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This thesis deals with the results of investigations on primary production and related aspects conducted in the Indian seas since 1957 and includes the regional and seasonal variations in the rate of production factors controlling the same and the magnitude of potential fishery resources derived from it. Data collected for various periods using oxygen and 14c techniques from the Gulf of Mannar, palk bay, the south west coast of India including laccadive sea together with other available data form the basis of these studies.


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Considerable number of factories and related establishments forming an industrial complex are located in the upper reaches of the estuary from Varapuzha about 10km from cochin barmouth to Alwaye while lower down are the retting grounds at Vaduthala and nearby places at about 5km from the barmouth. Muncipal wastes from the city population of over 5 lakhs effluents and solid waste from several fish processing factories and other land washings around Willington island reach the estuary move near its lower reaches close to the barmouth. Cochin estuary is the biggest in the state providing water front for the largest number of industries from the small retting grounds of Vaduthala to the huge fertilizer factories of Udyogamandal and receiving the highest quantity of town sewage and land drainage. The estuary contributes itself as nursery ground for shrimps and related fishery as well. Study of this estuary therefore contributes to a typical environment as regards to pollution problems in the tropics and hence the scope of the present investigation


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A perusal of the literature shows that most of the earlier works on the ecology and productivity from the Indian waters have been confined to the estuarine ecosystms and contiguous neritic and oceanic water bodies. Although some information is available on certain aspects of the envirornental parameters from the ‘coastal lagoon ecosystem‘, there is hardly any indepth study on the ecological and productivity problems from "derlict saline lagoonal environment" in India . In view of this, the researcher undertook a study on the subject "ecology and productivity“ of a typical “coastal saline lagoon"(Pilla;headan lagoon) situated along the southeast coast of India for a period of two years!-N11, 1982 to June, 1984) , and the results of the investigations are embodied in the present thesis entitled "studies on the ecology and productivity of saline lagoon‘.


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The importance of marine algae, often referred to as seaweeds, has been felt over a long time and is appreciated more and more in modern times. The economic value of marine algae is understood both indirectly and directly. The indirect benefit is due to the role of marine phytoplankton as well as the benthic macrophyte biomass along the shore and in the continental shelf, in primary production of the sea. Direct benefit includes the use of marine algae as food, feed, fertilizer and as source of various products of commercial importance such as agar and alginic acid. Hence to understand the potential resources of seaweeds, their distribution, density, standing crop and interrelated environmental parameters, a detailed study (survey and ecological work) was carried out for a period of 20 months from August 1988 to March 1990 in South Andaman, North Andaman, Middle Andaman, Havelock, Neil, Car Nicobar, Terassa, Chowra and Bumpoka islands. However in South Andaman, data were collected from five fixed stations fortnightly during this period for the purpose of modelling and system analysis.


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The present study has helped in finding out an efficient growth promoting substance for the fry of Liza garsia. 1Zfimethyltestosterone at the dosages of 2 mg/kg diet is the most effective anabolic agent for Liza parsia. The study also shows that by incorporating 8 mg MT/kg of diet the protein level in the diet could be reduced from 35 to 30%. thereby a significant saving in the cost of feed could be obtained. Further, the anabolic effect of MT helps to reduce the rearing period during the production of fingerlings from the fry stage.


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Metapenaeus dobsoni (Miers) is the most abundant species along the coast of Kerala. It is cultured extensively by adoption of traditional farming practices. The geographical location and water source determines the seasonal and annual environmental fluctuations the prawn farming systems experiences. The life cycle of the shrimp includes its migration to the coastal deeper waters for spawning and the immigration of larvae to the estuaries for growth. The survival of the species in such complex ecosystems is thus critical to its life cycle. The animal adapts itself to different environments through a physiological process known as osmoregulation. The present study on osmoregulation in the penaeid prawn Metapenaeus dobsoni was thus undertaken to understand the mechanism adopted by this species to survive in different environments. A number of experimental work have been conducted to understand the effect of salinity on the internal variations. However the effect of the complex environmental conditions as existent in nature on the osmotic variations in this species has not been dealt with in any of the earlier studies.


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The thesis is mainly concerned with the study of the bacteriology of freezing of mackerel(Rastrelliger kanaggrta)and prawn (Metgpggaeus ddbsoni) The thesis in four sections describes the salient features of the observations and inferences on the bacteriology of freezing of fishes and prawns. This includes the evaluation of methodology for the optimum recovery of bacteria, bacteriology of the newly caught fish and prawn, the effect of freezing temperatures on the survival of selected species of isolates from fish and prawn and the bacteriology of freezing, frozen storage and thawing of prawn/fish emphasizing the effect contributed by each.


