60 resultados para rectangular aquarium
The radiation characteristics of a microstrip-line-excited rectangular dielectric resonator antenna (DRA) are studied experimentally.The radiation charactristics and excitation of different modes are highly influenced by the orientation of the DR,feed line parameters ,and finite size of the ground plane
In this paper, we introduce a novel feeding technique for bandwidth enhancement of a rectangular microstrip antenna This antenna offers an impedance bandwidth of 22% without degrading the effciencv. The effect of the feed parameters upon patch characteristics such as resonant frequency, impedance bandwidth, and radiation pattern are studied in detail. The experimental results are verified using the FDTD results
A novel reconfigurable, single feed, dual frequency, dualpolarized operation of a hexagonal slot-loaded square mwrostrip antenna is presented in this paper. A pin diode incorporated in the slot is used to switch the two operating frequencies considerably, without significantly affecting the radiation characteristics and gain. The proposed antenna provides a size reduction up to 61% and 26% Jor the two resonating frequencies, compared to standard rectangular patches. This design also gives considerable bandwidth up to 3.3% and 4.27%, for the two frequencies with a low operating frequency ratio
In this paper, microstrip lines magnetically coupled to splitring resonators (SRRs) are conquved to electromagnetic bundgup (EBG) nr,rrostrip lines in terns q/ their stop-heard penjbrnmrnce and dimensions. In bath types o/ trunsmis•siou lines, signal propagation is inhibited in it certain jequency bwuL For EBG microstrip lines, the central frequency of such a forbidden band is determined by the period of the structure, whereas in SRR-hased microstrip lines the position of the frequency gap depends on the quasi-static resonant frequency of the rings. The main relevant conrributiun of this paper is to provide a tuning procedure to control the gap width in SRR microstrip lines, and to show that by using SRRs, device dimensions ale much smaller than those required by EBGs in order to obtain similar stop-banal performance. This has been demonstrated by fill-wave electromagnetic simulations and experimentally verified from the characterization ql two fabricated microstrip lines: one with rectangular SRRs etched on the upper substrate side, and the other with a periodic perturbation cf'strip width. For similar rejection and 1-(;H,. gap width centered at 4.5 Gllz, it has been found that the SRR microstrip line is•,fve times shorter. In addition, no ripple is appreciable in the allowed band for the .SRR-hared structure, whereas due to dispersion, certain mismatch is expected in the EBG prototype. Due to the high-frequency selectivity, controllable gap width, and small dimensions, it is believed that SRR coupled to planar transmission lines can have an actual impact on the design of stop-band filters compatible with planar technology, and can be an alternative to present solutions based on distributed approaches or EBG
A new design for a compact electronically reconffgurable singlefeed dual frequency dual-polarized operation of a square-microstrip antenna capable of achieving tunable frequency ratios in the range 1.1 to 1.37 is proposed and experimentally studied. Varactor diodes inlegruted with the arms of the hexagonal slot and embedded in the square patch are used to tune the operating frequencies by applying reverse-bias voltage. The design has the advantage of size reduction up to 73.21% and 49.86% for the two resonant frequencies, respectively, as compared to standard rectangular patches. The antenna offers good bandwidth of 5.74% and 5.36% for the two operating frequencies. A highly simplified tuning circuitry without any transmission lines adds to the compactness of the design
A novel design of a computer electronically reconfigurable dual frequency dual polarized single feed hexagonal slot loaded microstrip antenna in L-band is introduced in this chapter. pin diodes are used to switch the operating frequencies considerably without much affecting the radiation characteristics and gain. the antenna can work with a frequency ratio varying in the wide range from 1.2 to 1.4. the proposed design has an added advantage of size reduction up to 72.21% and 46.84% for the two resonating frequencies compared to standard rectangular patches. the design also gives considerable bandwidth of up to 2.82% and 2.42 % for the operating frequencies.
This article reports a new in vitro bile analysis based on the measurement of the dielectric properties at microwave frequencies. The measurements were made using rectangular cavity perturbation technique at the S-band of microwave frequency with the different samples of bile obtained from healthy persons as well as from patients. It is observed that an appreciable change in the dielectric properties of patient’s samples with the normal healthy samples and these measurements were in good agreement with clinical analysis. These results prove an alternative in-vitro method of detecting bile abnormalities based on the measurement of the dielectric properties of bile samples using microwaves without surgical procedure.
