114 resultados para Fish - Cruder fiber


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Alpha glucan phosphorylase plays a very significant role in glycolysis. The inhibition and activation of this enzyme have significant effect on the rate of glycolysis. The rate of glycolysis is also determined by the interconversion between the active 3 and inactive Q forms of phosphorylase by two specific enzymes called phosphorylase phosphatase and phosphorylase kinase. The allosteric properties and interconversion mechanism reported for well—studied animal muscle phosphorylases do not fall under a general pattern. Studies using purified phosphorylase from marine sources are scanty. Detailed studies using specialised tissues from more marine animals are necessary to find the factors that control the properties and activities of the enzyme. This thesis is an attempt in this direction. The thesis deals with a detailed study of the control of the phosphorylase by both allosterism and interconversion between the g and b forms from four different aquatic animals of different habitat. Phosphorylase frm the four different animal muscles were purified either partially or completely and the kinetic and control properties were studied.


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The present study of the parasitic copepods gives an account of the taxonomic description of seventy seven species of parasites collected from the food fishes of the Kerala coast. Out of the seventy seven species described, fourteen are new to science, two new records for the Indian waters and ten new host records. The males of Parapetalus longipinnatus Rangnekar and Lerna~thropus indicus Pillai were collected and described for the first time. The parasites described belong to the suborders Cyclopoida, Caligoida and Lernaeopodoida. The available description of many species of this locality is reviewed and supplemented with the help of the present detailed study. The general observations made during this study reveale certain interesting aspects of the host parasite relationship, host specificity, adaptive modification and geographical distribution. A brief discussion of these observations made is also presented.


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Studies on parasitic copepods from freshwater fishes are still in its infancy. In recent years, there- is a renewed enthusiasm in the study of freshwater fish parasites due to rapidly increasing aquaculture practices. The importance of diseases and their control assumes great significance because of the adverse impact of diseases on fish production and its economy. Copepods are one of the most harmful parasites of freshwater fishes. Reports on the damages caused by copepod parasites from different parts on the world are increasing alarmingly. But the information on parasitic copepods of freshwater fishes in India is quite meagre. Knowledge regarding this group of parasites, their Biology and pathology from Kerala. is lacking. The thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter is a general introduction which deals with the review of literature on various aspects of parasitic copepods viz; systematics, life history, host-parasite relationship, ecology, pathogenicity, prophylaxis and control measures. Systematics of parasitic copepods of freshwater fishes collected during the present study forms the second chapter. The third chapter deals with the life cycle study of the new Lernaeid copepod, Lernaea osphronemi. The fourth chapter contains host-parasite relationship. ecology and treatment of ‘the’ new species of Lernaea On Osphronemus goramy. General observations and a summary of the entire work constitute the fifth chapter


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The objective of the preset work is to develop optical fiber sensors for various physical and chemical parameters. As a part of this we initially investigated trace analysis of silica, ammonia, iron and phosphate in water. For this purpose the author has implemented a dual wavelength probing scheme which has many advantages over conventional evanescent wave sensors. Dual wavelength probing makes the design more reliable and repeatable and this design makes the sensor employable for concentration, chemical content, adulteration level, monitoring and control in industries or any such needy environments. Use of low cost components makes the system cost effective and simple. The Dual wavelength probing scheme is employed for the trace analysis of silica, iron, phosphate, and ammonia in water. Such sensors can be employed for the steam and water quality analysers in power plants. Few samples from a power plant are collected and checked the performance of developed system for practical applications.


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Curing is the oldest and cheapest method of preservation of fish allover the world. Fish curing industry has not shown much improverrent from its primitive nature because this industry is mainly handled by illiterate and less educated fishermen/fisherwomen. They do not know much about,the importance of scientific methods of fish curing. The cured fish produced by them is unhygienic and poor in quality. Because of the negligenence and ignorance of the fish curers, a considerable quanti ty of this protein rich food is spoiled and lost every year. Research has been conducted extensively in the Cen tral and State sectors and various remedial measures have been suggested :to improve the fish curing industry in India. Inspi te of the preJudioa against cured fish because of their existing low quality, research work in recent years have indicated that their quality can be greaUy improved and shelf-life prolonged if the me thods are standardised. To achieve this aim, Cen tral and s tate Departments have already made considerable efforts to transfer the improved methods ~ the fish curing industry by way of traininq courses, demonstrations, Lab, to Land Prograrrmesi film shows, exhibitions, personal discussion etc. As the result of this, fish curers have started adopting the improved practices in fish curing. Still there seems to be a considerable qap between the techmology available and the technology adopted in this field. A comprehensive study on the extent of adoption of improved practices in fish curing and the factors involved in low or non-adoption of certain aspects is lackin~ at present. This gap has to be filled up. The possihle methods for the effective transfer of technology for the production and distribution of high quali ty cured fish products and improvement of soclo-economic condition of fishermen engaqed in fish curing have to be identified.


