79 resultados para Area studies.


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Planktonic ostracod of the Indian Ocean have not been studied in detail although extensive studies have been made on them from other oceans, particularly Atlantic. with this view, the present study was undertaken, to throw; some light on the systematics and distribution oi’ planktonic ostracods in this region, This study provides iniormation regarding the distribution or each species in the Northern Indian Ocean, specially in the Bay of Bengal which is the least explored, as far as planlctunio ostracods are concerned. It may also furnish us with the data regarding the nature of ostracod production in this area, which directly reflects on the total productivity as they play an important role in the rapid recycling or organic substances, iaecal pellets and even flocculants In the present study the main objectives are; (1) Proper detemination of the species or planktonic Ostraooda that occur in the area or investigation, (2) to explain the pattern oi’ distribution, (3) to estimate their abundance and to some extent seasonal variation, and (4) to correlate their distribution with the physics-chemical factors of the environment


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Vibrational overtone spectroscopy of X-H (X=C,N,O) containing molecules is an area of recent interest. The spectroscopic studies of higher vibrational levels yield valuable informations, regarding,the molecular structure, intra- and inter-molecular interactions, radiationless transitions, intra-molecular vibrational relaxations, multiphoton excitations and chemical reactivities, which cannot be z obtained by other spectroscopic methods. This thesis presents the results of experimental investigations on the overtone spectra of some organic compounds in the liquid phase for the characterization of CH bonds. The spectra in the fifth overtone region (1fiV=6) are recorded using a dual beam thermal lens setup and the lower overtones (.AV=2-5) are recorded spectrophotometrically.The thesis is presented in six chapters.


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Strychnine is the major alkaloid present in the seeds of _Strychnos, nuxvomica tree which grow naturally in this area. Strychnine has a very complex chemical structure and is known to stimulate all portions of the central nervous system with preference to the spinal cord. However, it is a powerful convulsant and death results from asphyxia. Consequently strychnine has no therapeutic application in the western system of medicine at present. The objective of this work, therefore, was to convert strychnine by microbial transformation into a product having more desirable pharmacological properties so that this locally available natural product may find some use in the preparation of a therapeutic agent.


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As of 1999. the state of Kerala has 3210 offices of scheduled commercial banks (SCBS). In all, there are 48 commercial banks operating in Kerala, which includes PSBs, OPBs, NPBS. FBs, and Gramin Banks. The urban areas give a complete picture of the competition in the present day banking scenario with the presence of all bank groups. Semi-urban areas of Kerala have 2196 and urban areas have 593 as on March 1995.“ The study focuses on the selected segments ofthe urban customers in Kerala which is capable of giving the finer aspects of variation in customer behaviour in the purchase of banking products and services. Considering the exhaustive nature of such an exercise, all the districts in the state have not been brought under the purview of the study. Instead. three districts with largest volume of business in terms of deposits, advances, and number of offices have been short listed as representative regions for a focused study. The study focuses on the retail customer segment and their perceptions on the various products or services offered to them. Non Resident Indians (NRIs), and Traders and Small—ScaIe Industries segments have also been included in the study with a view to obtain a comparative picture with respect to perception on customer satisfaction and service quality dimensions and bank choice behaviour. The research is hence confined to customer behaviour and the implications for possible strategies for segmentation within the retail segment customers


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Nonlinear optics has emerged as a new area of physics , following the development of various types of lasers. A number of advancements , both theoretical and experimental . have been made in the past two decades . by scientists al1 over the world. However , onl y few scientists have attempted to study the experimental aspects of nonlinear optical phenomena i n I ndian laboratories. This thesis is the report of an attempt made in this direction. The thesis contains the details of the several investigations which the author has carried out in the past few years, on optical phase conjugation (OPC) and continuous wave CCVD second harmonic generation CSHG). OPC is a new branch of nonlinear optics, developed only in the past decade. The author has done a few experiments on low power OPC in dye molecules held in solid matrices, by making use of a degenerate four wave mixing CDFWND scheme. These samples have been characterised by studies on their absorption-spectra. fluorescence spectra. triplet lifetimes and saturation intensities. Phase conjugation efficiencies with r espect to the various parameters have been i nvesti gated . DFWM scheme was also employed i n achievi ng phase conjugation of a br oadband laser C Nd: G1ass 3 using a dye solution as the nonlinear medium.


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Rainbow sardines of the genus belonging to the family Dueenaieriidae. are small pelagic fishes forming a fairly good, though not abundant. seasonal fishery all along the coasts of India inhabiting the coastal waters. There have been some earlier reports on such individual aspects as their systematic, distribution, abundance. Ostecology and a few biological factors but no attempt has been made towards a comprehensive study on this group. Two species of rainbow sardines are known to occur in the Indian seas and while a knowledge about their biology would be useful from the fishery point of view. it was also thought a study of their systematic position, especially regarding the identity or the two species which had raised doubts among earlier workers would lead to a better understanding or the group as a whole. This thesis is mainly based on studies during the period from April 1969 to march 1971 with a continued investigation of fishhery aspects till December 1975. from the Gulf of manar: and the Palk Bay around mandapam area. on the south-east coast of India. Thus the work deals with the systemtics, biology and fishery of rainbow sardines of Indian seas.


