116 resultados para Microstrip Arrays
In this paper the design issues of compact genetic microstrip antennas for mobile applications has been investigated. The antennas designed using Genetic Algorithms (GA) have an arbitrary shape and occupies less area (compact) compared to the traditionally designed antenna for the same frequency but with poor performance. An attempt has been made to improve the performance of the genetic microstrip antenna by optimizing the ground plane (GP) to have a fish bone like structure. The genetic antenna with the GP optimized is even better compared to the traditional and the genetic antenna.
The towed array electronics is essentially a multichannel real time data acquisition system. The major challenges involved in it are the simultaneous acquisition of data from multiple channels, telemetry of the data over tow cable (several kilometres in some systems) and synchronization with the onboard receiver for accurate reconstruction. A serial protocol is best suited to transmit the data to onboard electronics since number of wires inside the tow cable is limited. The best transmission medium for data over large distances is the optical fibre. In this a two step approach towards the realization of a reliable telemetry scheme for the sensor data using standard protocols is described. The two schemes are discussed in this paper. The first scheme is for conversion of parallel, time-multiplexed multi-sensor data to Ethernet. Existing towed arrays can be upgraded to ethernet using this scheme. Here the last lap of the transmission is by Ethernet over Fibre. For the next generation of towed arrays it is required to digitize and convert the data to ethernet close to the sensor. This is the second scheme. At the heart of this design is the Analog-to-Ethernet node. In addition to a more reliable interface, this helps in easier fault detection and firmware updates in the field for the towed arrays. The design challenges and considerations for incorporating a network of embedded devices within the array are highlighted
The Towed Array electronics is a multi-channel simultaneous real time high speed data acquisition system. Since its assembly is highly manpower intensive, the costs of arrays are prohibitive and therefore any attempt to reduce the manufacturing, assembly, testing and maintenance costs is a welcome proposition. The Network Based Towed Array is an innovative concept and its implementation has remarkably simplified the fabrication, assembly and testing and revolutionised the Towed Array scenario. The focus of this paper is to give a good insight into the Reliability aspects of Network Based Towed Array. A case study of the comparison between the conventional array and the network based towed array is also dealt with
A simple approach for accurate determination of the resonant frequencies of microstrip antennas of regular geometries is developed and presented. In this approach, a generalised empirical formula for the computation of effective dielectric permittivity is given which takes into account the ratio of the fringing area to the area of the patch. A correction to the equivalent side length of an equilateral triangular patch, previously published, is modified and a new formula is given. A correction to the effective dimensions of an elliptical microstrip antenna is also carried out. Numerical results obtained for the resonant frequencies of elliptical, circular, rectangular and equilateral-triangular microstrip antennas are in good agreement with the available theoretical and experimental results reported by others. The present approach is more efficient, simpler and more accurate
Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions on,VOL 48,issue 4,pp 636
Analytical expressions for the Green’s function of an annular elliptical ring microstrip antenna (AERMA) are developed and reported. The modal, radiation and input impedance characteristics of the TM, modes are determined from these expressions. The resonant frequencies of odd modes are greater than that of the even modes for all TMnl modes (n = 1, 2, 3, ...) udke elliptical microstrip structures. The radiation pattern and input imedance curves of TMI2 mode on comparison with available experimental result shows good agreement whch provides an independent validation to this technique. The performance of the AERMA is then investigated as a function of thickness and substrate dielectric permittivity.
With the recent progress and rapid increase in mobile terminals, the design of antennas for small mobile terminals is acquiring great importance. In view of this situation, several design concepts are already been addressed by the scientists and engineers. Compactness and efficiency are the major criteria for mobile terminal antennas. The challenging task of the microwave scientists and engineers is to device compact printed radiating systems having broadband behavior, together with good efficiency. Printed antenna technology has received popularity among antenna scientists after the introduction of microstrip antenna in 1970s. The successors in this kind such as printed monopoles and planar inverted F are also equally important. Scientists and Engineers are trying to explore this technology as a viable coast effective solution for forthcoming microwave revolution. The transmission line perspectives of antennas are very interesting. The concept behind any electromagnetic radiator is simple. Any electromagnetic system with a discontinuity is radiating electromagnetic energy. The size, shape and the orientation of the discontinuities controls the radiation characteristics of the system such as radiation pattern, gain, polarization etc. It can be either resonant or non resonant structure.
A circular miqrostrip antenna with a modified structure is presented. By adjusting the feed location along the circumference of the patch it is possible to match the antenna with a C microstrip line of any impedance. The impedance bandwidth and radiation characteristics are unaffected by this structural V modification.
The main objective of carrying out this investigation is to develop suitable transducer array systems so that underwater pipeline inspection could be carried out in a much better way, a focused beam and electronic steering can reduce inspection time as well. Better results are obtained by optimizing the array parameters. The spacing between the elements is assumed to be half the wavelength so that the interelement interaction is minimum. For NDT applications these arrays are operated at MHz range. The wavelengths become very small in these frequency ranges. Then the size of the array elements becomes very small, requiring hybrid construction techniques for their fabrication. Transducer elements have been fabricated using PVDF as the active, mild steel as the backing and conducting silver preparation as the bonding materials. The transducer is operated in the (3,3) mode. The construction of a high frequency array is comparatively complicated. The interelement spacing between the transducer elements becomes considerably small when high frequencies are considered. It becomes very difficult to construct the transducer manually. The electrode connections to the elements can produce significant loading effect. The array has to be fabricated using hybrid construction techniques. The active materials has to be deposited on a proper substrate and etching techniques are required to fabricate the array. The annular ring, annular cylindrical or other similar structural forms of arrays may also find applications in the near future in treatments were curved contours of the human body are affected.
In this paper we have investigated the effect of cavity diameter and wall height on resonance and radiation characteristics of a circular microstrip patch antenna. Experiments were conducted using a fabricated prototype placed inside a cylindrical cavity. The results were compared and verified with simulated data obtained using an electromagnetic simulator. About 9.6 to 10.5 dBi peak gain was obtained from measured and simulated data
A genetic algorithm has been used for null steering in phased and adaptive arrays . It has been shown that it is possible to steer the array null s precisely to the required interference directions and to achieve any prescribed null depths . A comparison with the results obtained from the analytic solution shows the advantages of using the genetic algorithm for null steering in linear array patterns
A single-feed rectangular-ring microstrip antenna is proposed for indoor communication under the Bluetooth protocol. The dimensions of the antenna together with the location of the feed point are optimized through field simulations in order to cover the Bluetooth bandwidth and to avoid linear polarization. The performance and the efficiency of the antenna are illustrated in a real indoor environment
A simple technique to improve the impedance bandwidth of a circular microstrip patch antenna using two sectorial slots is proposed. Using this design more than 5% impedance bandwidth is obtained. The added advantage of this new antenna is that it can be fed by a 50- microstrip line
A novel H-shaped patch antenna suitable for wireless and satellite communications is presented. The new antenna has some advantages compared to conventional microstrip patch antennas, such as small size, a fewer number of modes, no harmonic resonance, and the provision of pure reactive impedances at its harmonics that can result in increasing the transmitter efficiency. The basic principles and design procedure are introduced. Two antennas at two different frequencies, 4 and 10 GHz, are designed, fabricated, and measured. The measured results show a good agreement with the predicted ones
A novel slope -strip feeding technique for a microstrip antenna is presented in order to achieve a broad bandwidth. The experimental results show that the optimal bandwidth attained is 53.4% for less than -10-dB return loss