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Lipids constitute a significant portion of the biomass of earth and lipolytic enzymes play a very important role in lipid turn over. Apart from their biological significance, lipolytic enzymes are also very important in the fields of nutrition, food technology, medicine and preparative and analytical lipid biochemistry. Recent developments in the study of proteins and enzymes have largely benefited the study of lipolytic enzymes, that some of these enzymes were isolated in pure form. Even today there is a continuous search for new and potent sources of these lipolytic enzymes. The zest for elucidating the structure and mechanism of action of the enzymes obtained in pure form for biochemist still remains unabated. The literature shows no record of such an effort for the study of lipases from marine sources. The fact that many fishes like oil sardine, mackerel, cat fish, seer etc. contains large amounts of lipid shows the possibility of the existence of lipases in significant amounts necessitating their exhaustive study. Such a study will, not only provide alternate sources for lipase but also will provide methods to curb lipolysis and the resultant rancidity and off flavor development in fish and fishery products.


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Though several scientific expeditions surveyed tha Indian ocean. their findings on larval fishes were fragmentory and incomplete. During the International Indian ocean expedition (1960-1965) zooplankton samples were collected from vast area at the lndian ocean adopting standard procedures by participating vessels. These planktons provided an opportunity for a general study of the zooplanltton as well as their anotomy. abundance and distribution.. Realising the imortance of the analysis and classification of fish larvae at the family level being one of the most important information required then for the Indian Ocean region the fish larval portion sorted out from the above zooplankton samples was allocated to the author by the UNESCO consultative committee for the Indian Ocean Biological centre. In spite of the emhasis laid on The study of the family scombridae. owing to the paucity of the scombridae material in tne collection. much could not be done about it.However the record and description of the very early stages of morakel larvae made in 1967 as part of this study was the first of its kind. The present study on the distribution aspects o fish larva of such large area in the Indian ocean is also unique and first of its kind


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The search for new materials especially those possessing special properties continues at a great pace because of ever growing demands of the modern life. The focus on the use of intrinsically conductive polymers in organic electronic devices has led to the development of a totally new class of smart materials. Polypyrrole (PPy) is one of the most stable known conducting polymers and also one of the easiest to synthesize. In addition, its high conductivity, good redox reversibility and excellent microwave absorbing characteristics have led to the existence of wide and diversified applications for PPy. However, as any conjugated conducting polymer, PPy lacks processability, flexibility and strength which are essential for industrial requirements. Among various approaches to making tractable materials based on PPy, incorporating PPy within an electrically insulating polymer appears to be a promising method, and this has triggered the development of blends or composites. Conductive elastomeric composites of polypyrrole are important in that they are composite materials suitable for devices where flexibility is an important parameter. Moreover these composites can be moulded into complex shapes. In this work an attempt has been made to prepare conducting elastomeric composites by the incorporation of PPy and PPy coated short Nylon-6 fiber with insulating elastomer matrices- natural rubber and acrylonitrile butadiene rubber. It is well established that mechanical properties of rubber composites can be greatly improved by adding short fibers. Generally short fiber reinforced rubber composites are popular in industrial fields because of their processing advantages, low cost, and their greatly improved technical properties such as strength, stiffness, modulus and damping. In the present work, PPy coated fiber is expected to improve the mechanical properties of the elastomer-PPy composites, at the same time increasing the conductivity. In addition to determination of DC conductivity and evaluation of mechanical properties, the work aims to study the thermal stability, dielectric properties and electromagnetic interference shielding effectiveness of the composites. The thesis consists of ten chapters.


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The properties of synthetic fibres vary with thc inherent physical characteristics of the basic raw materials used mode of preparation of yarns and method of construction of twines. Since the synthetic fibres as maufactured from polymers which are synthesized from simple chemical units, the qualities of man-made fibres can he influenced by the process of manufacture and certain modifications can even be introduced at the processing stage to meet any specific requirement to a certain extent. Hence, an elaborate study of the properties of fish not twines produced has been taken up with a view to determining their suitability for various types of fishing gear with particular reference to conditions prevailing in India.


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An attempt has been made in this study to screen some fish muscle enzymes to assess their potential worth in testing the degree of freshness of fish. A problem with routine enzyme activity determinations is the complexity of the method of enzyme assay. Hence, in the present study as far as possible simple assay techniques were adopted. Several species were screened to assess the possibility of employing this procedure on a large scale. It is hoped that findings of this study will lead to the development of meaningful criteria in testing the freshness of fish. This thesis has been divided into five chapters