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The quality of minced fish, as mentioned earlier depends largely on the type and quality of the raw material used, as well as on the processing methods employed. Moreover, fish mincing involves cutting up of tissues thereby increasing surface area to a great extent and releasing of enzymes and nutrients from the tissues. Due to these factors fish mince is relatively more prone to chemical. autolytic and microbial spoilage. Hence study of minced fish with these factors in focus is very important. Equally important is the availability, price and preference of the raw material vis-a-vis the end products and the storage period it passes through. In the present study. changes in the bacterial flora. both quantitative and qualitative of the dressed fish, viz. Nemipterus japonicas and mince from the same fish during freezing and frozen storage have been investigated in detail. The effect of a preservative. viz. . EZDTA on the bacteriological and shelf life characteristics of the minced fish has also been investigated. Attempts have also been made to develop various types of products from mince and to study their storage life.


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Man's inadvertent interference with the environment by way of indiscreL¢ industrflflization has led to the deteriorating air quality in the recent times. The search is on to find the remedies to confine the air pollution levels with in their thershold limits. Theoretical studies play A crucial role in the control and for abatment of air pollution. Improper siting of industry is one of the most common reasons for the increased levels of air pollution in urban environments. A proper and effective ecological planning is an essential first step for any region in order to reduce the effects of air pollution. By means of theoretical models one can obtain the pollutant distribution in any urban area, provided the necessary data are available with the help of which the sites for new industries could be suggested, given the emission inventory. Studies on air pollution meteorology serve and aid the planners to initate remedial actions to bring down the levels of pollution and also to out—line the control strategy. In the present thesis some theoretical studies on air pollution meteorology over South India are made. The thesis is divided into six chapters


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Loss of natural sandal populations due to illicit felling, forest encroachment and spike disease have an adverse effect on genetic diversity of the species. To initiate any genetic improvement programme in sandal, a precise understanding of the population genetic diversity structure is essential. The concern over the loss of genetic variability in sandal is particularly critical, as there is hardly any information regarding the diversity status of the natural populations. Identifying fast growing, disease resistant, oil rich sandal trees through breeding and their mass multiplication for afforestation are the best method for ensuring sustainable supply of superior sandalwood. The healthy sandal trees existing in heavily spike diseased area can be used as a promising starting point for any such breeding programme (Venkatesh, 1978). So far, no genetic information is available regarding the resistant nature of spike disease evaded trees left in heavily infected patches. The high rate of depletion of the superior trees in South Indian sandal reserves due to illegal felling and spike disease has necessitated an urgent need for conservation of the surviving trees.Widespread occurrence of spike disease in Marayoor forest reserve was reported in 1981 (Ghosh and Balasundaran, 1995). Because of the high density of trees and varying intensity of spike disease, Marayoor sandal population was found to be ideal for experimental studies in sandal (Ghosh et al., 1985). Fifteen trees of reserve 51 of Marayoor range had been selected as candidate plus trees for growth and spike disease evasion . These trees have been selected for mass multiplication through tissue culture technique.


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Rubber has become an indispensable material in Ocean technology. Rubber components play critical roles such as sealing, damping, environmental protection, electrical insulation etc. in most under water engineering applications. Technology driven innovations in electro acoustic transducers and other sophisticated end uses have enabled quantum jump in the quality and reliability of rubber components. Under water electro acoustic transducers use rubbers as a critical material in their construction. Work in this field has lead to highly reliable and high performance materials which has enhanced service life of transducers to the extent of 1015 years. Present work concentrates on these materials. Conventional rubbers are inadequate to meet many of the stringent functional of the requirements. There exists large gap of information in the rubber technology of under water rubbers, particularly in the context of under water electro acoustic transducers. Present study is towards filling up the gaps of information in this crucial area. The research work has been in the area of compounding and characterisation of rubbers for use in under water electro acoustic transducers. The study also covers specific material system such as encapsulation material, baffle material, seal material, etc. Life prediction techniques of under water rubbers in general has been established with reference to more than one functional property. This thesis is divided into 6 chapters.


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This Thesis contains a detailed account of the results of the investigations on the "Studies on sea cucumbers of Minicoy, Lakshadweep" from the Arabian Sea, carried out from January 1990 to December 1991. The results are presented and discussed in six chapters, preceded by an "lntroduction", "Review of literature" and "Materials and Methods". A brief account on the importance of sea-cucumbers, its general morphology, present status of sea-cucumbers and their fishery in India and the major objectives of the present study are given in the "lntroduction" "Review of Literature" has covered and reviewed almost all available published reports and informations on sea-cucumbers on global basis, with special emphasis on Indian region and particularly in Minicoy Island. The Minicoy Island topography particularly the lagoon and reef flat area, discretion of sampling stations, survey on sea-cucumbers in space and time, analysis of samples both in the field and laboratory, statistical analysis of data, etc. and the period of study are given under "Materials and Methods.


