169 resultados para British Occupation of India (1765-1947)
Elasmobranchs comprising sharks, skates and rays have traditionally formed an important fishery along the Indian coast. Since 2000, Indian shark fishermen are shifting their fishing operations to deeper/oceanic waters by conducting multi-day fishing trips, which has resulted in considerable changes in the species composition of the landings vis- a-vis those reported during the 1980’s and 1990’s. A case study at Cochin Fisheries Harbour (CFH), southwest coast of India during 2008-09 indicated that besides the existing gillnet–cum- hooks & line and longline fishery for sharks, a targeted fishery at depths >300-1000 m for gulper sharks (Centrophorus spp.) has emerged. In 2008, the chondrichthyan landings (excluding batoids) were mainly constituted by offshore and deep-sea species such as Alopias superciliosus (24.2%), Carcharhinus limbatus (21.1%), Echinorhinus brucus (8.2%), Galeocerdo cuvier (5.4%), Centrophorus spp. (7.3%) and Neoharriotta pinnata (4.2%) while the contribution by the coastal species such as Sphyrna lewini (14.8%), Carcharhinus sorrah (1.4%) and other Carcharhinus spp. has reduced. Several deep-sea sharks previously not recorded in the landings at Cochin were also observed during 2008-09. It includes Hexanchus griseus, Deania profundorum, Zameus squamulosus and Pygmy false catshark (undescribed) which have been reported for the first time from Indian waters. Life history characteristics of the major fished species are discussed in relation to the fishery and its possible impacts on the resource
Globally most of the conventional fish stocks have reached a state of optimum exploitation or even over-exploitation; efficient utilization of non-conventional resources is necessary to meet the supply-demand gap for protein supply. Mesopelagic fishes can be considered as one such promising resource for the future, if appropriate harvest and post-harvest technologies are developed. Increasing human population and increasing demand for cheaper food fishes has made myctophids a possible potential resource for future exploitation and utilization. Earlier studies indicated the abundance of Diaphus spp. in the eastern and northeastern Arabian Sea. The present study also indicates the dominance of Diaphus spp. in the deep sea trawling grounds of south west coast of India. Commercial viability of the myctophid fishing in the Indian waters has to be worked out. The present catch estimation is based on the Stratified Random Sampling Method from the landing data. As the coverage of sampling area was limited and the gear efficiency was not standardized, the data generated are not precise. A counter check for the estimates is also not possible due to the absence of comparable works in the study area. Fish biomass estimation by acoustics survey coupled with direct fishing would only confirm the accuracy of estimates. Exploratory surveys for new fishing areas to be continued, for gathering the distribution, abundance, biological and ecological data and map the potential fishing ground on a GIS platform and the data should be provided to the commercial entrepreneurs. Generally non-conventional and non-targeted resources are under low fishing pressure and exploitation rates. Low values of fishing mortality and exploitation rates indicate that removal from the stock by fishing was only nominal from the present fishing grounds. The results indicate that the stock is almost at virgin state and remains grossly underexploited. Since the extent of distribution and abundance of the stock in the ecosystem remains to be ascertained, sustainable yield could not be estimated. Also the impact of myctophids harvest, on other commercially important fishes, has to be studied.
