8 resultados para Barley straw

em Cochin University of Science


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Biopulping being less energy intensive, inexpensive and causing lesser pollution, can be a viable alternative to chemical and mechanical pulping in paper and pulp industry. In view of shrinking forest reserves, agricultural residues are considered as an alternative raw material for making paper and board. By suitable treatment agriwaste can be converted into substrate for mushroom cultivation. Mushrooms of Pleurotus sp. can preferentially remove lignin from agriwaste with limited degradation to cellulose. The present study examines utilization of Pleurotus eous for biopulping of paddy straw by solid substrate fermentation. SMS, the mushroom growing medium that results from cultivation process, is a good source of fibre and can be pulped easily. Ligninases present in SMS were able to reduce lignin content to nearly half the initial amount by 21st day of cultivation. Highest cellulose content (% dry weight) was observed on 21st day, while cellulase production commenced from 28th day of cultivation. SEM images revealed that SMS fibres are still associated with non-cellulosic materials when compared to chemically (20% w/v NaOH) extracted fibres.


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The beta-glucosidase enzyme purified from the marine fungus, Aspergillus sydowii BTMFS 55 showed a good yield of enzyme production under solid state fermentation. The statistical optimization of the media components revealed that moisture content, concentration of peptone and inoculum are the major parameters which supported the maximal enzyme production. The purified enzyme showed low pH activity and stability, glucose tolerance and activation by ethanol. It could produce ethanol from wheat bran and rice straw by simultaneous saccharification and fermentation with yeast.The glucosidase purified from Aspergillus sydowii BTMFS 55 shows great potential for several biotechnological applications such as the production of bio-ethanol from agricultural biomass and improvement in the aromatic character of wines and fruit juices through the hydrolysis of flavour glucosidic precursors. There is immense scope for the application of this marine fungus in the biofuel production besides in other industries provided further studies are pursued in exploiting this enzyme and the organism particularly scale up studies with respect to application. There is also ample scope for cloning of the gene encoding beta-glucosidase in domesticated hosts such as Pichia pastoris or S. cerevisiae that can produce ethanol directly from cellulosic biomass.


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A potential fungal strain producing extracellular β-glucosidase enzyme was isolated from sea water and identified as ^ëéÉêJ Öáääìë=ëóÇçïáá BTMFS 55 by a molecular approach based on 28S rDNA sequence homology which showed 93% identity with already reported sequences of ^ëéÉêÖáääìë=ëóÇçïáá in the GenBank. A sequential optimization strategy was used to enhance the production of β-glucosidase under solid state fermentation (SSF) with wheat bran (WB) as the growth medium. The two-level Plackett-Burman (PB) design was implemented to screen medium components that influence β-glucosidase production and among the 11 variables, moisture content, inoculums, and peptone were identified as the most significant factors for β-glucosidase production. The enzyme was purified by (NH4)2SO4 precipitation followed by ion exchange chromatography on DEAE sepharose. The enzyme was a monomeric protein with a molecular weight of ~95 kDa as determined by SDS-PAGE. It was optimally active at pH 5.0 and 50°C. It showed high affinity towards éNPG and enzyme has a hã and sã~ñ of 0.67 mM and 83.3 U/mL, respectively. The enzyme was tolerant to glucose inhibition with a há of 17 mM. Low concentration of alcohols (10%), especially ethanol, could activate the enzyme. A considerable level of ethanol could produce from wheat bran and rice straw after 48 and 24 h, respectively, with the help of p~ÅÅÜ~êçãóÅÉë=ÅÉêÉîáëá~É in presence of cellulase and the purified β-glucosidase of ^ëéÉêÖáääìë=ëóÇçïáá BTMFS 55.


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Kerala, God’s own country is blessed with immense natural resources. It’s high time that the state’s natural resources being utilized effectively. While sustainable development is the need of the hour, we have to take lead in initiating activities that would minimize the exploitation of our natural resources resulting in their effective utilization. This paper narrates an overview of innovative building materials especially using natural fibres available in Kerala and discusses the feasibility of utilising such fibres in the context of sustainable building materials in Kerala. The paper also discusses how these materials can be effectively utilized to reduce the huge investment in the construction industry


