139 resultados para Thermal reactions
Thermal characterization of alumina–zirconia and zirconia ceramic tapes using a photoacoustic technique is presented. A transmission-mode geometry is employed for the measurement of thermal diffusivity while a reflection-mode geometry is used for the measurement of thermal effusivity. In both these geometries, the same open photoacoustic cell is used. From the measured values of thermal diffusivity and thermal effusivity, the thermal conductivity value has also been evaluated.
Thermal diffusivity (TD) measurements were performed on some industrially important dyes – auramine O (AO), malachite green and methylene blue (MB) – adsorbed K-10 montmorillonites using photoacoustic method. The TD value for the dye-adsorbed clay mineral was observed to change with a variation in dye concentration. The contribution of the dye towards TD was also determined. The repeatedly adsorbed samples with MB and AO exhibited a lower TD than the single-adsorbed samples. TD values of sintered MB samples were also obtained experimentally. These sintered samples exhibit a higher TD, although they show a trend similar to that of non-sintered pellets. A variation in dye concentration and sintering temperature can be used for tuning the TD value of the clay mineral to the desired level.
Measurement of thermal lensing signal as a function of laser power made in Rhodamine B solutions in methanol give clear evidence of two photon absorption process within certain concentration ranges when 488 nm Ar+ laser beam is used as the pump source. Only one photon process is found to occur when 514 nm and 476 nm beams are used as the pump.
The effect of the chemisorbed hydroxyl groups on the thermal diffusivity of gama alumina is determined by evaluating the thermal diffusivity at various degassing temperatures and by doping it with rare earth oxide using photoacoustic technique. The thermal diffusivity is found to decrease with the increase in degassing temperature as well as with the increase in the doping concentration of rare earth oxide. This decrease has been attributed to the loss of hydroxyl ion from the y-Al2O3.
Cochin University of Science and Technology
The aim of catalysis research is to apply the catalyst successfully in economically important reactions in an environmentally friendly way. The present work focuses on the modification of structural and surface properties of ceria and ceria-zirconia catalysts by the incorporation of transition metals. The applications of these catalysts in industrially important reactions like ethylbenzene oxidation, alkylation of aromatics are also investigated.Sol-gel method is effective for the preparation of transition metal modified ceria and ceria-zirconia mixed oxide since it produces catalyst with highly dispersed incorporated metal. Unlike that of impregnation method plugging of pores is not prominent for sol-gel derived catalyst materials. This prevents loss of surface area on metal modification as evident for BET surface area measurements.The powder X-ray diffraction analysis confirms the cubic structure of transition metal modified ceria and ceria-zirconia catalysts. The thermal stability is evident from TGA/DTA analysis. DR UV-vis spectra provide information on the coordination environment of the incorporated metal. EPR analysis ofCr, Mn and Cu modified ceria and a ceria-zirconia catalyst reveals the presence of different oxidation states of incorporated metal.Temperature programmed desorption of ammonia and thermogravimetric desorption of 2,6-dimethyl pyridine confirms the enhancement of acidity on metal incorporation. High a-methyl styrene selectivity in cumene cracking reaction implies the presence of comparatively more number of Lewis acid sites with some amount of Bronsted acid sites. The formation of cyclohexanone during cyclohexanol decomposition confirms the presence of basic sites on the catalyst surface.Mn and Cr modified catalysts show better activity towards ethylbenzene oxidation. A redox mechanism through oxometal pathway is suggested.All the catalysts were found to be active towards benzylation of toluene and a-xylene. The selectivity towards monoalkylated products remains almost 100%. The catalytic activity is correlated with the Lewis acidity of the prepared systems.The activity of the catalysts towards methylation of phenols depends on the strength acid sites as well as the redox properties of the catalysts. A strong dependence of methylation activity on the total acidity is illustrated.
Green chemistry boots eco-friendly,natural clays as catalysts in the chemical as well as in the pharmaceutical industry.Industry demands thermal stability,mechanical strength etc for the catalyst and there the modification methods becomes important.Pillaring tunes clays as efficient catalytic templates for shape selective organic synthesis.Here pillared clays are used as promising alternatives for the environmentally hazardous homogeneous catalysts in some industrially important Friedel-Crafts alkylation reactions of arenes with lower alchohols and higher olefins.The layer structure is enhanced upon pillaring and allows the nanocomposite formation with polyaniline to develop today’s nanoscale diameter devices.Present work gives an entry of pillared clays to the world of conducting composite nanofibers.
Department of Applied Chemistry, Cochin University of Science and Technology
This study is the first of its kind in India, where in smoked and thermal processed products have been developed using locally available wood as the source of wood smoke and flavoring and a shelf life of one year has been achieved. Retortable pouches of three layers, both imported and indigenous were found suitable to store thermal processed products. Heat penetration rate is quicker in retort pouches due to their thin profile in comparison to cans and hence the total process time is lesser. The nutritional and sensory attributes of the pouch products are better retained during processing. Hence these products are more acceptable than canned products. lndian vegetarian food products and fish curry products are available in the ready to eat form in the markets. Smoked and thermal processed products have not gained an entry to the market and hence this study will pave an opening for such products. Currently trade in tuna products from India is meager compared to the global trade. ln India proper utilization of tuna resources is yet to be achieved due to the lack of infrastructure for handling and knowledge of value addition. The raw material cost is also less due to the poor quality of the fish when landed. Hence, the availability of such products will help in the trade of tuna products, improving the quality of raw material landing and ultimately realizing a better value to the fishermen and processors.