Abundance and Diversity of Macrofauna from Selected Intertidal Habitats of South West Coast of India
The study was motivated by the need to understand factors that guide the software exports and competitiveness, both positively and negatively. The influence of one factor or another upon the export competitiveness is to be understood in great depth, which is necessary to find out the industry’s sustainability. India is being emulated as an example for the success strategy in software development and exports. India’s software industry is hailed as one of the globally competitive software industry in the world. The major objectives are to model the growth pattern of exports and domestic sales of software and services of India and to find out the factors influencing the growth pattern of software industry in India. The thesis compare the growth pattern of software industry of India with respect to that of Ireland and Israel and to critically of various problems faced by software industry and export in India and to model the variables of competitiveness of emerging software producing nations
Algal blooms are naturally occurring phenomena in the aquatic environment. These blooms cause mass mortalities of wild and farmed fish and shellfish, human intoxications which sometimes result in death, alteration of marine trophic structure through adverse effects on larvae and other life history stages of commercially important species and death of marine animals. Occurrences of harmful algal blooms and associated mortality have been reported along the coastal waters of India since the early period of the last century. The present study was taken up to study the dynamics of major phytoplankton blooms, which occur along the Kerala coast. The results of quantitative and qualitative analysis of phytoplankton in the coastal waters of Vizhinjam and Chombala, their species diversity and community structure is presented and the major algal blooms recorded along the coast of Kerala during the study period is described and their occurrence is related to the hydrographic and meteorological variations. There is a clear evident from these works in the Indian region that the fishes avoid areas where these harmful algae bloom, either due to the toxicity or due to some irritant property of the chemicals secreted by the algae. Taxonomic diversity studies indicated a change in the community structure of commercial finfishes, crustaceans and molluscs due to the bloom of C.marina and funnel plots indicated the deviation in taxonomic distinctness during the bloom period from theoretical mean for the region.
Department of Marine Geology & Geophysics, Cochin University of Science & Technology
This thesis entitled Systematics,life history traits ,abundance and stock assessment of cobia rachycentron canadum (linnaeus ,1766) occurring in indian waters with special reference to the northwest coast of india.Cobia, Rachycentron canadum is a fast growing pelagic fish belonging to the monotypic family Rachycentridae. They show worldwide distribution in tropical and sub tropical waters. Cobia is exploited commercially in various countries like Taiwan, Pakistan, India, United State of America, Australia, Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean. Recreational fishery of Cobia exists in different parts of the world. In India Cobia is caught as bycatch of trawlers, gillnet and hook and line fishery.This study also focuses on to bring out the distribution pattern and also to assess the biomass and estimate sustainable yield of Cobia inhabiting in Indian EEZ. In addition to above, present study standardised live collection methods and also reviewed culture prospects.Results of osteological study and morphological studies indicate its close resemblance to Remora and support the view that Cobia was evolved from Dolphin fishes and remoras followed it. Study also confirmed that Cobia does not have any relative or similar species and is a monotypic species belonging to the family Rachycentridae. Re description of the species was done based on the characters identified. In this study, feeding intensity was also assessed following methods like Gastrosomatic index, Mean index of feeding intensity and Index of fullness. Sex wise, month wise and length group wise fluctuations in the feeding intensity also were studied. Cobia actively fed during post monsoon period. In general, adult fed actively than the juveniles. Trophic level value estimated (4.36) indicates that Cobia occupy top level position in the food chain.
Continental shelf is of particular significance in marine geology , because it links the two basically different structural zones in the earth's crust; the continents and ocean basins. The shelf area has much wider importance in many fields of activity such as scientific, economic, social, political and strategic. The pace of development has ultimately put pressure on mankind to look for exploitable resources and accessibility to the continental shelf area and beyond. Added to the above, the developmental activities in the coastal area would readily and directly influence the innershelf sediments. This situation demands a thorough geological knowledge of the continental shelf area. Moreover, a successful management of the continental shelf zone requires an optimum data base on the physico-chemical nature of the shelf sediments. Although sedimentological studies were carried out along the western continental shelf of India, a well documented systematic study of the inner shelf off Trivandrum coast is still found to be lacking. Considering the physiographic settings and the vicinity of two renowned placer deposits at Chavara and Manavalakurichi, such a sedimetological inventory has become all the more vital. In view of the above, a research programme has been drawn up to account the salient sedimentological and mineralogical aspects of the innershelf and beach sediments between Paravur and Kovalam, Trivandrum district, Kerala (latitudes 8° 7'00" to 8° 47'45" and longitudes 76°43'00" to 77° 40'45"). The findings are presented in six chapters formatted to address the aim of this research.