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Spent substrate, the residual material of mushroom cultivation, causes disposal problems for cultivators. Currently the spent substrate of different mushrooms is used mainly for composting. Edible mushrooms of Pleurotus sp. can grow on a wide range of lignocellulosic substrates. In the present study, Pleurotus eous was grown on paddy straw and the spent substrate was used for the production of ethanol. Lignocellulosic biomass cannot be saccharified by enzymes to high yield of ethanol without pretreatment. The root cause for the recalcitrance of lignocellulosic biomass such as paddy straw is the presence of lignin and hemicelluloses on the surface of cellulose. They form a barrier and prevent cellulase from accessing the cellulose in the substrate. In the untreated paddy straw, the amount of hemicelluloses and lignin (in % dry weight) were 20.30 and 20.34 respectively and the total reducing sugar was estimated to be 5.40 mg/g. Extracellular xylanase and ligninases of P. eous could reduce the amount of hemicelluloses and lignin to 16 and 11(% dry weight) respectively, by 21st day of cultivation. Growth of mushroom brought a seven fold increase in the total reducing sugar yield (39.20 mg/g) and six fold increase in the production of ethanol (6.48 g/L) after 48hrs of fermentation, when compared to untreated paddy straw


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Bioethanol is a liquid fuel obtained from fermentation of sugar/starch crops. Lignocellulosic biomass being less expensive is considered a future alternative for the food crops. One of the main challenges for the use of lignocellulosics is the development of an efficient pre-treatment process. Pretreatments are classified into three - physical, chemical, and biological pretreatment. Chemical process has not been proven suitable so far, due to high costs and production of undesired by-products. Biologically, hydrolysis can be enhanced by microbial or enzymatic pretreatment. Studies show that the edible mushrooms of Pleurotus sp. produce several extracellular enzymes which reduce the structural and chemical complexity of fibre. In the present study, P. ostreatus and P. eous were cultivated on paddy straw. Spent substrate left after mushroom cultivation was powdered and used for ethanol production. Saccharomyces sp. was used for fermentation studies. Untreated paddy straw was used as control. Production of ethanol from P. ostreatus substrate was 5.5 times more when compared to untreated paddy straw, while the spent substrate of P. eous gave 5 times increase in ethanol yield. Assays showed the presence of several extracellular enzymes in the spent substrate of both species, which together contributed to the increase in ethanol yield


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Phenol is an aromatic hydrocarbon which exists as a colorless or white solid in its pure state. Over the past several decades, there is growing concern about wide spread contamination of surface and ground water by phenol, due to rapid development of chemical and petrochemical industries. Phenol affects aquatic life even at relatively low concentration (5-25mg/L). Treatment for removal of phenol includes chemical as well as biological processes. Studies show that ligninases such as Lignin Peroxidase and Laccase, produced by Pleurotus sp., can degrade phenol. Spent substrate of Pleurotus mushrooms consists of ligninases. Present work was to investigate the potential of spent substrate of edible mushroom P. ostreatus for biodegradation of phenol. P. ostreatus was cultivated on paddy straw. After harvest, spent substrate was utilized for phenol degradation. According to the enzyme profile of two ligninases present in the spent substrate of P. ostreatus, maximum specific activity for Laccase was observed in 35 day old spent substrate and LiP activity was maximum in 56 day old spent substrate, which together contributed significantly for removal of phenol. Spent substrate of 35th and 56th day were each incubated with phenol sample (1:1w/v) for one day, which resulted in degradation of phenol by 48% and 45% respectively. From these results it appears that, spent substrate of P. ostreatus can be used effectively to remove phenol from industrial effluents


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In the current study, a novel non-acetone forming butanol and ethanol producer Was isolated and identified. Based on the 16s rDNA sequence BLAST and phylogenetic analyses, it was found to have high similarity with the reported hydrogen producing strains of Clostridium sporogenes. Biochemical studies revealed that it is lipase and protease positive. The lipolytic and proteolytic properties are the very important characteristics of Clostridium sporogenes. Sugar utilization profile studies were positive for glucose, saccharose, cellobiose and weakly positive result to xylose. This study demonstrated C. sporogenes BE01, an isolate from NIIST is having potential to compete with existing, well known butanol producers with the advantage of no acetone in the final solvent mixture. Rice straw hydrolysate is a potent source of substrate for butanol production by C. sporogenes BE01. Additional supplementation of vitamins and minerals were avoided by using rice straw hydrolysate as substrate. Its less growth, due to the inhibitors present in the hydrolysate and also inhibition by products resulted in less efficient conversion of sugars to butanol. Calcium carbonate played an important role in improving the butanol production, by providing the buffering action during fermentation and stimulating the electron transport mediators and redox reactions favoring butanol production. Its capability to produce acetic acid, butyric acid and hydrogen in significant quantities during butanol production adds value to the conversion process of lignocellulosic biomass to butanol. High cell density fermentation by immobilizing the cells on to ceramic particles improved the solvents and VFA production. Reduced sugar utilization from the concentrated hydrolysate could be due to accumulation of inhibitors in the hydrolysate during concentration. Two-stage fermentation was very efficient with immobilized cells and high conversions of sugars to solvents and VFAs were achieved. The information obtained from the study would be useful to develop a feasible technology for conversion of lignocellulosic biomass to biobutanol.