obtained.
Two graphs G and H are Turker equivalent if they have the same set of Turker angles. In this paper some Turker equivalent family of graphs are obtained.
In this note,the (t) properties of five class are studied. We proved that the classes of cographs and clique perfect graphs without isolated vertices satisfy the (2) property and the (3) property, but do not satisfy the (t) property for tis greater than equal to 4. The (t) properties of the planar graphs and the perfect graphss are also studied . we obtain a necessary and suffieient conditions for the trestled graph of index K to satisfy the (2) property
Department of Mathematics, Cochin University of Science and Technology
Nonlinear optics has emerged as a new area of physics , following the development of various types of lasers. A number of advancements , both theoretical and experimental . have been made in the past two decades . by scientists al1 over the world. However , onl y few scientists have attempted to study the experimental aspects of nonlinear optical phenomena i n I ndian laboratories. This thesis is the report of an attempt made in this direction. The thesis contains the details of the several investigations which the author has carried out in the past few years, on optical phase conjugation (OPC) and continuous wave CCVD second harmonic generation CSHG). OPC is a new branch of nonlinear optics, developed only in the past decade. The author has done a few experiments on low power OPC in dye molecules held in solid matrices, by making use of a degenerate four wave mixing CDFWND scheme. These samples have been characterised by studies on their absorption-spectra. fluorescence spectra. triplet lifetimes and saturation intensities. Phase conjugation efficiencies with r espect to the various parameters have been i nvesti gated . DFWM scheme was also employed i n achievi ng phase conjugation of a br oadband laser C Nd: G1ass 3 using a dye solution as the nonlinear medium.
Performance of any continuous speech recognition system is dependent on the accuracy of its acoustic model. Hence, preparation of a robust and accurate acoustic model lead to satisfactory recognition performance for a speech recognizer. In acoustic modeling of phonetic unit, context information is of prime importance as the phonemes are found to vary according to the place of occurrence in a word. In this paper we compare and evaluate the effect of context dependent tied (CD tied) models, context dependent (CD) and context independent (CI) models in the perspective of continuous speech recognition of Malayalam language. The database for the speech recognition system has utterance from 21 speakers including 11 female and 10 males. Our evaluation results show that CD tied models outperforms CI models over 21%.
There are several centrality measures that have been introduced and studied for real world networks. They account for the different vertex characteristics that permit them to be ranked in order of importance in the network. Betweenness centrality is a measure of the influence of a vertex over the flow of information between every pair of vertices under the assumption that information primarily flows over the shortest path between them. In this paper we present betweenness centrality of some important classes of graphs.
For a set S of vertices and the vertex v in a connected graph G, max x2S d(x, v) is called the S-eccentricity of v in G. The set of vertices with minimum S-eccentricity is called the S-center of G. Any set A of vertices of G such that A is an S-center for some set S of vertices of G is called a center set. We identify the center sets of certain classes of graphs namely, Block graphs, Km,n, Kn −e, wheel graphs, odd cycles and symmetric even graphs and enumerate them for many of these graph classes. We also introduce the concept of center number which is defined as the number of distinct center sets of a graph and determine the center number of some graph classes
Given a non empty set S of vertices of a graph, the partiality of a vertex with respect to S is the di erence between maximum and minimum of the distances of the vertex to the vertices of S. The vertices with minimum partiality constitute the fair center of the set. Any vertex set which is the fair center of some set of vertices is called a fair set. In this paper we prove that the induced subgraph of any fair set is connected in the case of trees and characterise block graphs as the class of chordal graphs for which the induced subgraph of all fair sets are connected. The fair sets of Kn, Km;n, Kn e, wheel graphs, odd cycles and symmetric even graphs are identi ed. The fair sets of the Cartesian product graphs are also discussed
Magnetic Resonance Imaging play a vital role in the decision-diagnosis process of brain MR images. For an accurate diagnosis of brain related problems, the experts mostly compares both T1 and T2 weighted images as the information presented in these two images are complementary. In this paper, rotational and translational invariant form of Local binary Pattern (LBP) with additional gray scale information is used to retrieve similar slices of T1 weighted images from T2 weighted images or vice versa. The incorporation of additional gray scale information on LBP can extract more local texture information. The accuracy of retrieval can be improved by extracting moment features of LBP and reweighting the features based on users’ feedback. Here retrieval is done in a single subject scenario where similar images of a particular subject at a particular level are retrieved, and multiple subjects scenario where relevant images at a particular level across the subjects are retrieved