Broiler chicken is gaining popularity among the consumers of India. Since poultry is recognised as a leading food vehicle for Salmonella contamination, the prevalence and distribution of Salmonella serotypes in broiler chickens and processing environments of retail outlets has been studied. In the present study 214 samples of broiler chicken and 311 environmental samples from cage were analysed for the presence of Salmonella. Of the various body parts of live chicken analysed prevalence varied from 1.4% in cloacca to 6.9% in crop region. Environmental samples from the cage showed higher prevalence of Salmonella ranging from0 to 16.67%. Apart from Salmonella enteritidis, which was the predominant Salmonella serotype in the chickens as well as in the environmental samples, other serotypes such as S. bareilly, S. cerro, S. mbandaka and S. moladewere also encountered. The results of the research calls for strict hygiene standards for retail broiler chicken processing outlets
Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) notification was issued by the Ministry of Environment and Forest of Government of India in February 1991 as a part of the Environmental Protection Act of 1986 to protect the coast from eroding and to preserve its natural resources. The initial notification did not distinguish the variability and diversity of various coastal states before enforcing it on the various states and Union Territories. Impact assessments were not carried out to assess its impact on socio-economic life of the coastal population. For the very same reason, it was unnoticed or rather ignored till 1994 when the Supreme Court of India made a land mark judgment on the fate of the coastal aquaculture which by then had established as an economically successful industry in many South Indian States. Coastal aquaculture in its modern form was a prohibited activity within CRZ. Lately, only various stakeholders of the coast realized the real impact of the CRZ rules on their property rights andbusiness. To overcome the initial drawbacks several amendments were made in the regulation to suit regional needs. In 1995, another great transformation took place in the State of Kerala as a part of the reorganization of the local self government institutions into a decentralized three tier system called ‘‘Panchayathi Raj System’’. In 1997, the state government also decided to transfer the power with the required budget outlay to the grass root level panchayats (villages) and municipalities to plan and implement the various projects in their localities with the full participation of the local people by constituting Grama Sabhas (Peoples’ Forum). It is called the ‘‘Peoples’ Planning Campaign’’(Peoples’ Participatory Programme—PPP for Local Level Self-Governance). The management of all the resources including the local natural resources was largely decentralized to the level of local communities and villages. Integrated, sustainable coastal zone management has become the concern of the local population. The paper assesses the socio-economic impact of the centrally enforced CRZ and the state sponsored PPP on the coastal community in Kerala and suggests measures to improve the system and living standards of the coastal people within the framework of CRZ.
In this computerized, globalised and internet world our computer collects various types of information’s about every human being and stores them in files secreted deep on its hard drive. Files like cache, browser history and other temporary Internet files can be used to store sensitive information like logins and passwords, names addresses, and even credit card numbers. Now, a hacker can get at this information by wrong means and share with someone else or can install some nasty software on your computer that will extract your sensitive and secret information. Identity Theft posses a very serious problem to everyone today. If you have a driver’s license, a bank account, a computer, ration card number, PAN card number, ATM card or simply a social security number you are more than at risk, you are a target. Whether you are new to the idea of ID Theft, or you have some unanswered questions, we’ve compiled a quick refresher list below that should bring you up to speed. Identity theft is a term used to refer to fraud that involves pretending to be someone else in order to steal money or get other benefits. Identity theft is a serious crime, which is increasing at tremendous rate all over the world after the Internet evolution. There is widespread agreement that identity theft causes financial damage to consumers, lending institutions, retail establishments, and the economy as a whole. Surprisingly, there is little good public information available about the scope of the crime and the actual damages it inflicts. Accounts of identity theft in recent mass media and in film or literature have centered on the exploits of 'hackers' - variously lauded or reviled - who are depicted as cleverly subverting corporate firewalls or other data protection defenses to gain unauthorized access to credit card details, personnel records and other information. Reality is more complicated, with electronic identity fraud taking a range of forms. The impact of those forms is not necessarily quantifiable as a financial loss; it can involve intangible damage to reputation, time spent dealing with disinformation and exclusion from particular services because a stolen name has been used improperly. Overall we can consider electronic networks as an enabler for identity theft, with the thief for example gaining information online for action offline and the basis for theft or other injury online. As Fisher pointed out "These new forms of hightech identity and securities fraud pose serious risks to investors and brokerage firms across the globe," I am a victim of identity theft. Being a victim of identity theft I felt the need for creating an awareness among the computer and internet users particularly youngsters in India. Nearly 70 per cent of Indian‘s population are living in villages. Government of India already started providing computer and internet facilities even to the remote villages through various rural development and rural upliftment programmes. Highly educated people, established companies, world famous financial institutions are becoming victim of identity theft. The question here is how vulnerable the illiterate and innocent rural people are if they suddenly exposed to a new device through which some one can extract and exploit their personal data without their knowledge? In this research work an attempt has been made to bring out the real problems associated with Identity theft in developed countries from an economist point of view.
