78 resultados para odour and taste properties
Ultra thin films based on CoFe were prepared from a composite target employing thermal evaporation. The microstructure of the films was modified by thermal annealing. The relationship between microstructure and magnetic properties of the films was investigated using techniques like glancing angle X-ray diffraction (GXRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM). The GXRD and TEM investigations showed an onset of crystallization of CoFe at around 373 K. The magnetic softness of the films improved with thermal annealing but at higher annealing temperature it is found to be deteriorating. Annealing inducedmodification of surface morphology of the alloy thin filmswas probed by atomic force microscopy (AFM). Surface smoothening was observed with thermal annealing and the observed magnetic properties correlate well with surface modifications induced by thermal annealing
The results of the investigation of the magnetic and structural properties of the alloy system Fe0.75–xSi0.25Sbx, where x = 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, and 0.25 synthesized by mechanical alloying followed by heat treatment are described. The x-ray diffraction reveals that all samples crystallize in the DO3-type cubic phase structure. Substituting Fe by Sb led to a de-crease in the lattice constant and the unit cell volume. The magnetic properties are investigated by vibrating sample magnetometer and show that all the samples are ferromagnetically ordered at room temperature. The Curie temperature is found to decrease linearly from (850 ± 5) K for the parent alloy to (620 ± 5) K for the alloyith x = 0.25. The satura-tion magnetizations at room temperature and at 100 K are found to decrease with increasing the antimony concentration. The above results indicate that Sb dissolves in the cubic structure of this alloy system.
Several series of Eu3+ based red emitting phosphor materials were synthesized using solid state reaction route and their properties were characterized. The present studies primarily investigated the photoluminescence properties of Eu3+ in a family of closely related host structure with a general formula Ln3MO7. The results presented in the previous chapters throws light to a basic understanding of the structure, phase formation and the photoluminescence properties of these compounds and their co-relations. The variation in the Eu3+ luminescence properties with different M cations was studied in Gd3-xMO7 (M = Nb, Sb, Ta) system.More ordering in the host lattice and more uniform distribution of Eu3+ ions resulting in the increased emission properties were observed in tantalate system.Influence of various lanthanide ion (Lu, Y, Gd, La) substitutions on the Eu3+ photoluminescence properties in Ln3MO7 host structures was also studied. The difference in emission profiles with different Ln ions demonstrated the influence of long range ordering, coordination of cations and ligand polarizability in the emission probabilities, intensity and quantum efficiency of these phosphor materials. Better luminescence of almost equally competing intensities from all the 4f transitions of Eu3+ was noticed for La3TaO7 system. Photoluminescence properties were further improved in La3TaO7 : Eu3+ phosphors by the incorporation of Ba2+ ions in La3+ site. New red phosphor materials Gd2-xGaTaO7 : xEu3+ exhibiting intense red emissions under UV excitation were prepared. Optimum doping level of Eu3+ in these different host lattices were experimentally determined. Some of the prepared samples exhibited higher emission intensities than the standard Y2O3 : Eu3+ red phosphors. In the present studies, Eu3+ acts as a structural probe determining the coordination and symmetry of the atoms in the host lattice. Results from the photoluminescence studies combined with the powder XRD and Raman spectroscopy investigations helped in the determination of the correct crystal structures and phase formation of the prepared compounds. Thus the controversy regarding the space groups of these compounds could be solved to a great extent. The variation in the space groups with different cation substitutions were discussed. There was only limited understanding regarding the various influential parameters of the photoluminescence properties of phosphor materials. From the given studies, the dependence of photoluminescence properties on the crystal structure and ordering of the host lattice, site symmetries, polarizability of the ions, distortions around the activator ion, uniformity in the activator distribution, concentration of the activator ion etc. were explained. Although the presented work does not directly evidence any application, the materials developed in the studies can be used for lighting applications together with other components for LED lighting. All the prepared samples were well excitable under near UV radiation. La3TaO7 : 0.15Eu3+ phosphor with high efficiency and intense orange red emissions can be used as a potential red component for the realization of white light with better color rendering properties. Gd2GaTaO7 : Eu3+, Bi2+ red phosphors give good color purity matching to NTSC standards of red. Some of these compounds exhibited higher emission intensities than the standard Y2O3 : Eu3+ red phosphors. However thermal stability and electrical output using these compounds should be studied further before applications. Based on the studies in the closely related Ln3MO7 structures, some ideas on selecting better host lattice for improved luminescence properties could be drawn. Analyzing the CTB position and the number of emission splits, a general understanding on the doping sites can be obtained. These results could be helpful for phosphor designs in other host systems also, for enhanced emission intensity and efficiency.