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Plankton community, drawn from a vary wide variety of animal phyla, formed the basic food supply of marine life and indicators of water mass. The term meroplankton generally referred to that portion of the zooplankton which is transient in nature, remaining rest of their lives in the nektonic or benthic environment. This group was selected for intensive studies, considering the role of meroplankton in the economy of the sea and the scarcity of literature on them from the Indian Ocean. The preser .udy besides providing information regarding the fixation and preservation !e _ iniques and biochemical aspects of tropical meroplankton, also consolidates information regarding their zoogeography in the Indian Ocean region, with a view to amplifying the limited information available from this area. The distribution studies are based on the collections made during the International Indian Ocean Expedition (1960-65), whereas the material for preservation and biochemical studies was collected from the coastal waters during 1968-1978. Salient features:- 2% of formaldehyde buffered with 2% borax, added to the plankton in the ratio of 9:1 was found the best fixative. On fixation the plankton underwent shrinkage due to loss of 15 to 87% water. Addition of antioxidants prevented colour fading. Narcotization by different specific reagents prior to fixation reduced distortions due to violent reaction and improved morphological conditions. One percent formaldehyde solution in sea water buffered with borax or neutralised with calcium carbonate perfectly preserved majority of meroplankton. Equally good was one percent propylene phenoxetol buffered with borax. Biochemical compostion of vaioous taxa showed variations according to their age class, size groups metamorphosing stage, feeding mechanism, type of organism fed and time of collection. General distribution studies of 4 meroplankton taxa - Anthozoan larvae, cirripedia larvae, sipunculoid larvae and gastropod larvae stowed abundance in the coastal areas especially during the SW monsoon period. Based on the larval distribution different zoo-geographical areas in the Indian Ocean are differentiated.


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Though several scientific expeditions surveyed tha Indian ocean. their findings on larval fishes were fragmentory and incomplete. During the International Indian ocean expedition (1960-1965) zooplankton samples were collected from vast area at the lndian ocean adopting standard procedures by participating vessels. These planktons provided an opportunity for a general study of the zooplanltton as well as their anotomy. abundance and distribution.. Realising the imortance of the analysis and classification of fish larvae at the family level being one of the most important information required then for the Indian Ocean region the fish larval portion sorted out from the above zooplankton samples was allocated to the author by the UNESCO consultative committee for the Indian Ocean Biological centre. In spite of the emhasis laid on The study of the family scombridae. owing to the paucity of the scombridae material in tne collection. much could not be done about it.However the record and description of the very early stages of morakel larvae made in 1967 as part of this study was the first of its kind. The present study on the distribution aspects o fish larva of such large area in the Indian ocean is also unique and first of its kind


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Studies on sporulation of four commercially important red (sea-weeds) algae ^(agarophytes) namely Gelidiella acerosa, Gracilaria corticata, G edulis and Hypnea musciformis growing in the vicinity of’ Mandapam coast were carried out from October 1981 to September 1983. During the two years of study; fruiting behavior in the natural population of these species was also investigated. Laboratory experiments were carried out with the four algae sea weeds to collect information on seasonal aspects of spore production and diurnal variation of spore shedding. Detailed studies were made under laboratory conditions to know the effects of some selected environmental factors such as desiccation, salinity, temperature, light intensity and photoperiod on spore output in Gelidiella acerosa, Gracilaria edulis and kypnea musciformis hydrological data were also collected from the inter-tial region around mandapam area. The result obtained on all the above aspects are presented in this thesis


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The efficiency of a diet not only depends on its nutrient composition and nutrient balance but also on the effective utilization by the animal. In the utilization of dietary nutrients, the digestive enzymes play the crucial role of catalysing the hydrolytic reactions, splitting the macromolecules into simple absorbable molecules. The activity of these biocatalysts is regulated by alterations in pH, temperature, substrate type and concentrations, and also by the presence of activators and inhibitors. Thus any shift from the optimum conditions necessary for these enzymes may affect their activity, thereby correspondingly modify the digestibility of the nutrients supplied to the animals. Thus, investigations on the important digestive enzymes and their preferential conditions of activity are essential, so that the results obtained could be used in rationally adjusting the quality and quantity of feed supplied to the different stages of prawns In India, directed research on nutritional physiology and biochemical approaches to digestion in commercially important prawns is taken up_ only recently, and the field is still in an infant stage. In view of its emerging importance it is identified as an area of priority and the present investigation has been carried out on the Indian white prawn Penaeus indicus