Among the large number of photothcrmal techniques available, photoacoustics assumes a very significant place because of its essential simplicity and the variety of applications it finds in science and technology. The photoacoustic (PA) effect is the generation of an acoustic signal when a sample, kept inside an enclosed volume, is irradiated by an intensity modulated beam of radiation. The radiation absorbed by the sample is converted into thermal waves by nonradiative de-excitation processes. The propagating thermal waves cause a corresponding expansion and contraction of the gas medium surrounding the sample, which in tum can be detected as sound waves by a sensitive microphone. These sound waves have the same frequency as the initial modulation frequency of light. Lock-in detection method enables one to have a sufficiently high signal to noise ratio for the detected signal. The PA signal amplitude depends on the optical absorption coefficient of the sample and its thermal properties. The PA signal phase is a function of the thermal diffusivity of the sample.Measurement of the PA amplitude and phase enables one to get valuable information about the thermal and optical properties of the sample. Since the PA signal depends on the optical and thennal properties of the sample, their variation will get reflected in the PA signal. Therefore, if the PA signal is collected from various points on a sample surface it will give a profile of the variations in the optical/thennal properties across the sample surface. Since the optical and thermal properties are affected by the presence of defects, interfaces, change of material etc. these will get reflected in the PA signal. By varying the modulation frequency, we can get information about the subsurface features also. This is the basic principle of PA imaging or PA depth profiling. It is a quickly expanding field with potential applications in thin film technology, chemical engineering, biology, medical diagnosis etc. Since it is a non-destructive method, PA imaging has added advantages over some of the other imaging techniques. A major part of the work presented in this thesis is concemed with the development of a PA imaging setup that can be used to detect the presence of surface and subsmface defects in solid samples.Determination of thermal transport properties such as thermal diffusivity, effusivity, conductivity and heat capacity of materials is another application of photothennal effect. There are various methods, depending on the nature of the sample, to determine these properties. However, there are only a few methods developed to determine all these properties simultaneously. Even though a few techniques to determine the above thermal properties individually for a coating can be found in literature, no technique is available for the simultaneous measurement of these parameters for a coating. We have developed a scanning photoacoustic technique that can be used to determine all the above thermal transport properties simultaneously in the case of opaque coatings such as paints. Another work that we have presented in this thesis is the determination of thermal effusivity of many bulk solids by a scanning photoacoustic technique. This is one of the very few methods developed to determine thermal effiisivity directly.
Photothermal spectroscopy is a group of high sensitivity methods used to measure optical absorption and thermal characteristics of a sample.The basis of photothermal spectroscopy is a photo-induced change in the thermal state of the sample.Light energy absorbed and not lost by subsequent emission results in sample heating.This heating results in a temperature change as well as changes in thermodynamic parameters of the sample which are related to temperature.Measurements of the temperature,pressure,or density changes that occur due to optical absorption are ultimately the basis for the photothermal spectroscopic methods.This is a more direct measure of optical absorption than optical transmission based spectroscopies.Sample heating is a direct consequence of optical absorption and so photothermal spectroscopy signals are directly dependent on light absorption.Scattering and reflection losses do not produce photothermal signals.Subsequently,photothermal spectroscopy more accurately measures optical absorption in scattering solutions,in solids,and at interfaces.This aspect makes it particularly attractive for application to surface and solid absorption studies,and studies in scattering media.
International School of Photonics, Cochin University of Science and Technology
The synthesis and reactions of simple derivatives of 2(3H)- and 3(2H)furanones have attracted considerable attention in recent years, primarily in connection with development of routes to antitumor agents that contain this ring as central structural unit. They also serve as useful synthetic building blocks for lactones and furans and are the precursors of a wide variety of biologically important heterocyclic systems. Although a number of syntheses of furanones were known they were in many cases limited to specific substitution pattems. The development of altemative strategies for the preparation of these heterocycles is therefore of considerable importance or continues to be a challenge.We propose to develop new and general approaches to the synthesis of furanone ring systems from simple and readily available starting materials since we were interested in examining their rich photochemistry. The photochemical reactivity of Beta,gama-unsaturated lactams and lactones is a subject of current interest. Some of the prominent photoreaction pathways of unsaturated lactones include decarbonylation, solvent addition to double bonds, decarboxylation, migration of aryl substituents and dimerisation. lt was reported earlier that the critical requirement for clean photochemical cleavage of the acyl-oxygen bond is the presence ofa double bond adjacent to the ether oxygen and 2(3H)-furanones possessing this structural requirement undergo facile decarbonylation. But related phenanthrofuranones are isolated as photostable end products upon irradiation. Hence we propose to synthesis a few phenanthro-2(3H)-furanones to study the effect of a radical stabilising group at 3-position of furanone ring on photolysis. To explore the tripletmediated transformations of 2(3H)-furanones in polar and nonpolar solvents a few 3,3-bis(4-chlorophenyl)-5-aryl-3H-furan-2-ones and 3,3-di(p-tolyl)-5-aryl- 3H-furan-2-ones were synthesised from the corresponding dibenzoylstyrene precursors by neat thermolysis. Our aim was to study the nature of intermediates involved in these transformations.We also explored the possibility of developing a new and general approach to the synthesis of 3(2H)-furanones from simple and readily available starting materials since such general procedures are not available. The protocol developed by us employs readily available phenanthrenequinone and various 4-substituted acetophenones as starting materials and provides easy access to the required 3(2H)-furanone targets. These furanone derivatives have immense potential for further investigations .We also aimed the synthesis of a few dibenzoylalkene-type systems such as acenaphthenone-2—ylidene ketones and phenanthrenone-9-ylidene ketones. These systems were expected to undergo thermal rearrangement to give furanones and spirofuranones. Also these systems can be categorised as quinonemethides which are valuable synthetic intermediates.