em Cochin University of Science


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In the present study the nutrient dynamics and fertility of Kuttanad waters is addressed. Kuttanad represent a wetland system with considerable agricultural activities. The hydrographical features of the Kuttanad waters are controlled by discharges from Manimala, Meenachil, Pamba, Achencoil and Muvattupuzha rivers and also by tidal intrusions of saline waters from Cochin backwaters during summers. The fertility of these water bodies were significantly high and supported good agricultural production. Kuttanad water forms the southern part of this aquatic systems and is considered as the most productive zones. As a part of the management scheme for a higher agricultural activity, the Thannermukkam bund was constructed to block and regulate the intrusion of saline water. The increased use of artificial fertilizers along with stagnant character of the water body in this area has resulted in sharp decline in the water quality, productivity and aquatic resources.


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In the present study the nutrient dynamics and fertility of Kuttanad waters is addressed. Kuttanad represent a wetland system with considerable agricultural activities. The hydrographical features of the Kuttanad waters are controlled by discharges from Manimala, Meenachil, Pamba, Achencoil and Muvattupuzha rivers and also by tidal intrusions of saline waters from Cochin backwaters during summers. The fertility of these water bodies were significantly high and supported good agricultural production. Kuttanad water forms the southern part of this aquatic systems and is considered as the most productive zones. As a part of the management scheme for a higher agricultural activity, the Thannermukkam bund was constructed to block and regulate the intrusion of saline water. The increased use of artificial fertilizers along with stagnant character of the water body in this area has resulted in sharp decline in the water quality, productivity and aquatic resources.


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An attempt is made to study the possible relationship between the process of upwelling and zooplankton biomass in the shelf weters along the south west coast of India between Cape comorin and Ratnagiri based on oceanographic and Zooplankton data collected by the erstwhile FAO/UNDP Pelagic Fishery Project,Cochin between 1973 and 1978. Different factors such as the depth from which the bottom waters are induced upwards during the process of upwelling,the depth to which the bottom waters are drawn, vertical velocity of upwelling and the resultant zooplankton productivity were considered while arriving at the deductions. Except for nutrients and phytoplankton productivity, for which simultaneous data is lacking, all the major factors were taken into consideration before cocluding- xon positive/negative correlation.


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This thesis entitled “Contribution of size fractions of planktonic algae to primary organic productivity in the coastal waters of cochin,south west coast of india”. Marine ecosystems planktonic algae are the most important primary producers on wliich considerable attention is being given on account of their supreme status in the marine food chain.The study of primary production in the Indian Ocean started With DANA (I928-30),, John Murray t I933-34). Discovery ( I934) and Albatross (I947-48) expeditions which tried to evaluate productivity from nutrients and standing crop of phytoplankton .The bioproductivity of the marine environment is dependent on various primary producers. ranging in size from picoplankton to larger macro phytoplankton. The quantity and quality of various size fractions of planktonic algae at any locality depend mainly on the hydrographic conditions of the area .In the coastal waters of Cochin- south west coast of lndia. Planktonic algal community is composed mainly of the diatoms, the dinoflagellates, the blue-green algae and the silicoflagellates, the former two contributing the major flora and found distributed in the all size fractions. The maximum number of species of diatoms at station 1 and station 2 was found in the pre-monsoon season.. The size groups of planktonic algae greater than 53 um are dominated by filamentous- chain forming and colonial diatoms. The coastal waters of Cochin. planktonic algae less than 53 um in size contribute significantly to primary productivity and the biodiversity of the microflora, indicating the presence of rich fishery resources in the south west coast of india.The study of different size fractions of planktonic algae and their relative contribution to the primary organic production is a useful tool for the estimation of the quantity and quality of fisheries.A deeper investigation on the occurrence of these microalgae and proper identification of their species would be of immense help for the assessment of the specificity and magnitude of fishery resources.


