70 resultados para PGS (Photonic Glucose Sensor)


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The proliferation of wireless sensor networks in a large spectrum of applications had been spurered by the rapid advances in MEMS(micro-electro mechanical systems )based sensor technology coupled with low power,Low cost digital signal processors and radio frequency circuits.A sensor network is composed of thousands of low cost and portable devices bearing large sensing computing and wireless communication capabilities. This large collection of tiny sensors can form a robust data computing and communication distributed system for automated information gathering and distributed sensing.The main attractive feature is that such a sensor network can be deployed in remote areas.Since the sensor node is battery powered,all the sensor nodes should collaborate together to form a fault tolerant network so as toprovide an efficient utilization of precious network resources like wireless channel,memory and battery capacity.The most crucial constraint is the energy consumption which has become the prime challenge for the design of long lived sensor nodes.


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This thesis Entitled Photonic applications of biomaterials with special reference to biopolymers and microbes. A detailed investigation will be presented in the present thesis related to direct applications of biopolymers into some selected area of photonics and how the growth kinetics of an aerial bacterial colony on solid agar media was studied using laser induced fluorescence technique. This chapter is an overview of the spectrum of biomaterials and their application to Photonics. The chapter discusses a wide range of biomaterials based photonics applications like efficient harvesting of solar energy, lowthreshold lasing, high-density data storage, optical switching, filtering and template for nano s tructures. The most extensively investigated photonics application in biology is Laser induced fluorescence technique. The importance of fluorescence studies in different biological and related fields are also mentioned in this chapter.


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The emergence of lasers in the early sixties has not only revolutionized the field of optics and communication but also paved new ways in the field of material characterization. Material studies using photothermal techniques possess certain unique characteristics and advantages over conventional methods. The most important aspect of photothennal techniques is their ability to perform noncontact and nondestructive measurement. Photoacoustics, photothermal deflection, thermal lens, photothermal radiometry and photopyroelectric methods are some of the commonly used and powerful techniques for the thermal and optical characterization of materials using lasers. In this thesis the applications of photoacoustic and photothermal deflection techniques for the thermal and optical characterization of different photonic materials, namely, semiconductors, liquid crystals and dye-doped polymers are discussed


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Fluorescence is a powerful tool in biological research, the relevance of which relies greatly on the availability of sensitive and selective fluorescent probes. Nanometer sized fluorescent semiconductor materials have attracted considerable attention in recent years due to the high luminescence intensity, low photobleaching, large Stokes’ shift and high photochemical stability. The optical and spectroscopic features of nanoparticles make them very convincing alternatives to traditional fluorophores in a range of applications. Efficient surface capping agents make these nanocrystals bio-compatible. They can provide a novel platform on which many biomolecules such as DNA, RNA and proteins can be covalently linked. In the second phase of the present work, bio-compatible, fluorescent, manganese doped ZnS (ZnS:Mn) nanocrystals suitable for bioimaging applications have been developed and their cytocompatibility has been assessed. Functionalization of ZnS:Mn nanocrystals by safe materials results in considerable reduction of toxicity and allows conjugation with specific biomolecules. The highly fluorescent, bio-compatible and water- dispersible ZnS:Mn nanocrystals are found to be ideal fluorescent probes for biological labeling


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Beta-glucosidases are critical enzymes in biomass hydrolysis process and is important in creating highly efficient enzyme cocktails for the bio-ethanol industry. Among the two strategies proposed for overcoming the glucose inhibition of commercial cellulases, one is to use heavy dose of BGL in the enzyme blends and the second is to do simultaneous saccharification and fermentation where glucose is converted to alcohol as soon as it is being generated. While the former needs extremely high quantities of enzyme, the latter is inefficient since the conditions for hydrolysis and fermentation are different. This makes the process technically challenging and also in this case, the alcohol generation is lesser, making its recovery difficult. A third option is to use glucose tolerant β-glucosidases which can work at elevated glucose concentrations. However, there are very few reports on such enzymes from microbial sources especially filamentous fungi which can be cultivated on cheap biomass as raw material. There has been very less number of studies directed at this, though there is every possibility that filamentous fungi that are efficient degraders of biomass may harbor such enzymes. The study therefore aimed at isolating a fungus capable of secreting glucose tolerant β- glucosidase enzyme. Production, characterization of β-glucosidases and application of BGL for bioethanol production were attempted.


