2 resultados para Biodiversity hotspot

em Cochin University of Science


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Actinomycetes are gram-positive, free-living, saprophytic bacteria widely distributed in soil, water and colonizing plants showing marked chemical and morphological diversity. They are potential source of many bioactive compounds, which have diverse clinical effects and important applications in human medicine. In the present work, we have studied some of the physiological and biochemical characteristics of 36 actinomycete strains isolated from the shola soils of tropical montane forest; a relatively unexplored biodiversity hotspot. Ability of actinomycetes isolates to ferment and produce acids from various carbohydrate sources such as innositol, mannose, sorbitol, galactose, mannitol, xylose, rhamnose, arabinose, lactose and fructose were studied. Almost all the carbon compounds were utilized by one or other actinomycete isolates. The most preferred carbon sources were found to be xylose (94.44%) followed by fructose and mannose (91.66%). Only 41.76% of the isolates were able to ferment lactose. The ability of actinomycetes isolates to decompose protein and amino acid differ considerably. 72.22% of the isolates were able to decompose milk protein casein and 61.11% of the isolates decompose tyrosine. Only 8.33% of the strains were able to decompose amino acid hypoxanthine and none of them were able to decompose amino acid xanthine. Potential of the actinomycetes isolates to reduce esculin, urea and hippurate and to resist lysozyme was also checked. 91.66% of the isolates showed ability to decompose esculin and 63.88% of the isolates had the capacity to produce urease and to decompose urea. Only 25% of the isolate were able to decompose hippurate and 94.44% showed lysozyme resistance


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The South West (S.W.) coast of India is blessed with a series of wetland systems popularly referred to as backwaters covering a total area of 46128.94 ha. These backwaters are internationally renowned for their aesthetic and scientific values including being a repository for several species fish and shell fishes. This is more significant in that three wetlands (Vembanad, Sasthamcotta and Ashtamudi) have recently been designated as Ramsar sites of international importance. Thirty major backwaters forming the crux of the coastal wetlands form an abode for over 200 resident or migratory fish and shellfish species. The fishing activities in these water bodies provide the livelihood to about 200,000 fishers and also provide full-time employment to over 50,000 fishermen. This paper describes the changes on the environmental and biodiversity status of selected wetlands, during 1994-2005 period. The pH was generally near neutral to alkaline in range. The salinity values indicated mixohaline condition ranging from 5.20-32.38 ppt. in the 12 wetlands. The productivity values were generally low in most of the wetlands during the study, where the gross production varied from 0.22 gC/m3/day in Kadinamkulam to 1.10 gC/m3/day in the Kayamkulam. The diversity of plankton and benthos was more during the pre-monsoon compared to the monsoon and post-monsoon periods in most of the wetlands. The diversity of plankton and benthos was more during the pre-monsoon compared to the monsoon and post-monsoon periods in most of the wetlands. The average fish yield per ha. varied from 246 kg. in Valapattanam to 2747.3 kg. in Azhikode wetland. Retting of coconut husk in most of the wetlands led to acidic pH conditions with anoxia resulting in the production of high amounts of sulphide, coupled with high carbon dioxide values leading to drastic reduction in the incidence and abundance of plankton, benthic fauna and the fishery resources. The major fish species recorded from the investigation were Etroplus suratensis, E. maculatus, Channa marulius, Labeo dussumieri, Puntius sp. Lutianus argentimaculatus, Mystus sp., Tachysurus sp. and Hemiramphus sp. The majority of these backwaters are highly stressed, especially during the pre monsoon period when the retting activity is at its peak. The study has clearly reflected that a more restrained and cautious approach is needed to manage and preserve the unique backwater ecosystems of South-west India