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This thesis Entitled Journal productivity in fishery science an informetric analysis.The analyses and formulating results of the study, the format of the thesis was determined. The thesis is divided into different chapters mentioned below. Chapter 1 gives an overview on the topic of research. Introduction gives the relevance of topic, define the problem, objectives of the study, hypothesis, methods of data collection, analysis and layout of the thesis. Chapter 2 provides a detailed account of the subject Fishery science and its development. A comprehensive outline is given along with definition, scope, classification, development and sources of information.Method of study used in this research and its literature review form the content of this chapter. Chapter 4 Details of the method adopted for collecting samples for the study, data collection and organization of the data are given. The methods are based on availability of data, period and objectives of the research undertaken.The description, analyses and the results of the study are covered in this chapter.


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The thesis embodies the results of a study on the variations in the parameters of productivity of two test species, a chlorophycean alga and a diatom. The chlorophycean alga Scenedesmus abundans was isolated from a fresh water pond whereas the diatom Nitzschia clausii was from the Cochin backwaters. Their growth parameters and their variations due to the effect of addition of some heavy metals have been studied. The growth parameters include biomass, production, respiration, photosynthetic pigments and end products of photosynthesis. The cell numbers were estimated by using a haemocytometer and production and respiration by oxygen light and dark technique. Spectrophotometric analysis for pigments, anthrone method for carbohydrate and heated biuret method for protein were the different methods employed in the present investigation. The present study is confined to nickel, cobalt, trivalent and hexavalent chromium. Different metals are discharged from various industries in and around Cochin. The effects of these metals individually and in combination are studied. Experiments to determine the effects of interaction of metals in combination enabled the assessment of the antagonistic and synergistic effect of metals on test species. The concentration or accumulation of metals on algae was determined by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry. The thesis has been divided into seven chapters. The introductory chapter explains the relevance of the present investigation. Chapter two presents the review of literature based on the work in relation to toxicity. Third chapter gives a detailed description of the material and specialized methods followed for the study. The effects of various metals selected for study - nickel, cobalt, trivalent and hexavalent chromium on the qualitative and quantitative aspects of productivity forms the subject of matter of the fourth chapter. The fifth chapter gives the impact of metals in combination on two species of algae. A general discussion and summary are included in the sixth and seventh chapters


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In the present study, the land use over Kerala State and its spatial and temporal variations, spatio-temporal variations of water budget elements, climatic shifts, incidence of droughts and the influence of inter-annual fluctuations of rainfall on area. production and yield of selected crops, have been studied in detail. The thesis consists of seven chapters including the introduction. The first section of the Second Chapter deals with the importance of agrocliinatological studies in general and its application in agricultural land use in particular. It also gives an overview of the short term climatic fluctuations, water balance studies, crop weather relationships, land use patterns and various agricultural indices. This includes a detailed review of available literature in this field. The basic concepts. data used and the methodology adopted in the study forms, the second section of this Chapter. The Third Chapter gives the details of the physical features of the State such as the relief, geology, geomorphologysoils, drainage, and vegetation. The agroclimatology of the State is discussed in detail in Chapter Four. The first Section presents annual and seasonal variations of temperature and rainfall of the State along with a discussion on the water balance of the State. The secondSection of this Chapter deals with the influence of rainfall and water balance elements on various crops. The district-wise general land use pattern of theState and its spatio-temporal variations are discussed in Chapter Five. The first Section of Chapter Six gives an overview of the agricultural land use pattern of the State, cropping patterns, cropping intensity, crop combination and their spatio-temporal variations. The inter-annual variability of water balances of various stations of the State computed using the method of Thornthwaite (1948) and Thornthwaite & Mather (1955) is presented in the second Section of Chapter Six. This also includes a discussion of how the climatic shifts have occurred over the State and the influence of variations of climatic and water balance elements on the crops. The Seventh Chapter gives the summary of the work carried out and the results obtained from the study. Interpretations of the results, conclusions and suggestions made,based on the observations of the study are incorporated in this Chapter.


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A perusal of the literature shows that most of the earlier works on the ecology and productivity from the Indian waters have been confined to the estuarine ecosystms and contiguous neritic and oceanic water bodies. Although some information is available on certain aspects of the envirornental parameters from the ‘coastal lagoon ecosystem‘, there is hardly any indepth study on the ecological and productivity problems from "derlict saline lagoonal environment" in India . In view of this, the researcher undertook a study on the subject "ecology and productivity“ of a typical “coastal saline lagoon"(Pilla;headan lagoon) situated along the southeast coast of India for a period of two years!-N11, 1982 to June, 1984) , and the results of the investigations are embodied in the present thesis entitled "studies on the ecology and productivity of saline lagoon‘.