The fertility of the coastal and estuarine waters is of great concern because of its influence on the productivity of these waters. Seasonal variations in the distribution of organic carbon, total nitrogen and total phosphorus in the sediments of Kuttanad Waters, a part of the tropical Cochin Estuary on the south west coast of India, are examined to identify the contribution of sediments to the fertility of the aquatic systems. The adjoining region has considerable agricultural activity. The fresh water zones had higher quantities of silt and clay whereas the estuarine zone was more sandy. Organic carbon, total phosphorus and total nitrogen were higher in the fresh water zones and lower in the estuarine zones. Total phosphorus and organic carbon showed the lowest values during monsoon periods. No significant trends were observed in the seasonal distributions of total nitrogen. Ratios of C/N, C/P and N/P, and the phosphorus and nitrogen content indicate significant modification in the character of the organic matter. Substantial amounts of the organic matter can contribute to reducing conditions and modify diagenetic processes
Phosphorus fractionation was employed to find the bioavailability of phosphorus and its seasonal variations in the Panangad region of Cochin estuary, the largest estuarine system in the southwest coast of India. Sequential extraction of the surficial sediments using chelating agents was taken as a tool for this. Phosphate in the water column showed seasonal variations, with high values during the monsoon months, suggesting external runoff. Sediment texture was found to be the main factor influencing the spatial distribution of the geochemical parameters in the study region. Similarly, total phosphorus also showed granulometric dependence and it ranged between 319.54 and 2,938.83 μg/g. Calcium-bound fraction was the main phosphorus pool in the estuary. Significant spatial variations were observed for all bioavailable fractions; iron-bound inorganic phosphorus (5.04–474.24 μg/g), calcium-bound inorganic phosphorus (11.16–826.09 μg/g), and acidsoluble organic phosphorus (22.22–365.86 μg/g). Among the non-bioavailable phosphorus, alkalisoluble organic fraction was the major one (51.92– 1,002.45 μg/g). Residual organic phosphorus was K. R. Renjith (B) · N. Chandramohanakumar · M. M. Joseph Department of Chemical Oceanography, School of Marine Sciences, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi 682016, Kerala, India e-mail: renjithaqua@gmail.com comparatively smaller fraction (3.25–14.64% of total). The sandy and muddy stations showed distinct fractional composition and the speciation study could endorse the overall geochemical character. There could be buffering of phosphorus, suggested by the increase in the percentage of bioavailable fractions during the lean premonsoon period, counteracting the decreases in the external loads. Principal component analysis was employed to find the possible processes influencing the speciation of phosphorus in the study region
Geochemical characteristics of surficial sediments in the Panangad region of Cochin estuary, the largest brackish-water humid ecosystem in the south-west coast of India, were analysed. Temporal variations in nutrient stoichiometry, seasonal characteristics of redox elements Fe and S, and the phosphorus geochemistry were employed for the purpose. The stoichiometric analysis pointed towards autochthonous origin of organic matter, possibility of nitrogen limitation, and allochthonous modification of redox conditions. Seasonal variations were not statistically significant for all the geochemical parameters, whereas significant spatial variations were observed with lower values at sandy stations, suggesting that the texture of the sediments is the main factor influencing the sediment geochemistry. Significant inter-relations between the geochemical parameters also suggest a common control mechanism. Based on these geochemical characteristics, the study region can be effectively categorized into two distinct zones, viz. (1) erosion and transportation and (2) deposition zones