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Frozen storage characteristics and shelflife vary considerably among species as well as within the species (Powrie, 1973; Fennema. 1973). This can be attributed to the variation in the composition of fish among various species. In certain species like sardines and mackerel. wide seasonal variation in chemical composition occur within the species. These variations affect the quality and shelflife. The nutritional level of water. spawning, method of catching, struggling etc. are found to have profound influence on the condition of the fresh fish. Soon after death the deteriorative changes in fish start due to autolysis and bacterial growth. The rate of these changes depends mainly on temperature. The handling methods have great influence on bacterial contamination. Thus the type oi'handling. temperature control. period of chill storage. processing methods. type of freezing, condition of frozen storage and period of storage affect the quality and shelflife Of the fisho In the present study extensive investigations were carried out on various factors affecting the quality of fish as well as their effect on the physical. chemical and sensory qualities of fish during frozen storage and the shelflife


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Fishes are one of the most important members of the aquatic food chain, and through them some toxicants may reach human beings as well. The selection of organisms for toxicity test is mainly based on certain criteria like its ecological status, position within the food chain, suitability for laboratory studies, genetically stable, uniform populations and adequate background data on the organism (Buikema et al., 1982). The species selected for the present study Etroplus maculatus satisfy most of the above protocols. Rechten (1980) opined it as a laboratory favorite of fish researchers. However, there are difficulties in the rise of fishes for pollution assessment impact. Most important of these is our limited understanding of the mechanism of toxicity. The interpretation of the significance or specificity of a measured biological response could there for become difficult. Not withstanding these limitations, attempts have been made to the normal haematology and to analyze the impact of heavy metal at realistic levels to the experimental media, on the haematology, and enzymatic activity and histology of Etroplus maculatus


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Use of short fibers as reinforcing fillers in rubber composites is on an increasing trend. They are popular due to the possibility of obtaining anisotropic properties, ease of processing and economy. In the preparation of these composites short fibers are incorporated on two roll mixing mills or in internal mixers. This is a high energy intensive time consuming process. This calls for developing less energy intensive and less time consuming processes for incorporation and distribution of short fibers in the rubber matrix. One method for this is to incorporate fibers in the latex stage. The present study is primarily to optimize the preparation of short fiber- natural rubber composite by latex stage compounding and to evaluate the resulting composites in terms of mechanical, dynamic mechanical and thermal properties. A synthetic fiber (Nylon) and a natural fiber (Coir) are used to evaluate the advantages of the processing through latex stage. To extract the full reinforcing potential of the coir fibers the macro fibers are converted to micro fibers through chemical and mechanical means. The thesis is presented in 7 chapters


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The work presented in this thesis is regarding the development and evaluation of new bonding agents for short polyester fiber - polyurethane elastomer composites. The conventional bonding system based on hexamethylenetetramine, resorcinol and hydrated silica was not effective as a bonding agent for the composite, as the water eliminated during the formation of the RF resin hydrolysed the urethane linkages. Four bonding agents based on MDI/'I‘DI and polypropyleneglycol, propyleneglycol and glycerol were prepared and the composite recipe was optimised with respect to the cure characteristics and mechanical properties. The flow properties, stress relaxation pattern and the thermal degradation characteristics of the composites containing different bonding agents were then studied in detail to evaluate the new bonding systems. The optimum loading of resin was 5 phr and the ratio of the -01 to isocyanate was 1:1. The cure characteristics showed that the optimum combination of cure rate and processability was given by the composite with the resin based on polypropyleneglycol/ glycerol/ 4,4’diphenylmethanediisocynate (PPG/GL/MDI). From the rheological studies of the composites with and without bonding agents it was observed that all the composites showed pseudoplastic nature and the activation energy of flow of the composite was not altered by the presence of bonding agents. Mechanical properties such as tensile strength, modulus, tear resistance and abrasion resistance were improved in the presence of bonding agents and the effect was more pronounced in the case of abrasion resistance. The composites based on MDI/GL showed better initial properties while composites with resins based on MDI/PPG showed better aging resistance. Stress relaxation showed a multistage relaxation behaviour for the composite. Within the-strain levels studied, the initial rate of relaxation was higher and the cross over time was lesser for the composite containing bonding agents. The bonding agent based on MDI/PPG/GL was found to be a better choice for improving stress relaxation characteristics with better interfacial bonding. Thennogravimetirc analysis showed that the presence of fiber and bonding agents improved the thennal stability of the polyurethane elastomer marginally and it was maximum in the case of MDI / GL based bonding agents. The kinetics of degradation was not altered by the presence of bonding agents


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Emergence of antibiotic resistance among aquaculture pathogens has made it necessary to look into environment friendly, effective and sustainable methods such as probiotic and immunostimulants among others.. In the present study, LAB were isolated from the gut of fish species namely Rastrelliger kanagurta and analyzed for their antibacterial activity against various fish, shrimp and human pathogens. Different LAB species such as Lactobacillus plantarum, L. bulgaricus, L. brevis and L. viridiscens were encountered in the gut of R. kanagurta. Several strains showed good activity against fish, shrimp and human pathogens. LAB from the gut of such marine species may be developed as possible probiont for environment friendly health management of fresh water, estuarine and marine species currently exploited in aquaculture