This article reports a new method of analyzing pericardial fluid based on the measurement of the dielectric properties at microwave frequencies. The microwave measurements were performed by rectangular cavity perturbation method in the S-band of microwave frequency with the pericardial fluid from healthy persons as well as from patients suffering from pericardial effusion. It is observed that a remarkable change in the dielectric properties of patient samples with the normal healthy samples and these measurements were in good agreement with clinical analysis. This measurement technique and the method of extraction of pericardial fluid are simple. These results give light to an alternative in-vitro method of diagnosing onset pericardial effusion abnormalities using microwaves without surgical procedure.
HIV/AIDS is one of the most destructive epidemics in ever recorded history claims an estimated 2.4 –3.3 million lives every year. Even though there is no treatment for this pandemic Elisa and Western Blot tests are the only tests currently available for detecting HIV/AIDS. This article proposes a new method of detecting HIV/AIDS based on the measurement of the dielectric properties of blood at the microwave frequencies. The measurements were made at the S-band of microwave frequency using rectangular cavity perturbation technique with the samples of blood from healthy donors as well as from HIV/AIDS patients. An appreciable change is observed in the dielectric properties of patient samples than with the normal healthy samples and these measurements were in good agreement with clinical results. This measurement is an alternative in vitro method of diagnosing HIV/AIDS using microwaves.
A simple method based on laser beam deflection to study the variation of diffusion coefficient with concentration in a solution is presented. When a properly fanned out laser beam is passed through a rectangular cell filled with solution having concentration gradient, the emergent beam traces out a curved pattern on a screen. By taking measurements on the pattern at different concentrations, the variation of diffusion coefficient with concentration can be determined.
The results of a brief investigation of the amplified spontaneous emission and lasing characteristics of Coumarin 540 dye in as many as ten different solvents are reported. It has been found that C 540 dye solutions contained within a rectangular quartz cuvette give laser emission with well resolved equally spaced modes when pumped with a 476 nm beam. The modes were found to originate from the subcavities formed by the plane-parallel walls of the cuvette containing the high-gain medium. While the quantum yield remains a decisive factor, a clear correlation between the total width of the emission spectra and the refractive indices of the solvents of the respective samples has been demonstrated. The well-resolved mode structure exhibited by the emission spectra gives clear evidence of the lasing action taking place in the gain medium, and the number of modes enables us to compare the gain of the media in different samples. A detailed discussion of the solvent effect in the lasing characteristics of C540 in different solutions is given.
A simple electromagnetically coupled wideband printed microstrip antenna having a 2:1 VSWR bandwidth of 38% covering the 5.2/5.8-GHz WLAN, HIPERLAN2, and HiSWANa communication bands is presented. The large bandwidth is obtained by adding a rectangular metal strip on a slotted square microstrip antenna. The antenna occupies an overall dimension of 42 times 55 times 3.2 mm3 when printed on a substrate of dielectric constant 4. It exhibits good radiation characteristics and moderate gain in the entire operating band. Details of the design along with experimental and simulation results are presented and discussed.
A compact ultra-wideband (UWB) printed slot antenna is described, suitable for integration with the printed circuit board (PCB) of a wireless, universal, serial-bus dongle. The design comprises of a near-rectangular slot fed by a coplanar waveguide (CPW) printed on a PCB of size 20 × 30 mm2. It has a large bandwidth covering the 3.1–10.6 GHz UWB band, with omnidirectional radiation patterns. Further, a notched band centered at 5.45 GHz wireless local area network bands is obtained within the wide bandwidth by inserting a narrow slot inside the tuning stub. Details of the antenna design are described, and the experimental results of the constructed prototype are presented. The time domain studies on the antenna shows a linear phase response throughout the band except at the notched frequency. The transient analysis of the antenna indicates very little pulse distortion confirming its suitability for high speed wireless connectivity.
Design of a compact microstrip band reject filter is proposed. The device consists of an Open Loop Rectangular Resonator (OLRR) coupled to a microstrip line. The transmission line has a U-bend which enhances the coupling with the OLRR element and reduces the size of the filter. The filter can be made tunable by mounting variable capacitance to the system. Simulated and experimental results are presented.
An ultra-wideband (UWB) printed slot antenna, suitable for integration with the printed circuit board (PCB) of a wireless universal serial-bus (WUSB) dongle is presented. The design comprises a near-rectangular slot fed by a coplanar waveguide printed on a PCB of width 20 mm. The proposed design has a large bandwidth covering the 3.1-10.6 GHz UWB band, unaffected by the ground length, and omnidirectional radiation patterns. A linear phase response throughout the band further confirms its suitability for high-speed wireless connectivity.