73 resultados para polarized absorption spectra
Dual-beam transient thermal lens studies were carried out in aqueous solutions of rhodamine 6G using 532 nm pulses from a frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser. The analysis of the observed data showed that the thermal lens method can effectively be utilized to study the nonlinear absorption and aggregation which are taking place in a dye medium.
Optical absorption and emission spectral studies of various phthalocyanine (Pc) molecules in PVA matrix have been reported for the first time. The recorded spectra are analyzed to get the important spectral parameters, such as optical absorption cross-section (σa), emission cross-section (σe), oscillator strength (f), fluorescence bandwidth (Δλ), emission wavelength (λ), radiative decay time (τ) and optical gain (G). Analysis shows that the emission cross-section and optical gain are maximum in the NdHPc2-doped PVA matrix. However, a comparison of the calculated emission parameters with that of borate glass matrix show that they are many times smaller in the present matrix.
Two-photon absorption in methanol solutions of Rhodamine 6G is investigated by photoacoustics using the second harmonic of a pulsed Nd:YAG laser. Competition between one-photon and two-photon processes is observed, depending critically on the sample concentration and input light flux.
S1 to S3 excited singlet state absorption and two-photon absorption in Rhodamine 6G at the pump wavelengths of 532 and 1064 nm respectively are investigated. The advantages of employing the pulsed photoacoustic technique for conveniently observing excited singlet state absorption are discussed. It is shown that, since photoacoustics and fluorescence are complementary phenomena, analysis using both techniques will yield a better understanding of optical processes in molecules like Rhodamine 6G.
The length-dependent tuning of the fluorescence spectra of a dye doped polymer fiber is reported. The fiber is pumped sideways and the fluorescence is measured from one of the ends. The excitation of a finite length of dye doped fiber is done by a diode pumped solid state laser at a wavelength of 532 nm. The fluorescence emission is measured at various positions of the fiber starting from a position closer to the pumping region and then progressing toward the other end of the fiber. We observe that the optical loss coefficients for shorter and longer distances of propagation through the dye doped fiber are different. At longer distances of propagation, a decrease in optical loss coefficient is observed. The fluorescence peaks exhibit a redshift of 12 nm from 589 to 610 nm as the point of illumination progresses toward the detector end. This is attributed to the self-absorption and re-emission of the laser dye in the fiber.
Two-photon absorption spectrum of aniline is recorded using thermal lens effect with optical parametric oscillator as the pump source. Studies show that the two-photon absorption spectrum observed corresponds to I Al -. I B2 transition of aniline.
Two-photon absorption in Rhodamine 6G using the second harmonic of a pulsed Q-switched Nd:YAG laser has been studied by photoacoustic technique. It is observed that there is a competition between one-photon and two-photon absorption processes. At lower concentration the two-photon process is predominant over the one-photon process.
Dynamics of Nd:YAG laser with intracavity KTP crystal operating in two parallel polarized modes is investigated analytically and numerically. System equilibrium points were found out and the stability of each of them was checked using Routh–Hurwitz criteria and also by calculating the eigen values of the Jacobian. It is found that the system possesses three equilibrium points for (Ij, Gj), where j = 1, 2. One of these equilibrium points undergoes Hopf bifurcation in output dynamics as the control parameter is increased. The other two remain unstable throughout the entire region of the parameter space. Our numerical analysis of the Hopf bifurcation phenomena is found to be in good agreement with the analytical results. Nature of energy transfer between the two modes is also studied numerically.
Wavelength dependence of saturable absorption (SA) and reverse saturable absorption (RSA) of zinc phthalocyanine was studied using 10 Hz, 8 ns pulses from a tunable laser, in the wavelength range of 520–686 nm, which includes the rising edge of the Q band in the electronic absorption spectrum. The nonlinear response is wavelength dependent and switching from RSA to SA has been observed as the excitation wavelength changes from the low absorption window region to higher absorption regime near the Q band. The SA again changes back to RSA when we further move over to the infrared region. Values of the imaginary part of third order susceptibility are calculated for various wavelengths in this range. This study is important in identifying the spectral range over which the nonlinear material acts as RSA based optical limiter.