A marine Pseudomonas sp BTMS-51, immobilized by Ca-alginate gel entrapment was used for the production of extracellular Lglutaminase under repeated batch process and continuous process employing a packed bed reactor (PBR). Immobilized cells could produce an average of 25 U/ml of enzyme over 20 cycles of repeated batch operation and did not show any decline in production upon reuse. The enzyme yield correlated well with the biomass content in the beads. Continuous production of the enzyme in PBR was studied at different substrate concentrations and dilution rates. In general, the volumetric productivity increased with increased dilution rate and substrate concentrations and the substrate conversion efficiency declined. The PBR operated under conditions giving maximal substrate conversion efficiency gave an average yield of 21.07 U/ml and an average productivity of 13.49 U/ml/h. The system could be operated for 120 h without any decline in productivity
L-Glutamine amidohydrolase (L-glutaminase, EC is a therapeutically and industrially important enzyme. Because it is a potent antileukemic agent and a flavor-enhancing agent used in the food industry, many researchers have focused their attention on L-glutaminase. In this article, we report the continuous production of extracellular L-glutaminase by the marine fungus Beauveria bassiana BTMF S-10 in a packed-bed reactor. Parameters influencing bead production and performance under batch mode were optimized in the order-support (Na-alginate) concentration, concentration of CaCl2 for bead preparation, curing time of beads, spore inoculum concentration, activation time, initial pH of enzyme production medium, temperature of incubation, and retention time. Parameters optimized under batch mode for L-glutaminase production were incorporated into the continuous production studies. Beads with 12 × 108 spores/g of beads were activated in a solution of 1% glutamine in seawater for 15 h, and the activated beads were packed into a packed-bed reactor. Enzyme production medium (pH 9.0) was pumped through the bed, and the effluent was collected from the top of the column. The effect of flow rate of the medium, substrate concentration, aeration, and bed height on continuous production of L-glutaminase was studied. Production was monitored for 5 h in each case, and the volumetric productivity was calculated. Under the optimized conditions for continuous production, the reactor gave a volumetric productivity of 4.048 U/(mL·h), which indicates that continuous production of the enzyme by Ca-alginate-immobilizedspores is well suited for B. bassiana and results in a higher yield of enzyme within a shorter time. The results indicate the scope of utilizing immobilized B. bassiana for continuous commercial production of L-glutaminase
Inthis paper,we define partial moments for a univariate continuous random variable. A recurrence relationship for the Pearson curve using the partial moments is established. The interrelationship between the partial moments and other reliability measures such as failure rate, mean residual life function are proved. We also prove some characterization theorems using the partial moments in the context of length biased models and equilibrium distributions
The present work is intended to discuss various properties and reliability aspects of higher order equilibrium distributions in continuous, discrete and multivariate cases, which contribute to the study on equilibrium distributions. At first, we have to study and consolidate the existing literature on equilibrium distributions. For this we need some basic concepts in reliability. These are being discussed in the 2nd chapter, In Chapter 3, some identities connecting the failure rate functions and moments of residual life of the univariate, non-negative continuous equilibrium distributions of higher order and that of the baseline distribution are derived. These identities are then used to characterize the generalized Pareto model, mixture of exponentials and gamma distribution. An approach using the characteristic functions is also discussed with illustrations. Moreover, characterizations of ageing classes using stochastic orders has been discussed. Part of the results of this chapter has been reported in Nair and Preeth (2009). Various properties of equilibrium distributions of non-negative discrete univariate random variables are discussed in Chapter 4. Then some characterizations of the geo- metric, Waring and negative hyper-geometric distributions are presented. Moreover, the ageing properties of the original distribution and nth order equilibrium distribu- tions are compared. Part of the results of this chapter have been reported in Nair, Sankaran and Preeth (2012). Chapter 5 is a continuation of Chapter 4. Here, several conditions, in terms of stochastic orders connecting the baseline and its equilibrium distributions are derived. These conditions can be used to rede_ne certain ageing notions. Then equilibrium distributions of two random variables are compared in terms of various stochastic orders that have implications in reliability applications. In Chapter 6, we make two approaches to de_ne multivariate equilibrium distribu- tions of order n. Then various properties including characterizations of higher order equilibrium distributions are presented. Part of the results of this chapter have been reported in Nair and Preeth (2008). The Thesis is concluded in Chapter 7. A discussion on further studies on equilib- rium distributions is also made in this chapter.