7 resultados para Bursa of Fabricius

em Cochin University of Science


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The thesis deals with the results of the study of the population characteristics of the marine penaeid prawn, Penaeus monodon from South India. The present findings on the morphometric and biochemical genetic structure support the hypothesis that the populations of P.monodon of South India have homogeneous stock structure. To the contrary, the significantly different random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) profiles in samples of Kochi and Chennai support the hypothesis that east and west cost populations of P.monodon are separate stocks.


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Controlling the inorganic nitrogen by manipulating carbon / nitrogen ratio is a method gaining importance in aquaculture systems. Nitrogen control is induced by feeding bacteria with carbohydrates and through the subsequent uptake of nitrogen from the water for the synthesis of microbial proteins. The relationship between addition of carbohydrates, reduction of ammonium and the production of microbial protein depends on the microbial conversion coefficient. The carbon / nitrogen ratio in the microbial biomass is related to the carbon contents of the added material. The addition of carbonaceous substrate was found to reduce inorganic nitrogen in shrimp culture ponds and the resultant microbial proteins are taken up by shrimps. Thus, part of the feed protein is replaced and feeding costs are reduced in culture systems.The use of various locally available substrates for periphyton based aquaculture practices increases production and profitability .However, these techniques for extensive shrimp farming have not so far been evaluated. Moreover, an evaluation of artificial substrates together with carbohydrate source based farming system in reducing inorganic nitrogen production in culture systems has not yet been carried-out. Furthermore, variations in water and soil quality, periphyton production and shrimp production of the whole system have also not been determined so-far.This thesis starts with a general introduction , a brief review of the most relevant literature, results of various experiments and concludes with a summary (Chapter — 9). The chapters are organised conforming to the objectives of the present study. The major objectives of this thesis are, to improve the sustainability of shrimp farming by carbohydrate addition and periphyton substrate based shrimp production and to improve the nutrient utilisation in aquaculture systems.


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Crustaceans comprising numerous edible species of prawns, lobsters and crabs inhabiting different ecosystem form significant portion of the aquatic food resources of the world. Among the crustaceans, prawns are the most commercially exploited group and hold premier rank by virtue of their importance as an esteemed food of gourmet and on account of their high export value. Met-ape-naeus manoceras (Fabricius, 1798) which is known IS,Speckled shrimp’ (FAD name) and ‘Brown shrimp’ ( common nameused in the industry) is one of the commercially important marine penaeid prawns of India. During 1995, M. monaceros catch constituted 7.5 Z of the all India marine penaeid prawn landings. M. monoceros attains a maximum length of about 200 mm and has high export potential.Thus realising the growing importance of M. monoceros in the capture fisheries, it was felt, that it would be ideal to carry out detailed study on this species for rational exploitation and management of its fishery. Hence, the present work entitled, “Biology, population characteristics and fishery of the speckled shrimp Hetapenaeus monoceros (Fabricius, 1798) along Kerala coast“ was undertaken by the author. The thesis is laid out in seven chapters comprising TAXONOMY, FOOD AND FEEDING HABITS, AGE AND GROWTH, REPRODUCTION,LENGTH-WEIGHT RELATIONSHIP, FISHERY and POPULATION DYNAMICS


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The growing demand for quality prawn seed from the farmers‘ and entrepreneurs, coupled with uncertainity of their availability from nature at the appropriate time in required quantities has prompted‘ research on problems connected with prawn seed production. Endocrine control of reproduction in the penaeid shrimp _P_. monodon has been investigated in detail by adopting a comprehensive approach to the problem. The major aspects of the study included in depth investigations of the cytological details of the reproductive and neuroendocrine organs in correlation with the process of gonadal maturation. Based on the conclusions drawn from such ultrastructural studies various endocrine manipulations were carried out to see their effects on gonadal maturation. Besides that studies on the reproductive quality of male P_. monodon and the cryopreservation of spermatophores form a part of the present investigation. The shrimp 3; Inonodon used in the present study were collected from the offshore waters of Cochin, Madras and Mandapam and from the culture ponds of Vypeen Island near Cochin (Kerala) . The entire investigation on the cytological aspects were carried out using standard histological and electron-microscopic methods. Endocrine manipulations and cryopreservation studies is also carried out using the standard methods.


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Habitat ecology and food and feeding of the herring bow crab, Varuna litterata of Cochin Backwaters, Kerala, India were investigated for a period of one year (April 2011-March 2012). Among the 15 stations surveyed, the crabs were found to occur only in 4 stations, which had a close proximity to the sea. Sediment analysis of the stations revealed that the substratum of these stations is sandy in nature and is rich in organic carbon content (0.79% to 1.07%). These estuarine crabs is euryhaline and are found to be distributed in areas with a sandy substratum, higher organic carbon content and more tidal influx. The stomach contents analysis of crabs examined showed that their diet included crustacean remains, plants, sand and debris, fishes, miscellaneous group and unidentified matter. In adults and sub-adults, crustaceans formed the dominant food group, while in juveniles, sand and debris formed the dominant group. From the present study, V. litterata was found to be a predatory omnivore capable of ingesting both animal and plant tissues


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The present study was undertaken to elucidate the nutritional and pathological changes associated with aflatoxin B1 toxicity in Penaeus monodon and to determine the efficacy of vitamins E and K, and Amrita Bindu, herbal mixture in ameliorating the toxicity of AFB1. The main objectives the study is to document the pathological and immunological changes in P.monodon fed with AFB1 incorporated diets and to delineate the histological and ultrastructural changes and determine the presence of AFB1 residue in the shrimp body, to evaluate the growth performance of feed efficiency in P. monodon post larvae fed AFB1 added diets, to assess the interactive effect of heavy metals like copper and cadmium at sub-lethal levels in P. monodon postlarve fed AFB1 added diets, to decipher the ameliorative action of Vitamins E & K and a spicy herbal mixture, Amrita Bindu on AFB1 in P.monodon sub-adults. The study has revealed that Aflatoxin B1 significantly affects protein, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism in the shrimp penaeus monodon. The remarkable effect was observed in the immune system, as AFB1 has elevatod the immune response during initial days of exposure and prolonged exposure to the toxin leads to weakening of the animal’s immunity. Aflatoxin B1 level above 50 ppb severely affected the growth and feed utilization which in turn reflects the damage caused to the hepatopancreas as evident from the histological and ultrastructural observations.


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Shrimp cell lines are yet to be reported and this restricts the prospects of investigating the associated viral pathogens, especially white spot syndrome virus (WSSV). In this context, development of primary cell cultures from lymphoid organs was standardized. Poly-l-lysine-coated culture vessels enhanced growth of lymphoid cells, while the application of vertebrate growth factors did not, except insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1). Susceptibility of the lymphoid cells to WSSV was confirmed by immunofluoresence assay using monoclonal antibody against the 28 kDa envelope protein of WSSV. Expression of viral and immunerelated genes in WSSV-infected lymphoid cultures could be demonstrated by RT-PCR. This emphasizes the utility of lymphoid primary cell culture as a platform for research in virus–cell interaction, virus morphogenesis, up and downregulation of shrimp immune-related genes, and also for the discovery of novel drugs to combat WSSV in shrimp culture