Nonlinear optical absorption in silver nanosol was investigated at selected wavelengths (456 nm, 477 nm and 532 nm) using open aperture Z-scan technique. It was observed that nature of nonlinear absorption is sensitively dependent on input fluence as well as on excitation wavelength. Besides, the present sample was found to exhibit reverse saturable absorption (RSA) and saturable absorption (SA) at these wavelengths depending on excitation fluence. RSA is attributed to enhanced absorption resulting from photochemical changes. SA observed for fluence values lower and higher than those corresponding to RSA are, respectively, attributed to plasmon bleach and saturation of RSA.
Vibrational overtone spectra of acetophenone and benzaldehyde in the visible and near-infrared regions are studied by the dual beam thermal lens and the conventional near-infrared absorption techniques. The observed increase in the mechanical frequency of the aryl CH bond from that of benzene is attributed to the decrease in the aryl CH bond length caused by the electron-withdrawing property of the substituents. Overtone spectra also demonstrate that acetophenone contains two types of methyl CH bonds arising from the anisotropic environments created by oxygen lone pair and carbonyl P electrons. The local-mode parameters of the two types of CH bonds are compared with those of acetone and acetaldehyde. The possible factors influencing the methyl CH bonds in acetophenone are discussed.
The vibrational overtone spectra 0f the liquid phase 1,2-dichloroethane and 1,2-dibromoethane in the spectral regions of CH stretching local mode overtones corresponding to delta v CH= = 2 to delta v CH=5 are reported. The observed spectral features are assigned using the local mode model. LocaI mode frequencies WCH and diagonal local mode anharmonicities XCH are obtained from an analysis of the spectra. The local-local combinations observed are interpreted on the basis of a coupled CH oscillator model hamiltonian. Local-normal combinations show complex structures and their possible assignments are given.
Dual beam transient thermal lens studies were carried out in rhodamine 6G methanol solutions using 532 nm pulses from a frequency doubled Nd:YAG laser. Analysis of thermal lens signal shows the existence of different nonlinear processes like two photon absorption and three photon absorption phenomena along with one photon absorption. Concentration of the dye in the solution has been found to influence the occurrence of the different processes in a significant way.
Optical properties of free and substituted porphyrins (PP) doped borate glass matrix are reported for the first time. Absorption spectral measurements of H2TPP, CdTPP, MgTPP and ZnTPP doped borate glass matrix have been made in the 200–1100 nm region and the spectra obtained are analyzed to obtain the optical bandgap (Eg) and other important spectral parameters viz. oscillator strength (f), molar extinction coefficient (ε), electric dipole strength (q2), absorption cross-section (σa) and molecular concentration (N). Intense fluorescence was observed in the region 668–685 nm for CdTPP, ZnTPP and MgTPP doped matrices, whereas no such fluorescence was observed in H2TPP doped matrix. Fluorescence intensity was observed to be almost similar in all the metallated porphyrine matrices. Fluorescence bandwidth (Δλ), decay time (τ), stimulated emission cross-section (σ) and optical gain (G) of the principal fluorescence transitions corresponding to the Q-band excitation were also evaluated and discussed.
Wavelength dependence of saturable absorption (SA) and reverse saturable absorption (RSA) of zinc phthalocyanine was studied using 10 Hz, 8 ns pulses from a tunable laser, in the wavelength range of 520–686 nm, which includes the rising edge of the Q band in the electronic absorption spectrum. The nonlinear response is wavelength dependent and switching from RSA to SA has been observed as the excitation wavelength changes from the low absorption window region to higher absorption regime near the Q band. The SA again changes back to RSA when we further move over to the infrared region. Values of the imaginary part of third order susceptibility are calculated for various wavelengths in this range. This study is important in identifying the spectral range over which the nonlinear material acts as RSA based optical limiter.