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Rainbow sardines of the genus belonging to the family Dueenaieriidae. are small pelagic fishes forming a fairly good, though not abundant. seasonal fishery all along the coasts of India inhabiting the coastal waters. There have been some earlier reports on such individual aspects as their systematic, distribution, abundance. Ostecology and a few biological factors but no attempt has been made towards a comprehensive study on this group. Two species of rainbow sardines are known to occur in the Indian seas and while a knowledge about their biology would be useful from the fishery point of view. it was also thought a study of their systematic position, especially regarding the identity or the two species which had raised doubts among earlier workers would lead to a better understanding or the group as a whole. This thesis is mainly based on studies during the period from April 1969 to march 1971 with a continued investigation of fishhery aspects till December 1975. from the Gulf of manar: and the Palk Bay around mandapam area. on the south-east coast of India. Thus the work deals with the systemtics, biology and fishery of rainbow sardines of Indian seas.


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In India much work has been done on different aspects of quality of processed fish and fishery products (Pillai et al., 1965; Iyer and Chaudhuri, 1966; Iyer et al., 1966; Sreenivasan and Joseph, 1966; Pillai and Rao, 1969; Mathen et al., 1975; Valsan et al., 1985) and standards have been formulated for almost all the fishery products. Quality standards for fresh fish cover only a few fish species available in the markets. For the formulation and recommendation of quality standards for fish and fishery products for domestic trade detailed background informations are necessary. Khot et al., (1982), Valsan et al. J (1985) and Iyer et al. (1986) have reported on the bacterial flora of sea foods at retail level in Bombay. Cochin is a major fish landing centre of the south west coast of India, and an average of 25,000. tonnes of fish/shell fish are landed annually at this harbour which is about 10 percent of the total catch of fish in Kerala (Lakshmanan -et -al., 1984). All the varieties of marine, brackish water and fresh water fishes are available in Cochln throughout the year for catering to Its cosmopolitan. population and informations regarding their bacteriological quality are scanty. Hence the present study was undertaken to investigate the bacteriological quality of fish and fishery products available in the markets and cold storages situated in and around Cochin meant for internal consumption.


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Systematic investigations on prevulcanization of NR latex with special reference to the influence of storage of latex and after-treatments of films, have been carried out. The other aspects studied include the effect of temperature on sulphur prevulcanization, the extent of crosslinking, tensile properties, stress relaxation characteristics, water absorption and leaching characteristics of prevulcanizcd latex films


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Culturing of fish in captivity demands a detailed knowledge on well balanced diet and adequate feeding. Formulation and production of nutritionally balanced diets for fish require research, quality control and biological evaluation. It is often assuemed that what is ingested is also digested, but this is not always be the case. Digestion depends upon both the physical state of the food and the kind and quantity of enzymes in the digestive tract. The ability of fish to digest a particular component of diet can be ascertained by investigating the complement of digestive enzymes present along the digestive tract. Investigations on the basic digestive physiology will not only enhance our present knowledge on nutrition and feed development, but will also contribute in understanding the digestive functions of lower vertebrates. It is against this background that the present topic of investigation "Studies on the digestive enzymes of the cultivable grey mullet Liza parsia Hamilton Buchanan, l822" has been selected. The thesis is arranged and presented in eight chapters.


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The present study has yielded a great deal of information on nutrition of pearl oyster larvae. T he formulae presented may be used effectively and with advantage in improving the larval rearing system with specific reference to nutritional aspects. It is also hoped that this is the first comprehensive study on pearl oyster larval nutrition would stimulate further detailed investigations on many of the other finer aspects of tropical bivalve larval nutrition.


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Kerala was the pioneer in modern seafood processing and exporting. But now the industry is Iacingalot of problems due to low productivity and deterioration in the quality of the products. only about 17% of the installed freezing capacity in sea food processing industry was reported to be utilised during 1979-80. The price of the export commodities its decided by the buyers based on international supply and demand pattern and based on the strength and weakness of dollar/yen. The only way to increase the profitability of the processors is to reduce the cost of production to the possible extent. The individual processors find it difficult to continue in this field due to low productivity and quality problems. The main objectives of the research are to find out how the production is being managed in the seafood processing(freezing) 17industry in Kerala and the reasons for low productivity and poor quality of the products. The study includes a detailed analysis of Location of the factories. Layout Purchase, production and storage patterns. Production planning and scheduling. Work Measurement of the processing of important products. Quality Control and Inspection. Management Information System


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This thesis deals with the results oi’ investigations on phytoplankton productivity and related aspects conducted in various ecoaystms such as estuarine, inshore and oceanic enviroments and certain special ecosytans including the pu.-awn culture fields and associated many-eves, mud bank and the seas around the Andaman-Nicobar Islands. This study also includes the qualitative and quantitative variations of phytoplankton production, their seasonal abundance, factors controlling the same and the magnitude of the potential resources derived 1!:-om it


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In the present study, fifteen typee of diseases occurring in twenty one species of finfishes end shellfishes are documented and the causes studied. All these are being reported from India for the first time which adds considerably to our existinq knowledge on the subject.In fact, the candidate's studies embodied in this Thesis has also an applied significance aimed at the proper management_of finfish and shellfish aquaculture systems in this country.The thesis is presented in seven main chapters.