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In wireless sensor networks, the routing algorithms currently available assume that the sensor nodes are stationary. Therefore when mobility modulation is applied to the wireless sensor networks, most of the current routing algorithms suffer from performance degradation. The path breaks in mobile wireless networks are due to the movement of mobile nodes, node failure, channel fading and shadowing. It is desirable to deal with dynamic topology changes with optimal effort in terms of resource and channel utilization. As the nodes in wireless sensor medium make use of wireless broadcast to communicate, it is possible to make use of neighboring node information to recover from path failure. Cooperation among the neighboring nodes plays an important role in the context of routing among the mobile nodes. This paper proposes an enhancement to an existing protocol for accommodating node mobility through neighboring node information while keeping the utilization of resources to a minimum.


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Clustering schemes improve energy efficiency of wireless sensor networks. The inclusion of mobility as a new criterion for the cluster creation and maintenance adds new challenges for these clustering schemes. Cluster formation and cluster head selection is done on a stochastic basis for most of the algorithms. In this paper we introduce a cluster formation and routing algorithm based on a mobility factor. The proposed algorithm is compared with LEACH-M protocol based on metrics viz. number of cluster head transitions, average residual energy, number of alive nodes and number of messages lost


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The evolution of wireless sensor network technology has enabled us to develop advanced systems for real time monitoring. In the present scenario wireless sensor networks are increasingly being used for precision agriculture. The advantages of using wireless sensor networks in agriculture are distributed data collection and monitoring, monitor and control of climate, irrigation and nutrient supply. Hence decreasing the cost of production and increasing the efficiency of production.This paper describes the application of wireless sensor network for crop monitoring in the paddy fields of kuttand, a region of Kerala, the southern state of India.


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Sensor networks are one of the fastest growing areas in broad of a packet is in transit at any one time. In GBR, each node in the network can look at itsneighbors wireless ad hoc networking (? Eld. A sensor node, typically'hop count (depth) and use this to decide which node to forward contains signal-processing circuits, micro-controllers and a the packet on to. If the nodes' power level drops below a wireless transmitter/receiver antenna. Energy saving is one certain level it will increase the depth to discourage trafiE of the critical issue for sensor networks since most sensors are equipped with non-rechargeable batteries that have limitedlifetime. Routing schemes are used to transfer data collectedby sensor nodes to base stations. In the literature many routing protocols for wireless sensor networks are suggested. In this work, four routing protocols for wireless sensor networks viz Flooding, Gossiping, GBR and LEACH have been simulated using TinyOS and their power consumption is studied using PowerTOSSIM. A realization of these protocols has beencarried out using Mica2 Motes.


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In Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), neglecting the effects of varying channel quality can lead to an unnecessary wastage of precious battery resources and in turn can result in the rapid depletion of sensor energy and the partitioning of the network. Fairness is a critical issue when accessing a shared wireless channel and fair scheduling must be employed to provide the proper flow of information in a WSN. In this paper, we develop a channel adaptive MAC protocol with a traffic-aware dynamic power management algorithm for efficient packet scheduling and queuing in a sensor network, with time varying characteristics of the wireless channel also taken into consideration. The proposed protocol calculates a combined weight value based on the channel state and link quality. Then transmission is allowed only for those nodes with weights greater than a minimum quality threshold and nodes attempting to access the wireless medium with a low weight will be allowed to transmit only when their weight becomes high. This results in many poor quality nodes being deprived of transmission for a considerable amount of time. To avoid the buffer overflow and to achieve fairness for the poor quality nodes, we design a Load prediction algorithm. We also design a traffic aware dynamic power management scheme to minimize the energy consumption by continuously turning off the radio interface of all the unnecessary nodes that are not included in the routing path. By Simulation results, we show that our proposed protocol achieves a higher throughput and fairness besides reducing the delay