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The present study entitled ‘Inter-State Variations in Manufacturing Productivity and Technological Changes in India’ covers a period of 38 years from l960 tol998-99. The study is mainly based on ASI data. The study starts with a discussion of the major facilitating factors of industrialization, namely, historical forces, public policy and infrastructure facilities. These are discussed in greater details in the context of our discussion on Perrox’s (1998) ‘growth pole’ and ‘development pole’, Hirschman’s (1958) ‘industrial centers’ and Myrdal’s ‘spread effect’ Most of the existing literature more or less agrees that the process of industrialization has not been unifonn in all Indian states. There has been a decline in inter-state industrial disparities over time. This aspect is dealt at some length in the third chapter. An important element that deserves detailed attention is the intra-regional differences in industrialisation. Regional industrialisation implies the emergence of a few focal points and industrial regions. Calcutta, Bombay and Madras were the initial focal points. Later other centers like Bangalore, Amritsar, Ahemedabad etc. emerged as nodal points in other states. All major states account for focal points. The analysis made in the third chapter shows that industrial activities generally converge to one or two focal points and industrial regions have emerged out of the focal points in almost all states. One of the general features of these complexes and regions is that they approximately accommodate 50 to 75 percent of the total industrial units and workers in the state. Such convergence is seen hands in glow with urbanization. It was further seen that intra-regional industrial disparity comes down in industrial states like Maharashtra, Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh.


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Teak plantations were initiated in Kerala in 1842, and extended almost continuously. Among plantations raised by the Forest Department, teak occupies the largest area and a substantial asset base has been created. Of late, several teak growing private companies have come up offering investors high returns from their plantations. However, no study has been carried out in Kerala on the economic status of teak plantations in the government forests and prospects of investing in teak plantation ventures in the private sector. The present study is relevant in presenting the productivity status of teak plantations in government forests in Kerala and its commercial profitability. This will be useful to the government for planning management strategies and investment priorities. The study will also serve as a base—line information for comparative studies.


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Though of recent origin, commercial poultry farming has achieved momentum in Kerala because of its wide and varied potentials capability of employment creation, low investment, quick returns, lesser combination of various factors of production, enhanced productivity per unit of agricultural land, maintenance of soil fertility etc. Despite all the ancillary attributes characteristic of a thriving venture, the performance of poultry farming in Kerala was not comforting, especially in the case of small and medium size farms. This study has aimed at detailing the various components of cost and revenue in the business of poultry farming, and the adducing of empirical evidences on the nature of relationship of different variables as the gross income, current rate of productivity, extent of capacity utilisation and size of farms in terms of number of birds reared and the farms’ overall financial performance. Alongwith this a descriptive approach was made to highlight the challenges and opportunity poultry farming in Kerala, with special emphasis on its economic and financial aspects.


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In the introductory chapter of the dissertation the importance of coconut cultivation for the economy of Kerala State has been highlighted. The second and third chapters contain analysis of changes in area, production and productivity of coconut cultivation in the state. The use of modern agricultural practices by coconut farmers is analysed in chapter IV. Cost of production and profitability are dealt with in chapter V, while the issues relating to coconut prices and marketing are presented in chapter VI. Diseases affecting coconut is the theme covered under chapter VII , Summary and conclusions are provided at the end.


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Introduction of agrarian reforms and introduction of new technology increased dependence on casual labourers. High labour absorption in the subsistence agriculture and increased price of input resulted in high cost of cultivation. Price of paddy did not rise correspondingly. As a result subsistence economy's future is bleak. The purpose of the _study is to examine these arguments and related issues with the help of empirical evidence from Kuttanad. The credit schemes are designed to help farmers to earn higher incomes by larger output brought either by an increase in area or by an improvement in yield rates or both. It is difficult to isolate the impact of agricultural credit on agricultural development. Because agricultural development is the combined effect of all inputs. The specific .criteria selected for analysing the impact of agricultural icredit are how increased supply of credit would bring changes ‘in capital formation, agrarian relations, informal lending and its cost and the changes in area, output, introduction of new technology, income, savings and employment of farm households.