12 resultados para BONE LEAD
em Cochin University of Science
Tribasic lead sulphate is tried as a practical curing agent for polychloroprene. The cure characteristics of the compounds as well as the technical properties of the vulcanizates show that it can act as a potential curative.
The thermal transport properties, thermal diffusivity, thermal conductivity and specific heat capacity of Dicalcium Lead Propionate (DLP) crystal have been measured following a modified photopyroelectric thermal wave method. The measurements have been carried out with thermal waves propagating along the three principal symmetry directions, so as to bring out the anisotropy in these parameters. The variations of the above parameters through two prominent phase transition temperatures of this crystal have also been measured to understand the variation of these parameters as it undergoes ferroelectric phase transitions. In addition, complete thermal analysis and FTIR measurements have been done on the crystal to bring out the correlation of these results with the corresponding thermal transport properties. All these results are presented and discussed. The data presented in this paper form a comprehensive set of results on the thermal transport properties of this crystal.
In the present study, the effects of 5-HT, GABA and Bone Marrow Cells infused intranigrally to substantia nigra individually and in combinations on unilateral rotenone infused Parkinsonism induced rats. Scatchard analysis of DA, DA D1 and D2 receptors in the corpus striatum, cerebral cortex, cerebellum, brain stem and hippocampus showed a significant increase in the Brain regions of rotenone infused rat compared to control. Real Time PCR amplification of DA D1, D2, Bax and ubiquitin carboxy-terminal hydrolase were up regulated in the brain regions of rotenone infused rats compared to control. Gene expression studies of -Synuclien, cGMP and Cyclic AMP response element-binding protein showed a significant down regulation in Rotenone infused rats compared to control. Behavioural studies were carried out to confirm the biochemical and molecular studies.Our study demonstrated that BMC administration alone cannot reverse the above said molecular changes occurring in PD rat. 5-HT and GABA acting through their specific receptors in combination with bone marrow cells play a crucial role in the functional recovery of PD rats. 5-HT, GABA and Bone marrow cells treated PD rats showed significant reversal to control in DA receptor binding and gene expression. 5-HT and GABA have co-mitogenic property. Proliferation and differentiation of cells re-establishing the connections in Parkinson's disease facilitates the functional recovery. Thus, it is evident that 5-HT and GABA along with BMC to rotenone infused rats renders protection against oxidative, related motor and cognitive deficits which makes them clinically significant for cellbased therapy. The BMC transformed to neurons when co-transplanted with 5-HT and GABA which was confirmed with PKH2GL and nestin. These newly formed neurons have functional significance in the therapeutic recovery of Parkinson’s disease.
Parkinson's disease is a chronic progressive neurodegenerative movement disorder characterized by a profound and selective loss of nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons. Our findings demonstrated that glutamatergic system is impaired during PD. The evaluations of these damages have important implications in understanding the molecular mechanism underlying motor, cognitive and memory deficits in PD. Our results showed a significant increase of glutamate content in the brain regions of 6- OHDA infused rat compared to control. This increased glutamate content caused an increase in glutamatergic and NMDA receptors function. Glutamate receptor subtypes- NMDAR1, NMDA2B and mGluR5 have differential regulatory role in different brain regions during PD. The second messenger studies confirmed that the changes in the receptor levels alter the IP3, cAMP and cGMP content. The alteration in the second messengers level increased the expression of pro-apoptotic factors - Bax and TNF-α, intercellular protein - α-synuclein and reduced the expression of transcription factor - CREB. These neurofunctional variations are the key contributors to motor and cognitive abnormalities associated with PD. Nestin and GFAP expression study confirmed that 5-HT and GABA induced the differentiation and proliferation of the BMC to neurons and glial cells in the SNpc of rats. We also observed that activated astrocytes are playing a crucial role in the proliferation of transplanted BMC which makes them significant for stem cell-based therapy. Our molecular and behavioural results showed that 5-HT and GABA along with BMC potentiates a restorative effect by reversing the alterations in glutamate receptor binding, gene expression and behaviour abnormality that occur during PD. The therapeutic significance in Parkinson’s disease is of prominence.
The work reported in this thesis is the preparation, and the structural, electrical and optical properties of reactively evaporated lead sulphide and tin telluride thin films. The three temperature method had been used for the preparation of these semiconductor thin films. In this preparation technique constituent elements are evaporated from separate sources with the substrate kept at a particular temperature. when one of the constituent element is a gas near room temperature, the method is often called reactive evaporation. It has been found for many materials that a stoichiometric interval exists with a limited range of flux and substrate temperature. Usually this technique is used for the preparation of thin films of high melting point compounds or of materials which decompose during evaporation. Tin telluride and lead sulphide are neither high melting point materials nor do they decompose on melting. But even than reactive evaporation offers the possibility of changing the ratios of the flux of the constituent elements within a wide range and studying its effect on the properties of the films
The investigation of physical properties of matter has progressed so much during the last hundred years. Today physics is divided in to a large distinct group of special branches. These branches are distinguished by the particular area studied, method of investigation and so on. An independent and important branch that has developed is the physics ofthin films.Any object in solid or liquid form with one of its dimensions very much smaller than that of the other two may be called a thin film. It is having only one common property, namely, one of their dimensions is very small, though all their physical properties may be different. Thin layers of oil, floating on the surface of water, with their fascinating colours, have attracted men’s curiosity from time immemorial. The earliest application of thin films was the protective coatings in the form of paints. A thin layer of tin has been used from ancient times to protect copper utensils from corrosion. Indium thin films are used in certain applications on account of their good lubricating property. Relay contacts are coated with thin films of rare earth metals in order to prevent burning due to arcing. Hard coatings are also available using diamond like carbon (i-carbon). The basic properties of thin films are of considerable interest because of their potential applications in various fields of science and technology
The research investigations on pollution, particularly in coastal/ estuarine environments are recent ones and started only in 1970s. Hence the informations available are fragmentary and scattered. They throw some light only on either the concentration of heavy metals in water or in sediment or in organisms. No concerted efforts have been made to consolidate and correlate the results between the environment and biota. Literature on the level of concentration of heavy metals in different tissues of organisms with regard to their availability in the living media, their ratio, their inter—relationship, tolerance limit of organisms, etc. are very few or rather nil. in view of the importance enumerated above, the candidate has selected the topic "Effects of some heavy metals copper, zinc and lead on certain tissues of E E (Hamilton and Buchanan) in different environments" for detailed studies and to understand systematically (i) the source of effluents and wastes, (ii) the concentration of heavy metals copper, zinc and lead in water, in sediments and in tissues of the test animal, (iii) their effects, (iv) capacity of tolerance and accumulation in different tissues of the animal, and (V) the "Bioaccumulation Factor", etc.
Lead free magneto electrics with a strong sub resonant (broad frequency range) magneto electric coupling coefficient (MECC) is the goal of the day which can revolutionise the microelectronics and microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) industry. We report giant resonant MECC in lead free nanograined Barium Titanate–CoFe (Alloy)-Barium Titanate [BTO-CoFe-BTO] sandwiched thin films. The resonant MECC values obtained here are the highest values recorded in thin films/ multilayers. Sub-resonant MECC values are quite comparable to the highest MECC reported in 2-2 layered structures. MECC got enhanced by two orders at a low frequency resonance. The results show the potential of these thin films for transducer, magnetic field assisted energy harvesters, switching devices, and storage applications. Some possible device integration techniques are also discussed