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The evolution of wireless sensor network technology has enabled us to develop advanced systems for real time monitoring. In the present scenario wireless sensor networks are increasingly being used for precision agriculture. The advantages of using wireless sensor networks in agriculture are distributed data collection and monitoring, monitor and control of climate, irrigation and nutrient supply. Hence decreasing the cost of production and increasing the efficiency of production. This paper describes the development and deployment of wireless sensor network for crop monitoring in the paddy fields of Kuttanad, a region of Kerala, the southern state of India.


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The evolution of wireless sensor network technology has enabled us to develop advanced systems for real time monitoring. In the present scenario wireless sensor networks are increasingly being used for precision agriculture. The advantages of using wireless sensor networks in agriculture are distributed data collection and monitoring, monitor and control of climate, irrigation and nutrient supply. Hence decreasing the cost of production and increasing the efficiency of production. This paper describes the security issues related to wireless sensor networks and suggests some techniques for achieving system security. This paper also discusses a protocol that can be adopted for increasing the security of the transmitted data


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In wireless sensor networks, the routing algorithms currently available assume that the sensor nodes are stationary. Therefore when mobility modulation is applied to the wireless sensor networks, most of the current routing algorithms suffer from performance degradation. The path breaks in mobile wireless networks are due to the movement of mobile nodes, node failure, channel fading and shadowing. It is desirable to deal with dynamic topology changes with optimal effort in terms of resource and channel utilization. As the nodes in wireless sensor medium make use of wireless broadcast to communicate, it is possible to make use of neighboring node information to recover from path failure. Cooperation among the neighboring nodes plays an important role in the context of routing among the mobile nodes. This paper proposes an enhancement to an existing protocol for accommodating node mobility through neighboring node information while keeping the utilization of resources to a minimum.


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One of the major applications of underwater acoustic sensor networks (UWASN) is ocean environment monitoring. Employing data mules is an energy efficient way of data collection from the underwater sensor nodes in such a network. A data mule node such as an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) periodically visits the stationary nodes to download data. By conserving the power required for data transmission over long distances to a remote data sink, this approach extends the network life time. In this paper we propose a new MAC protocol to support a single mobile data mule node to collect the data sensed by the sensor nodes in periodic runs through the network. In this approach, the nodes need to perform only short distance, single hop transmission to the data mule. The protocol design discussed in this paper is motivated to support such an application. The proposed protocol is a hybrid protocol, which employs a combination of schedule based access among the stationary nodes along with handshake based access to support mobile data mules. The new protocol, RMAC-M is developed as an extension to the energy efficient MAC protocol R-MAC by extending the slot time of R-MAC to include a contention part for a hand shake based data transfer. The mobile node makes use of a beacon to signal its presence to all the nearby nodes, which can then hand-shake with the mobile node for data transfer. Simulation results show that the new protocol provides efficient support for a mobile data mule node while preserving the advantages of R-MAC such as energy efficiency and fairness.


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Sensor networks are one of the fastest growing areas in broad of a packet is in transit at any one time. In GBR, each node in the network can look at itsneighbors wireless ad hoc networking (? Eld. A sensor node, typically'hop count (depth) and use this to decide which node to forward contains signal-processing circuits, micro-controllers and a the packet on to. If the nodes' power level drops below a wireless transmitter/receiver antenna. Energy saving is one certain level it will increase the depth to discourage trafiE of the critical issue forfor sensor networks since most sensors are equipped with non-rechargeable batteries that have limited lifetime.