3 resultados para Bryozoan Bugula-neritina
em Cochin University of Science
The study of bryozoans, an important group of coelomates in the marine environment is an integral part of faunistic investigations. Bryozones are an ancient, aberrant phylum of microscopic but fascinating and often beautiful animals that build intricate colonies sometimes resembling minicolonies. In this study taxonomy, bionomics and biofouling of bryozoans from the coasts of India and the Antarctic waters. The marine biofouling is found to be hazardous. Bryozoans are microscopic , sessile,colonical coelomates that are permanently fastened in exoskeletal cases or gelatinous material of their own secretion.It is hoped that this work would help the future researchers to devote attention on microbenthos of the continental shelf of India when samples are made available through collections conducted by any ocean going vessel. In the present work an extensive study on the bryozoan foulers that occur at five selected sites of the cochin estury had to be examined and since the hydrographic parameters such as salinity, temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen in the estury,vary greatly from that in the open ocean, a frequent monitoring of these parameters was essential.
This thesis embodies findings on a taxonomical investigation of a group of lower marine invertebrates belonging to the category coelomata. Bryozoans are well known both in fossil and recent taxonomical history. They comprise of about 5,000 living and 16000 fossil species. Bryozoans are well known for their taxonomic abundance and structural diversity,representing the various ecological niches ranging from the intertidal to the abyssal benthic. At a time when global marine biological diversity has become a concern of not only to the scientists but also to the policy makers,an understanding of species diversity and abundance are cardinal aspects of biological studies. Geological time scales which is known that by Pre-Cambrian, marine invertebrate diversity reach the maximum and this diversity has become more comprehensive as time advanced. Taxonomists a vanishing species of scientists have become more concerned in discerning patterns of species diversity. The basic tool for this is identification fo animals. with this idea in mind a detailed study of taxonomy of bryozoan was undertaken . The major part of this thesis is devoted to describe various species of bryozoans with detailed description and ecotypical variations.The pattern of distribution and abundance which are important aspects of animal groups have also been documented. Possible effects of heavy metal contamination on the tolerance and growth of bryozoans, a few species of which have been eliminated from the chronically polluted areas of Cochin backwaters have also been documented.
The present study aims at surveying the coral lagoons of four islands viz. Kavarathi, Kalpeni, Kadmat and Agathi, which include quantitative survey of the major benthic forms using Line Intercept Transect (LIT) technique and hydrographical study of these lagoon waters The distribution of PHC in the lagoons has also been followed to understand, the effects of introduction of flat bottomed ferry boats to the islands.From a biological monitoring stand point for the assessment of manmade disturbance of the coral reefs, it IS highly essential to identify faunal assemblages which will contain 'flag-stones' specIes as indicators of such disturbances. Among the known faunal assemblages In coral reefs the most diverse groups of sensitive species belongs to bryozoan assemblage. Therefore, the most common species of bryozoans distributed along the atolls and reef flats were collected and described in this work Along with this, bryozoans associated with coral from other parts of Indian ocean have also been added so as to provide a comprehensive picture of the distribution of bryozoans in the coral reefs.